MaterialUI component as Addon in vaadin 7 - javascript

For my work in vaadin 7, I need to connect a Slider from MaterialUI.
The vaadin component.Slider is not suitable, because I need to set the color of the slider, labels from Java code, change the design styles and the color of the slider depending on the value (in the example, 3 colors and the slider on the green label should be green, yellow on yellow, and so on)
I have already added to the addon babel.min.js , react.production.min.js , react-dom.production.min.js , material-ui.production.min.js the latest versions as files. Everything that is specified in the material-ui example CDN started
The addon was created according to the description from adding JS as addon vaadin 7
Java class example
public class MaterialUI extends AbstractJavaScriptComponent {
public MaterialUI() {
protected MaterialUIState getState() {
return (MaterialUIState) super.getState();
But then I have a stupor. In the connector, I tried to write as in the examples, directly. I tried to create my own file.js in the code was extends React.Component. Each time it ended with an error on an unidentified character '<' or on the use of an undefined ReactDOM.
The last attempt returns no errors, but gives no result at all [materialui-connector.js]:
window.ru_rlisystems_web_platform_addons_materialui_MaterialUI = function() {
let element = this.getElement();
let rootEl = document.createElement("rootMUI");
let importScript = document.createElement("script");
importScript.type = 'text/babel';
importScript.innerHTML = 'const {\n' +
' Slider,\n' +
' Box\n' +
' } = MaterialUI;\n' +
'\n' +
' const marks = [\n' +
' {\n' +
' value: 0,\n' +
' label: \'0°C\',\n' +
' },\n' +
' {\n' +
' value: 20,\n' +
' label: \'20°C\',\n' +
' },\n' +
' {\n' +
' value: 37,\n' +
' label: \'37°C\',\n' +
' },\n' +
' {\n' +
' value: 100,\n' +
' label: \'100°C\',\n' +
' },\n' +
'];\n' +
'\n' +
'function valuetext(value) {\n' +
' return `${value}°C`;\n' +
'}\n' +
'\n' +
' // Create a theme instance.\n' +
' const theme = createTheme({\n' +
' palette: {\n' +
' primary: {\n' +
' main: \'#556cd6\',\n' +
' },\n' +
' secondary: {\n' +
' main: \'#19857b\',\n' +
' },\n' +
' error: {\n' +
' main:,\n' +
' },\n' +
' },\n' +
' });\n' +
'\n' +
' function App() {\n' +
' return (\n' +
' <Box sx={{ width: 300 }}>\n' +
' <Slider\n' +
' aria-label="Small steps"\n' +
' defaultValue={20}\n' +
' getAriaValueText={valuetext}\n' +
' step={1}\n' +
' marks\n' +
' min={0}\n' +
' max={100}\n' +
' valueLabelDisplay="on"/>\n' +
' </Box>\n' +
' );\n' +
' }\n' +
'\n' +
' const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById(\'rootMUI\'));\n' +
' root.render(\n' +
' <App />\n' +
' );';
this.onStateChange = function() {
I tried to put the render in a separate file and connect it via #JavaScript, but I get the error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' (at
const { React } = require('./react.production.min')
const {
} = require('material-ui.production.min')
const marks = [
value: 0,
label: '0°C',
value: 20,
label: '20°C',
value: 37,
label: '37°C',
value: 100,
label: '100°C',
function valuetext(value) {
return `${value}°C`;
function App() {
return (
<Box sx={{ width: 300 }}>
aria-label="Small steps"
const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('rootMUI'));
<App />
Is there any chance of using this library in vaadin 7? Or maybe there are examples and libraries easier to achieve my goals?


The last element from object keeps on repeating in the dynamically added div

I'm getting a list of objects and printing their content in the HTML page dynamically but only the last object is getting printed in all the added divisions.
Here is the js code:
var thelist = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("suspectList"));
for (var k in thelist) {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#outerdiv').append('<div class="card"><h5 class="card-header">' + 'Crime: ' + thelist[k]['crime'] + '</h5><div class="card-body"><h5 class="card-title">' + 'Suspect name : ' + thelist[k]['name'] + '</h5><p class="card-text">' + 'Date of birth: ' + thelist[k]['dob'] + '</p>Enter Statement</div></div>');
console.log(thelist[k]['name'] + ' ' + thelist[k]['phone'] + ' ' + thelist[k]['dob']);
Here is the output:
Here is the console log

Cannot read item in nested array?

