Phaser Javascript Spinning Wheel auto spin issue - javascript

I am having problem trying to make a spinning wheel spin automatically on page load and also display multiple wheels on the same page. The spinner is based on Phaser. I am not a JavaScript nor Phaser programmer so your assistance is appreciated. This is probably something simple to do.
Here is the game.js code for the spinning wheel. (The complete spinning wheel script can be downloaded here)
// the game itself
var game;
var gameOptions = {
// slices (prizes) placed in the wheel
slices: 8,
// prize names, starting from 12 o'clock going clockwise
slicePrizes: ["A KEY!!!", "50 STARS", "500 STARS", "BAD LUCK!!!", "200 STARS", "100 STARS", "150 STARS", "BAD LUCK!!!"],
// wheel rotation duration, in milliseconds
rotationTime: 3000
// once the window loads...
window.onload = function() {
// game configuration object
var gameConfig = {
// render type
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
// game width, in pixels
width: 550,
// game height, in pixels
height: 550,
// game background color
backgroundColor: 0x880044,
// scenes used by the game
scene: [playGame]
// game constructor
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
// pure javascript to give focus to the page/frame and scale the game
window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);
// PlayGame scene
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
// constructor
// method to be executed when the scene preloads
// loading assets
this.load.image("wheel", "wheel.png");
this.load.image("pin", "pin.png");
// method to be executed once the scene has been created
// adding the wheel in the middle of the canvas
this.wheel = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height / 2, "wheel");
// adding the pin in the middle of the canvas = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height / 2, "pin");
// adding the text field
this.prizeText = this.add.text(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height - 20, "Spin the wheel", {
font: "bold 32px Arial",
align: "center",
color: "white"
// center the text
// the game has just started = we can spin the wheel
this.canSpin = true;
// waiting for your input, then calling "spinWheel" function
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.spinWheel, this);
// function to spin the wheel
// can we spin the wheel?
// resetting text field
// the wheel will spin round from 2 to 4 times. This is just coreography
var rounds = Phaser.Math.Between(2, 4);
// then will rotate by a random number from 0 to 360 degrees. This is the actual spin
var degrees = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 360);
// before the wheel ends spinning, we already know the prize according to "degrees" rotation and the number of slices
var prize = gameOptions.slices - 1 - Math.floor(degrees / (360 / gameOptions.slices));
// now the wheel cannot spin because it's already spinning
this.canSpin = false;
// animation tweeen for the spin: duration 3s, will rotate by (360 * rounds + degrees) degrees
// the quadratic easing will simulate friction
// adding the wheel to tween targets
targets: [this.wheel],
// angle destination
angle: 360 * rounds + degrees,
// tween duration
duration: gameOptions.rotationTime,
// tween easing
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
// callback scope
callbackScope: this,
// function to be executed once the tween has been completed
onComplete: function(tween){
// displaying prize text
// player can spin again
this.canSpin = true;
// pure javascript to scale the game
function resize() {
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
var windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
var gameRatio = game.config.width / game.config.height;
if(windowRatio < gameRatio){ = windowWidth + "px"; = (windowWidth / gameRatio) + "px";
else{ = (windowHeight * gameRatio) + "px"; = windowHeight + "px";
Does anyone know how to make it so that
it will start spinning as soon as the page is loaded.
place more than one wheel on a page. When I call the JavaScript twice, it does not display two wheels. The purpose of this exercise is to feed the wheel with two different "degrees" so that it can display the two results. The alternative will be to spin the wheel twice. After the first spin, display the first result and spin again to display the second result. But this is probably harder to do than simply display two wheels.
Thanks in advance.

For the first part of your question , '...spinning as soon as page is loaded..', the answer is:
just add the code line this.spinWheel(); at the end of the create function, this will start it right away.
For the second part:
just add in the gameConfig - object the property parent, with an id of an html-tag
create a game instance (no action needed)
than copy and past the whole gameConfig
change the parent, to a different tag-id
create a second game instance. ( add the line game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);)
Here a short Demo showcasing, these two fixes:
(depending on your exact goal, and what you want to achieve, there might be better ways to solve this)
Images are not loaded, because they won't work here, but one can see how the auto spinning would work.
