JS webworker access global constant question - javascript

I have global constants stored in config.js
// and other constants
I can use importScripts("config.js") make them accessable in my webworker, however constants in config.js are global constants, not just available for web worker, they should also be available in main thread scripts. I've tried things like export {WORKER_STATE_START} in config.js and reported error.
currently, I created another file "global.js" which just copy the constants in config.js and use "export" for other scripts in main thread, this works but.... tow copies of same constants looks rediculous....
so, what's the best way to use global constants(accessable for both mainthread and webworker thread)?


How to use javascript constant in javascript file from another javascript file

I have created one javascript file in which I have declared different string constants.
now in another javascript file I want to use those String constants from already created javascript file.
Is there any way to do this.
Thanks in advance.
If you declare your constants in file1 as global variables:
var someConstant = 42;
Then you can just use that variable in your other JS files. Just make sure file1 is loaded before you try to use them.
However, polluting the global scope like this come with it's risks, as those variables are easily changed.
Multiple ways.
Use a task runner like grunt to define a task that concatenates your files into a single one. This will not only allow convenient definition of constants but also improve performance.
There are other tools to do this, too. See Prepros for windows and codekit for Macs.
If you are on client side, use a tool like require.js or browserify to define commonJS / AMD modules and require them as you need.
If you are on server side using node, this works out of the box for commonJS.
Load scripts in correct order, expose them through global objects.
You could load your constant defining script first and do something like this:
var constants = {
Your main, whi script could access this variable. If you omit the var keyword, the variable becomes globally available. Note however that this should be avoided.
You could even add a property to the global object (window on the client side).
Personally I like to use commonJS modules when working on projects that allow me to do so. Rob Ashton has an opinion on this that I would like to share.
When I can't use those modules in a convenient way, which would be the case when working with (custom) web-components because of their isolated scopes, I like to add a single script which creates
an Object like App. I use this object to expose modules, services & constants which can then be required by any component in a neat way:
Create a file which contains all the constants and variables
const EMAIL = "xyz#gmail.com"
const PHONE = "9911223344"
var NAME = "Default name"
Access the Constants.js file in your HTML file
<script src="Constants.js"></script>
Now you can access the Constants in any of file inside a project

Creating a "controller" script for Node.js

I'm creating a program in Node.js. I'm pretty new to programming anything other than small javascript functions for websites so please bear with me if my terminology/ideas are totally wrong.
I originally had the entire program in one giant (~500 line) script file. Several people suggested I split it up into separate classes, where each class only has one 'job' to complete. I like this idea as it has helped me really streamline my code and make it more modular and manageable.
My issue is: How do I access these classes from a central file?
For instance, pretend I have 3 classes, in 3 separate javascript files, all containing 3 functions each. I want to access and pass data to/from all of these from one central "controller" script. What's the best way to do this? Can I just require it into a variable, then access the script's functions like so?
var class1 = require('./class1.js');
class1.function1(); // call the first function contained in class1.js
Is such a thing even possible? Again, totally new to this.
NodeJS supports CommonJS modules. A CommonJS module provides three global variables: module, exports and require.
You can export your API by adding to the exports object and require these files just like other node modules (add ./ to indicate that it is relative to the current file), assign it to a variable and access the values you added to that files exports object:
// first-module.js
exports.hello = 'world';
exports.num = 23;
// main.js
var first = require('./first-module');
You need to add functions to the exports object in class1.js.
require("./class1") will return this object.

How to correctly modularize a node.js project?

I'm creating a node.js project following the class constructor pattern:
function my_class(x,y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
The starting point of the project is the main.js file. Any class of the project must be able to access global objects (such as "world" and "socket") which are defined on main.js. I found 4 options:
I define my classes inside main.js. They'll have access to main.js's globals for being on it's closure, but main.js will become bloated.
I move the class to another file such as my_class.js and require() it. This doesn't work because my_class's instances will lose the closure context and no longer be able to access main.js's globals.
I move the class to another file and manually inject dependencies to it's constructor (ex: my_class(world,socket)). The problem is, code becomes much more complicated and weird semantics such as "my_instance.world" pop on the source, which is nonsense because "world" is not property of my_class.
I move the class to another file and require it using my_class = eval(fs.readFileSync(()) instead of require. This works just fine as my_class gets main.js's closure context, and is the solution I'm using, but seems hacky.
Which is the right way to modularize such node.js project?
If I understood you correctly the possible solution:
var global = "test"; // this you wanna have as a closure
var my_class = require('./my_class')(global);
module.exports = function(global){
return {
go: function(){
So it's similar to your 3. option
Your problem seems tricky because you have a circular dependency: main.js depends on the functionality of my_class and my_class depends on the data of main.js.
By putting the data of main.js into the global object you resolve the circular dependency:
main.js depends on the functionality of my_class.js
main.js depends on the data in the global object
my_class.js depends on the data in the global object
Now, to get rid of putting the data into the global object, implement a third module in let us say data.js. Then you require the sources like this:
main.js requires data.js
main.js requires my_class.js
my_class.js requires data.js
Since modules in node.js are singletons both main.js and my_class.js will get the same instance of data.js.
If you want to make variables in main.js available anywhere, then you can assign properties to the global object. See node.js global variables? for example. It would work fine as long as you don't over do it. With Neo's solution, you gain a little more flexibility for example with testing, because you can "inject" an arbitrary object into the module. Not every module has to use the same "global" per se.

