Can we Use server side scripting for both web and app? - javascript

I am new to programming field and I am basically trying to built a system based on web and app which is web based where two users can communicate and buy products from each other on my platform. The question I want to know is there any sytem if i can just code server side logic and connect front end of both web and app to the same logic which is saved on the server.....I hope am able to clearify my question...sorry for the bad english
I was looking for different solution but can't find a reliable one

yes, you can connect your website and flutter app, by using http pub
and get the data from api.
or you can build your website with flutter and in the same as app.
I hope that is answer your question, if not please explain more about what you mean


Is it ok to use two different ReactJS Code bases for one project

As I'm starting my carrier as JavaScript developer I always have this question. Let's say I'm developing an App using ReactJS. And in that project, I want to create separate domains for Admin and Client.
Because the admin can log into the backend and check the inventory, it won't get mixed with the Client / User when using the same login. And the code is also getting smaller
As an Example.
Admin is logged using
User / Client is logged in using
Now, I decided to go with NodeJs as the back-end for the project. For front-end of the back-end (UI), I thought of using REactJS. Also to use Admin LTE.
For Client-side I will be also using ReactJs.
So there will be two ReactJS code bases and one Node JS.
My Questions are,
Is this method ok?
Or can I do this on one ReactJS code base?
Do you guys have any suggestions for me?

Application web: message sending

I am developing a web application where several clients can send messages to each other, it would be like instant messaging without strong real-time constraint.
To illustrate the situation, let's imagine a classroom where students are on a web page and can send messages to their teacher who is on another web page displaying all the messages.
The teacher can answer questions and therefore the pages of the students who have received answers must update with the respective answer.
The first research of solution are unsuccessful because it turns around form and installation of specific library.
What is the easiest solution to implement?
For information, I am developing with javascript, php and mysql; I have no possibility to modify the server part nor to install libraries.
Thank you.

Create a GET request to Coinbase with JavaScript

I have very basic knowledge in JS and C#, and now I'm trying to build my first web app with JS. I want to create a web app which creates a GET request to Coinbase website and takes the current price of Bitcoin, Ethereum and etc. and show it in my web app.
Can you provide me a website where i can start with?
Thank you.
Coinbase has a maintained API you can use to fetch the data you need. They support various solutions (REST, Websocket, etc.), depending on your requirements.
Resources for getting started with general web development is an entirely different beast. I would suggest Angular's Heroes Tutorial, and from there read up on AJAX or Websockets (for the latter, I suggest
Expect 100-250 hours work.

Html5 desktop notification php/mysql

hello as described from the title above , I have a website where users enter their datas to the database so what I'm looking for now is when a data is inserted to the database for each user he will receive a desktop notification just like the one of facebook , I know how html5 desktop notifications works but I don't know how to make it work for each user when new data is inserted to database, Please I need someone to guide me.
You can do it with COMET Programming or Socket Programming. My choice would be Comet Programming because it's easier than Sockets. Now what you are going to do is just you will change a files last edit time, believe or not that's all. The algorithm is easy, you will create a php file for this purpose everyone will connect this file via Javascript and you will get your results when anyone inserts data.
You can check Comet Programming here :
By the way Facebook is still using COMET Programming for every notification,time-line operations and message operations.Also Gmail using it for Live Mail System.

What is the best way to get Facebook Connect going with a Django app? (Given the new data permissions.)

I'm new to Django and trying to set up a Facebook connected site. There seem to be three available options at the moment:
Use middleware with PyFacebook. I was able to get the django-facebookconnect app going fairly easily and mod it to suit my needs, but it is currently unclear whether PyFacebook even supports extended permissions / if PyFacebook is still even under development?
Do everything with javascript. Teebes' javascript only django-facebookconnect seems promising along with reviewing the updated facebook authentication guide
Roll my own Python code a la Facebook's example
Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I plan to have users authenticate only through Facebook connect and then maintain dummy Django user accounts for each on the backend.
I plan to have users authenticate only through Facebook connect and then maintain dummy Django user accounts for each on the backend.
Seems you want exactly what does

