Set Image URL based on if condtion on ASPX page - javascript

As of now this code always works on my local and doesnt acts weird. But when we deploy on server even though if IsEnabled value is set to true it will load isfalse.gif and therafter few days it will start to load correct image based on IsEnabled value.
IsEnabled is an simple property defined in codebehind.
protected bool IsEnabled
get { return Utility.GetValue("TestKey"); }
Utility class pseudo:
public static class Utility
public static bool GetValue(string keyName)
bool kvalue = false;
// string value = string.Empty;
//the below cache is at global level defined below snippet is just pseudo how the data been present
Dictionary<string, string> dicCacheDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (dicCacheDictionary.TryGetValue(keyName, out string value))
if (bool.TryParse(value, out bool result))
return result;
//GET FROM DATABASE AND add value to cache
//for now just for pseudo have hardcoded value
dicCacheDictionary.Add(keyName, "true");
//get from DB is not in cache
return kvalue;
ASPX Page :
<asp:Image ID="imgWebcast" ImageUrl='<%#(IsEnabled) ? "../../images/istrue.gif" : "../../images/isfalse.gif" %>' />
I looked at below areas and all looks good :
Cache precompiled files are deleted prior to deployment
Cached is cleared
IIS is reset
I can easily set it in code behind and resolve the above , but i need to understand the approach i did above is valid or not. Is something i am doing wrong. Does it achievable from the above approach


Is there a way to pass multiple (and different) parameters to an Apex Controller class from JS in Lightning Web Components (LWC)?

I'm currently stuck at a problem and was hoping someone here could help me. I also certainly hope this is the right place to ask it.
I'm trying to create a custom Invoice record with its corresponding Invoice Line records upon firing an event. I already have some logic in place to gather ID of selected rows in the JS.
I've gone so far as to be able to create the Invoice record (using LDS) and the Invoice Line records (using Apex), but can't seem to pass the Invoice ID for the Invoice Line records. I know I'm able to create the records because it works when I tested this with a hardcoded Invoice ID.
Would it be possible to pass multiple parameters of List and String to an Apex method in LWC?
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
selectedRowsEvent(event) {
...some codes here...
this.selectedRecords = Array.from(conIds);
handleSave() {
...some codes here...
.then(invoice => {
**this.invId = invoice.Id;**
**createInvLines({ lstConIds : this.selectedRecords, invoiceId : this.invId})**
}).catch(error => {
...some codes here...
public static void createInvLines(list<Id> lstConIds, string invoiceId){
if(lstConIds.size() > 0){
List<OpportunityLine__c> oppLst = new List<OpportunityLine__c>([SELECT Id, Description__c FROM OpportunityLine__c WHERE Id = :lstConIds]);
try {
List<InvoiceLine__c> lstInvLinesToInsert = new List<InvoiceLine__c>();
for(OpportunityLine__c idCon : oppLst) {
lstInvLinesToInsert.add(new InvoiceLine__c(**InvoiceId__c = invoiceId**, Description__c = idCon.Description__c));
if(!lstInvLinesToInsert.isEmpty()) {
insert lstInvLinesToInsert;
catch(Exception ex) {
throw new AuraHandledException(ex.getMessage());
Yes, you can pass complex parameters to methods marked as #AuraEnabled. On client side it'll be a JSON object with right field names, like you already have { lstConIds : this.selectedRecords, invoiceId : this.invId}. On Apex side it can be a function with multiple arguments or just 1 argument (some helper wrapper class, again with right field names). Salesforce will "unpack" that JSON for you and put into right fields before your code is called.
Your preference which would be cleaner. I tend to use wrappers. If you have a reusable service-like function and you want to add some optional parameters later - you'd simply put new field in wrapper class and job done. Might be not as easy to add a new parameter to function used in other apex code, bit messier.
(in your scenario I'd definitely try to create invoice and line items as 1 call so if anything fails - the normal transaction rollback will help you. if one of items fails - you don't want to be left with just invoice header, right?)
Have you seen ? it's a wall of text but it mentions interesting example, search for "apexImperativeMethodWithParams" in there.
Look at JS file here:
And see how it calls
ApexTypesController {
public static String checkApexTypes(CustomWrapper wrapper) {
Where CustomWrapper is
public with sharing class CustomWrapper {
class InnerWrapper {
public Integer someInnerInteger { get; set; }
public String someInnerString { get; set; }
public Integer someInteger { get; set; }
public String someString { get; set; }
public List<InnerWrapper> someList { get; set; }
The issue is that the inserts are asynchronous and you are firing them synchronously. So, that means you are trying to insert the lines before the parent record has completed.
.then(invoice => {
**this.invId = invoice.Id;**
// Call the next function here
**createInvLines({ lstConIds : this.selectedRecords, invoiceId : this.invId})**
.then(result => {
...some codes here...
.catch(error => {
...some codes here...

