D3 library in R? - javascript

I am working with the "r2d3" library in R (https://www.rstudio.com/blog/r2d3-r-interface-to-d3-visualizations/) - as I understand, this library is intended to perform javascript based data visualizations in R.
I would like to try and run the following visualization in R : https://rstudio.github.io/r2d3/articles/gallery/bubbles/
I loaded the data into R:
Then, I copied the entire "bubbles.js" script into a new R Markdown editor and clicked "knit to html". Then, I got the following output:
Clearly, I am doing something wrong.
Can someone please show me how to fix this?
Note: I tried running the following code in R Console:
r2d3(data = flare, d3_version = 4, script = "bubbles.js")
And this is the error I got:

/../as I understand, this library is intended to perform javascript
based data visualizations in R /../
It's more of an interface for existing D3 visualizations.
https://rstudio.github.io/r2d3/index.html provides fairly good overview of the process, you should go through that first.
To get that gallery sample working, you first prepare a working directory where you have:
Once you have made sure your working dir is the same where those files are (getwed() / setwd()), running
r2d3(data = read.csv("flare.csv"), d3_version = 4, script = "bubbles.js")
in console / script / rmd should render those bubbles.
Or you could just clone the repo and have all sample files including Rmd-s - https://github.com/rstudio/r2d3/tree/main/vignettes/gallery/bubbles
RStudio provides some support for D3 scripts, so you can also go through File > New File > D3 Script and paste the bubbles.js content there or open existing bubbles.js file. Assuming you have flare.csv file in working directory, you can click on a Preview to have it rendered in Viewer pane. That's what the
// !preview r2d3 data = read.csv("flare.csv"), d3_version = 4
line in js script header is there for.


Unable to create / save a word document with OpenXml with angular / typescript / javascript

I'm unable to create a document with Xml (OpenXml) in my angular - typescript application - file gets created but opened shows "found unreadable content in document..." error. When I open the file in notepad, all I see is the Xml.
let blob = new Blob([openXmlString)], {type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'});
fileSaverService.save(blob, "Document.docx");
Using the same xml, I can create a document that actually works in C# using this code, trying to replicate this in my angular - typescript app
using (var doc = WordprocessingDocument.FromFlatOpcString(openXmlString))
Could someone please let me know what I may be missing?
Thanks in advance.

Pycurl javascript

I created a python 3 script that allows me to search on a search engine (DuckDuckGo), get the HTML source code and write it in a textfile.
import pycurl
from io import BytesIO
buffer = BytesIO()
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=test')
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
c.setopt(c.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
body = buffer.getvalue()
with open("output.htm", "w") as text_file:
That part of the code is working properly. However, when I try to open the output.htm file containing the HTML source code of the search engine, I don't get anything (I get an input with my search topic written inside). I would like to have the same HTML source code that I would get by running curl https://duckduckgo.com/?q=test on my terminal.
Duckduckgo's html pages uses javascript to load their search result into their html markups, so curl or PyCurl will not be able to get the same html content you'd see in a browser since curl/pycurl merely fetches internet resources but does not provide any javascript processing.
Use https://duckduckgo.com/api instead of scraping to find search results in their servers/databases.

How to read and write to a file (Javascript) in ui automation?

I want to identify few properties during my run and form a json object which I would like to write to a ".json"file and save it on the disk.
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var properties = new Object();
var jsonObjectToRecord = {"properties":properties}
jsonObjectToRecord.properties.name = "My App"
UIALogger.logMessage("Pretty Print TEST Log"+jsonObjectToRecord.properties.name);
var str = JSON.stringify(jsonObjectToRecord)
I tried :
// Sample code to see if it is possible to write data
// onto some file from my automation script
function WriteToFile()
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
set s = fso.CreateTextFile("/Volumes/DEV/test.txt", True);
function WriteFile()
// Create an instance of StreamWriter to write text to a file.
sw = new StreamWriter("TestFile.txt");
// Add some text to the file.
sw.Write("This is the ");
sw.WriteLine("header for the file.");
// Arbitrary objects can also be written to the file.
sw.Write("The date is: ");
But still unable to read and write data to file from ui automation instruments
Possible Workaround ??
To redirect to the stdout if we can execute a terminal command from my ui automation script. So can we execute a terminal command from the script ?
Haven't Tried :
1. Assuming we can include the library that have those methods and give it a try .
Your assumptions are good, But the XCode UI Automation script is not a full JavaScript.
I don't think you can simply program a normal browser based JavaScript in the XCode UI Automation script.
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
Is not a JavaScript, it is VBScript which will only work in Microsoft Platforms and testing tools like QTP.
Is an ActiveX object which only exists in Microsoft Windows
Only few JavaScript functions like basic Math, Array,...etc..Are provided by the Apple JavaScript library, so you are limited to use only the classes provided here https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/DeveloperTools/Reference/UIAutomationRef/
If you want to do more scripting then Try Selenium IOS Driver http://ios-driver.github.io/ios-driver/
Hey so this is something that I was looking into for a project but never fully got around to implementing so this answer will be more of a guide of what to do than step by step copy and paste.
First you're going to need to create a bash script that writes to a file. This can be as simple as
echo $1 >> ${filename.json}
Then you call this from inside your Xcode Instruments UIAutomation tool with
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var host = target.host();
var result = host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout("your/script/path", ["Object description in JSON format"], 5);
Then after your automation ends you can load up the file path on your computer to look at the results.
EDIT: This will enable to write to a file line by line but the actual JSON formatting will be up to you. Looking at some examples I don't think it would be difficult to implement but obviously you'll need to give it some thought at first.