I remove code that was not so relevant for the demo, so that it can be understund more easy. = 'margin:0;';
var gameOptions = {
slices: 8,
slicePrizes: ["A KEY!!!", "50 STARS", "500 STARS", "BAD LUCK!!!", "200 STARS", "100 STARS", "150 STARS", "BAD LUCK!!!"],
rotationTime: 3000
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene{
//this.load.image("wheel", "wheel.png");
//this.load.image("pin", "pin.png");
this.wheel = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height / 2, "wheel"); = this.add.sprite(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height / 2, "pin");
this.prizeText = this.add.text(game.config.width / 2, game.config.height - 20, "Spin the wheel", {
font: "bold 32px Arial",
align: "center",
color: "white"
this.canSpin = true;
this.input.on("pointerdown", this.spinWheel, this);
var rounds = Phaser.Math.Between(2, 4);
var degrees = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 360);
var prize = gameOptions.slices - 1 - Math.floor(degrees / (360 / gameOptions.slices));
this.canSpin = false;
targets: [this.wheel],
angle: 360 * rounds + degrees,
duration: gameOptions.rotationTime,
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
callbackScope: this,
onComplete: function(tween){
this.canSpin = true;
var gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
parent: 'wheel1',
width: 200,
height: 200,
backgroundColor: 0x880044,
scene: [playGame]
var game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
parent: 'wheel2',
width: 200,
height: 200,
// I altered also the background color to show the difference
backgroundColor: 0x0ff044,
scene: [playGame]
game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
#wheel1, #wheel2, canvas{
<script src=""></script>
<div id="wheel1"></div><div id="wheel2"></div>
Updated - Update:
The main problem is that I made a mistake, the property is not parentElement it is parent. I tried to fix this in following demo.
// the game itself
var game;
var gameOptions = {
// slices (prizes) placed in the wheel
slices: 8,
// prize names, starting from 12 o'clock going clockwise
// this array has to contain atleast 8 value
slicePrizes: ["A KEY!!!", "50 STARS", "500 STARS", "BAD LUCK!!!", "200 STARS", "100 STARS", "150 STARS", "BAD LUCK!!!"],
// wheel rotation duration, in milliseconds
rotationTime: 3000
var gameConfig;
// once the window loads...
window.onload = function () {
gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
parent: 'wheel1',
width: 200,
height: 200,
backgroundColor: 0x880044,
scene: [playGame]
var game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
game.scene.start('PlayGame', { degrees: 60 });
gameConfig = {
type: Phaser.CANVAS,
parent: 'wheel2',
width: 200,
height: 200,
// I altered also the background color to show the difference
backgroundColor: 0x0ff044,
scene: [playGame]
var game2 = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);
game2.scene.start('PlayGame', { degrees: 40 });
window.addEventListener("resize", resize, false);
// PlayGame scene
class playGame extends Phaser.Scene {
// constructor
constructor() {
super({ key: "PlayGame" });
// method to be executed when the scene preloads
preload() {
// loading assets
//this.load.image("wheel", "wheel.png");
//this.load.image("pin", "pin.png");
// method to be executed once the scene has been created
create(data) {
// adding the wheel in the middle of the canvas
this.wheel = this.add.sprite(gameConfig.width / 2, gameConfig.height / 2, "wheel");
// adding the pin in the middle of the canvas = this.add.sprite(gameConfig.width / 2, gameConfig.height / 2, "pin");
// adding the text field
this.prizeText = this.add.text(gameConfig.width / 2, gameConfig.height - 20, "Spin the wheel", {
font: "bold 32px Arial",
align: "center",
color: "black"
// center the text
// the game has just started = we can spin the wheel
this.canSpin = true;
//this.input.on("pointerdown", this.spinWheel, this);
// function to spin the wheel
spinWheel(degrees) {
// can we spin the wheel?