CefSharp - Invalid (?) data returned from the C# method to JS

I have a problem with the data returned from C # to JS. CefSharp configuration:
CefSharpSettings.WcfEnabled = true;
CefSharpSettings.LegacyJavascriptBindingEnabled = true;
browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("")
Dock = DockStyle.Fill
SM = new ScriptManager(browser);
browser.RegisterAsyncJsObject("external", SM); //"Support" for C# methods from JavaScript
I am trying to call the C# method from JS:
var UserID_array = window.external.loadUsrIDs(usr_names); //usr_name -> array of user names
In C# the declaration of method is as follows:
class ScriptManager
public int[] loadUsrIDs(object usr_names = null) //by default if usr_names == null then return all user IDs
...//reading the database
return id_users.ToArray(); //from List<int> to int[]
Unfortunately, instead of the Int array (int[]) I always get the following value ([object Promise]) - test code:
var UserID_array = window.external.loadUsrIDs(usr_names);
alert(UserID_array); //alert - only for tests
//Alert function always return value: **[object Promise]**
How do I get access to the returned data by C# method in JS?
try using
var UserID_array = await window.external.loadUsrIDs(usr_names);
You need to wait for the response.
Once you have called your C# function, assign the results to a variable (like you already have done).
Then use the then(success,failure) feature to consume the data.
var UserID_array = window.external.loadUsrIDs(usr_names);
function(result) {
}, function (err) {
This makes your page far more responsive allowing the UI to continue to respond to your users while waiting for your data.

