Promise.all but in interval, how to achieve it? - javascript

I want to upload 20 photos to imgur at once. But I want to do in certain time gap between each upload. I was using Promise.all([...listof20promises]). But now I want to do api calls in interval of 1 second, and also I should be able to get response in the form of .then((responseArray)=>...) like we get in Promise.all.
How can I achieve it?

Use async/await and a normal loop with a delay between each iterations, for example:
const delay = t => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));
const uploadAll = async files => {
const results = [];
for (const file in files) {
if (results.length) {
await delay(1000); // 1 second
const response = await uploadFile(file);
results.push({ file, response });
return results;
And use it as
uploadAll([ file1, file2, file3, ... ]).then(results => {
// results[0] = { file, response } where file === file1
// results[1] = { file, response } where file === file2
// ...

You can do as follows:
async function upload(files) {
while (files.length) {
await Promise.all(files.splice(0, 20));
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
Remember that splice will mutate your array. If you don't want that, you can use slice like below:
async function upload(files) {
let i = 0;
while (i < files.length) {
await Promise.all(files.slice(i, i += 20));
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

If you want the delay to be between one upload start to the next upload start, you can map the files, use a delay promise (taken from Yanick Rochon's answer) with the index of the current file * 1000 as the timeout, and then call the upload:
const delay = t => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));
const uploadAll = files => Promise.all(, i) =>
delay(i * 1000).then(() => uploadFile(file))
The main difference between Yanick Rochon's answer and mine, is that in his answer the next upload would start 1 second after the previous call ended, while this code would dispatch the calls within 1 second of each other, even if the previous call is still pending.


Wait until promise returns true

I have a database setup with NodeJS and want to wait until certain table is created before start to create any others. This method tableExists resolves with the status being either true/false, but I want it to wait until it's true only.
const checkTableExists = async () => {
const exists = await queryInterface.tableExists('Subjects');
return exists;
How can I force a wait until checkTableExists returns true?
Using setTimeout:
const CHECK_INTERVAL = 200; // every 200ms
const checkTableExists = async () => {
const exists = await queryInterface.tableExists('Subjects');
if (!exists) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => checkTableExists().then(resolve).catch(reject), CHECK_INTERVAL);
return exists;
The solution to something like this is not to keep on waiting. There are other issues that may cause the table not to be created. You may want to adjust the above code to stop checking after it has checked for set number of times, or a duration has passed. Use something reasonable, depending on the environment where your db is running.
Add a delay and repeat:
// Utility function
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const checkTableExists = async () => {
while (true) {
const exists = await queryInterface.tableExists('Subjects');
if (exists) return true;
await delay(10000); // Wait 10 seconds before trying again.
Although this resolves the promise with true, it is actually is not necessary to return a boolean, as the resolving promise is enough as a signal that the table now exists -- true is the only possible outcome when the promise resolves.

How can I add setTimeout() to promise of mapped async API fetch calls? [duplicate]

I have some code that is iterating over a list that was queried out of a database and making an HTTP request for each element in that list. That list can sometimes be a reasonably large number (in the thousands), and I would like to make sure I am not hitting a web server with thousands of concurrent HTTP requests.
An abbreviated version of this code currently looks something like this...
function getCounts() {
return => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
remoteServer.getCount(user) // makes an HTTP request
.then(() => {
/* snip */
Promise.all(getCounts()).then(() => { /* snip */});
This code is running on Node 4.3.2. To reiterate, can Promise.all be managed so that only a certain number of Promises are in progress at any given time?
I have compared promise concurrency limitation with a custom script, bluebird, es6-promise-pool, and p-limit. I believe that p-limit has the most simple, stripped down implementation for this need. See their documentation.
To be compatible with async in example
ECMAScript 2017 (version 8)
Node version > 8.2.1
My Example
In this example, we need to run a function for every URL in the array (like, maybe an API request). Here this is called fetchData(). If we had an array of thousands of items to process, concurrency would definitely be useful to save on CPU and memory resources.
const pLimit = require('p-limit');
// Example Concurrency of 3 promise at once
const limit = pLimit(3);
let urls = [
// Create an array of our promises using map (fetchData() returns a promise)
let promises = => {
// wrap the function we are calling in the limit function we defined above
return limit(() => fetchData(url));
(async () => {
// Only three promises are run at once (as defined above)
const result = await Promise.all(promises);
The console log result is an array of your resolved promises response data.
Using Array.prototype.splice
while (funcs.length) {
// 100 at a time
await Promise.all( funcs.splice(0, 100).map(f => f()) )
Note that Promise.all() doesn't trigger the promises to start their work, creating the promise itself does.
With that in mind, one solution would be to check whenever a promise is resolved whether a new promise should be started or whether you're already at the limit.
However, there is really no need to reinvent the wheel here. One library that you could use for this purpose is es6-promise-pool. From their examples:
var PromisePool = require('es6-promise-pool')
var promiseProducer = function () {
// Your code goes here.
// If there is work left to be done, return the next work item as a promise.
// Otherwise, return null to indicate that all promises have been created.
// Scroll down for an example.
// The number of promises to process simultaneously.
var concurrency = 3
// Create a pool.
var pool = new PromisePool(promiseProducer, concurrency)
// Start the pool.
var poolPromise = pool.start()
// Wait for the pool to settle.
poolPromise.then(function () {
console.log('All promises fulfilled')
}, function (error) {
console.log('Some promise rejected: ' + error.message)
If you know how iterators work and how they are consumed you would't need any extra library, since it can become very easy to build your own concurrency yourself. Let me demonstrate:
/* [Symbol.iterator]() is equivalent to .values()
const iterator = [1,2,3][Symbol.iterator]() */
const iterator = [1,2,3].values()
// loop over all items with for..of
for (const x of iterator) {
console.log('x:', x)
// notices how this loop continues the same iterator
// and consumes the rest of the iterator, making the
// outer loop not logging any more x's
for (const y of iterator) {
console.log('y:', y)
We can use the same iterator and share it across workers.
