Change grid column value from null to string empty - javascript

I'm currently working on ASP.Net Core MVC app with Telerik Kendo Grid
On the grid I have columns like:
columns.Bound(x => x.PrimaryContact.EmailAddress)
.ClientTemplate("#= PrimaryContact ? PrimaryContact.EmailAddress : '' #")
It works, but now the property EmailAddress inside PrimaryContact is showing the value "null" instead empty space, i.e: if PrimaryContact is not null but the property EmailAddress inside it is null, it displays it as a null. How can I solve that?
Can I add something to the .ClientTemplate? or is it possible to replace all null values for empty space on the jquery?
Current jquery:
function onDataBound(e) {
const grid = this;
grid.table.find("tr").each(function () {
const dataItem = grid.dataItem(this);
const text = dataItem.IsActive ? 'Active' : 'Inactive';
if (dataItem.IsActive) {
//code here
else {
//code here
I access the property as:
const test = dataItem.PrimaryContact.EmailAddressNumber;
if (test === null)
dataItem.PrimaryContact.EmailAddress.val = "";
The console returns the 3 values I want to change but I can not replace them, as you can see I tried accessing .val property but it did not work

Finally found how to achieve this, you need to iterate table rows as:
const rows = e.sender.tbody.children();
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = $(rows[i]);
const dt = e.sender.dataItem(row);
const emailAddress = dt.get("PrimaryContact.EmailAddress");
if (emailAddress === null) {
row[0].cells[4].innerHTML ="";
Hopefully, it helps someone


How to make my Array to be empty again and reusable for my Edit Text Function

Newbie here.. I was making an expense note app(just a noob app). I have this button function on which when I select one table row.. It will be deleted and the table row input text value will return to the input bar text area(name, date, amount, remarks). I was happy when it work.
But it only work once.
Because when I select different table row data. It will be deleted but the same "first input data value" will always return to the input text bar..
It seems the first table data are being saved in the empty array function that can be reuse again. What I am hoping for is when I use the empty array function it will be empty again to be use in another different table row data.
I am using array methods but failed or my If statement is wrong. Hopefully you can answer this :) thanks
.addEventListener("click", editSelection);
function editSelection() {
var editName = [];
var editDate = [];
var editAmount = [];
var editRemarks = [];
let selectedRows = document.getElementsByClassName("selected-row ");
while (selectedRows.length > 0) {
var name = document.getElementById("inputName");
name.value = editName.join("\n");
var date = document.getElementById("inputDate");
date.value = editDate.join("\n");
var amount = document.getElementById("inputAmount");
amount.value = editAmount.join("\n");
var remarks = document.getElementById("inputRemarks");
remarks.value = editRemarks.join("\n");
if (name || date || amount || remarks) {
editName.splice([0], editName.length);
editDate.splice([0], editDate.length);
editAmount.splice([0], editAmount.length);
editRemarks.splice([0], editRemarks.length);
If you define an empty array
var editName = [];
and fill it with values you can empty it again with
editName = [];

ng-show when dict is not empty

I have tried:
ng-show="Object.keys(config.taggedNgramsDict).length !== 0"
ng-show="config.taggedNgramsDict !== {}"
ng-show="JSON.stringify(config.taggedNgramsDict) !== '{}'"
Here's what config.taggedNgramsDict looks like:
var add = function (word) {
var final_booleans = []
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.number_terms; i++) {
$scope.config.taggedNgramsDict[word] = final_booleans
Note: add gets triggered every time a 'word' button is clicked in the frontend.
I have checked:
config.taggedNgramsDict is the proper var name
the Dict does become filled and emptied successfully, based on a function in controller.js
'===', '==',''!==' and '!='