Suppress proxy generation for some hubs or methods

I'm starting out with SignalR and I have a situation where I'm going to have a SignalR site that will be broadcasting messages to clients, but I also need an admin interface that will actually trigger those messages. The admin page will call server side methods that will, in turn, call client side Javascript methods for regular users. So I'm thinking I can either set up two separate hubs (one for admin, one for everybody else) or I can have methods in a single hub that can only be called by the admin that will check authorization.
But in addition to the authorization, I'd like to have SignalR not include admin methods or an admin hub in the generated Javascript proxy classes so that I'm not advertising their existence (again - this is NOT the only security, I will be checking authorization). Is there an attribute or property I can set on individual hubs or on methods within a hub that will suppress them from being included in the proxy (but still have them callable from Javascript)? I know you can set EnableJavaScriptProxies to false in your HubConfiguration, but that seems to be global and I'd like to keep the proxy for the stuff I do want the regular client to be using.
There is one trick using interfaces. As proxy will generate only public methods in proxy, you can create hub using interface like this:
public class MyHub : Hub, IMyHub
void IMyHub.NotGeneratedOnClient()
public void GeneratedOnClient()
NotGeneratedOnClient method will not be visible if you use object of type MyHub, you can access it only using interface. As method is not public proxy generator is not going to add it to client proxy
We don't have a way of excluding specific methods from the proxy today. You'd have to re-implement your own proxy generator that basically does what we do in our default impl but has knowledge of some attribute to skip generation of specific methods.
We can conceivable add this in a future version of SignalR. File an issue on github if you feel strongly about having this.
Here's the default implementation (it would have been easier if we made more methods virtual and non static).
Here is a modified DefaultJavaScriptProxyGenerator with the following changes:
It will exclude functions from Javascript proxy generation with a new [HubMethodExcludeFromProxy] attribute.
The private static functions have changed to protected virtual for future derivatives.
The GenerateProxy( ) function has an overload to include DocComments, but that was not caching the results like the non DocComments version. Now they both cache.
Two resources, Resources.DynamicComment_CallsMethodOnServerSideDeferredPromise and Resources.DynamicComment_ServerSideTypeIs were private to another assembly, so to get things to compile, I copied the text from the resource file directly. These two resources are only used if DocComments is true.
All of the DefaultJavaScriptProxyGenerator references were changed to CustomJavaScriptProxyGenerator except for one, which is used to locate the resource script Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Scripts.hubs.js, located in a different assembly.
First, you will need to update the dependency resolver to use the new CustomJavaScriptProxyGenerator for the IJavaScriptProxyGenerator interface. If you are using the default resolver, you can set up a custom resolver like this:
new HubConfiguration() {
Resolver = new CustomDependencyResolver()
And here is a custom resolver that derives from the DefaultDependecyResolver:
namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR
public class CustomDependencyResolver : DefaultDependencyResolver
MyDependencyResolver() : base()
var proxyGenerator = new Lazy(() => new CustomJavaScriptProxyGenerator(this));
Register(typeof(IJavaScriptProxyGenerator), () => proxyGenerator.Value);
And finally, here is the new CustomJavaScriptProxyGenerator.cs file (the HubMethodExcludeFromProxyAttribute class is at the bottom):
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
// Mods by Brain2000
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Json;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs
public class CustomJavaScriptProxyGenerator : IJavaScriptProxyGenerator
protected static readonly Lazy _templateFromResource = new Lazy(GetTemplateFromResource);
protected static readonly Type[] _numberTypes = new[] { typeof(byte), typeof(short), typeof(int), typeof(long), typeof(float), typeof(decimal), typeof(double) };
protected static readonly Type[] _dateTypes = new[] { typeof(DateTime), typeof(DateTimeOffset) };
protected const string ScriptResource = "Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Scripts.hubs.js";
protected readonly IHubManager _manager;
protected readonly IJavaScriptMinifier _javaScriptMinifier;
protected readonly Lazy _generatedTemplate;
protected readonly Lazy _generatedTemplateWithComments;
public CustomJavaScriptProxyGenerator(IDependencyResolver resolver) :
public CustomJavaScriptProxyGenerator(IHubManager manager, IJavaScriptMinifier javaScriptMinifier)
_manager = manager;
_javaScriptMinifier = javaScriptMinifier ?? NullJavaScriptMinifier.Instance;
_generatedTemplate = new Lazy(() => GenerateProxy(_manager, _javaScriptMinifier, includeDocComments: false));
_generatedTemplateWithComments = new Lazy(() => GenerateProxy(_manager, _javaScriptMinifier, includeDocComments: true));
public string GenerateProxy(string serviceUrl)
serviceUrl = JavaScriptEncode(serviceUrl);
return _generatedTemplate.Value.Replace("{serviceUrl}", serviceUrl);
public string GenerateProxy(string serviceUrl, bool includeDocComments)
if (!includeDocComments) return GenerateProxy(serviceUrl); //use the includeDocComments: false cached version
serviceUrl = JavaScriptEncode(serviceUrl);
return _generatedTemplateWithComments.Value.Replace("{serviceUrl}", serviceUrl);
protected virtual string GenerateProxy(IHubManager hubManager, IJavaScriptMinifier javaScriptMinifier, bool includeDocComments)
string script = _templateFromResource.Value;
var hubs = new StringBuilder();
var first = true;
foreach (var descriptor in hubManager.GetHubs().OrderBy(h => h.Name))
if (!first)
hubs.Append(" ");
GenerateType(hubManager, hubs, descriptor, includeDocComments);
first = false;
if (hubs.Length > 0)
script = script.Replace("/*hubs*/", hubs.ToString());
return javaScriptMinifier.Minify(script);
protected virtual void GenerateType(IHubManager hubManager, StringBuilder sb, HubDescriptor descriptor, bool includeDocComments)
// Get only actions with minimum number of parameters.
var methods = GetMethods(hubManager, descriptor);
var hubName = GetDescriptorName(descriptor);
sb.AppendFormat(" proxies['{0}'] = this.createHubProxy('{1}'); ", hubName, hubName).AppendLine();
sb.AppendFormat(" proxies['{0}'].client = {{ }};", hubName).AppendLine();
sb.AppendFormat(" proxies['{0}'].server = {{", hubName);
bool first = true;
foreach (var method in methods)
if (!first)
GenerateMethod(sb, method, includeDocComments, hubName);
first = false;
sb.Append(" }");
protected virtual string GetDescriptorName(Descriptor descriptor)
if (descriptor == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("descriptor");
string name = descriptor.Name;
// If the name was not specified then do not camel case
if (!descriptor.NameSpecified)
name = JsonUtility.CamelCase(name);
return name;
protected virtual IEnumerable GetMethods(IHubManager manager, HubDescriptor descriptor)
return from method in manager.GetHubMethods(descriptor.Name).Where(md => md.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(a => (a.GetType() == typeof(HubMethodExcludeFromProxyAttribute))) == null)
group method by method.Name into overloads
let oload = (from overload in overloads
orderby overload.Parameters.Count
select overload).FirstOrDefault()
orderby oload.Name
select oload;
protected virtual void GenerateMethod(StringBuilder sb, MethodDescriptor method, bool includeDocComments, string hubName)
var parameterNames = method.Parameters.Select(p => p.Name).ToList();
sb.AppendFormat(" {0}: function ({1}) {{", GetDescriptorName(method), Commas(parameterNames)).AppendLine();
if (includeDocComments)
sb.AppendFormat(" /// Calls the {0} method on the server-side {1} hub.\nReturns a jQuery.Deferred() promise.", method.Name, method.Hub.Name).AppendLine();
var parameterDoc = method.Parameters.Select(p => String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, " /// Server side type is {2}", p.Name, MapToJavaScriptType(p.ParameterType), p.ParameterType)).ToList();
if (parameterDoc.Any())
sb.AppendLine(String.Join(Environment.NewLine, parameterDoc));
sb.AppendFormat(" return proxies['{0}'].invoke.apply(proxies['{0}'], $.merge([\"{1}\"], $.makeArray(arguments)));", hubName, method.Name).AppendLine();
sb.Append(" }");
protected virtual string MapToJavaScriptType(Type type)
if (!type.IsPrimitive && !(type == typeof(string)))
return "Object";
if (type == typeof(string))
return "String";
if (_numberTypes.Contains(type))
return "Number";
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
return "Array";
if (_dateTypes.Contains(type))
return "Date";
return String.Empty;
protected virtual string Commas(IEnumerable values)
return Commas(values, v => v);
protected virtual string Commas(IEnumerable values, Func selector)
return String.Join(", ", values.Select(selector));
protected static string GetTemplateFromResource()
//this must remain "DefaultJavaScriptProxyGenerator" because the resource "Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Scripts.hubs.js" lives there
using (Stream resourceStream = typeof(DefaultJavaScriptProxyGenerator).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(ScriptResource))
var reader = new StreamReader(resourceStream);
return reader.ReadToEnd();
protected virtual string JavaScriptEncode(string value)
value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value);
// Remove the quotes
return value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class HubMethodExcludeFromProxyAttribute : Attribute
Now all you need to do is all a decorator to your hub methods, such as:
public class MyHub : Hub
public void NotGeneratedOnClient()
public void GeneratedOnClient()
EDIT : There is an issue with dependency injection where if you have two different instances of a resolver, one in the GlobalHost.DependencyResolver and one in the Signalr configuration, it will cause remote methods to sometimes not work. Here is the fix:
//use only !ONE! instance of the resolver, or remote SignalR functions may not run!
var resolver = new CustomDependencyResolver();
GlobalHost.Configuration.DependencyResolver = resolver;
new HubConfiguration() {
Resolver = resolver;