If you had used .entries() instead of .values() you would have gotten a iterator that yields [index, value] which i will demonstrate below with a concurrency of 2
const sleep = t => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(rs, t))
const iterator = Array.from('abcdefghij').entries()
// const results = [] || Array(someLength)
async function doWork (iterator, i) {
for (let [index, item] of iterator) {
await sleep(1000)
console.log(`Worker#${i}: ${index},${item}`)
// in case you need to store the results in order
// results[index] = item + item
// or if the order dose not mather
// results.push(item + item)
const workers = Array(2).fill(iterator).map(doWork)
// ^--- starts two workers sharing the same iterator
Promise.allSettled(workers).then(console.log.bind(null, 'done'))
The benefit of this is that you can have a generator function instead of having everything ready at once.
What's even more awesome is that you can do stream.Readable.from(iterator) in node (and eventually in whatwg streams as well). and with transferable ReadbleStream, this makes this potential very useful in the feature if you are working with web workers also for performances
Note: the different from this compared to example async-pool is that it spawns two workers, so if one worker throws an error for some reason at say index 5 it won't stop the other worker from doing the rest. So you go from doing 2 concurrency down to 1. (so it won't stop there) So my advise is that you catch all errors inside the doWork function
Instead of using promises for limiting http requests, use node's built-in http.Agent.maxSockets. This removes the requirement of using a library or writing your own pooling code, and has the added advantage more control over what you're limiting.
By default set to Infinity. Determines how many concurrent sockets the agent can have open per origin. Origin is either a 'host:port' or 'host:port:localAddress' combination.
For example:
var http = require('http');
var agent = new http.Agent({maxSockets: 5}); // 5 concurrent connections per origin
var request = http.request({..., agent: agent}, ...);
If making multiple requests to the same origin, it might also benefit you to set keepAlive to true (see docs above for more info).
bluebird's can take a concurrency option to control how many promises should be running in parallel. Sometimes it is easier than .all because you don't need to create the promise array.
const Promise = require('bluebird')
function getCounts() {
return, user => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
remoteServer.getCount(user) // makes an HTTP request
.then(() => {
/* snip */
}, {concurrency: 10}); // <---- at most 10 http requests at a time
As all others in this answer thread have pointed out, Promise.all() won't do the right thing if you need to limit concurrency. But ideally you shouldn't even want to wait until all of the Promises are done before processing them.
Instead, you want to process each result ASAP as soon as it becomes available, so you don't have to wait for the very last promise to finish before you start iterating over them.
So, here's a code sample that does just that, based partly on the answer by Endless and also on this answer by T.J. Crowder.
// example tasks that sleep and return a number
// in real life, you'd probably fetch URLs or something
const tasks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
tasks.push(async () => {
console.log(`start ${i}`);
await sleep(Math.random() * 1000);
console.log(`end ${i}`);
return i;
function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms)); }
(async () => {
for await (let value of runTasks(3, tasks.values())) {
console.log(`output ${value}`);
async function* runTasks(maxConcurrency, taskIterator) {
// Each async iterator is a worker, polling for tasks from the shared taskIterator
// Sharing the iterator ensures that each worker gets unique tasks.
const asyncIterators = new Array(maxConcurrency);
for (let i = 0; i < maxConcurrency; i++) {
asyncIterators[i] = (async function* () {
for (const task of taskIterator) yield await task();
yield* raceAsyncIterators(asyncIterators);
async function* raceAsyncIterators(asyncIterators) {
async function nextResultWithItsIterator(iterator) {
return { result: await, iterator: iterator };
/** #type Map<AsyncIterator<T>,
Promise<{result: IteratorResult<T>, iterator: AsyncIterator<T>}>> */
const promises = new Map( =>
[iterator, nextResultWithItsIterator(iterator)]));
while (promises.size) {
const { result, iterator } = await Promise.race(promises.values());
if (result.done) {
} else {
promises.set(iterator, nextResultWithItsIterator(iterator));
yield result.value;
There's a lot of magic in here; let me explain.
This solution is built around async generator functions, which many JS developers may not be familiar with.
A generator function (aka function* function) returns a "generator," an iterator of results. Generator functions are allowed to use the yield keyword where you might have normally used a return keyword. The first time a caller calls next() on the generator (or uses a for...of loop), the function* function runs until it yields a value; that becomes the next() value of the iterator. But the subsequent time next() is called, the generator function resumes from the yield statement, right where it left off, even if it's in the middle of a loop. (You can also yield*, to yield all of the results of another generator function.)
An "async generator function" (async function*) is a generator function that returns an "async iterator," which is an iterator of promises. You can call for await...of on an async iterator. Async generator functions can use the await keyword, as you might do in any async function.
In the example, we call runTasks() with an array of task functions. runTasks() is an async generator function, so we can call it with a for await...of loop. Each time the loop runs, we'll process the result of the latest completed task.
runTasks() creates N async iterators, the workers. (Note that the workers are initially defined as async generator functions, but we immediately invoke each function, and store each resulting async iterator in the asyncIterators array.) The example calls runTasks with 3 concurrent workers, so no more than 3 tasks are launched at the same time. When any task completes, we immediately queue up the next task. (This is superior to "batching", where you do 3 tasks at once, await all three of them, and don't start the next batch of three until the entire previous batch has finished.)
runTasks() concludes by "racing" its async iterators with yield* raceAsyncIterators(). raceAsyncIterators() is like Promise.race() but it races N iterators of Promises instead of just N Promises; it returns an async iterator that yields the results of resolved Promises.
raceAsyncIterators() starts by defining a promises Map from each of the iterators to promises. Each promise is a promise for an iteration result along with the iterator that generated it.