I have a nested array inside a list like the following:
{total_results, page, results [id, species_guess, observed_on_details {date, week, month, hour, year}]}
I am trying to get just the id, species_guess, and date using forEach.
function observationSummary2(data) {
data.results.forEach(element =>
console.log('#' + +
" - " + data.results.species_guess +
' (' + + ')')
This is saying " Cannot read property 'date' of undefined ". I have tried using a for loop like this and it worked just fine.
for (let i = 0; i < data.results.length; i++) {
console.log('#' + data.results[i].id + " - " + data.results[i].species_guess + ' (' + data.results[i] + ')');
Can anyone tell me where am I doing wrong here, sorry I am still new at this language.
you should use foreach as follow
function observationSummary2(data) {
data.results.forEach(element =>
console.log('#' + +
" - " + element.species_guess +
' (' + + ')')
Instead of
function observationSummary2(data) {
data.results.forEach(element =>
console.log('#' + +
" - " + data.results.species_guess +
' (' + + ')')
Replace "data.results" with "element"
function observationSummary2(data) {
data.results.forEach(element =>
console.log('#' + +
" - " + element.species_guess +
' (' + + ')')
More info about "forEach()" here:

How to Add link to message

I was trying to make a notification with line notify but I dont know how to insert a command that puts a link from my google sheet to the message of the notification
// Line Notify
function onFormSubmit() {
var form = FormApp.openById('1ELczQ-uW1mauQrHFBpHK2pQnCCkvPf_4Nq-DPqM4nMw');
var fRes = form.getResponses();
var formResponse = fRes[fRes.length - 1];
var itemResponses = formResponse.getItemResponses();
var link = shape.getLink();
if (link != null && link.getLinkType() == SlidesApp.LinkType.URL) {
Logger.log('Shape has link to URL: ' + link.getUrl());
var msg = 'Electric Forklift Incentive'
+ ' \n' + itemResponses[5].getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponses[5].getResponse()
+ ' \n' + itemResponses[0].getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponses[0].getResponse()
+ ' \n' + itemResponses[1].getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponses[1].getResponse()
+ ' \n' + itemResponses[2].getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponses[2].getResponse()
+ ' \n' + itemResponses[3].getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponses[3].getResponse()
+ ' \n' + itemResponses[4].getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponses[4].getResponse()
+ ' \n' + itemResponses[4].getItem().getTitle() + ': ' + itemResponses[4].getResponse()
function sendLineNotify(message) {
var token = ["DdiU5tUykpSRpxRVqmEnM7ul3hcE3NEvc6Vzwknyzo7"];
var options = {
"method": "post",
"payload": "message=" + message,
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer " + token
UrlFetchApp.fetch("", options);

How we can use IS NULL in query

In this case i want to null check by using column IS column specify uniquename.
Uniquename is a integer column.
filterExpression = objColumnSettings.UniqueName + ' <> ' + objColumnSettings.FilterValue + ' AND ';
Here i have done like this.
This works but i want to use column IS NULL rather than ISNULL(column, value)
filterExpression = " ISNULL( " + objColumnSettings.UniqueName + " , 0 ) " + ' <> ' + objColumnSettings.FilterValue + ' AND ';
Please suggest
Thanks in advance;
should be
filterExpression = objColumnSettings.UniqueName + " IS NUL OR " + objColumnSettings.UniqueName + ' <> ' + objColumnSettings.FilterValue + ' AND ';

Adding field in view ASP.NET MVC

I working on one application, and I started learning ASP.NET so I am begginer and I am trying to add one field in view.
So, I have Firstname,Address, ZIP, State etc and I want for every medical provider add his|her speciality. I create a table and make connection beatween two table.
When I add SPeciality, it doesnt show up in view. I have no idea where I made mistake.
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
$.getJSON("/NfDocuments/MedicalInput", { id: id },
function (data) {
$.each(data, function () {
// $("#medInput").append("'" + this.Id + "'");
var medInput = document.getElementById("medInput");
medInput.value = this.Firstname + ' - ' + this.Zip + ' ' + this.Address1 + ',' + this.City + ', ' + this.State + ' - ' + this.Mobile;
Any suggestion, comment ?
medInput.value = this.Firstname + ' - '
+ this.Zip + ' '
+ this.Address1 + ','
+ this.City + ', '
+ this.State + ' - '
+ this.Mobile;
You need to append this.SpecialityName (or whatever you have it named as when returned to the view) to medInput.Value:
medInput.value = this.Firstname + ' - '
+ this.Zip + ' '
+ this.Address1 + ','
+ this.City + ', '
+ this.State + ' - '
+ this.Mobile + ' - '
+ this.SpecialityName;
I'm assuming the id of each speciality is this.TypeId and that you have already mapped TypeId to some kind of SpecialityName before sending the object back to the view.

