React Hook for a POST call onClick - javascript

I have a button, onClick of that button I want to make a POST call with some data user has filled in an input field, stored in state, and then redirect the user to another page.
My current code looks like this, but I get an error:
React Hook "usePost" is called in function "onAccept" which is neither a React function component or a custom React Hook function
And the code doesn't work. I have created my own hook for POST calls.
What might a way to make the desired functionality work?
What I'm after is the ability to make a POST call and redirect.
Simplified example:
// my function
const onAccept = () => {
const { data, loading, error } = usePost(
if (data && !error) {
// return
<button onClick={() => onAccept()}

Yes, You are calling usePost hook inside of onAccept function. You should follow react hook rule.
To solve your problem, you can do like that:
your custom hook file:
export const usePost = () => {
const [status, setStatus] = useState()
const handlePost = useCallback(async (url, data) => {
// your api request logic in here, bellow only show example
try {
const {data, status} = await apiCall(url, data)
if (data && status === 200) navigate(`/`)
} catch (error) {
}, [])
return { handlePost }
// to return status to component, you can use bellow.
// return { status, handlePost }
then your component:
const YourComponent: React.FC = () => {
const { handlePost } = usePost()
// To get status: const { status, handlePost } = usePost()
// your other hooks in here
// Check status
useEffect(() => {
if (status === 200) {
// whatever you want to do
}, [status])
return (
// Your component UI here
<button onClick={() => handlePost(url, data)}>
You should call your custom hooks(for example: usePost) at the top level of component, not nested function body as like as you were doing in your code (onAccept function body).

I can suggest you do the following.
At first, you should create fetch function which will be returned from usePost hook.
export const usePost = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
const [data, setData] = useState([])
const fetch = () => {
url: 'my_url',
method: 'GET',
}).then(response => {
}).catch(e => {
return {
After all, you can call this hook in your component. It will return fetch function. You should call fetch inside onAccept.
const { data, loading, fetch } = usePost()
const onAccept = () => {
// return
<button onClick={() => onAccept()}
PS. if you need you can return errors from usePost hook, as well.

First, call you hook from React Function. Read the docs:
Second, you should have some sort of load method in your usePost hook, e.g.: const { load } = usePost(...), in order to make POST request on click.
So your handler will look like:
const onAccept = () => {
// the following block move somewhere before you render the component or better use useEffect hook for that
// if (data && !error) {
// navigate(`/`);
// }
I hope this will help.


Is it possible to fetch API without useEffect in React JS?

Hello i'm newbie here...
I found my friend's code when he using useState instead of using useEffect to fetch the API.
I tried it and it worked, the code didn't cause an error and infinite loops.
here is for the code
import { useState } from "react";
import { IN_THEATER, POSTER } from "../../../constant/movies";
import { GlobalGet } from "../../../utilities/fetch";
const Service = () => {
const [movieData, setMovieData] = useState({ data: null, poster: null });
const fetchMovieData = async () => {
try {
let movieRes = await GlobalGet({ url: `${IN_THEATER}` });
return movieRes;
} catch (error) {
const fetchPoster = async () => {
try {
let posterRes = await GlobalGet({ url: `${POSTER}` });
return posterRes;
} catch (error) {
const fetchData = async () => {
data: await fetchMovieData(),
poster: await fetchPoster(),
useState(() => { //<=here it is
}, []);
return {
export default Service;
And my question is, why it could be happen ? why using useState there doesn't cause an infinite loops ?
The useState() function can accept an initializer function as its first argument:
const [state, setState] = useState(initializerFunction)
When a function is passed to useState(), that function is only called once before the component initially mounts. In your case below, the initializer function is an anonymous arrow function:
useState(() => { // <-- Initializer function invoked once
}, []);
Here, the initializer function is () => { fetchData(); }, which is invoked once before the initial mount, so the fetchData() method is only called once. The array that is passed as the second argument [] is useless and doesn't do anything in this case as it's ignored by useState(). The above useState would behave the same if you did useState(fetchData);. Because fetchData() is only called once on the initial mount, any state updates of your component don't cause the fetchData() function to execute again as it's within the initializer function.
With that said, useState() shouldn't be used for fetching data on mount of your component, that's what useEffect() should be used for instead.
Generally it's possible to fetch data from outside of the useEffect hook.
Somewhere in the body of your component...
const [fetchedData, setFetchedData] = useState(false)
const someFetchFunc = asyunc (url) => {
const res = await fetch(url)
const data = await res.json()
!fetchedData && someFetchFunc()
But this is an antipattern. In this case developer lacks a whole toolset of dealing with possible issues. What if fetching fails?
So, it's generally a good idea to handle all the side effects like fetching in a place that was intended for that. It's useEffect hook)

