Assign new name to object's key in an array of objects - javascript

In a Grid, records are fetched from API and displayed. It also has certain input fields, with text and date field. While inputting data for date its getting displayed two times, as seen in the console, the data from JSON is as est: 10/20/2022 but I want to display it as Establish: 10/20/2022. What modifications could be made in the code? Please refer to code below.
//Here 'allData' is an array of data from JSON
const tempData = allData; => {
if ( === { = data.textVal;
// Here I'm trying to assign new key 'Establish' to old key 'est'
if ( === {
x["est"] = x["Establish"];
x.Establish = data.dateVal;
Please refer to codesandbox link -->

Give this a whirl
if( === {
delete Object.assign(x, {['Establish']: x['est'] })['est'];

I think your way works but if you want another way so you can create a new property by using:
Object.defineProperty(x, "Establish", Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(x, "est"));


How to assign new key name to an object in an array of data?

In a React project, I've certain number of records which also contain input fields like Date and Text components in a Grid. I'm processing the date and text values in save function. All the records are fetched from JSON data, while saving date values its assigned to new key object but new one isn't getting updated with the old one. I have seen many similar posts but, none useful. Please refer to the code below:
Following is the function where I'm extracting both text and date values
const updateGrid = (data) => {
if (Array.isArray(allData) && allData?.length > 0) {
const tempData = allData;> {
if( === { = data.textVal
// Here I'm assigning the 'Establish' value with 'est'
if( === {
x['est'] = x['Establish']
x.Establish = data.dateVal
console.log('tempdataNew', dataAll)
As you can see from above picture, we have two keys, 'est' and 'Establish', but, I need only 'Establish', also getting undefined on 'name' when changed date value and vice-versa. What could be the best optimal solution to tackle this issue?
Please refer to Codesandbox -->

unable to remove an object from localStorage using its id

function removeLocalStorageHelper(item, pizzaId) {
if (item.productID == pizzaId) {
console.log("Working fine");
function removeFromLocalStorage(pizzaId) {
var locStore = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("selectedProduct"));
var cartRowContents = =>
removeLocalStorageHelper(item, pizzaId)
Whenever the user clicks on "Remove" button, removeFromLocalStorage() function is called which receives a number type variable pizzaId. Now, this pizzaId is stored in the localStorage and I want to remove the object associated with this pizzaId from my localStorage.
Please help me to remove an object from localStorage using productID.
You can't directly remove an item from the stored array. For that you need to remove the intended element from array and insert again to localStorage like below. Otherwise it'll remove complete list from localStorage.
Note: You need to do the same wile adding new item to the localStorage.
function removeFromLocalStorage(pizzaId) {
var locStore = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("selectedProduct"));
var cartRowContents = locStore.filter((item) => item.productID !== pizzaId);
localStorage.setItem("selectedProduct", JSON.stringify(cartRowContents))
As I reivew your code, I see that you are retrieving the item from localStorage like this localStorage.getItem("selectedProduct") The question here is do you want to remove the entire locStore or just a part of it. Maybe locStore is a complex collection (array) from multiple products and not a single entity as this code hints
var cartRowContents = =>
removeLocalStorageHelper(item, pizzaId));
If this is the case you need to do something like this
var locStore = locStore.filter(function(item, index){
return item.productID != pizzaId;
Now you have a locStore collection without the item you want to remove and you have to save it back to localStorage like this
localStorage.setItem('selectedProduct', JSON.stringify(locStore));
Essentially you are overriding the old selectedProduct value in localStorage with a new one that does not contain the removed product.
If for some reason locStore is just a simple JSON object that you want to remove you can do this to delete it from localStorage
Well, if you just need to remove the selectedProduct, you can do it like this:

Check whether the same value is existing in array of objects in React [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 3 years ago.
Improve this question
I have inputs and a data table. When user fill the inputs and click add button, those new values add to the table. But user can not add same values if the value is already added to the table (same dates and value). Please find the screenshot below.
I have no idea how to do this. I found Set method but it's not working as I expected.
serviceFeeTableData array stores the table data values as objects.
this.state = {
periodFrom: new Date(),
periodTo: new Date(),
serviceFeeType: 'Percentage',
serviceFee: '',
refundableStatus: 'Refundable',
serviceFeeTableData: []
Add button function
addNewServiceFee = () => {
let resultData = [...this.state.serviceFeeTableData]
let result = Array.from(new Set(resultData))
return alert('Error! You have already added this value', result)
I need to check periodFrom date, periodTo date and serviceFee value is existing in the table record ( in the objecs of serviceFeeTableData ). If user already added that record to table, I need to show a error message. User can't add same exact record again and again. Only one serviceFee can add for the particular time period.
Input field values which is user entered, set to state.
addNewServiceFee function will take the state values and assign them to array as an object. I didn't add the code because of keep the code simple.
You can use the Array includes method if it's not nested object. Eg
var array1 = [1, 2, 3];
//return true
If its nested object :
function checkObjectExist(obj, list) {
return list.some(elem => elem === obj) //condition to check exist or not
Note : You have not clearly mentioned what data you want to check. I am assuming id here. So the code should be like this :
addNewServiceFee = (e) => {
let resultData = [...this.state.serviceFeeTableData]
let checkIsExist = resultData.some(data => === "testingcondition");
let result = resultData.filter(data => === "testingcondition");
return alert('Error! You have already added this value', result)
Looping the array and find whether same values are there. If not, add the new record. If yes, notify an error.
let dateFormat = require('dateformat');
for (let a = 0; a < serviceFeeTableData.length; a++) {
let periodFrom = dateFormat(new Date(serviceFeeTableData[a].periodFrom), 'dd-mmm-yyyy')
let periodTo = dateFormat(new Date(serviceFeeTableData[a].periodTo), 'dd-mmm-yyyy')
if (periodFrom === obj1.periodFrom && periodTo === obj1.periodTo) {
statedate = false;
if (statedate) {
} else {
this.notifyError("Selected dates are overlapping with the existing periods. Please select a different period.");