With the promises map, we can Promise.race() the values of the map, giving us the winning iteration result and its iterator. If the iterator is completely done, we remove it from the map; otherwise we replace its Promise in the promises map with the iterator's next() Promise and yield result.value.
In conclusion, runTasks() is an async generator function that yields the results of racing N concurrent async iterators of tasks, so the end user can just for await (let value of runTasks(3, tasks.values())) to process each result as soon as it becomes available.
I suggest the library async-pool:
npm install tiny-async-pool
Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency using native ES6/ES7
asyncPool runs multiple promise-returning & async functions in a limited concurrency pool. It rejects immediately as soon as one of the promises rejects. It resolves when all the promises completes. It calls the iterator function as soon as possible (under concurrency limit).
const timeout = i => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(i), i));
await asyncPool(2, [1000, 5000, 3000, 2000], timeout);
// Call iterator (i = 1000)
// Call iterator (i = 5000)
// Pool limit of 2 reached, wait for the quicker one to complete...
// 1000 finishes
// Call iterator (i = 3000)
// Pool limit of 2 reached, wait for the quicker one to complete...
// 3000 finishes
// Call iterator (i = 2000)
// Itaration is complete, wait until running ones complete...
// 5000 finishes
// 2000 finishes
// Resolves, results are passed in given array order `[1000, 5000, 3000, 2000]`.
Here is my ES7 solution to a copy-paste friendly and feature complete Promise.all()/map() alternative, with a concurrency limit.
Similar to Promise.all() it maintains return order as well as a fallback for non promise return values.
I also included a comparison of the different implementation as it illustrates some aspects a few of the other solutions have missed.
const asyncFn = delay => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), delay));
const args = [30, 20, 15, 10];
await asyncPool(args, arg => asyncFn(arg), 4); // concurrency limit of 4
async function asyncBatch(args, fn, limit = 8) {
// Copy arguments to avoid side effects
args = [...args];
const outs = [];
while (args.length) {
const batch = args.splice(0, limit);
const out = await Promise.all(;
return outs;
async function asyncPool(args, fn, limit = 8) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Copy arguments to avoid side effect, reverse queue as
// pop is faster than shift
const argQueue = [...args].reverse();
let count = 0;
const outs = [];
const pollNext = () => {
if (argQueue.length === 0 && count === 0) {
} else {
while (count < limit && argQueue.length) {
const index = args.length - argQueue.length;
const arg = argQueue.pop();
count += 1;
const out = fn(arg);
const processOut = (out, index) => {
outs[index] = out;
count -= 1;
if (typeof out === 'object' && out.then) {
out.then(out => processOut(out, index));
} else {
processOut(out, index);
// A simple async function that returns after the given delay
// and prints its value to allow us to determine the response order
const asyncFn = delay => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
}, delay));
// List of arguments to the asyncFn function
const args = [30, 20, 15, 10];
// As a comparison of the different implementations, a low concurrency
// limit of 2 is used in order to highlight the performance differences.
// If a limit greater than or equal to args.length is used the results
// would be identical.
// Vanilla Promise.all/map combo
const out1 = await Promise.all( => asyncFn(arg)));
// prints: 10, 15, 20, 30
// total time: 30ms
// Pooled implementation
const out2 = await asyncPool(args, arg => asyncFn(arg), 2);
// prints: 20, 30, 15, 10
// total time: 40ms
// Batched implementation
const out3 = await asyncBatch(args, arg => asyncFn(arg), 2);
// prints: 20, 30, 20, 30
// total time: 45ms
console.log(out1, out2, out3); // prints: [30, 20, 15, 10] x 3
// Conclusion: Execution order and performance is different,
// but return order is still identical
asyncPool() should be the best solution as it allows new requests to start as soon as any previous one finishes.
asyncBatch() is included as a comparison as its implementation is simpler to understand, but it should be slower in performance as all requests in the same batch is required to finish in order to start the next batch.
In this contrived example, the non-limited vanilla Promise.all() is of course the fastest, while the others could perform more desirable in a real world congestion scenario.
The async-pool library that others have already suggested is probably a better alternative to my implementation as it works almost identically and has a more concise implementation with a clever usage of Promise.race():
Hopefully my answer can still serve an educational value.
Semaphore is well known concurrency primitive that was designed to solve similar problems. It's very universal construct, implementations of Semaphore exist in many languages. This is how one would use Semaphore to solve this issue:
async function main() {
const s = new Semaphore(100);
const res = await Promise.all( =>
s.runExclusive(() => remoteServer.getCount(user))
return res;
I'm using implementation of Semaphore from async-mutex, it has decent documentation and TypeScript support.
If you want to dig deep into topics like this you can take a look at the book "The Little Book of Semaphores" which is freely available as PDF here
Unfortunately there is no way to do it with native Promise.all, so you have to be creative.
This is the quickest most concise way I could find without using any outside libraries.
It makes use of a newer javascript feature called an iterator. The iterator basically keeps track of what items have been processed and what haven't.
In order to use it in code, you create an array of async functions. Each async function asks the same iterator for the next item that needs to be processed. Each function processes its own item asynchronously, and when done asks the iterator for a new one. Once the iterator runs out of items, all the functions complete.