Is there a way to AutoFormat (Javascript) code in TestComplete?

So similar to ALt-Shift-F in Netbeans, is there a to do this right in the ide in TestComplete? Not sure if this is possible or if anyone can think of a workaround to autoFormat without leaving the TestComplete window.
I'm trying to get the below solution to work with http://jsbeautifier.org/ for javascript / Jscript code in TestComplete.
Great question!
There is no built-in function for that. So, we should not expect any solution to be 100% convenient - it is just not a simple task to modify the current script editor contents (if at all possible). So, whatever you do, it will still be some kind of compromise.
In general, the task is three-fold:
Get the current unit code.
Format the code.
Put the code back to the unit.
According to my understanding, items 1 and 3 can be accomplished only by creating a TestComplete plug-in - accessing editors for project nodes is not an easy thing.
UPDATE: silly me! There is a way to access the script editor code - I've updated the below part.
What will help us avoid switching to a different app, are the Script Extensions:
We create a custom Checkpoint in the form of a Script Extension, and install it to TestComplete. As a result, we get a button on the toolbar that we can click to invoke our code.
In the design time action, we call some code that reads the editor contents, then uses external code formatting functionality, and replaces the editor contents with the formatted code.
It would extremely interesting to see the implementations other TestComplete users can suggest! As a start, I am posting a solution that includes using an external web site to format VBScript code (http://www.vbindent.com/). I know that the starter of the post is probably using JScript, but I have not found a JScript formatter yet.
My solution is a simple Script Extension. I can't post a file here, so I will post the code of the two Script Extension files:
Description file:
<!-- Description.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Category Name="Checkpoints">
<ScriptExtension Name="VBScript Code Indent" Author="SmartBear Software" Version="0.1" HomePage="smartbear.com">
<Script Name="VBIndent.js">
<DesignTimeAction Name="Indent Current VBScript Unit" Routine="DesignTimeExecute"/>
Indents VBScript code in the currently active unit.
Code file:
// VBIndent.js
function DesignTimeExecute()
if (CodeEditor.IsEditorActive)
var newCode = IndentVBSCode_Through_VBIndent(CodeEditor.Text);
if (null == newCode)
CodeEditor.Text = newCode;
function IndentVBSCode_Through_VBIndent(codeToIndent)
var URL_VBIndent = "http://www.vbindent.com/?indent";
var httpObj = Sys.OleObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
httpObj.open("POST", URL_VBIndent, false);
httpObj.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
httpObj.send("thecode=" + escape(codeToIndent));
var responseText = httpObj.responseText;
// Extract the indented code from the response
var rx = /<textarea name=\"thecode\".*?>((.*\n)*?)<\/textarea>/;
matches = rx.exec(responseText);
if (null == matches)
return null;
codeIndented = matches[1];
return codeIndented;
After you create these files, and put them to something like "\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions\VBIndent", and click "File | Install Script Extensions | Reload", you will see a new "Indent Current VBScript Unit" item in the custom checkpoints drop-down button on the Tools toolbar. Clicking the element will format the VBScript code in the currently active editor.
So, this is to give a clear idea of what a solution can look like. Better suggestions are welcome! Share your thoughts!
I've done. Based on your posts.
To install the extension copy attached file JSFormat.tcx to C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 10\Bin\Extensions\ScriptExtensions
To use view next image:

How to load images using loadImage the function

I am using jboss application server for deploying my app containing processing code.
My directory structure looks like this
How to refer the image bird.png from bird.html
PImage img;
img = loadImage("img\bird.png");
// The above code doesn't seem to work, but If I use an absolute path to a file in the file system, the processing IDE is able to pick it up.
image(img, 10, 10);
How should I look for this file in a relative fashion within my Java EE application packed in a EAR format.
you can try solve this by looking at the output of:
var jsCode = Processing.compile(txt).sourceCode;
where txt is the processing script code !

