Cannot Update two EntityReferences? - javascript

Im feeling a little lost and I'm not even sure if I can give you the information you would need to help me. I'll try it anyway. Let's check this Code:
var task = new CRM.Entity("my_servicetask", mainView.activePage.context.taskid);
var currentUserId = CRM.config.settings.systemUserId;
var systemuserRef = new CRM.EntityReference("systemuser", currentUserId);
var activityId = mainView.activePage.context.activityid;
var serviceAppointmentRef = new CRM.EntityReference("serviceappointment", activityId);
task.Attributes["my_regardingaccountid"] = null;
task.Attributes["my_serviceappointmentid"] = serviceAppointmentRef;
task.Attributes["ownerid"] = systemuserRef;
await Utilities.promiseUpdate(task);
As you can see I'm setting an owner via 'ownerid'.
The Problem is that the owner is NOT set.
I've noticed that if I remove the Attribute Update on 'my_serviceappointmentid' the owner is set without any problems.
Putting the Attributes in a different order ends in 'ownerid' not being set, too.
Trying to write a 'task2' where only the 'ownerid' is set doesn't work (Also changing the order to do task2 first doesn't work).
The 'ownerid' is not set by any changes of 'my_serviceappointmentid'.
What is happening here? Why can't I Update the 'ownerid' together with 'my_serviceappointmentid' ?
Code is executed in Resco Mobile CRM


How can I create a dynamic product page using HTML, CSS, and Javascript

I currently only know javascript. But the thing is I looked up how to do it and some people talk about something called localStorage. I have tried this and for some reason when I jump to a new page those variables aren't kept. Maybe I am doing something wrong? I jump to a new page via
and all I want do do is select a certain image. take that image to a new page and add it to that page.
I tried using the localStorage variables and even turning it into JSON.stringify and doing JSON.parse when trying to call the localstorage to another script. It didn't seem to work for me. Is there another solution?
This is some of my code. There are two scripts.
document.querySelectorAll(".card").forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener("click", onProductClick);
var div;
var productImg;
var ratingElement;
var reviewCount;
var price;
function onProductClick(){
// This took a week to find out (
// console.log(;
div = document.getElementById(;
productImg = div.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
ratingElement = div.getElementsByTagName('a')[2];
reviewCount = div.getElementsByTagName('a')[3]
price = div.getElementsByTagName('a')[4];
var productData = [div, productImg,ratingElement,reviewCount,price];
window.localStorage.setItem("price", JSON.stringify(price));
function TranslateProduct(){
This is script 2
var productPageImage = document.getElementById("product-image");
var myData = localStorage['productdata-local'];
var value =JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('price'));
// function setProductPage(img){
// if(productImg != null){
// return;
// }
// console.log(window.price);
// }
To explain my thought process on this code in the first script I have multiple images that have event listeners for a click. I wanted to Click any given image and grab all the data about it and the product. Then I wanted to move that to another script (script 2) and add it to a dynamic second page. yet I print my variables and they work on the first script and somehow don't on the second. This is my code. in the meantime I will look into cookies Thank you!
Have you tried Cookies
You can always use cookies, but you may run into their limitations. These days, cookies are not the best choice, even though they have the ability to preserve data even longer than the current window session.
or you can make a GET request to the other page by attaching your serialized object to the URL as follows:
That other page can then easily parse its URL and deserialize data using JavaScript.
you can check this answer for more details Pass javascript object from one page to other

How to store a newly created element to localStorage or Cookie with Javascript?

