Vue select all checkbox bad performance - javascript

I have a list objects displayed, each having a checkbox to select it. I also have a checkbox at the top to select the checkbox for every object, kinda like this (assume [ ] is a checkbox):
[ ] Select all
[ ] Object 1
[ ] Object 2
[ ] Object 3
The problem I have is when I have about 100 objects and clicking "Select all", the web page freezes for a good few seconds. There is also a search bar to filter the object, but I tested this by removing it and the performance is just as slow. Each object has a property selected so we know which object is selected. Below are some snippets of my code:
:model-value="operatingRows.length === 0 ? false : allSelected"
#update:modelValue="allSelectPressed" // Calls vuex function below
v-for="(row, index) in operatingRows"
#toggleSelectedOnRow="toggleSelectedOnRow(" // Calls vuex to select individual row
Computed properties:
operatingRows() {
const showRow = (r) => {
// Some search code, irrelevant here
return this.sorted.filter(showRow); // 'sorted' comes from vuex
selectedRows() {
return this.operatingRows.filter((r) => r.selected);
numSelected() {
return this.selectedRows.reduce((prev, cur) => (cur.selected ? prev + 1 : prev), 0);
allSelected() {
return this.numSelected === this.operatingRows.length;
Vuex store:
getters: {
sorted: (state) => state.sorted,
mutations: {
SET_ALL_SELECTED_ON_SORTED(state, isSelected) { => {
const rn = r;
rn.selected = isSelected;
return rn;
I think it might be to do with the fact that there are too many computed properties? I tried removing them individually (and the associated code) but the performance still seems bad, thus I am not able to pin point the issue to any particular piece of code, rather I think it's to do with the architecture as a whole.
Any help appreciated.

Turns out it was because of the mutation. To fix this, the mutation code was moved to an action which calls a mutation to set the state of the sorted array.
selectOnSorted: ({ commit, rootGetters }, isSelected) => {
const selectedSorted = rootGetters['documents/sorted'].map((doc) => ({
selected: isSelected,
commit('SET_SORTED', selectedSorted);


Update state value of single object in an array

I have list of items where I want to display a loader and hide it upon completing certain action.
For example, here is my array items
"id": "69f8f183-b057-4db5-8c87-3020168307c5",
"loading": null
"id": "30d29489-0ba9-4e00-bc28-8ad34ff1a285",
"loading": true
"id": "5f54ebbd-d380-4a54-bb1d-fc6c76dd1b72",
"loading": false
I am adding item to array with loading value as null the reason is. I want to process as soon as the the state is updated, hence I am using useEffect hook to observe for any change, if any new item with loading value null is added, then I proceed for action.
My problem is, when I try to modify a single loading value to false, it gives me weird behaviour and set all loading value to false.
What I want to have it, when I change the loading value of a single item in array, then the UI should re-render only for the changed item.
If you want to have a look at fiddle with working example, here is the link
Where am I going wrong here?
It's simple use this code:
setTimeout(() => {
setItems((existingItems) => => === newItem?.id ? { ...item, loading: false } : item
}, 2000);
Looking at your code, I think the issue is related to accessing the wrong value of newItem and items in setTimeout. Both of them can be solved by doing something similar to the one below.
const handleUpload = newItem => {
// set loading to false to new item after 2 seconds
theNewItem => {
setItems(exisitingItems => => === ? { ...item, loading: false } : theNewItem,
You have [items] dependency in your useEffect, which is calling setItems in loop in your handleUpload function.