Delete Session Storage - Shopping Cart Project

I hope this is a good question. I am working on a shopping cart project. I have been scouring the internet through different tutorials on shopping carts. I am attempting to write mine in Vanilla Javascript. I am having a problem with removing shopping cart items from session storage.
Below is what is currently in my session storage. As you can see it is an Array of objects.
min.JPG","qty":"1"},{"id":"4","name":"Hand That
I want to loop through the array and remove the matching object from the cart storage.
Below is the JS Code used to generate the .remove-from-cart buttons. As you can see it includes all the dataset information.
<span class="remove-from-cart">
<b data-id="${}" data-name="${}" data-
price="${value.price}" data-image="${value.image}" data-
To test the functionality of what I have done so far you can visit
The function that I can't get to work properly is the removeFromStorage() function. For some reason when comparing an object to the objects in the array I'm never getting back a true boolean value, even when there are items in the cart that should match. Where am I going wrong? I hope someone can help. Below is a copy of my JS code.
The method I am using is having an identical dataset value in the remove item button generated by JS and then parsing that dataset into an object and comparing it to the objects in the session storage array which is called shopItems inside the removeFromStorage() function. I hope this information is enough for someone to see my problem. Thank you in advance.
// Remove item from DOM
function removeFromCart(e) {
if('remove-from-cart')) {
//Remove from DOM;
//Remove from Session Storage
// remove from Session storage
function removeFromStorage(removedItem){
let shopItems;
if(sessionStorage['sc'] == null){
shopItems = [];
} else {
shopItems = JSON.parse(sessionStorage['sc'].toString());
var compare = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(removedItem))
shopItems.forEach(function(item, index){
if(compare === item){
// shopItems.splice(index, 1);
sessionStorage['sc'] = JSON.stringify(shopItems);
You can not compare objects like this.
let a = {p:1};
let b = {p:1};
console.log(`a ===b ? ${a===b}`);
If your objects are fairly simple you can try comparing their stringify representation:
let a = {p:1};
let b = {p:1};
const compare = (x,y) => {
return JSON.stringify(x) === JSON.stringify(y);
console.log(`a === b ? ${compare(a,b)}`);
or write your custom compare function (that may be challenging):
Compare JavaScript objects
Since your objects are decorated with an id, the easisest way would be to idntify them by that:
let storage = [{"id":"8","name":"Candy Skull", "price":"20000","image":"../images/candyskull- min.JPG","qty":"1"},{"id":"5","name":"Upsidedown House","price":"20000","image":"../images/upsidedownhouse- min.JPG","qty":"1"},{"id":"6","name":"Brooklyn Window","price":"30000","image":"../images/brooklynwindow- min.JPG","qty":"1"},{"id":"4","name":"Hand That Feeds","price":"40000","image":"../images/handthatfeeds- min.JPG","qty":"1"}];
let items = [{"id":"6","name":"Brooklyn Window","price":"30000","image":"../images/brooklynwindow- min.JPG","qty":"1"}, {"id":"5","name":"Upsidedown House","price":"20000","image":"../images/upsidedownhouse- min.JPG","qty":"1"}];
const pluck = (acc, crt) => {
return acc;
let storageIndexes = storage.reduce(pluck, []);
let itemsIndexes = items.reduce(pluck, []);
let removeIndexes = [];
itemsIndexes.forEach(id => removeIndexes.push(storageIndexes.indexOf(id)));
console.log('storage', storage);
console.log('removed items', items);
removeIndexes.sort().reverse().forEach(index => storage.splice(index,1));
console.log('remaining storage', storage);

how to print a javascript object's elements

i am new to javascript and i currently have an object printed to console when i use the following code:
clickEvents: {
click:function(target) {
when i view console i can see the following object:
i am banging my head against a wall to write code that takes the object and prints it to a div using the .append() method. i am extermely new to working with javascript objects, and would appreciate any help trying to tease out an object and/or print the object data.
is events the object name? would i tease out the eventDate using something like events->eventDate?
I've made this over ~15 minutes so it's imperfect; there are types and edge cases surely unaccounted for and the design of the function could be better - not to mention that performing all of this as a giant string and then setting that as HTML is likely bad practice (I'm used to React now, ha!). Regardless, this will iterate over any array or object you pass to it and print it all in a big <ul> recursively.
const targetEl = document.querySelector('.js-target')
if (!targetEl) return
// Small helper functions
const isObj = data => typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data) && data !== null
const isArr = data => Array.isArray(data)
const dataToHTML = (data, noNode = false) => {
if (isObj(data)) {
const accumulator = Object.entries(data).reduce((acc, set) => acc + `<li><strong>${set[0]}</strong>: ${dataToHTML(set[1], true)}</li>`, '')
return `<ul>${accumulator}</ul>`
else if (isArr(data)) {
const accumulator = data.reduce((acc, item) => acc + dataToHTML(item), '')
return `<ul>${accumulator}</ul>`
else return noNode ? data : `<li>${data}</li>`
const logHTML = dataToHTML(exampleData)
targetEl.innerHTML = logHTML
Assuming that your data/variable is named exampleData.
Any questions pop them in the comments :-)
I'm not sure if you have a div that you want to append to already, but you would do something like this ->
document.getElementById("toBeAppendedTo").innerHTML =[0].eventDate; where toBeAppendedTo is the id of the div you're trying to add this text to.
append() is a jquery function, not a javascript function.
That won't have any formatting and will just be the string value 07-28-2017 in a div.