I am making an idle clicker game for fun, everything was going fine until I encountered a problem.
What I basically want to happen is when the image is clicked and the clickCounter element is over one, the new image element is created. No problem here, the main problem is saving the image. If the user refreshes the page, I want the created element to still be there. I have tried using outerHTML and following some other Stack Overflow forum questions but I could never get a proper solution to this certain problem. I have also tried localStorage and cookies but I believe I am using them wrong.
My code is below, my sololearn will be linked below, consisting of the full code to my project.
function oneHundThou() {
var countvar = document.getElementById("clickCounter")
if(document.getElementById("clickCounter").innerHTML > 1) {
alert("Achievement! 1 pat!")
var achievement1k = document.createElement("img");
// create a cookie so when the user refreshes the page, the achievement is shown again
document.cookie = "achievement1k=true";
achievement1k.src = "!d"; = "1000px" = "1000px" = "red"
oneHundThou = function(){}; // emptying my function after it is run once instead of using a standard switch statement
else {
I am aware that there is another post that is similar to this, however, my answer could not be answered on that post.
Full code is here:
Please help! Thank you. (:
Instead of storing the image, try storing the innerHTML, then create the image on document load:
function oneHundThou() {
countvar.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('clickCount') ? localStorage.getItem('clickCount') : 0; //before if
//original code
localStorage.setItem('clickCount', countvar.innerHTML); //instead of doc.cookie
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
or, if you don't care that clickCounter may initialize to null, you can remove the ? : and just put
countvar.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem('clickCount');
Edit: shortened code with the countvar variable

SQLite error "No such column" when I can see that the column exists

The backstory here is that I'm working on a Discord bot. One of the requested functions is having it lob insults. I thought it would be fun to give users the ability to add insults via a SQLite 3 database (specifically, better-sqlite3), and in doing so, I also want to keep track of the most recent use of each insult (this is for future use in an "insultinfo" type command). I added a DATETIME column called "lastUsed". My insultadd command is able to write to this column when new insults are added. The issue is when I call the insult command, it's supposed to say the insult and then update the lastUsed field with the current date. Pasting the code below.
The problem is that I'm getting an error that says "SQLiteError: no such column:" and then it prints the date value even though I'm trying to update the lastUsed column and I can't figure out how to resolve this. The issue has to be in the db.prepare statement, I'm just not seeing what I need to do to fix it.
execute(msg, args) {
const SQLite = require("better-sqlite3");
const db = new SQLite('./userinputs.sqlite');
// Check if the table "userinputs" exists and has content from this guild.
const table = db.prepare(`SELECT count(*) FROM userinputs WHERE (guild = ${} OR guild = 'Global') AND type = 'insult';`).get();
if (!table['count(*)']) {
return"I don't have any insults yet");
var date = new Date();
const rawInsult = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM userinputs WHERE type = 'insult' AND (guild = ${} OR guild = 'Global') ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;`).get();
const insult = rawInsult['content'];
const insultID = rawInsult['row'];
if (args[0]) {
var target = args[0];
} else {
var target =;
if (insult.includes('{}')) {
var finalInsult = insult.replace('{}', target);
} else {
var finalInsult = target + ' ' + insult;
db.prepare(`UPDATE userinputs SET lastUsed = "${date}" WHERE row = ${insultID};`).run();
I think I got it. I ended up using date.toString() and it appears to have done the job. The error message I got after updating the db.prepare statement indicated it wasn't viewing that date variable as something it could work with, hence the .toString() workaround. I'll have to test this to see if that impacts my ability to sort on that column, since this is still all a pretty new to me, but at least the command itself is working and the database table is updating.
I'm open to more feedback though if anyone sees the probable folly in my ways here.
UPDATE: Upon further testing, setting date = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000) ended up working better in my case.

