Can i spread an Array of parameter names into a function declaration - javascript

I have an object which returns,
This object is subject to change as it is gathered from an embedded device.
im trying to convert this into an object with callable functions i.e.
let myObj = {
getSpeed: function(distance, time){
/* do something (this is irrelevant) */
getTime: function(speed, distance){
/* do something (again not relevant) */
is there any way to map an array of strings to function parameters when mapping over an array?

According to your comments it appears you want to create functions from this definition which send commands with a function-call-like string which is evaled on the other side, and you don't actually care about the paramater names but rather about the correct number of parameters.
I would therefore recommend something like this:
const myObj = Object.fromEntries({ name, params }) => [
(...args) => {
if (args.length !== params.length) {
throw new TypeError(`${name} expected ${params.length} arguments, got ${args.length}`)
this.UART.write(`${name}(${ => JSON.stringify(arg)).join(',')})`)
This will work with all the datatypes that JSON supports, and will as a side effect also pass undefined as argument correctly.
Here is a runnable example with console.log instead of this.UART.write:
const data = [
name: "getSpeed",
params: ["distance", "time"]
name: "getTime",
params: ["speed", "distance"]
const myObj = Object.fromEntries({ name, params }) => [
(...args) => {
if (args.length !== params.length) {
throw new TypeError(`${name} expected ${params.length} arguments, got ${args.length}`)
console.log(`${name}(${ => JSON.stringify(arg)).join(',')})`)
myObj.getSpeed(123, 456) // prints `getSpeed(123,456)`
myObj.getTime(123, 456) // prints `getTime(123,456)`
myObj.getTime("hello", true) // prints `getTime("hello",true)`
myObj.getTime(1) // throws `getTime expected 2 arguments, got 1`
However, as you said yourself, the whole eval business is not ideal anyway. I would recommend - if possible - to reconsider the protocol to use something more secure and robust like gRPC or, one layer below, protocol buffers. Given that you are using JavaScript on both ends, JSON-RPC could also be a nice solution.


Skipping top level of JSON data and retrieving data below it via JavaScript

Via a microservice, I retrieve several packages of JSON data and spit them out onto a Vue.js-driven page. The data looks something like this:
{"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}
[{"id":22,"name":"Fred","address":"Parmesean Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":24,"name":"George","address":"Loopy Lane","zip":"15090"},
{"id":25,"name":"Lucy","address":"Farm Road","zip":"15090"}]}}
[{"id":2,"name":"device type 1"},
{"id":4,"name":"device type 2"},
{"id":5,"name":"device type 3"}]}}
...and I successfully grab them individually via code like this:
getCompanies() {
method: 'GET',
url: `api/authenticated/function/getcompanies`
.then((response) => {
if( {
this.dataCompanies =
} else {
...with getUsers() and getDevices() looking respectively the same. getCompanies() returns:
[{"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"},
{"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}]
...which I relay to the Vue template in a table, and this works just fine and dandy.
But this is obviously going to get unwieldy if I need to add more microservice calls down the road.
What I'm looking for is an elegant way to jump past the*whatever* and get to those id-records with a re-useable call, but I'm having trouble getting there.[0] doesn't work, and mapping down to the stuff I need either comes back undefined, or in bits of array. And filtering for[0].id to return just the rows with ids keeps coming back undefined.
My last attempt (see below) to access the data does work, but looks like it comes back as individual array elements. I'd rather not - if possible - rebuild an array into a JSON structure. I keep thinking I should be able to just step past the next level regardless of what it's called, and grab whatever is there in one chunk, as if I read directly, but not caring what 'getcompanies' is, or needing to reference it by name:
// the call
this.dataCompanies = this.getFullData('companies')
getFullData(who) {
method: 'GET',
url: 'api/authenticated/function/get' + who,
.then((response) => {
if(response) {
// attempt 1 to get chunk below 'getcompanies'
Object.keys( {
// attempt 2
// for (const prop in {
// console.log([prop])
// }
let output =[prop] // erroneously thinking this is in one object
return output
} else {
(63) [{…}, {…}, {…}] <-- *there are 63 of these records, I'm just showing the first few...*
0: {"id":6,"name":"Arena","address":"12 Baker Street","zip":"15090"}
1: {"id":7,"name":"McMillan","address":null,"zip":"15090"},
2: {"id":8,"name":"Ball","address":"342 Farm Road","zip":"15090"}...
Oh, and the return above comes back 'undefined' for some reason that eludes me at 3AM. >.<
It's one of those things where I think I am close, but not quite. Any tips, hints, or pokes in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
I feel it's better to be explicit about accessing the object. Seems like the object key is consistent with the name of the microservice function? If so:
getData(functionName) {
return this.sendMicroServiceRequest({
method: 'GET',
url: "api/authenticated/function/" + functionName
.then( response =>[functionName] )
this.getData("getcompanies").then(companies => {
this.dataCompanies = companies
let arrResponse = {data: ['x']};
let objResponse = {data: {getcompanies: 'x'}};
console.log(Object.values([0]);[0] would work if data was an array. To get the first-and-only element of an object, use Object.values([0] instead. Object.values converts an object to an array of its values.
Its counterparts Object.keys and Object.entries likewise return arrays of keys and key-value tuples respectively.
Note, order isn't guaranteed in objects, so this is only predictable in your situation because data has exactly a single key & value. Otherwise, you'd have to iterate the entry tuples and search for the desired entry.
Let's begin with a generic function, firstValue. It will get the first value of an object, if present, otherwise it will throw an error -
const x = { something: "foo" }
const y = {}
const firstValue = t =>
{ const v = Object.values(t)
if (v.length)
return v[0]
throw Error("empty data")
console.log(firstValue(x)) // "foo"
console.log(firstValue(y)) // Error: empty data
Now write a generic getData. We chain our firstValue function on the end, and be careful not to add a console.log or .catch here; that is a choice for the caller to decide -
getData(url) {
return this
.sendMicroServiceRequest({ method: "GET", url })
.then(response => {
if (
return Promise.reject(response)
Now we write getCompanies, getUsers, etc -
getCompanies() {
return getData("api/authenticated/function/getcompanies")
getUsers() {
return getData("api/authenticated/function/getusers")
async and await
Maybe you could spruce up getData with async and await -
async getData(url) {
const response =
await this.sendMicroServiceRequest({ method: "GET", url })
? firstValue(
: Promise.reject(response)
power of generics demonstrated
We might even suggest that these get* functions are no longer needed -
async getAll() {
return {
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getcompanies"),
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getusers"),
await getData("api/authenticated/function/getdevices"),
// ...
Above we used three await getData(...) requests which happen in serial order. Perhaps you want all of these requests to run in parallel. Below we will show how to do that -
async getAll() {
const requests = [
const [companies, users, devices] = Promise.all(requests)
return { companies, users, devices }
error handling
Finally, error handling is reserved for the caller and should not be attempted within our generic functions -
.then(data => this.render(data)) // some Vue template