Transitioning code to RequireJS

TL;DR at the bottom of the question, for those who don't want to read all my junk.
My current method of JavaScript modularization is to simply create a global anchor, like "csc" (my company acronym) and then start tacking modules onto that.
So I'll end up with a global structure like:
And each of these files are stored in a directory structure:
This eliminates the need to load my entire codebase all the time.
I'm trying to transition toward using RequireJS, but the methodology employed by that library seems to be a bit different.
In order to maintain my namespaced structure, I could define modules around all of my modules, but still tack them into the global "csc" reference. However this seems to go against the core principles of Require.
Without keeping them global, however, I lose my nice namespacing, such as "csc.Map.Geolocation" because I now have a bunch of separate variables, like so:
require(['csc', 'csc.Utils', 'csc.Map'], function (csc, utils, map) {
I'll strip my question down to its essence, in case my horrible description above didn't suffice:
Is there a way, perhaps within the module definitions, to combine these three variables back into the structure defined at the top of this question? Or am I going about this all wrong, and should I instead be adhering to the Require way of doing things?
I'd love to follow the Require methodology, but I also love the ability to have all of my modules chainable and namespaced.
Don't be discouraged by the documentation's example path hierarchy, notice that require does not strictly enforce any particular convention. You are free to design and follow your own convention.
Utils, Map, and Storage all become directories. The base actions that they perform should be named module.js in their respective directories, like so:
The module.js files include and return their children. Here is an example of Storage/module.js:
require(["Storage/cookie", "Storage/db"], function (cookie, db) {
var Storage = {};
// do whatever you need with Storage
Storage.cookie = cookie
Storage.db = db
return Storage
Notice also the core.js file in root. This file would work just the same,
require(["Utils/module", "Storage/module", "Map/module"], function (utils, storage, map) {
var Core = {};
// do whatever you need with Storage
Core.Utils = utils
Core.Storage = storage
Core.Map = map
return Core
Now, require core.js wherever you will need access to these modules (every file basically). Yes, this will load all of the involved files all of the time in development, but when you compile your app, all of your variables will be inside the scope of an anonymous function, and not directly accessible via the window object.
Again, tweak this as you see fit, it's your own convention.

How to manage multiple JS files server-side with Node.js

I'm working on a project with Node.js and the server-side code is becoming large enough that I would like to split it off into multiple files. It appears this has been done client-side for ages, development is done by inserting a script tag for each file and only for distribution is something like "Make" used to put everything together. I realize there's no point in concatting all the server-side code so I'm not asking how to do that. The closest thing I can find to use is require(), however it doesn't behave quite like script does in the browser in that require'd files do not share a common namespace.
Looking at some older Node.js projects, like Shooter, it appears this was once not the case, that or I'm missing something really simple in my code. My require'd files cannot access the global calling namespace at compile time nor run time. Is there any simple way around this or are we forced to make all our require'd JS files completely autonomous from the calling scope?
You do not want a common namespace because globals are evil. In node we define modules
// someThings.js
(function() {
var someThings = ...;
module.exports.getSomeThings = function() {
return someThings();
// main.js
var things = require("someThings");
You define a module and then expose a public API for your module by writing to exports.
The best way to handle this is dependency injection. Your module exposes an init function and you pass an object hash of dependencies into your module.
If you really insist on accessing global scope then you can access that through global. Every file can write and read to the global object. Again you do not want to use globals.
re #Raynos answer, if the module file is next to the file that includes it, it should be
var things = require("./someThings");
If the module is published on, and installed through, npm, or explicitly put into the ./node_modules/ folder, then the
var things = require("someThings");
is correct.