How to communicate between two NativeWindows in Air

How can I send messages to or manipulate the contents of a NativeWindow instance from the parent window that created it?
I have read several places that to communicate between NativeWindow instances in the same application you need to "maintain a LocalConnection or write a whole whack of JavaScript". As it happens, I have no issue with writing a whole whack of JavaScript, but there doesn't seem to be any documentation on how to do it. Does anyone know what to do?
Thanks for any help you can give me!
Answering my own question here. "A whole whack of JavaScript" can be summed up in one ridiculous line:
var myWindow = air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.openedWindows[intWindowCount].stage.getChildAt(0).window
myWindow.document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "success";
This assumes you are using NativeWindow and loading HTML into using HTMLLoader and you're only loading one child. intWindowCount represents the number of opened windows (including the Introspector). 0 represents the number of children you created using the stage.addChild() method. The code I'm using is below in its entirety. There is likely some cleaning up to do, but it should be a good starting point for anyone that needs to do the same thing:
var htmlView = new air.HTMLLoader();
htmlView.width = 300;
htmlView.height = 500;
var objWindowOptions = new air.NativeWindowInitOptions();
objWindowOptions.transparent = false;
objWindowOptions.systemChrome = air.NativeWindowSystemChrome.STANDARD;
objWindowOptions.type= air.NativeWindowType.NORMAL;
var wWindow = new air.NativeWindow(objWindowOptions);
wWindow.x = objScreen.x;
wWindow.y = objScreen.y;
wWindow.width = objScreen.width;
wWindow.height = objScreen.height;
wWindow.stage.align = "TL";
wWindow.stage.displayState = runtime.flash.display.StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE;
wWindow.stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
wWindow.stage.addChild( htmlView );
htmlView.load( new air.URLRequest("pageTwo.html") );
cClock.screen = objScreen;
The timeout at the end is a horrible, embarrassing hack. I'm only using it because I haven't found the right event yet to use with addEventListener().

Accessing contents of NativeWindow in a HTML AIR application?

I'm currently building a HTML/JS AIR application. The application needs to display to the user a different 'window' - dependant on whether this is the first time they've launched the application or not. This part is actually fine and I have the code below to do that:
if(!startUp()) { // this simply returns a boolean from a local preferences database that gets shipped with the .air
// do first time stuff
var windowOptions = new air.NativeWindowInitOptions();
windowOptions.systemChrome = 'none';
windowOptions.type = 'lightweight';
windowOptions.transparent = 'true';
windowOptions.resizable = 'false';
var windowBounds = new air.Rectangle(300, 300, 596, 490);
var newHtmlLoader = air.HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(true, windowOptions, true, windowBounds);
newHtmlLoader.load(new air.URLRequest('cover.html'));
else {
// display default window
// just set nativeWindow.visible = true (loaded from application.xml)
However, what I want to be able to do is manipulate the html content from within cover.html after it has loaded up. There seems to be plenty of tutorials online of how to move, resize, etc. the NativeWindow, but I simply want access to the NativeWindow's HTML content.
For example, how would I add a new paragraph to that page? I've tried the following:
newHtmlLoader.window.opener = window;
var doc = newHtmlLoader.window.opener.document.documentElement;
Using AIR's Introspector console, ....log(doc) returns [object HTMLHtmlElement].
Hmm, seems promising right? I then go on to try:
var p = document.createElement('p');
var t = document.createTextNode('Insert Me');
...but nothing gets inserted. I've also tried the following replacements for doc:
var doc = newHtmlLoader.window.opener.document.body; // .log(doc) -> [object HTMLBodyElement]
var doc = newHtmlLoader.window.opener.document; // .log(doc) -> Error: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3 well as the following with jQuery:
$(doc).append('<p>Insert Me</p>'); // again, nothing
So, anyone had any experience in accessing a NativeWindow's inner content programmatically? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hmm, so I think I may have found out how to do it...If we amend the original code and add an event listener on the loader:
var newHtmlLoader = air.HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(true, windowOptions, true, windowBounds);
newHtmlLoader.addEventListener(air.Event.COMPLETE, doEventComplete);
newHtmlLoader.load(new air.URLRequest('cover.html'));
You can then interact (assuming you're using jQuery) with the contents of the newly created window by using:
function doEventComplete(event) {
doc = $(event.currentTarget.window.document.body);
doc.append('<p>Insert Me!</p>')
I'm not sure this has the effect you intended:
newHtmlLoader.window.opener = window;
var doc = newHtmlLoader.window.opener.document.documentElement;
What is does is set var doc = window.document.documentElement;, so 'doc' is your local document, not the one in the other window.
I think what you want is
var doc = newHtmlLoader.window.document.documentElement;
Do note that this will not work until the document has loaded.