React JSX Dynamically changing the state of a component. Best practice and why

I am pretty new at React and am following a video on youtube and working along + adding some more on top of it.
I have a button which when clicked, it decreases the value of object. In the video, the teacher copies the state to a new array, finds the index of the item, does the manipulation needed, and then sets the state again using this.setState()
This is the hardcoded state which I am using to practice. I want that when a button is clicked, the value to be reduced by 1 unless the value is smaller than or equal to 0.
state = {
counters: [
{ id: 1, name: "Drink 1", value: 4 },
{ id: 2, name: "Drink 2", value: 0 },
{ id: 3, name: "Drink 3", value: 0 },
{ id: 4, name: "Drink 4", value: 0 },
//and what I'm passing down to other components:
{ => (
Code from video:
handleDecrement = (counter) => {
const counters = [...this.state.counters];
const indexOfCounters = counters.indexOf(counter);
counters[indexOfCounters] = { ...counter };
counters[indexOfCounters].value <= 0
? (counters[indexOfCounters].value = 0)
: counters[indexOfCounters].value--;
this.setState({ counters });
Here is the code which I came up with that gives the button the same functionality:
handleDecrement = (counter) => {
counter.value <= 0 ? (counter.value = 0) : counter.value--;
Both ways provide the functionality needed, I am just hesitant to go my way in case this goes against best practice.
From reading the docs and similar state related questions, I can guess that the way provided in the video changes the complete state and my way only changes an object within it. Is the youtube code the correct way to approach this because the whole state is being set and we keep a single source of truth? Is my way bad practice?
Video is by Programming with Mosh btw:
I think you're just confused on the reason behind updating the counters array instead of an object(counter) inside it.
It is because the state should always be updated in an immutable way. In your case, since the value is in an object that is in turn in an array, the counters array and the counter object should have a new reference after updating to properly inform React that the state has changed.
In your snippet this.setState(counter); will overwrite the state with the counter(so the other counters are removed) and you're also mutating the object.
If you want to make the code a bit concise while also making sure that the state is updated immutably, here's an alternative:
handleDecrement = (counter) => {
this.setState(prevState => ({counters: => {
return ( === && c.value > 0) ? {...c, value: c.value - 1} : c;
In the above snippet map creates a new array and the {} object literal syntax creates a new counter object.

ReactJS: Updating array inside object state doesn't trigger re-render

I have a react hooks function that has a state object apiDATA. In this state I store an object of structure:
name : "MainData", description: "MainData description", id: 6, items: [
{key: "key-1", name : "Frontend-Test", description: "Only used for front end testing", values: ["awd","asd","xad","asdf", "awdr"]},
{key: "key-2", name : "name-2", description: "qleqle", values: ["bbb","aaa","sss","ccc"]},
My front end displays the main data form the object as the headers and then I map each item in items. For each of these items I need to display the valuesand make them editable. I attached a picture below.
Now as you can see I have a plus button that I use to add new values. I'm using a modal for that and when I call the function to update state it does it fine and re-renders properly. Now for each of the words in the valuesI have that chip with the delete button on their side. And the delete function for that button is as follows:
const deleteItemFromConfig = (word, item) => {
const index = apiDATA.items.findIndex((x) => x.key === item.key);
let newValues = item.value.filter((keyWord) => keyWord !== word);
item.value = [...newValues];
api.updateConfig(item).then((res) => {
if (res.result.status === 200) {
let apiDataItems = [...apiDATA.items];
apiDataItems.splice(index, 1);
apiDataItems.splice(index, 0, item);
apiDATA.items = [...apiDataItems];
Unfortunately this function does not re-render when I update state. And it only re-renders when I update some other state. I know the code is a bit crappy but I tried a few things to make it re-render and I can't get around it. I know it has something to do with React not seeing this as a proper update so it doesn't re-render but I have no idea why.
It is not updating because you are changing the array items inside apiDATA, and React only re-render if the pointer to apiDATA changes. React does not compare all items inside the apiDATA.
You have to create a new apiDATA to make React updates.
Try this:
if (res.result.status === 200) {
let apiDataItems = [...apiDATA.items];
apiDataItems.splice(index, 1);
apiDataItems.splice(index, 0, item);
setApiDATA(prevState => {
return {
items: apiDataItems
Using splice isn't a good idea, since it mutates the arrays in place and even if you create a copy via let apiDataItems = [...apiDATA.items];, it's still a shallow copy that has original reference to the nested values.
One of the options is to update your data with map:
const deleteItemFromConfig = (word, item) => {
api.updateConfig(item).then((res) => {
if (res.result.status === 200) {
const items = => {
if (it.key === item.key) {
return {
values: item.value.filter((keyWord) => keyWord !== word)
return item;
setApiDATA(apiData => ({...apiData, items});