Thanks to #Endless for inspiration.
const items = [
// get a cursor that keeps track of what items have already been processed.
let cursor = items.entries();
// create 5 for loops that each run off the same cursor which keeps track of location
Array(5).fill().forEach(async () => {
for (let [index, url] of cursor){
console.log('getting url is ', index, url)
// run your async task instead of this next line
var text = await fetch(url).then(res => res.text())
console.log('text is', text.slice(0, 20))
Here goes basic example for streaming and 'p-limit'. It streams http read stream to mongo db.
const stream = require('stream');
const util = require('util');
const pLimit = require('p-limit');
const es = require('event-stream');
const streamToMongoDB = require('stream-to-mongo-db').streamToMongoDB;
const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline)
const outputDBConfig = {
dbURL: 'yr-db-url',
collection: 'some-collection'
const limit = pLimit(3);
async yrAsyncStreamingFunction(readStream) => {
const mongoWriteStream = streamToMongoDB(outputDBConfig);
const mapperStream =, done) => {
let someDataPromise = limit(() => yr_async_call_to_somewhere())
function handleResolve(someData) {
data.someData = someData;
done(null, data);
function handleError(error) {
await pipeline(
So many good solutions. I started out with the elegant solution posted by #Endless and ended up with this little extension method that does not use any external libraries nor does it run in batches (although assumes you have features like async, etc):
Promise.allWithLimit = async (taskList, limit = 5) => {
const iterator = taskList.entries();
let results = new Array(taskList.length);
let workerThreads = new Array(limit).fill(0).map(() =>
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
let entry =;
while (!entry.done) {
let [index, promise] = entry.value;
try {
results[index] = await promise;
entry =;
catch (err) {
results[index] = err;
// No more work to do
catch (err) {
// This worker is dead
await Promise.all(workerThreads);
return results;
Promise.allWithLimit = async (taskList, limit = 5) => {
const iterator = taskList.entries();
let results = new Array(taskList.length);
let workerThreads = new Array(limit).fill(0).map(() =>
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
let entry =;
while (!entry.done) {
let [index, promise] = entry.value;
try {
results[index] = await promise;
entry =;
catch (err) {
results[index] = err;
// No more work to do
catch (err) {
// This worker is dead
await Promise.all(workerThreads);
return results;
const demoTasks = new Array(10).fill(0).map((v,i) => new Promise(resolve => {
let n = (i + 1) * 5;
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Did nothing for ${n} seconds`);
}, n * 1000);
var results = Promise.allWithLimit(demoTasks);
#tcooc's answer was quite cool. Didn't know about it and will leverage it in the future.
I also enjoyed #MatthewRideout's answer, but it uses an external library!!
Whenever possible, I give a shot at developing this kind of things on my own, rather than going for a library. You end up learning a lot of concepts which seemed daunting before.
class Pool{
constructor(maxAsync) {
this.maxAsync = maxAsync;
this.asyncOperationsQueue = [];
this.currentAsyncOperations = 0
runAnother() {
if (this.asyncOperationsQueue.length > 0 && this.currentAsyncOperations < this.maxAsync) {
this.currentAsyncOperations += 1;
.then(() => { this.currentAsyncOperations -= 1; this.runAnother() }, () => { this.currentAsyncOperations -= 1; this.runAnother() })
add(f){ // the argument f is a function of signature () => Promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
() => f().then(resolve).catch(reject)
function dbCall(id, timeout, fail) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (fail) {
reject(`Error for id ${id}`);
} else {
}, timeout)
const dbQuery1 = () => dbCall(1, 5000, false);
const dbQuery2 = () => dbCall(2, 5000, false);
const dbQuery3 = () => dbCall(3, 5000, false);
const dbQuery4 = () => dbCall(4, 5000, true);
const dbQuery5 = () => dbCall(5, 5000, false);
const cappedPool = new Pool(2);
const dbQuery1Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery1).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery2Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery2).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery3Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery3).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery4Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery4).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery5Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery5).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
This approach provides a nice API, similar to thread pools in scala/java.
After creating one instance of the pool with const cappedPool = new Pool(2), you provide promises to it with simply cappedPool.add(() => myPromise).
Obliviously we must ensure that the promise does not start immediately and that is why we must "provide it lazily" with the help of the function.
Most importantly, notice that the result of the method add is a Promise which will be completed/resolved with the value of your original promise! This makes for a very intuitive use.
const resultPromise = cappedPool.add( () => dbCall(...))
.then( actualResult => {
// Do something with the result form the DB
This solution uses an async generator to manage concurrent promises with vanilla javascript. The throttle generator takes 3 arguments:
An array of values to be be supplied as arguments to a promise genrating function. (e.g. An array of URLs.)
A function that return a promise. (e.g. Returns a promise for an HTTP request.)
An integer that represents the maximum concurrent promises allowed.
Promises are only instantiated as required in order to reduce memory consumption. Results can be iterated over using a for await...of statement.
The example below provides a function to check promise state, the throttle async generator, and a simple function that return a promise based on setTimeout. The async IIFE at the end defines the reservoir of timeout values, sets the async iterable returned by throttle, then iterates over the results as they resolve.
If you would like a more complete example for HTTP requests, let me know in the comments.