if (this.canSpin) {
// resetting text field
// the wheel will spin round from 2 to 4 times. This is just coreography
var rounds = Phaser.Math.Between(8, 10);
//var degrees = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 360);
var prize = gameOptions.slices - 1 - Math.floor(degrees / (360 / gameOptions.slices));
// now the wheel cannot spin because it's already spinning
this.canSpin = false;
// animation tweeen for the spin: duration 3s, will rotate by (360 * rounds + degrees) degrees
// the quadratic easing will simulate friction
// adding the wheel to tween targets
targets: [this.wheel],
// angle destination
angle: 360 * rounds + degrees,
// tween duration
duration: gameOptions.rotationTime,
// tween easing
ease: "Cubic.easeOut",
// callback scope
callbackScope: this,
// function to be executed once the tween has been completed
onComplete: function (tween) {
// displaying prize text
// player can spin again
this.canSpin = true;
// pure javascript to scale the game
function resize() {
var canvas = document.querySelector("#wheels");
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
var windowRatio = windowWidth / windowHeight;
var gameRatio = gameConfig.width / gameConfig.height;
if (windowRatio < gameRatio) { = windowWidth + "px";
// = (windowWidth / gameRatio) + "px";
else { = (windowHeight * gameRatio) + "px";
// = windowHeight + "px";
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px;
display: flex;
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
align-items: stretch;
#wheel1, #wheel2, canvas{
flex-grow: 1;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="wheels">
<div id="wheel1"></div>
<div id="wheel2"></div>


Phaser 3 how to change gravity when the player jumps

I am developing an arcade game in Phaser 3, the problem is that the player sprite is dropped from the top of the screen when the game loads and I don't want that, I want him to be rendered without falling so I set the y gravity to 0 in order to achieve that. That works, however now my player cannot jump, I am trying to reset the gravity to 300 on keyDown but that isn't working, how can I achieve that? I tried to set the y gravity to 300 again in the create function but that didn't work too is it possible?
Here is my code:
// let gravity = 0
let config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
width: 800,
height: 500,
physics: {
default: 'arcade',
arcade: {
gravity: { y: 0 },
debug: false
scene: {
preload: preload,
create: create,
update: update
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
parent: 'root',
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
width: 800,
height: 600
new Phaser.Game(config)
function preload() {
this.load.image('sky', require('../assets/backgrounds/sky.png'));
this.load.image('jungle', require('../assets/backgrounds/jungle.png'));
this.load.image('ground', require('../assets/tiles/ground-transp.png'))
this.load.image('small-platform', require("../assets/tiles/small-platform-removebg-preview.png"))
this.load.image('jungle-platform', require("../assets/tiles/jungle-platform.png"))
this.load.image('large-platform', require("../assets/tiles/large-platform-removebg-preview.png"))
this.load.image('tree', require("../assets/backgrounds/treetrunk.png"))
this.load.image('plant', require("../assets/backgrounds/plant.png"))
this.load.image('plant2', require("../assets/backgrounds/plants2.png"))
this.load.image('rock', require("../assets/backgrounds/rock.png"))
this.load.atlas('sacred', require('../assets/spritesheets/sacredRock.png'), require('../assets/spritesheets/sacredRock.json'))
this.load.atlas('player', require('../assets/spritesheets/dilopodon.png'), require('../assets/spritesheets/dilopodon.json'))
this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('Ground', require('../assets/maps/simple-tutorial.json'));
function create () { = this.add.image(-41, -41, 'sky'); = this.add.image('jungle');
this.add.image(67, 370, 'tree')
this.add.image(167, 429, 'plant')
this.add.image(700, 405, 'plant2')
this.add.image(300, 440, 'rock')
const map = this.make.tilemap({ key: 'Ground' })
// Creating tilesets
const groundTileSet = map.addTilesetImage('Ground', 'ground')
const platformTileset = map.addTilesetImage('small-platform', 'small-platform')
const junglePlatformTileset = map.addTilesetImage('jungle-platform', 'jungle-platform')
const largePlatformTileset = map.addTilesetImage('large-platform', 'large-platform')
let groundLayer = map.createLayer('Ground', [groundTileSet, platformTileset, junglePlatformTileset, largePlatformTileset])
// Creating the Player
player = this.physics.add.sprite(100, 420, 'player')
