How change a string looks like array to a real aray - javascript

I have a string, it looks like a array but not a real array. So my question is how to make it to a real array.
let string = "["abc", "cde"]";
// how to make string become an array
change string to an array

First you need to make sure your string is invalid format
"["abc", "cde"]" // invalid
"[abc, cde]" // invalid
"[11, 22]" // valid,if you do not want to use quote to wrap it,then the elements need to be number
"['abc', 'cde']" // valid
let string = `["abc", "cde"]`
const array = JSON.parse(string)

You can do something like this
let data = "['abc', 'pqr', 'xxx']";
data = data.replace(/'/g, '"');
const convertedArray = JSON.parse(data);

Observation : Your input string is not a valid JSON string.
Solution : Double quotes besides the array items should be escaped to parse it properly. Your final string should be.
let string = "[\"abc\", \"cde\"]";
Now you can parse it using JSON.parse() method.
Live Demo :
let string = "['abc', 'cde']";
string = string.replace(/'/g, '"');
console.log(string); // "[\"abc\", \"cde\"]"
console.log(JSON.parse(string)); // ["abc", "cde"]


Extract part of a string which start with a certain word in Javascript

I have the following string
I need to get string after "ssu":" the Result should be 89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f. How do I do it in Javascript but very simple? I am thinking to collect 36 character after "ssu":".
You could build a valid JSON string and parse it and get the wanted property ssu.
var string = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,',
object = JSON.parse(`{${string.slice(0, -1)}}`), // slice for removing the last comma
ssu = object.ssu;
One solution would be to use the following regular expression:
This pattern basically means:
\"ssu\":\" , start searching from the first instance of "ssu":"
([\w-]+) , collect a "group" of one or more alphanumeric characters \w and hypens -
\", look for a " at the end of the group
Using a group allows you to extract a portion of the matched pattern via the String#match method that is of interest to you which in your case is the guid that corresponds to ([\w-]+)
A working example of this would be:
const str = `"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,`
const value = str.match(/\"ssu\":\"([\w-]+)\"/)[1]
Update: Extract multiple groupings that occour in string
To extract values for multiple occurances of the "ssu" key in your input string, you could use the String#matchAll() method to achieve that as shown:
const str = `"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,"ssu":"value-of-second-ssu","ssu":"value-of-third-ssu"`;
const values =
/* Obtain array of matches for pattern */
/* Extract only the value from pattern group */
.map(([,value]) => value);
Note that for this to work as expected, the /g flag must be added to the end of the original pattern. Hope that helps!
Use this regExp: /(?!"ssu":")(\w+-)+\w+/
const str = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,';
const re = /(?!"ssu":")(\w+-)+\w+/;
const res = str.match(re)[0];
You can use regular expressions.
var str = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,'
var minhaRE = new RegExp("[a-z|0-9]*-[a-z|0-9|-]*");
OutPut: Array [ "89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f" ]
Looks almost like a JSON string.
So with a small change it can be parsed to an object.
var str = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049, ';
var obj = JSON.parse('{'+str.replace(/[, ]+$/,'')+'}');

Alternative eval() to execute the string

My array is A=['Apple','Peach','Orange']in Javascript, someone pass me the string like "A[1]" , how to convert the string "A[1]" to an executable item, so I can get 'Peach' as the result.
eval(A[1]) used to work but is not allowed here.
Using regex you can parse out the variable and the index, then grab them off the window object.
let string = "A[1]";
let variable = string.match(/[^[]*/)[0];
let index = string.match(/\[(.*)\]/)[1];
You could split by apostrophe and then filter out the odd array members:
var arrayString = "A=['Apple','Peach','Orange']"
var parsed = arrayString.split("'").filter(function(a, b){return b % 2});

How to convert array defined in string variable with \r\n using Javascript?

I have a string variable with array data .
var str = "[\r\n  10,\r\n  20\r\n]" ;
I want to convert above string to array like using javascript .
Output :-
var arr = [10,20];
You can simply use JSON.parse - it will ignore the newlines and convert the string representation of an array to a JavaScript array:
var str = "[\r\n 10,\r\n 20\r\n]" ;
var arr = JSON.parse(str);
You need only to parse that string as a JSON, because it is clearly an array.
So this is the procedure:
var str = "[\r\n 10,\r\n 20\r\n]";
const myArray = JSON.parse(str);
If you are wondering why those special chars (\r\n) are going away:
// a string
const str = "[\r\n 10,\r\n 20\r\n]";
// if I print out this, Javascript, will automatically replace those special
// chars with what they means (new line)
// so if we are going to parse our string to the JSON parser
// it will automatically transform the special chars to new lines
// and then convert the result string "[10,20]" to an array.
const myArray = JSON.parse(str);

Convert string (looking like array) to multidimensional array

I have a string:
[[-3.9,-160.1,34.7],[-0.4,16.3,18.0],[236,236,231],'SMTH 123',35]
How I can convert it to a multidimensional array?
You can use JSON.parse() to convert a string into an object, assuming it's valid JSON to begin with. Your data has strings delimited by single quotes, which is not valid JSON. If you replace them with double quotes then it will work...
var s = "[[-3.9,-160.1,34.7],[-0.4,16.3,18.0],[236,236,231],'SMTH 123',35]";
var ar = JSON.parse(s.split("'").join("\""));
How about doing something like this:
function stringToObject(data) {
var converted = {};
try {
converted = JSON.parse(data);
} catch(err) {
console.log('Provided data is not valid', err);
return converted;
console.log(stringToObject('[[-3.9,-160.1,34.7],[-0.4,16.3,18.0],[236,236,231],"SMTH 123",35]'));
console.log(stringToObject('[[-3.9,-160.1,34.7],[-0.4,16.3,18.0],[236,236,231')); // invalid string
Notice that I have changed ' into " in my sample if that is a problem you may take a look at conversion done in another answer for that question.
Assuming JQuery is also okay:
var arr = $.parseJSON('[[-3.9,-160.1,34.7],[-0.4,16.3,18.0],[236,236,231],'SMTH 123',35]')

How to Convert Array-like String to Array

I have a string that looks like an array: "[918,919]". I would like to convert it to an array, is there an easier way to do this than to split and check if it is a number? Thanks
Use JSON.parse.
var myArray = JSON.parse("[918,919]");
You can get rid of the brackets at the beginning and the end, then use:
which will return an array split by the comma character.
var temp = new Array();
temp = "[918,919]".slice( 1, -1).split(",");
for (a in temp ) {
temp[a] = parseInt(temp[a]);
If you use JSON.parse the string must have " and not ' otherwise the code will fail.
for example:
let my_safe_string = "['foo','bar',123]";
let myArray = JSON.parse(my_safe_string)
the code will fail with
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
instead if you use " all will work
let my_safe_string = "["foo","bar",123]";
let myArray = JSON.parse(my_safe_string);
so you have two possibility to cast string array like to array:
Replace ' with " my_safe_string.replace("'",'"'); and after do JSON.parse
If you are extremely sure that your string contain only string array you can use eval:
let myArray = eval(my_safe_string );