How can I store/retrieve a JSON object that contains a function to fetch fresh data?

const Data = {
teachers: {
size: 15,
num: 4,
color: 'blue'
const person = {
name: 'John',
group: Data.teachers, // This is Default. If I do this, the entire teachers tree gets cached. Later, teachers tree changes, this is unusable.
group: () => Data.teachers // I want to do this, so that it fetches fresh data. But, see below for the LJSON problem...
I understand that JSON.stringify does not support functions.
I've looked into LJSON ( LJSON does not fix the problem. They also cache Data.teachers, as is. When using LJSON, if Data.teachers changes, then calling group() will not get the latest. It will return the old tree.
(Current stack is React-Native, with AsyncStorage, using JSON.stringify/parse.)
Have you tried the toString() method of a Function & eval?
const fn = (arg) => {
console.log('function:', arg)
fn('yes, it works')
const jsonFn = JSON.stringify(fn.toString()) // now its a JSON.stringified string
const newJsonFn = JSON.parse(jsonFn) // parsing it back from JSON to string
const newFn = eval(newJsonFn) // eval!!!
newFn('yes, it works again')
Yes, this snippet solves your problem. But don't forget that eval is a dangerous tool: about eval security issues.

Spread omit doesn't omit property inside action handler

I feel i'm going crazy, the following code just doesn't work when used in reducer, however running it with the exact same variables in the console or playground works absolutely perfect.
[MutationTypes.DELETE_GOALS_SUCCESS]: (state, { payload }) => {
//payload is {deleted_goals: [1, 2, 3]}, goals is {1: {...}, 2: {...}, ... n: {...}}
const goals = { ...state.goals };
const newGoals = payload.deleted_goals.reduce((acc, id) => {
const { [id]: omitted, ...newAcc } = acc; //newAcc still contains "id" key
"After spread",
"New goals:",
"Old goals:",
acc, //acc and newAcc are the same aside from different pointers
"Removed goal",
return newAcc;
}, goals);
return {
goals: newGoals,
The const { [id]: omitted, ...newAcc } = acc; part is what just doesn't work as intended. newAcc for some reason still keeps containing id key, so it remains unchanged every iteration. The id key is included in goals object, i can log omitted object.
As i said i can run the exact same line of code anywhere else with the exact same variables and it will work perfectly. This might be something with redux or my implementation of reducer, however i just cannot imagine what can be wrong and how it can cause such consequences. State is just plain object, state.goal is also just plain object, i'm even making shallow copy of it. I can JSON.stringify them, copy paste somewhere else and then omit the same way i do here and it will work.
Any idea what might cause this strange interaction? There are multiple workarounds to do this without spread, like using delete operator, or constructing new object from scratch but i want to know why the hell can object become "immune" to spread destructuring.
I've tried to omit with spread on fresh object inside both action handler and reduce callback and it worked, looks like there is something with this particular object ( state.goals ). However it is just map like object structured like that: {id1: {goalwithid}, id2:{goalwithid2} ...} id1, id2 etc are numbers.
Just tried deepcloning object (replaced const goals = { ...state.goals }; with const goals = _.cloneDeep(state.goals) and it doesn't change anything.
Why not just do this:
[MutationTypes.DELETE_GOALS_SUCCESS]: (state, { payload }) => {
//payload is {deleted_goals: [1, 2, 3]}, goals is {1: {...}, 2: {...}, ... n: {...}}
const goals = state.goals;
const newGoals = Object.keys(goals).reduce((acc, key) => {
if(payload.deleted_goals.includes(parseInt(key))) {
return acc;
} else {
return (acc[key] = goals[key], acc);
}, {})
return {
goals: newGoals,