player.body.width = 60
player.body.height = 60
player.body.offset.x = 10
player.body.offset.x = 10
// Creating the Sacred Stone
sacredStone = this.physics.add.sprite(400, 270, 'sacred')
sacredStone.body.width = 60
sacredStone.body.height = 230
this.physics.add.collider(groundLayer, player )
this.physics.add.collider(groundLayer, sacredStone )
// Debug graphics
// let graphics =
// groundLayer.renderDebug(graphics, {
// tileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(0, 0, 255, 50), // Non-colliding tiles
// collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(0, 255, 0, 100), // Colliding tiles
// faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(255, 0, 0, 100) // Colliding face edges
// });
// let frameNames = this.textures.get('player').getFrameNames();
function update() {'glow', true)
if (cursors.left.isDown)
player.setVelocityX(-160);'walkLeft', true);
else if (cursors.right.isDown)
player.setVelocityX(160);'walkRight', true)
player.setVelocityX(0);'idle', true);
if (cursors.up.isDown && player.body.blocked.down)
config.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 300
I think the problem is, that when you set the position of the player in the game, you are setting it to low. When two gameObject within arcade physics overlap, they can't collide anymore, so they fall through.
I would set the gravity again, and than just set the position of the player just a few pixels higher -10 might be enough. If it still falls through set it higher until it works. I think the sacredStone has the same issue.

How to increase quality on a PixiJS canvas?

I made horizontal scroll website with PIXI JS and it has a ripple effect.
it worked fine till now but the only issue is it's showing a very low quality when I open up the website and from what I figured out that PIXI JS renderer get width and height to 800 x 600 resolution.
any ideas how to change the quality ?
here's the PIXI JS code snippet:
// Set up the variables needed and loads the images to create the effect.
// Once the images are loaded the ‘setup’ function will be called.
const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
resolution: 1,
antialias : true
app.stage.interactive = true;
var posX, displacementSprite, displacementFilter, bg, vx;
var container = new PIXI.Container();
// In the ‘setup’ function the displacement sprite is created
// that will create the effect and this is added to a displacement filter.
// It’s then set to move its anchor point to the centre of the image and positioned on the screen.
function setup() {
posX = app.renderer.width / 2;
displacementSprite = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.loader.resources["depth.png"].texture);
displacementFilter = new PIXI.filters.DisplacementFilter(displacementSprite);
displacementSprite.x = app.renderer.width / 2;
displacementSprite.y = app.renderer.height / 2;
vx = displacementSprite.x;
// To finish off the ‘setup’ function, the displacement filter scale is set and the background positioned.
// Notice the scale is ‘0’ for the displacement, that’s because it will be set to a height as soon as the mouse moves.
container.filters = [displacementFilter];
displacementFilter.scale.x = 0;
displacementFilter.scale.y = 0;
bg = new PIXI.Sprite(PIXI.loader.resources["polygonexample.jpg"].texture);
bg.width = app.renderer.width;
bg.height = app.renderer.height;
app.stage.on('mousemove', onPointerMove).on('touchmove', onPointerMove);
// grab the position of the mouse on the x-axis whenever the mouse moves.
function onPointerMove(eventData) {
posX =;
// create a function that continually updates the screen. A velocity for the x-axis is worked out using the position of the mouse and the ripple.
function loop() {
vx += (posX - displacementSprite.x) * 0.045;
displacementSprite.x = vx;
var disp = Math.floor(posX - displacementSprite.x);
if (disp < 0) disp = -disp;
var fs = map(disp, 0, 500, 0, 120);
disp = map(disp, 0, 500, 0.1, 0.6);
displacementSprite.scale.x = disp;
displacementFilter.scale.x = fs;
// Finally, the map function is declared that maps value ranges to new values.
map = function(n, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) {
var newval = (n - start1) / (stop1 - start1) * (stop2 - start2) + start2;
return newval;
<script src=""></script>
Try creating renderer using this code
const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
resolution: 1,
But if you resize window after creating renderer, it won't be automatically resized to window size. To solve that you can listen to resize event
EDIT: Removing margins also might help.