Phonegap app SQLite db initial set up

What are the best practices to build an app's database schema on first execution?
In other words what I am trying to find out is:
SQLite does not support comma separated queries to be executed as a one statement batch. How to replace that so that the code stays future proof? (I don't see myself putting all the create statements in tx.executeSQL("") chained sequentially it would turn my code into a horrible piece of cr*p).
What I do, in native code as well as in Sencha/Phonegap is to use a DatabaseHelper Class that I refer to. In that class you can see the version of the Database with :
public DataBaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DB_NAME, null, 2);
this.myContext = context;
public void createDataBase() throws IOException {
boolean dbExist = checkDataBase();
if (dbExist) {
// do nothing - database already exist
int cVersion = myDataBase.getVersion();
if(cVersion != 2){
onUpgrade(myDataBase, myDataBase.getVersion(), 2);}
} ....}
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
catch(Exception e){}
private boolean checkDataBase() {
SQLiteDatabase checkDB = null;
try {
String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
checkDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
} catch (SQLiteException e) {
// database does't exist yet.
if (checkDB != null) {
return checkDB != null ? true : false;
Although this is tedious it keeps your database future proof and the query is called at run time. This covers both your needs.
I hope this helps :)

Save data to ViewState

I can tried save some data to ViewState, but i get this Error:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Error serializing value 'HeRMeSSAAS.BussinesProcess.BussinesServices.CandidateService' of type 'HeRMeSSAAS.BussinesProcess.BussinesServices.CandidateService.'
private IActionService ActionService
return ViewState["ActionService"] as IActionService;
ViewState["ActionService"] = value;
private void InitializeField(IActionService service)
ActionService = service;
How i can store value to ViewState?
s your HeRMeSSAAS.BussinesProcess.BussinesServices.CandidateService decorated with the Serializable attribute?
public class CandidateService
if this is not a very simple class I would also recommend storing it in the Session rather than the ViewState as it will take longer for the page to download and render
you need the [Serializable] Attribute on top of your business object.