Please note that Node.js 16+ is required in order async generators.
const promiseState = function( promise ) {
const control = Symbol();
return Promise
.race([ promise, control ])
.then( value => ( value === control ) ? 'pending' : 'fulfilled' )
.catch( () => 'rejected' );
const throttle = async function* ( reservoir, promiseClass, highWaterMark ) {
let iterable = reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark ).map( item => promiseClass( item ) );
while ( iterable.length > 0 ) {
await Promise.any( iterable );
const pending = [];
const resolved = [];
for ( const currentValue of iterable ) {
if ( await promiseState( currentValue ) === 'pending' ) {
pending.push( currentValue );
} else {
resolved.push( currentValue );
console.log({ pending, resolved, reservoir });
iterable = [
...reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark - pending.length ).map( value => promiseClass( value ) )
yield Promise.allSettled( resolved );
const getTimeout = delay => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
setTimeout(resolve, delay, delay);
} );
( async () => {
const test = [ 1100, 1200, 1300, 10000, 11000, 9000, 5000, 6000, 3000, 4000, 1000, 2000, 3500 ];
const throttledRequests = throttle( test, getTimeout, 4 );
for await ( const timeout of throttledRequests ) {
console.log( timeout );
} )();
The concurrent function below will return a Promise which resolves to an array of resolved promise values, while implementing a concurrency limit. No 3rd party library.
// waits 50 ms then resolves to the passed-in arg
const sleepAndResolve = s => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(()=>rs(s), 50))
// queue 100 promises
const funcs = []
for(let i=0; i<100; i++) funcs.push(()=>sleepAndResolve(i))
//run the promises with a max concurrency of 10
.then(console.log) // prints [0,1,2...,99]
.catch(()=>console.log("there was an error"))
* Run concurrent promises with a maximum concurrency level
* #param concurrency The number of concurrently running promises
* #param funcs An array of functions that return promises
* #returns a promise that resolves to an array of the resolved values from the promises returned by funcs
function concurrent(concurrency, funcs) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let index = -1;
const p = [];
for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(1, Math.min(concurrency, funcs.length)); i++)
function runPromise() {
if (++index < funcs.length)
(p[p.length] = funcs[index]()).then(runPromise).catch(reject);
else if (index === funcs.length)
Here's the Typescript version if you are interested
* Run concurrent promises with a maximum concurrency level
* #param concurrency The number of concurrently running promises
* #param funcs An array of functions that return promises
* #returns a promise that resolves to an array of the resolved values from the promises returned by funcs
function concurrent<V>(concurrency:number, funcs:(()=>Promise<V>)[]):Promise<V[]> {
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
let index = -1;
const p:Promise<V>[] = []
for(let i=0; i<Math.max(1,Math.min(concurrency, funcs.length)); i++) runPromise()
function runPromise() {
if (++index < funcs.length) (p[p.length] = funcs[index]()).then(runPromise).catch(reject)
else if (index === funcs.length) Promise.all(p).then(resolve).catch(reject)
No external libraries. Just plain JS.
It can be resolved using recursion.
The idea is that initially we immediately execute the maximum allowed number of queries and each of these queries should recursively initiate a new query on its completion.
In this example I populate successful responses together with errors and I execute all queries but it's possible to slightly modify algorithm if you want to terminate batch execution on the first failure.
async function batchQuery(queries, limit) {
limit = Math.min(queries.length, limit);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const responsesOrErrors = new Array(queries.length);
let startedCount = 0;
let finishedCount = 0;
let hasErrors = false;
function recursiveQuery() {
let index = startedCount++;
.then(res => {
responsesOrErrors[index] = res;
.catch(error => {
responsesOrErrors[index] = error;
hasErrors = true;
.finally(() => {
if (finishedCount === queries.length) {
hasErrors ? reject(responsesOrErrors) : resolve(responsesOrErrors);
} else if (startedCount < queries.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
async function doQuery(query) {
console.log(`${query} started`);
const delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (delay <= 1000) {
console.log(`${query} finished successfully`);
resolve(`${query} success`);
} else {
console.log(`${query} finished with error`);
reject(`${query} error`);
}, delay);
const queries = new Array(10).fill('query').map((query, index) => `${query}_${index + 1}`);
batchQuery(queries, 3)
.then(responses => console.log('All successfull', responses))
.catch(responsesWithErrors => console.log('All with several failed', responsesWithErrors));
So I tried to make some examples shown work for my code, but since this was only for an import script and not production code, using the npm package batch-promises was surely the easiest path for me
NOTE: Requires runtime to support Promise or to be polyfilled.
batchPromises(int: batchSize, array: Collection, i => Promise: Iteratee)
The Promise: Iteratee will be called after each batch.
Easily batch promises
NOTE: Requires runtime to support Promise or to be polyfilled.
batchPromises(int: batchSize, array: Collection, i => Promise: Iteratee)
The Promise: Iteratee will be called after each batch.
import batchPromises from 'batch-promises';
batchPromises(2, [1,2,3,4,5], i => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// The iteratee will fire after each batch resulting in the following behaviour:
// # 100ms resolve items 1 and 2 (first batch of 2)
// # 200ms resolve items 3 and 4 (second batch of 2)
// # 300ms resolve remaining item 5 (last remaining batch)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
.then(results => {
console.log(results); // [1,2,3,4,5]
Recursion is the answer if you don't want to use external libraries
var self = this;
var tracker = function(next){
return self.someExpensiveRequest(someArrayWithData[next])
next++;//This updates the next in the tracker function parameter
if(next < someArrayWithData.length){//Did I finish processing all my data?
return tracker(next);//Go to the next promise
return tracker(0);
expanding on the answer posted by #deceleratedcaviar, I created a 'batch' utility function that takes as argument: array of values, concurrency limit and processing function. Yes I realize that using Promise.all this way is more akin to batch processing vs true concurrency, but if the goal is to limit excessive number of HTTP calls at one time I go with this approach due to its simplicity and no need for external library.