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
canvas {
display: block;
just found the answer and it was very silly thing actually.
the issue was with the width and the height they were set to window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight. my image quality was quite high so basically multiplying the width and the height inside PIXI.Application by 3 or 4 increases the qualit.
const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: window.innerWidth*3,
height: window.innerHeight*3,
resolution: 1,
<script src=""></script>

Zdog Box height won't grow

I'm making a 3D box with Zdog and I want to let the height of the box grow.
Here is a codepen:
This is my code for the box:
let progressBox = new Zdog.Box({
addTo: progress,
width: 200,
height: boxHeight,
depth: 200,
stroke: 1,
This is the code I use to increase the height of the box. If the box is shorter than 400, the box will increase its height with 0.1.
function animate() {
if (boxHeight < 400) {
moveUp = 'up';
} else if (boxHeight > 400) {
moveUp = 'false';
boxHeight += moveUp == 'up' ? 0.1 : 0;
The problem is that the box stays at a height of 0 (the value I gave to boxHeight), but when I console.log(boxHeight) the boxHeight will grow.
First of all, let me point out that you cannot change the value of a constant . On your code, the boxHeight is declared as const.
Second, you will need to use Zdog's copy() method. Here is your code modified accordingly.
Zdog.Anchor.prototype.renderGraphSvg = function (svg) {
if (!svg) {
throw new Error('svg is ' + svg + '. ' +
'SVG required for render. Check .renderGraphSvg( svg ).');
this.flatGraph.forEach(function (item) {
item.render(svg, Zdog.SvgRenderer);
const TAU = Zdog.TAU;
const light = '#EAE2B7';
const yellow1 = '#FCBF49';
const orange1 = '#F77F00';
const red1 = '#d62828';
const purple1 = '#003049';
const white1 = '#ffffff';
const isSpinning = true;
var boxHeight = 0;
let progress = new Zdog.Illustration({
element: '.progress',
dragRotate: true,
translate: {
y: 25
rotate: {
x: -0.4, y: 0.75
let progressBox = new Zdog.Box({
addTo: progress,
width: 200,
depth: 200,
height: boxHeight,
stroke: 1,
color: purple1, // default face color
leftFace: yellow1,
rightFace: orange1,
topFace: red1,
bottomFace: light,
translate: {
x: 0,
y: 300
function animate() {
if (boxHeight <= 400) {
boxHeight++; // 1
progressBox = progressBox.copy({
height: boxHeight, // overwrite height
translate: {
y: progressBox.translate.y - 1 // overwrite vertical position to put box in place while height is growing.
I forked your pen and updated it with the code above. See Zdog - progress box
Note that it seems to be expensive doing the copy() method on every animation frame. I am also new to this library and this is currently the fix I know of.

Fabric JS: sync position of object after pan/zoom across two instances

Fabric JS question.
SCREENSHOT this is what my Fabric JS app looks like
CODEPEN (alt-click-drag to pan, scroll-wheel to zoom)
TLDR; How do I get the line to stick after panning and zooming a few times?
I am developing a Fabric JS app for labeling images of specimens. As part of this, people want to be able to zoom in on what each label is pointing at. I have been asked to make the labels remain visible when the specimen image is zoomed in. From research, people recommend two canvases stacked on top of each other.
I have created two Fabric JS canvas instances, layered on top of each other. The canvas at the bottom holds a background image that can be zoomed and panned, the canvas above it shows a pointer-line/label that is not zoomed (to keep the label visible at all times).
At first everything works - the line stays in sync with the image when I pan and zoom the first time only. I get problems with syncing the line to the image after that.
The problem manifests when I pan then zoom two or more times. The problem repeats each time I pan and then zoom i.e. the line moves when I zoom, but then stays in sync when I pan, moves again when I zoom again, pans normally and so on...