React: ES2020 dynamic import in useEffect blocks rendering

From what I understand, async code inside useEffect runs without blocking the rendering process. So if I have a component like this:
const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const log = () => console.log("window loaded");
window.addEventListener("load", log);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("load", log);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const getData = async () => {
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();
}, []);
return null;
The console output is (in order):
window loaded
However if I use ES2020 dynamic import inside the useEffect:
const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const log = () => console.log("window loaded");
window.addEventListener("load", log);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("load", log);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
const getData = async () => {
const data = await import("./data.json");
}, []);
return null;
The output is (in order):
window loaded
This is a problem because when data.json is very large, the browser hangs while importing the large file before React renders anything.
All the necessary and useful information is in Terry's comments. here is the implementation of what you want according to the comments:
First goal:
I would like to import the data after window has loaded for SEO reasons.
Second goal:
In my case the file I'm trying to dynamically import is actually a function that requires a large dataset. And I want to run this function whenever some state has changed so that's why I put it in a useEffect hook.
Let's do it
You can create a function to get the data as you created it as getData with useCallback hook to use it anywhere without issue.
import React, {useEffect, useState, useCallback} from 'react';
function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState({});
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
const getData = useCallback(async () => {
try {
const result = await import('./data.json');
} catch (error) {
// do a proper action for failure case
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
getData().then(() => console.log('data loaded successfully'));
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('load', () => {
console.log('page unmounted');
}, [getData]);
useEffect(() => {
if (counter) {
getData().then(() => console.log('re load data after the counter state get change'));
}, [getData, counter]);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCounter((prevState) => prevState + 1)}>Increase Counter</button>
export default App;
With component did mount, the event listener will load the data.json on 'load' event. So far, the first goal has been met.
I use a sample and simple counter to demonstrate change in the state and reload data.json scenario. Now, with every change on counter value, the getData function will call because the second useEffect has the counter in its array of dependencies. Now the second goal has been met.
Note: The if block in the second useEffect prevent the getData calling after the component did mount and first invoking of useEffect
Note: Don't forget to use the catch block for failure cases.
Note: I set the result of getData to the data state, you might do a different approach for this result, but the other logics are the same.

Custom react hook with useeffect, cant use in non-component function

I made a custom react hook, which has a useEffect and, for now, returns a set of different states. It's a hook for axios, and the gist of it is this:
export default function useAxios({ url, data = {}, method = "GET"} ) {
var [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
var [data, setData] = useState(null)
useEffect(function() {
(async function() {
// do axios request and set loading and data states
return () => // cleanup function that cancels axios request
}, [])
return {
Now, in a simple component I can easily use this custom hook - but my question is: What if I want to use my hook inside an event handler, say:
export default MyComponent() {
function handleSubmit(e) {
var { data } = useAxios({
url: "/my-end-point",
data: {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" name="testInput" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Problem is my useAxios hook has a useEffect, and so I cannot use it inside a non-component function, i.e. handleSubmit. So what is the work around? Is there even one? Thanks in advance.
As to React's
Only Call Hooks from React Functions, you should always:
✅ Call Hooks from React function components.
✅ Call Hooks from custom Hooks.
Fail to satisfy these two rules leads to unexpected render result out of React.
With those rules in mind, you should return a submitHanlder from react hook instead of just passing the hook function into another component as a callback function.
I might guess that your intention is to trigger the axios request on the submit event. If so, it is possible to achieve that without passing whole hook into event handler.
First of all, as the rules say, you have to make sure your hook got called in every render. So the MyComponent can be rewrite in the below way:
export default function MyComponent() {
var startRequest = useAxios({url: "/my-end-point"}) //<---- useAxios now returns the startRequest function, and will always be called on every render
return (
<form onSubmit={(e) => {
startRequest({testInput:}) // <----- call your startRequest here in the submit hanlder
.then(data => {
//process your data here
<input type="text" name="testInput" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Please note that now the hook returns a function startRequest which you can put in your handler, and trigger that handler any time appropriated.
And rearrange your hook's code like below:
export function useAxios({ url, method = "GET"} ) {
var [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
// <------ no setData here
var startRequest = async function(body = {}) { // <------ Move your input here
// do axios request and set loading and data states
await data =
return data // <------- return data as promise
var cancelRequest = () => // cleanup function that cancels axios request
useEffect(function() {
return cancelRequest
}, []) // useEffect only helps your cancel request on unmounted.
return startRequest
The useEffect now only helps you cleanup axios request without the need to start one, since firing a request should be an event handler's job.
And since the data return by axios is in a promise, you don't need to explicitly setData to store your response data so I removed the line of useState(null).
I would take a look at popular libraries like SWR (useSWR) and apollo-client (useQuery). They're approach is something like this when making get requests
const MyComponent = () => {
const [shouldSkip, setShouldSkip] = useState(true);
const queryResult = useQuery('my-url', {skip: shouldSkip});
const handleSubmit = () => {
// this will cause the component to rerender, and skip will now be false
When making post requests, its something like this:
const MyComponent = () => {
//useMutation returns a callable function whenever you want
const callFunction = useMutation('my-url');
const handleSubmit = () => {
await callFunction()
You can also take a look at axios-specific hooks like, another common pattern they use is to include a refetch function as a result of the hook, that can be called at anytime (like in an event handler)
The point of the hook is not to make the request for you, the point of the hook is to communicate the internal state of stuff (the axios request, in your case) to the component, so that you can render stuff based around that state (like loading states, or the data).
In your case, you can change the value of the query based on the component state, and have the hook return the data to the component based on its parameters. Something like this:
const useAxios = ({ query }) => {
var [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
var [data, setData] = useState(null)
useEffect(function () {
(async function () {
// do axios request and set loading and data states
const request = await axios.get('endpoint', { query })
return () => { }// cleanup function that cancels axios request
}, [])
return {
const Component = () => {
const [query, setQuery] = useState('')
const { loading, data } = useAxios({ query });
const submitHandler = (event) => { setQuery( }
return (
<form onSubmit={submitHandler}>
<input name="testInput" />
<input type="submit" />
{loading && (
<>a spinner</>
{data && (
<DataRenderer data={data} />