Find specific line in CSV based on 2 values with Javascript

I am trying to search, find and fetch some data from a CSV file using HTML/PHP/Javascript.
I want to make a form with 2 dropdowns, one for the FROM Zone name and one for the TO Zone name, and use the Zone codes (102, 104, 105 etc) as values for the dropdown items.
After the user have selected the FROM and TO i want to display the single digit to the far right (col 5).
Example: User choose "Zone1" to "Zone4", then the number "4" should be returned.
I have tried to search for a solution for this but i cant seem to find the right info.
Worked out after a long time:
Don't know how you got the CSV data. In the following example, I got it by an ajax request.
No jQuery needed.
Created the dropdowns dynamically.
Set the variable delimeter to ; (or) , as required, because most CSV files contains CSV delimeter.
Give the names of the columns for which dropdowns to be created in the variables dropdownname1 and dropdownname2.
Give the name of the column to be displayed as result on chaning dropdowns in the variable resultname.
Create a <span> element with id="result" in the HTML to display the result.
Variable keys contains column names.
Variable values contains array of arrays as values.
var data = [];
data = response.split(/\r\n/);
//Logic starts here
var keys = [], values = [], delimiter = ";";
var dropdownname1 = "FromZoneName", dropdownname2 = "ToZoneName", resultname = "Distance";
var resultelem = document.getElementById("result");
function createDropdown(field)
function createOption(option, isselected)
var optionelem = document.createElement("option");
optionelem.selected = isselected;
return optionelem;
var selectelem = document.createElement("select");
var insertedoptions = [];
for(var i=0;i<values.length;i++)
var option = values[i][keys.indexOf(field)];
if(insertedoptions.indexOf(option) == -1)
return selectelem;
function start()
keys = data.splice(0,1)[0].split(delimiter);
values = [];
for(var i=0,n=data.length;i<n;i++)
var bodyelem = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
function displayData()
var selectelem1 = document.getElementById(dropdownname1), selectelem2 = document.getElementById(dropdownname2);
var selectedvalue1 = selectelem1.value, selectedvalue2 = selectelem2.value;
for(var i=0,n=values.length;i<n;i++)
if(values[i][keys.indexOf(dropdownname1)] == selectedvalue1 && values[i][keys.indexOf(dropdownname2)] == selectedvalue2)

getElementsByName: control by last partial name

I can get div elements by id and using only partial name "first"
<div id="first.1.end">first.1.end</div>
<div id="first.2.end">first.2.end</div>
<div id="two.3.end">two.3.end</div>
<div id="first.4.end">first.4.end</div>
function getElementsByIdStartsWith(selectorTag, prefix) {
var items = [];
var myPosts = document.getElementsByTagName(selectorTag);
for (var i = 0; i < myPosts.length; i++) {
if (myPosts[i].id.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0) {
return items;
var postedOnes = getElementsByIdStartsWith("div", "first");
It counts 3 div elements (alert).
But how can I use end-partial name for search? For example using "end"?
From MDN Attribute selectors:
[attr^=value] Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and
whose value is prefixed by "value".
[attr$=value] Represents an element with an attribute name of attr and
whose value is suffixed by "value".
So you can use [id^="first"] to find elements with id start with "first". and use [id$="end"] to find elements end with "end".
// This find all div which id ends with "end".
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div[id$="end"]');
or use jQuery:
Also, you can combine multiple attribute selectors altogether to find a more specific element:
// As we only use querySelector, it find the first div with id starts with "two" and ends with "end".
var divStartAndEnd = document.querySelector('div[id^="two"][id$="end"]');
See demo on jsfiddle
Here I am allowing user to pass all three parameters.
suppose user doesn't pass midmatch so it will return only match of first and last.
Below is the working code:
It will return 1 count:
function getElementsByIdStartsWith(selectorTag, firstmatch, midmatch, lastmatch) {
var items = [];
var myPosts = document.getElementsByTagName(selectorTag);
for (var i = 0; i < myPosts.length; i++) {
var firstmatchIndex = firstmatch?myPosts[i].id.indexOf(firstmatch)>-1?true : false : true;
var midmatchIndex = midmatch?myPosts[i].id.indexOf(midmatch)>-1?true : false : true;
var lastmatchIndex = lastmatch?myPosts[i].id.indexOf(lastmatch)>-1?true : false : true;
if (firstmatchIndex && midmatchIndex && lastmatchIndex ) {
return items;
var postedOnes = getElementsByIdStartsWith("div", "first", "2", "end");
alert(postedOnes.length); // now it will show only one in alert.
It will return 3 count:
function getElementsByIdStartsWith(selectorTag, firstmatch, midmatch, lastmatch) {
var items = [];
var myPosts = document.getElementsByTagName(selectorTag);
for (var i = 0; i < myPosts.length; i++) {
var firstmatchIndex = firstmatch?myPosts[i].id.indexOf(firstmatch)>-1?true : false : true;
var midmatchIndex = midmatch?myPosts[i].id.indexOf(midmatch)>-1?true : false : true;
var lastmatchIndex = lastmatch?myPosts[i].id.indexOf(lastmatch)>-1?true : false : true;
if (firstmatchIndex && midmatchIndex && lastmatchIndex ) {
return items;
var postedOnes = getElementsByIdStartsWith("div", "first", "", "end");
alert(postedOnes.length); // now it will show only three in alert.
if you don't want to consider any parameter just pass empty string( "" ) while calling the function.
Hope this will help you :)
I guess this kind of selection can be possible by using jQuery + regex. Have a look to this
How can I select an element by ID with jQuery using regex?
Might be some what on the line that you want.