(Pan is handled by alt-click-drag, Zoom is handled by scroll wheel)
"mouse:wheel" event is where zooms are handled
"mouse:move" event is where panning is handled
// create Fabric JS canvas'
var labelsCanvas = new fabric.Canvas("labelsCanvas");
var specimenCanvas = new fabric.Canvas("specimenCanvas");
//set defaults
var startingPositionForLine = 100;
const noZoom = 1;
var wasPanned = false;
var panY2 = startingPositionForLine;
var panX2 = startingPositionForLine;
var zoomY2 = startingPositionForLine;
var zoomX2 = startingPositionForLine;
// set starting zoom for specimen canvas
var specimenZoom = noZoom;
Add pointer, label and background image into canvas
// create a pointer line
var line = new fabric.Line([150, 35, panX2, panY2], {
fill: "red",
stroke: "red",
strokeWidth: 3,
strokeDashArray: [5, 2],
// selectable: false,
evented: false
// create text label
var text = new fabric.Text("Label 1", {
left: 100,
top: 0,
// selectable: false,
evented: false,
backgroundColor: "red"
// add both into "Labels" canvas
// add a background image into Specimen canvas
function(oImg) {
oImg.left = 0; = 0;
Handle mouse events
// zoom the specimen image canvas via a mouse scroll-wheel event
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:wheel", function(opt) {
// scroll value e.g. 5, 6 -1, -18
var delta = opt.e.deltaY;
// zoom level in specimen
var zoom = specimenCanvas.getZoom();
console.log("zoom ", zoom);
// make zoom smaller
zoom = zoom + delta / 200;
// use sane defaults for zoom
if (zoom > 20) zoom = 20;
if (zoom < 0.01) zoom = 0.01;
// create new zoom value
zoomX2 = panX2 * zoom;
zoomY2 = panY2 * zoom;
// save the zoom
specimenZoom = zoom;
// set the specimen canvas zoom
// move line to sync it with the zoomed image
x2: zoomX2,
y2: zoomY2
console.log("zoomed line ", line.x2);
// render the changes
// block default mouse behaviour
// stuff I've tried to fix errors
// pan the canvas
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:move", function(opt) {
if (this.isDragging) {
// pick up the click and drag event
var e = opt.e;
// sync the label position with the panning
text.left = text.left + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX);
var x2ToUse;
var y2ToUse;
// UNZOOMED canvas is being panned
if (specimenZoom === noZoom) {
x2ToUse = panX2;
y2ToUse = panY2;
// move the image using the difference between
// the current position and last known position
x1: line.x1 + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y1: line.y1,
x2: x2ToUse + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y2: y2ToUse + (e.clientY - this.lastPosY)
// set the new panning value
panX2 = line.x2;
panY2 = line.y2;
// stuff I've tried
// zoomX2 = line.x2;
// zoomY2 = line.y2;
// ZOOMED canvas is being panned
x2ToUse = zoomX2;
y2ToUse = zoomY2;
// stuff I've tried
// x2ToUse = panX2;
// y2ToUse = panY2;
// move the image using the difference between
// the current position and last known ZOOMED position
x1: line.x1 + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y1: line.y1,
x2: x2ToUse + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y2: y2ToUse + (e.clientY - this.lastPosY)
zoomX2 = line.x2;
zoomY2 = line.y2;
// hide label/pointer when it is out of view
if (text.left < 0 || line.y2 < 35) {
text.animate("opacity", "0", {
duration: 15,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
line.animate("opacity", "0", {
duration: 15,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
// show label/pointer when it is in view
text.animate("opacity", "1", {
duration: 25,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
line.animate("opacity", "1", {
duration: 25,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
specimenCanvas.viewportTransform[4] += e.clientX - this.lastPosX;
specimenCanvas.viewportTransform[5] += e.clientY - this.lastPosY;
this.lastPosX = e.clientX;
this.lastPosY = e.clientY;
wasPanned = true;
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:down", function(opt) {
var evt = opt.e;
if (evt.altKey === true) {
this.isDragging = true;
this.selection = false;
this.lastPosX = evt.clientX;
this.lastPosY = evt.clientY;
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:up", function(opt) {
this.isDragging = false;
this.selection = true;
.canvas-container {