async function batch(o) {
let arr = o.arr
let resp = []
while (arr.length) {
let subset = arr.splice(0, o.limit)
let results = await Promise.all(
return [].concat.apply([], resp)
let arr = []
for (let i = 0; i < 250; i++) { arr.push(i) }
async function calc(val) { return val * 100 }
(async () => {
let resp = await batch({
arr: arr,
limit: 100,
process: calc
One more solution with a custom promise library (CPromise):
using generators Live codesandbox demo
import { CPromise } from "c-promise2";
import cpFetch from "cp-fetch";
const promise = CPromise.all(
function* () {
const urls = [
for (const url of urls) {
yield cpFetch(url); // add a promise to the pool
console.log(`Request [${url}] completed`);
{ concurrency: 2 }
(v) => console.log(`Done: `, v),
(e) => console.warn(`Failed: ${e}`)
// yeah, we able to cancel the task and abort pending network requests
// setTimeout(() => promise.cancel(), 4500);
using mapper Live codesandbox demo
import { CPromise } from "c-promise2";
import cpFetch from "cp-fetch";
const promise = CPromise.all(
mapper: (url) => {
console.log(`Request [${url}]`);
return cpFetch(url);
concurrency: 2
(v) => console.log(`Done: `, v),
(e) => console.warn(`Failed: ${e}`)
// yeah, we able to cancel the task and abort pending network requests
//setTimeout(() => promise.cancel(), 4500);
Warning this has not been benchmarked for efficiency and does a lot of array copying/creation
If you want a more functional approach you could do something like:
import chunk from 'lodash.chunk';
const maxConcurrency = (max) => (dataArr, promiseFn) =>
chunk(dataArr, max).reduce(
async (agg, batch) => [
...(await agg),
...(await Promise.all(
and then to you could use it like:
const randomFn = (data) =>
new Promise((res) => setTimeout(
() => res(data + 1),
Math.random() * 1000
const result = await maxConcurrency(5)(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
console.log('result+++', result);
I had been using the bottleneck library, which I actually really liked, but in my case wasn't releasing memory and kept tanking long running jobs... Which isn't great for running the massive jobs that you likely want a throttling/concurrency library for in the first place.
I needed a simple, low-overhead, easy to maintain solution. I also wanted something that kept the pool topped up, rather than simply batching predefined chunks... In the case of a downloader, this will stop that nGB file from holding up your queue for minutes/hours at a time, even though the rest of the batch finished ages ago.
This is the Node.js v16+, no-dependency, async generator solution I've been using instead:
const promiseState = function( promise ) {
// A promise could never resolve to a unique symbol unless it was in this scope
const control = Symbol();
// This helps us determine the state of the promise... A little heavy, but it beats a third-party promise library. The control is the second element passed to Promise.race() since it will only resolve first if the promise being tested is pending.
return Promise
.race([ promise, control ])
.then( value => ( value === control ) ? 'pending' : 'fulfilled' )
.catch( () => 'rejected' );
const throttle = async function* ( reservoir, promiseFunction, highWaterMark ) {
let iterable = reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark ).map( item => promiseFunction( item ) );
while ( iterable.length > 0 ) {
// When a promise has resolved we have space to top it up to the high water mark...
await Promise.any( iterable );
const pending = [];
const resolved = [];
// This identifies the promise(s) that have resolved so that we can yield them
for ( const currentValue of iterable ) {
if ( await promiseState( currentValue ) === 'pending' ) {
pending.push( currentValue );
} else {
resolved.push( currentValue );
// Put the remaining promises back into iterable, and top it to the high water mark
iterable = [
...reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark - pending.length ).map( value => promiseFunction( value ) )
yield Promise.allSettled( resolved );
// This is just an example of what would get passed as "promiseFunction"... This can be the function that returns your HTTP request promises
const getTimeout = delay => new Promise( (resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, delay, delay) );
// This is just the async IIFE that bootstraps this example
( async () => {
const test = [ 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500 ];
for await ( const timeout of throttle( test, getTimeout, 4 ) ) {
console.log( timeout );
} )();
I have solution with creating chunks and using .reduce function to wait each chunks promise.alls to be finished. And also I add some delay if the promises have some call limits.
export function delay(ms: number) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
export const chunk = <T>(arr: T[], size: number): T[][] => [
...Array(Math.ceil(arr.length / size)),
].map((_, i) => arr.slice(size * i, size + size * i));
const myIdlist = []; // all items
const groupedIdList = chunk(myIdList, 20); // grouped by 20 items
await groupedIdList.reduce(async (prev, subIdList) => {
await prev;
// Make sure we wait for 500 ms after processing every page to prevent overloading the calls.
const data = await Promise.all(;
await delay(500);
}, Promise.resolve());
Using tiny-async-pool ES9 for await...of API, you can do the following:
const asyncPool = require("tiny-async-pool");
const getCount = async (user) => ([user, remoteServer.getCount(user)]);
const concurrency = 2;
for await (const [user, count] of asyncPool(concurrency, users, getCount)) {
console.log(user, count);
The above asyncPool function returns an async iterator that yields as soon as a promise completes (under concurrency limit) and it rejects immediately as soon as one of the promises rejects.