How do deal with React hooks returning stale event handlers

I'm trying to figure out how to deal with stale event handlers returned by a hook. First when the component is first rendered, it makes a an asynchronous request to api to fetch credentials. Then these credentials are used when pressing a submit button in a dialog to create a resource. The problem is the credentials for the dialog submit button click event handler are undefined even after the credentials have been fetched.
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { api } from './api';
export const useCredentials = (setCredentials) => {
useEffect(() => {
const asyncGetCredentials = async () => {
const result = await api.getCredentials();
if (result) {
}, []);
return credentials;
import { useEffect, useRef, useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import { useCredentials } from './credentials';
import { createResource } from './resources';
import { useDialog } from './useDialog';
export const useComponent = () => {
const { closeDialog } = useDialog();
const [credentials, setCredentials] = useState();
const credentialsRef = useRef(credentials);
useEffect(() => {
// logs credentials properly after they have been fetched
credentialsRef.current = credentials;
}, [credentials]);
const createResourceUsingCredentials = useCallback(
async function () {
// credentials and credentialsRef.current are both undefined
// even when the function is called after the credentials
// have already been fetched.
}, [credentials, credentialsRef, credentialsRef.current]
const onDialogSubmit = useCallback(
async function () {
await createResourceUsingCredentials();
}, [
return {
Try this way
export const useCredentials = (setCredentials) => {
useEffect(() => {
const asyncGetCredentials = async () => {
const result = await api.getCredentials();
if (result) {
}, []);
export const useComponent = () => {
const { closeDialog } = useDialog();
const [credentials, setCredentials] = useState(); // new add
Why are you adding complexity, always return function and check inside the function for credentials
export const useComponent = () => {
const { closeDialog } = useDialog();
const credentials = useCredentials();
// correctly logs undefined at first and updated credentials
// when they are asynchronously received from the api.
async function createResourceUsingCredentials() {
let onClickDialogSubmit = async () => {
if (credentials) {
await createResourceUsingCredentials();
return {
I found the problem was in the useCredentials hook implementation. It blocks any further requests for credentials to the api if a request is already in flight. Due to poor implementation of this functionality, if more than 1 component using that hook was rendered, only the component that was rendered first got updated credentials. I changed the useCredentials hooks so that it subscribes to the global state (that has the credentials) so that no matter which component starts the request, all components will get the credentials when the request finishes. helped a lot with debugging this issue.