position: absolute!important;
left: 0!important;
top: 0!important;
.canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
border: solid red 1px;
.label-canvas {
z-index: 2;
.specimen-canvas {
z-index: 1;
<script src=""></script>
Dual canvas test
<div style="position: relative; height: 300px">
<canvas class="canvas specimen-canvas" id="specimenCanvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
<canvas class="canvas label-canvas" id="labelsCanvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
As a side note, I think you're overcomplicating things a little bit. You don't really need to store panX/panY and zoomX/zoomY (zoomed pan as I've guessed) separately, they're already there in your line's coordinates. Just saying, because they've probably contributed to the confusion/debugging. The core idea of a fix, however, is that you should multiply your line's coordinates not by the whole zoom value but by the newZoom / previousZoom ratio. I've updated your snippet, it seems to work as expected:
"mouse:wheel" event is where zooms are handled
"mouse:move" event is where panning is handled
// create Fabric JS canvas'
var labelsCanvas = new fabric.Canvas("labelsCanvas");
var specimenCanvas = new fabric.Canvas("specimenCanvas");
//set defaults
var startingPositionForLine = 100;
const noZoom = 1;
var wasPanned = false;
var panY2 = startingPositionForLine;
var panX2 = startingPositionForLine;
var zoomY2 = startingPositionForLine;
var zoomX2 = startingPositionForLine;
// set starting zoom for specimen canvas
var specimenZoom = noZoom;
var prevZoom = noZoom;
Add pointer, label and background image into canvas
// create a pointer line
var line = new fabric.Line([150, 35, panX2, panY2], {
fill: "red",
stroke: "red",
strokeWidth: 3,
strokeDashArray: [5, 2],
// selectable: false,
evented: false
// create text label
var text = new fabric.Text("Label 1", {
left: 100,
top: 0,
// selectable: false,
evented: false,
backgroundColor: "red"
// add both into "Labels" canvas
// add a background image into Specimen canvas
function(oImg) {
oImg.left = 0; = 0;
window.specimenCanvas = specimenCanvas
Handle mouse events
// zoom the specimen image canvas via a mouse scroll-wheel event
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:wheel", function(opt) {
// scroll value e.g. 5, 6 -1, -18
var delta = opt.e.deltaY;
// zoom level in specimen
var zoom = specimenCanvas.getZoom();
var lastZoom = zoom
// make zoom smaller
zoom = zoom + delta / 200;
// use sane defaults for zoom
if (zoom > 20) zoom = 20;
if (zoom < 0.01) zoom = 0.01;
// save the zoom
specimenZoom = zoom;
// set the specimen canvas zoom
// move line to sync it with the zoomed image
var zoomRatio = zoom / lastZoom
console.log('zoom ratio: ', zoomRatio)
x2: line.x2 * zoomRatio,
y2: line.y2 * zoomRatio
// console.log("zoomed line ", line.x2);
// render the changes
// block default mouse behaviour
// console.log(labelsCanvas.viewportTransform[4]);
// stuff I've tried to fix errors
// pan the canvas
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:move", function(opt) {
if (this.isDragging) {
// pick up the click and drag event
var e = opt.e;
// sync the label position with the panning
text.left = text.left + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX);
// UNZOOMED canvas is being panned
if (specimenZoom === noZoom) {
x2ToUse = panX2;
y2ToUse = panY2;
// move the image using the difference between
// the current position and last known position
x1: line.x1 + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y1: line.y1,
x2: line.x2 + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y2: line.y2 + (e.clientY - this.lastPosY)
// stuff I've tried
// zoomX2 = line.x2;
// zoomY2 = line.y2;
// ZOOMED canvas is being panned
// move the image using the difference between
// the current position and last known ZOOMED position
x1: line.x1 + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y1: line.y1,
x2: line.x2 + (e.clientX - this.lastPosX),
y2: line.y2 + (e.clientY - this.lastPosY)
// hide label/pointer when it is out of view
if (text.left < 0 || line.y2 < 35) {
text.animate("opacity", "0", {
duration: 15,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
line.animate("opacity", "0", {
duration: 15,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