It is possible to limit requests to server by using
Basically you create a pipe and tell it how many concurrent requests you want:
const pipe = createPipe({ throughput: 6, maxQueueSize: Infinity })
Then you take your function which performs call and force it through the pipe to create a limited amount of calls at the same time:
const makeCall = async () => {...}
const limitedMakeCall = pipe(makeCall)
Finally, you call this method as many times as you need as if it was unchanged and it will limit itself on how many parallel executions it can handle:
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
I suggest not downloading packages and not writing hundreds of lines of code:
async function async_arr<T1, T2>(
arr: T1[],
func: (x: T1) => Promise<T2> | T2, //can be sync or async
limit = 5
) {
let results: T2[] = [];
let workers = [];
let current = Math.min(arr.length, limit);
async function process(i) {
if (i < arr.length) {
results[i] = await Promise.resolve(func(arr[i]));
await process(current++);
for (let i = 0; i < current; i++) {
await Promise.all(workers);
return results;
Here's my recipe, based on killdash9's answer.
It allows to choose the behaviour on exceptions (Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled).
// Given an array of async functions, runs them in parallel,
// with at most maxConcurrency simultaneous executions
// Except for that, behaves the same as Promise.all,
// unless allSettled is true, where it behaves as Promise.allSettled
function concurrentRun(maxConcurrency = 10, funcs = [], allSettled = false) {
if (funcs.length <= maxConcurrency) {
const ps = => f());
return allSettled ? Promise.allSettled(ps) : Promise.all(ps);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let idx = -1;
const ps = new Array(funcs.length);
function nextPromise() {
idx += 1;
if (idx < funcs.length) {
(ps[idx] = funcs[idx]()).then(nextPromise).catch(allSettled ? nextPromise : reject);
} else if (idx === funcs.length) {
(allSettled ? Promise.allSettled(ps) : Promise.all(ps)).then(resolve).catch(reject);
for (let i = 0; i < maxConcurrency; i += 1) nextPromise();
I know there are a lot of answers already, but I ended up using a very simple, no library or sleep required, solution that uses only a few commands. Promise.all() simply lets you know when all the promises passed to it are finalized. So, you can check on the queue intermittently to see if it is ready for more work, if so, add more processes.
For example:
// init vars
const batchSize = 5
const calls = []
// loop through data and run processes
for (let [index, data] of [1,2,3].entries()) {
// pile on async processes
// every 5th concurrent call, wait for them to finish before adding more
if (index % batchSize === 0) await Promise.all(calls)
// clean up for any data to process left over if smaller than batch size
const allFinishedProcs = await Promise.all(calls)
A good solution for controlling the maximum number of promises/requests is to split your list of requests into pages, and produce only requests for one page at a time.
The example below makes use of iter-ops library:
import {pipeAsync, map, page} from 'iter-ops';
const i = pipeAsync(
users, // make it asynchronous
page(10), // split into pages of 10 items in each
map(p => Promise.all( => u.remoteServer.getCount(u)))), // map into requests
wait() // resolve each page in the pipeline
// below triggers processing page-by-page:
for await(const p of i) {
//=> p = resolved page of data
This way it won't try to create more requests/promises than the size of one page.

How to wait for 2 of Promises in Promise.all to finish and then do another task

I'm currently developing a program where I need to use Promise.all to run a few functions at the same time. But before I can continue with the task, I need ONLY 2 of the promises to finish and then run the .then(), how would I go about doing this?
await Promise.all([Task1(),Task2(),Task3(),Task4(),Task5()]);
I need it to continue the code when only (for example) Task1 and Task 4 have finished.
I have tried to experiment by using a while loop waiting for Task1 and Task2 finish by settings variables on the finish, but that. doesn't work at all.
In a comment you seem to have said you specifically know that in advance which two are more urgent than the rest (and that in this example, it's Task1 and Task4).
Then just use Promise.all twice:
const allResults = Promise.all([
Promise.all([Task1(), Task4()])
.then(([result1, result4]) => {
// Those two are done, do what you like with `result1` and `result4`...
return [result1, result4];
.then(([[result1, result4], result2, result3, result5]) => {
// All five are done now, let's put them in order
return [result1, result2, result3, result4, result5];
In there, I've preserved the overall 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 order in the outer chain by remapping the order in the overall then handler.
Originally, I assumed you wanted to wait until any two have finished, rather than a specific two. There's no built-in for that, but it's easy enough to write:
function enough(promises, min) {
if (typeof min !== "number") {
return Promise.all(promises);
let counter = 0;
const results = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let index = 0;
for (const promise of promises) {
let position = index++;
result => {
results[position] = result;
if (++counter >= min) {
Live Example:
function enough(promises, min) {
if (typeof min !== "number") {
return Promise.all(promises);
let counter = 0;
const results = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let index = 0;
for (const promise of promises) {
let position = index++;
result => {
results[position] = result;
if (++counter >= min) {
const delay = (ms, ...args) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms, ...args));
const rnd = () => Math.random() * 1000;
delay(rnd(), "a"),
delay(rnd(), "b"),
delay(rnd(), "c"),
delay(rnd(), "d"),
delay(rnd(), "e")
.then(results => {
.catch(error => {
One way to do it is by constructing a new array of the randomized promises, and then wait for those only:
let array = [Task1(),Task2(),Task3(),Task4(),Task5()];
// Select any two promises after running the randomization logic
let promises = Promise.all[array[1], array[3]];
.then(() => {
// Do stuff here
I've seen tricks like this :
Promise.all( => p.catch(() => undefined)));
Quite unsafe though.
Original answer : here
OK, as I understand you, you want to do something like
const importantOnes = [Task1(), Task2()];
const remainingOnes = [Task3(), Task4(), Task5()];
const priorityPromise = Promise.all(importantOnes);
Promise.all([priorityPromise, ...remainingOnes]).then(processTheCompleteData);
Promise.all() does not run your tasks simultaneously, it only awaits all Promises to resolve before resolving the returned Promise.
Your tasks will be run as soon as you create each Promise.