React Hooks - Making an Ajax request

I have just began playing around with React hooks and am wondering how an AJAX request should look?
I have tried many attempts, but am unable to get it to work, and also don't really know the best way to implement it. Below is my latest attempt:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const App = () => {
const URL = '';
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
const resp = fetch(URL).then(res => {
return (
// display content here
You could create a custom hook called useFetch that will implement the useEffect hook.
If you pass an empty array as the second argument to the useEffect hook will trigger the request on componentDidMount. By passing the url in the array this will trigger this code anytime the url updates.
Here is a demo in code sandbox.
See code below.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const useFetch = (url) => {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
const response = await fetch(url);
const json = await response.json();
}, [url]);
return data;
const App = () => {
const URL = 'http://www.example.json';
const result = useFetch(URL);
return (
Works just fine... Here you go:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const useFetch = url => {
const [data, setData] = useState(null);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const fetchUser = async () => {
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
const [user] = data.results;
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return { data, loading };
const App = () => {
const { data, loading } = useFetch('');
return (
<div className="App">
{loading ? (
) : (
<div className="name">
{} {}
<img className="cropper" src={data.picture.large} alt="avatar" />
Live Demo:
Updated based on version change (thanks #mgol for bringing it to
my attention in the comments).
Great answers so far, but I'll add a custom hook for when you want to trigger a request, because you can do that too.
function useTriggerableEndpoint(fn) {
const [res, setRes] = useState({ data: null, error: null, loading: null });
const [req, setReq] = useState();
async () => {
if (!req) return;
try {
setRes({ data: null, error: null, loading: true });
const { data } = await axios(req);
setRes({ data, error: null, loading: false });
} catch (error) {
setRes({ data: null, error, loading: false });
return [res, (...args) => setReq(fn(...args))];
You can create a function using this hook for a specific API method like so if you wish, but be aware that this abstraction isn't strictly required and can be quite dangerous (a loose function with a hook is not a good idea in case it is used outside of the context of a React component function).
const todosApi = "";
function postTodoEndpoint() {
return useTriggerableEndpoint(data => ({
url: todosApi,
method: "POST",
Finally, from within your function component
const [newTodo, postNewTodo] = postTodoEndpoint();
function createTodo(title, body, userId) {
And then just point createTodo to an onSubmit or onClick handler. newTodo will have your data, loading and error statuses. Sandbox code right here.
use-http is a little react useFetch hook used like:
import useFetch from 'use-http'
function Todos() {
const [todos, setTodos] = useState([])
const { request, response } = useFetch('')
// componentDidMount
useEffect(() => { initializeTodos() }, [])
async function initializeTodos() {
const initialTodos = await request.get('/todos')
if (response.ok) setTodos(initialTodos)
async function addTodo() {
const newTodo = await'/todos', {
title: 'no way',
if (response.ok) setTodos([...todos, newTodo])
return (
<button onClick={addTodo}>Add Todo</button>
{request.error && 'Error!'}
{request.loading && 'Loading...'}
{ => (
<div key={}>{todo.title}</div>
or, if you don't want to manage the state yourself, you can do
function Todos() {
// the dependency array at the end means `onMount` (GET by default)
const { loading, error, data } = useFetch('/todos', [])
return (
{error && 'Error!'}
{loading && 'Loading...'}
{data && => (
<div key={}>{todo.title}</div>
Live Demo
I'd recommend you to use react-request-hook as it covers a lot of use cases (multiple request at same time, cancelable requests on unmounting and managed request states). It is written in typescript, so you can take advantage of this if your project uses typescript as well, and if it doesn't, depending on your IDE you might see the type hints, and the library also provides some helpers to allow you to safely type the payload that you expect as result from a request.
It's well tested (100% code coverage) and you might use it simple as that:
function UserProfile(props) {
const [user, getUser] = useResource((id) => {
url: `/user/${id}`,
method: 'GET'
useEffect(() => getUser(props.userId), []);
if (user.isLoading) return <Spinner />;
return (
image example
Author disclaimer: We've been using this implementation in production. There's a bunch of hooks to deal with promises but there are also edge cases not being covered or not enough test implemented. react-request-hook is battle tested even before its official release. Its main goal is to be well tested and safe to use as we're dealing with one of the most critical aspects of our apps.
Traditionally, you would write the Ajax call in the componentDidMount lifecycle of class components and use setState to display the returned data when the request has returned.
With hooks, you would use useEffect and passing in an empty array as the second argument to make the callback run once on mount of the component.
Here's an example which fetches a random user profile from an API and renders the name.
function AjaxExample() {
const [user, setUser] = React.useState(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
.then(results => results.json())
.then(data => {
}, []); // Pass empty array to only run once on mount.
return <div>
{user ? : 'Loading...'}
ReactDOM.render(<AjaxExample/>, document.getElementById('app'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>
I find many wrong usages of useEffect in the answers above.
An async function shouldn't be passed into useEffect.
Let's see the signature of useEffect:
useEffect(didUpdate, inputs);
You can do side effects in didUpdate function, and return a dispose function. The dispose function is very important, you can use that function to cancel a request, clear a timer etc.
Any async function will return a promise, but not a function, so the dispose function actually takes no effects.
So pass in an async function absolutely can handle your side effects, but is an anti-pattern of Hooks API.
Here's something which I think will work:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const App = () => {
const URL = '';
const [data, setData] = useState({})
useEffect(function () {
const getData = async () => {
const resp = await fetch(URL);
const data = await resp.json();
}, []);
return (
{ data.something ? data.something : 'still loading' }
There are couple of important bits:
The function that you pass to useEffect acts as a componentDidMount which means that it may be executed many times. That's why we are adding an empty array as a second argument, which means "This effect has no dependencies, so run it only once".
Your App component still renders something even tho the data is not here yet. So you have to handle the case where the data is not loaded but the component is rendered. There's no change in that by the way. We are doing that even now.