// show label/pointer when it is in view
text.animate("opacity", "1", {
duration: 25,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
line.animate("opacity", "1", {
duration: 25,
onChange: labelsCanvas.renderAll.bind(labelsCanvas)
specimenCanvas.viewportTransform[4] += e.clientX - this.lastPosX;
specimenCanvas.viewportTransform[5] += e.clientY - this.lastPosY;
this.lastPosX = e.clientX;
this.lastPosY = e.clientY;
prevZoom = specimenCanvas.getZoom()
// console.log(line.x2);
wasPanned = true;
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:down", function(opt) {
var evt = opt.e;
if (evt.altKey === true) {
this.isDragging = true;
this.selection = false;
this.lastPosX = evt.clientX;
this.lastPosY = evt.clientY;
labelsCanvas.on("mouse:up", function(opt) {
this.isDragging = false;
this.selection = true;
.canvas-container {
position: absolute!important;
left: 0!important;
top: 0!important;
.canvas {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
border: solid red 1px;
.label-canvas {
z-index: 2;
.specimen-canvas {
z-index: 1;
<script src=""></script>
Dual canvas test
<div style="position: relative; height: 300px">
<canvas class="canvas specimen-canvas" id="specimenCanvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
<canvas class="canvas label-canvas" id="labelsCanvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>

Raphael js | how to animate with two images

i am making a image scroller for my website,and i have two pictures.
i want the user to click on the next button,the image to rotate 180 degrees over the course of 250 milliseconds,change pictures,and the rotate 180 degrees again into position over the course of 250 milliseconds.
would there be a way to do that?
transform : "r180",
testimg1.animate({ transform : "r180" });
is what i have so far,but it doesnt work.
thanks in advance,noam haber
That's absolutely possible, although there are a lot of ways you could structure it. Here is one of many possible solutions. I assume the presence of a Raphael paper object named paper throughout.
Location and Dimensions
var cx = 180, cy = 125; /* These are the coordinates of the center point of your image(s) inside the paper */
var dx = 320, dy = 240; /* dx and dy describe the dimensions of the desired image interface. */
Image Information
I'd assume you'd want to load this information dynamically via ajax (depending on how your gallery is structured) or be able to re-use it. This example uses an array of objects describing the url, width, and height of each item in the list. For instance...
var imageList =
url: '/tests/images/sunset1.jpg',
width: 1600,
height: 900,
url: '/tests/images/moonrise1.jpg',
width: 1024,
height: 768,
url: '/tests/images/cityscape.jpg',
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
url: '/tests/images/forest03.jpg',
width: 500,
height: 325,
The Code
Last but not least, run this code when your DOM is ready (or after your images have loaded, or whatever other event should trigger it). This just creates a function to do the transition and then calls it to get the first image into place.
var imageIndex = 0;
var rotationMultiplier = 1;
var currentImage = null;
function rotateTransitionNext()
rotationMultiplier *= -1;
if ( imageIndex >= imageList.length )
imageIndex = 0;
if ( currentImage )
currentImage.animate( { transform: ["...r", 180 * rotationMultiplier, cx, cy], opacity: 0.0 }, 1000, '<>', function()
} );
var newImage = paper.image( imageList[imageIndex].url, cx - dx / 2, cy - dy / 2, dx, dy )
.attr( { transform: [ "r", -180 * rotationMultiplier, cx, cy], opacity: 0.0 } )
.animate( { transform: [ "...r", 180 * rotationMultiplier, cx, cy ], opacity: 1.0 }, 1000, '<>', function()
currentImage = this; rotateTransitionNext );
} );
Loose Ends
As a rough starting point, there are a few things that should be done to wrap this up:
For goodness' sake, wrap this stuff up in its own namespace to avoid cluttering the global scope with detritus (my bad)
Preserve aspect ratios of different images. Right now, all images are being forced to conform to the globally defined dimensions (dx and dy)
Happy coding.
UPDATE: here is a staged example of this code at work. Just click on the image to cause it to rotate to the next.