Efficiently working with large data sets in Vue applications with Vuex

In my Vue application, I have Vuex store modules with large arrays of resource objects in their state. To easily access individual resources in those arrays, I make Vuex getter functions that map resources or lists of resources to various keys (e.g. 'id' or 'tags'). This leads to sluggish performance and a huge memory memory footprint. How do I get the same functionality and reactivity without so much duplicated data?
Store Module Example
export default {
state: () => ({
all: [
{ id: 1, tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] },
getters: {
byId: (state) => {
return state.all.reduce((map, item) => {
map[] = item
return map
}, {})
byTag: (state) => {
return state.all.reduce((map, item, index) => {
for (let i = 0; i < item.tags.length; i++) {
map[item.tags[i]] = map[item.tags[i]] || []
return map
}, {})
Component Example
export default {
data () {
return {
itemId: 1
computed: {
item () {
return this.$store.getters['path/to/byId'][this.itemId]
relatedItems () {
return this.item && this.item.tags.length
? this.$store.getters['path/to/byTag'][this.item.tags[0]]
: []
To fix this problem, look to an old, standard practice in programming: indexing. Instead of storing a map with the full item values duplicated in the getter, you can store a map to the index of the item in state.all. Then, you can create a new getter that returns a function to access a single item. In my experience, the indexing getter functions always run faster than the old getter functions, and their output takes up a lot less space in memory (on average 80% less in my app).
New Store Module Example
export default {
state: () => ({
all: [
{ id: 1, tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] },
getters: {
indexById: (state) => {
return state.all.reduce((map, item, index) => {
// Store the `index` instead of the `item`
map[] = index
return map
}, {})
byId: (state, getters) => (id) => {
return state.all[getters.indexById[id]]
indexByTags: (state) => {
return state.all.reduce((map, item, index) => {
for (let i = 0; i < item.tags.length; i++) {
map[item.tags[i]] = map[item.tags[i]] || []
// Again, store the `index` not the `item`
return map
}, {})
byTag: (state, getters) => (tag) => {
return (getters.indexByTags[tag] || []).map(index => state.all[index])
New Component Example
export default {
data () {
return {
itemId: 1
computed: {
item () {
return this.$store.getters['path/to/byId'](this.itemId)
relatedItems () {
return this.item && this.item.tags.length
? this.$store.getters['path/to/byTag'](this.item.tags[0])
: []
The change seems small, but it makes a huge difference in terms of performance and memory efficiency. It is still fully reactive, just as before, but you're no longer duplicating all of the resource objects in memory. In my implementation, I abstracted out the various indexing methodologies and index expansion methodologies to make the code very maintainable.
You can check out a full proof of concept on github, here:
While I agree with #aidangarza, I think your biggest issue is the reactivity. Specifically the computed property. This adds a lot of bloated logic and slow code that listens for everything - something you don't need.
Finding the related items will always lead you to looping through the whole list - there's no easy way around it. BUT it will be much faster if you call this by yourself.
What I mean is that computed properties are about something that is going to be computed. You are actually filtering your results. Put a watcher on your variables, and then call the getters by yourself. Something along the lines (semi-code):
watch: {
itemId() {
this.item = this.$store.getters['path/to/byId'][this.itemId]
You can test with item first and if it works better (which I believe it will) - add watcher for the more complex tags.
Good luck!
While only storing select fields is a good intermediate option (per #aidangarza), it's still not viable when you end up with really huge sets of data. E.g. actively working with 2 million records of "just 2 fields" will still eat your memory and ruin browser performance.
In general, when working with large (or unpredictable) data sets in Vue (using VueX), simply skip the get and commit mechanisms altogether. Keep using VueX to centralize your CRUD operations (via Actions), but do not try to "cache" the results, rather let each component cache what they need for as long as they're using it (e.g. the current working page of the results, some projection thereof, etc.).
In my experience VueX caching is intended for reasonably bounded data, or bounded subsets of data in the current usage context (i.e. for a currently logged in user). When you have data where you have no idea about its scale, then keep its access on an "as needed" basis by your Vue components via Actions only; no getters or mutations for those potentially huge data sets.

Iterate list of strings in mithril and create drop down

I tried searching a lot of internet but could not find answer to a simple question. I am very new to mithril (do not know why people chose mithril for project :( ). I want to iterate through a list of strings and use its value in drop down with a checkbox.
const DefaultListView = {
view(ctrl, args) {
const parentCtrl = args.parentCtrl;
const attr = args.attr;
const cssClass = args.cssClass;
const filterOptions = ['Pending', 'Paid', 'Rejected'];
// as of now, all are isMultipleSelection filter
const selectedValue =
function isOptionSelected(value) {
return selectedValue.indexOf(value) > -1;
return m('.filter-dialog__default-attr-listing', {
class: cssClass
}, [
m('.attributes', {
onscroll: () => {
}, [ => [
m('.dropdown-item', {
onclick() {
// Todo: Add click metrics.
// To be done at time of backend integration.;
}, [
m('input.form-check-input', {
type: 'checkbox',
checked: isOptionSelected(filter)
m('.dropdown-text', 'Pending')
Not sure. How to do it. This is what I have tried so far but no luck. Can someone help me this?
At the beginning of the view function you define an array:
const filterOptions = ['Pending', 'Paid', 'Rejected'];
But later on in the view code where you perform the list iteration, filterOptions is expected to be an object with a list property: =>
That should be =>.
There may be other issues with your code but it's impossible to tell without seeing the containing component which passes down the args. You might find it more helpful to ask the Mithril chatroom, where myself and plenty of others are available to discuss & assist with tricky situations.