graphql passing dynamic data to mutation

haven't used graphql or mongodb previously. What is the proper way to pass objects for the update mutation?
Since the only other way i see to pass multiple dynamically appearing parameters is to use input type which is appears to be a bit ineffective to me (in terms of how it looks in the code, especially with bigger objects), i just pass the possible values themselves. however in this case i need to dynamically construct updateObject, which again, going to get messy for the bigger models.
for example now i did:
Mutation: {
updateHub: async (_, { id, url, ports, enabled }) => {
const query = {'_id': id};
const updateFields = {
...(url? {url: url} : null),
...(ports? {ports: ports} : null),
...(enabled? {enabled: enabled} : null)
const result = await HubStore.findByIdAndUpdate(query, updateFields);
return {
success: !result ? false : true,
message: 'updated',
hub: result
any advise on the better way to handle this?
It appears your code could benefit from using ES6 spread syntax -- it would permit you to deal with an arbitrary number of properties from your args object without the need for serial tertiary statements.
Mutation: {
updateHub: async (_, { id, ...restArgs } ) => {
const query = {'_id': id};
const updateFields = { ...restArgs };
const result = await HubStore.findByIdAndUpdate(query, updateFields);
return {
success: !result ? false : true,
message: 'updated',
hub: result
If for some reason you need to explicitly set the undefined properties to null in your object, you could possibly use some a config obj and method like defaults from the lodash library as shown below:
import { defaults } from 'lodash';
const nullFill = { url: null, ports: null, enabled: null }; // include any other properties that may be needed
Mutation: {
updateHub: async (_, { id, ...restArgs } ) => {
const query = {'_id': id};
const updateFields = defaults(restArgs, nullFill);
const result = await HubStore.findByIdAndUpdate(query, updateFields);
return {
success: !result ? false : true,
message: 'updated',
hub: result
Also, FWIW, I would consider placing the dynamic arguments that could be potentially be updated on its own input type, such as HubInput in this case, as suggested in the graphql docs. Below I've shown how this might work with your mutation. Note that because nothing on HubInput is flagged as requird (!) you are able to pass a dynamic collection of properties to update. Also note that if you take this appraoch you will need to properly destructure your args object initially in your mutation, something like { id, input }.
input HubInput {
url: String
ports: // whatever this type is, like [String]
enabled: Boolean
// ...Anything else that might need updating
type UpdateHubPayload {
success: Boolean
message: String
hub: Hub // assumes you have defined a type Hub
updateHub(id: Int, input: HubInput!): UpdateHubPayload

How can I use all function arguments inside javascript Object.assign method

I am making a server using nodejs & express in which user can request some data and server send response. But, the data is array and I want to send a json response to the user. So, I used forEach() method of array and use Object.assign(), so that I can get object. But the problem is I cannot use 'index' argument of forEach() method while 'value' argument is properly getting used inside the callback function. When I use only 'index' argument, then my code runs ok but I want to use both arguments at the same time.
route.get('/getGPX/:number', passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }), (req, res) => {
gpx.find({ username: req.user.username }, (err, result) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
if (result) {
if (result.length === 0) {
else {
var jsonRes = {};
result.forEach((value, index) => {
I can use 'value' but not 'index' from the arguments
jsonRes = Object.assign({ index: }, jsonRes);
res.json({data: jsonRes});
I even tried using global var, but even it's not working, how can I use index as well as value argument at the same time
What is the JSON structure that you want ?
if you want a json like :
0: "my first value",
1: "second"
You just miss [] around index, here you put 'index' as a key not the value of index. So you override the index key in each iteration.
Here is the code that use the value of index as a key in a json.
jsonRes = Object.assign({[index]:}, jsonRes)
See here for a working example with more examples :
Object.assign mutates the left-most parameter. it does not produce a new object. Since you are passing a literal object every time the jsonRes is going to be the last result.
Put jsonRes in the left instead - Object.assign(jsonRes, {index:})
You might want to use a simple reduce instead of forEach and Object.assign:
} else {
var jsonRes = result.reduce((r, v, i) => {r[i] =; return r}, {});
res.json({data: jsonRes});