having trouble with document.getElementById for dynamic client id

Do you have to do anything special while passing in a dynamically created string as a clientID for document.getElementById?
I have a asp:gridview control that has a textbox column and a checkbox column. I added an onclick event to the checkboxes to set the textbox value of that row to the max value of all checked rows +1. I pass in the IDs of the grid and the controls of the row that was selected. I can getElementByID fine for these controls, but When I dynamically build the IDs of the other controls, I keep getting null, even though I know that the IDs are correct. My code is bellow.
function SetPriority(cbID, tbID, gridID) {
var cb = document.getElementById(cbID);
if (cb.checked) {
var tb = document.getElementById(tbID);
var grid = document.getElementById(gridID);
var maxv = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < grid.rows.length; i++) {
var indexID = 102 + i;
var cbClientID = 'LeaveInfo_pnlMain_wgbLeaveSummary_gridSubmitted_ct' + indexID + '_chkGroup';
var tbClientID = 'LeaveInfo_pnlMain_wgbLeaveSummary_gridSubmitted_ct' + indexID + '_txtPriority';
console.log("row" + i);
//just for example of how it should be working
var cbx = document.getElementById(cbID);
//get row checkbox
var thisCB = document.getElementById(cbClientID);
//get row textbox
var thisTB = document.getElementById(tbClientID);
if (thisCB) {
if (thisCB.type == "checkbox") {
if (thisCB.checked) {
if (thisTB.value > maxv)
maxv = thisTB.value;
tb.value = parseInt(maxv) + 1;
Here is how its showing up in the console, where you can see the IDs for the first row are the same
For Those wondering about How I am calling the function, I am adding it on to a checkbox in a .net gridview control on row databind. It renders as follows:
<input id="LeaveInfo_pnlMain_wgbLeaveSummary_gridSubmitted_ctl02_chkGroup" type="checkbox" name="LeaveInfo$pnlMain$wgbLeaveSummary$gridSubmitted$ctl02$chkGroup" onclick="javascript:SetPriority('LeaveInfo_pnlMain_wgbLeaveSummary_gridSubmitted_ctl02_chkGroup','LeaveInfo_pnlMain_wgbLeaveSummary_gridSubmitted_ctl02_txtPriority','LeaveInfo_pnlMain_wgbLeaveSummary_gridSubmitted');">
The vb .net code to add the function is this...(on-_RowDataBound)
Dim chk As CheckBox = CType(e.Row.FindControl("chkGroup"), CheckBox)
Dim tb As TextBox = CType(e.Row.FindControl("txtPriority"), TextBox)
chk.Attributes.Add("onclick", String.Format("javascript:SetPriority('{0}','{1}','{2}');", chk.ClientID, tb.ClientID, gridSubmitted.ClientID))
No, you don't have to do anything special when dynamically building a string. A string in javascript is the same string whether it was built dynamically or specified directly in your code. If document.getElementById() is not working, then one of the following is likely the cause:
Your string isn't what you think it is so it doesn't match the target id.
Your DOM id isn't what you think it is.
You have multiple elements with the same id (not likely here because you won't get null)
You are calling getElementById() before the DOM is ready or before the desired elements have been added to the DOM.
In this case, it seems more likely that 1) or 2) are the issues here, but you don't show us any context to know whether 4) could be the problem.
Not 100% sure, but I think it could be a context issue. Try this:
function ( id ) {
var ID = document.getElementById; = id;
this.newvar = document, );
Also, this question may help you — it has a good explanation on context and assigning a var to getElementById Why can't I directly assign document.getElementById to a different function?
I couldnt figure out why my IDs that seemed identical were not. I will leave this question open for anyone to add insight on how to remedy this. I ended up just getting my elements by cell and not by ID.
function SetPriority(cbID, tbID, gridID) {
var cb = document.getElementById(cbID);
if (cb.checked) {
var tb = document.getElementById(tbID);
var grid = document.getElementById(gridID);
var maxv = 0;
if (grid.rows.length > 0) {
for (row = 1; row < grid.rows.length; row++) {
var thisCB = grid.rows[row].cells[5].childNodes[1];
if (thisCB == cb) {
var thisTB = grid.rows[row].cells[6].childNodes[1];
if (thisCB.type == "checkbox") {
if (thisCB.checked) {
if (thisTB.value > maxv)
maxv = thisTB.value;
tb.value = parseInt(maxv) + 1;