If you want to wait after specific tasks, only include those tasks in Promise.all:
const tasks = [Task2(), Task3(), Task5()];
const result1 = await Promise.all([Task1(), Task4()]);
// Task1 and Task4 are done here
const result2 = await Promise.all(tasks);
// All remaining tasks are done here

Add a wait between each forEach statement

I want to add a wait time between each forEach statement in the below code, I don't want to run into problems with rate limits so I want to wait, say 1 second, between each time the forEach runs. Is this possible?
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const config = require("./config.json");
client.on("ready", () => {
console.log(`Bot has started, with ${client.users.size} users, in ${client.channels.size} channels of ${client.guilds.size} guilds.`);
client.on("message", async message => {
if( return;
if(message.content.indexOf(config.prefix) !== 0) return;
const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if(command === "addalltorole") {
let role = message.guild.roles.find(r => == 'TribeVerified')
if (!role) return`**${}**, role not found`)
var hasRoles = ["449032040147582977", "489252560532799488", "449032406444277760", "449032567988158465", "449032704122552320", "449032907332255759", "449033048374247426", "449033186413117441", "459119831183130645", "449033329946394645", "462285271505829909", "528059697257775106", "462061656852398090", "461635407893889037", "535632204026609665", "535632207222407168535637767242121216", "535637767242121216", "535637777388142593", "542049404270673942"];
message.guild.members.filter(member => member.roles.filter(r => hasRoles.includes( > 2).forEach(member => member.addRole(role));`**${}**, role **${}** was added to all applicable members`)
I found this on stackoverflow elsewhere, not sure if it could be of use to implement what I'm trying to do?
var array = ['some', 'array', 'containing', 'words'];
var interval = 1000; // how much time should the delay between two iterations be (in milliseconds)?
array.forEach(function (el, index) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, index * interval);
Thanks so much in advanced for any help!
Yes, that approach will work just fine.
It will space them 1 second apart regardless of how long they take to complete.
...and that's probably fine for what you are doing...
...but if you want you can use the fact that addRole returns a Promise to do some cool stuff.
For example, this uses reduce to pass along the Promises so that each call waits for the previous call to finish and then waits an additional second before making the next request:
message.guild.members.filter(member => member.roles.filter(r => hasRoles.includes( > 2)
.reduce(async (previous, member) => {
await previous; // wait for the previous call to finish
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); // wait another second
return member.addRole(role); // pass this Promise to the next iteration
}, Promise.resolve()); // start with a resolved Promise
Here is a working demo you can run:
class Member {
constructor(name) { = name; }
async addRole(role) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); // simulate asynchronous call
console.log(`added role "${role}" to ${}`);
const members = [
new Member('first'),
new Member('second'),
new Member('third'),
new Member('fourth'),
new Member('fifth')
members.reduce(async (previous, member) => {
await previous;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
return member.addRole('admin');
}, Promise.resolve());
...but yes, either approach will work and should be just fine for what you are doing.

What is the best way to limit concurrency when using ES6's Promise.all()?

I have some code that is iterating over a list that was queried out of a database and making an HTTP request for each element in that list. That list can sometimes be a reasonably large number (in the thousands), and I would like to make sure I am not hitting a web server with thousands of concurrent HTTP requests.
An abbreviated version of this code currently looks something like this...
function getCounts() {
return => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
remoteServer.getCount(user) // makes an HTTP request
.then(() => {
/* snip */
Promise.all(getCounts()).then(() => { /* snip */});
This code is running on Node 4.3.2. To reiterate, can Promise.all be managed so that only a certain number of Promises are in progress at any given time?
I have compared promise concurrency limitation with a custom script, bluebird, es6-promise-pool, and p-limit. I believe that p-limit has the most simple, stripped down implementation for this need. See their documentation.
To be compatible with async in example
ECMAScript 2017 (version 8)
Node version > 8.2.1
My Example
In this example, we need to run a function for every URL in the array (like, maybe an API request). Here this is called fetchData(). If we had an array of thousands of items to process, concurrency would definitely be useful to save on CPU and memory resources.
const pLimit = require('p-limit');
// Example Concurrency of 3 promise at once
const limit = pLimit(3);
let urls = [
// Create an array of our promises using map (fetchData() returns a promise)
let promises = => {
// wrap the function we are calling in the limit function we defined above
return limit(() => fetchData(url));
(async () => {
// Only three promises are run at once (as defined above)
const result = await Promise.all(promises);
The console log result is an array of your resolved promises response data.
Using Array.prototype.splice
while (funcs.length) {
// 100 at a time
await Promise.all( funcs.splice(0, 100).map(f => f()) )
Note that Promise.all() doesn't trigger the promises to start their work, creating the promise itself does.
With that in mind, one solution would be to check whenever a promise is resolved whether a new promise should be started or whether you're already at the limit.
However, there is really no need to reinvent the wheel here. One library that you could use for this purpose is es6-promise-pool. From their examples:
var PromisePool = require('es6-promise-pool')
var promiseProducer = function () {
// Your code goes here.
// If there is work left to be done, return the next work item as a promise.
// Otherwise, return null to indicate that all promises have been created.
// Scroll down for an example.
// The number of promises to process simultaneously.
var concurrency = 3
// Create a pool.
var pool = new PromisePool(promiseProducer, concurrency)
// Start the pool.
var poolPromise = pool.start()
// Wait for the pool to settle.
poolPromise.then(function () {
console.log('All promises fulfilled')
}, function (error) {
console.log('Some promise rejected: ' + error.message)
If you know how iterators work and how they are consumed you would't need any extra library, since it can become very easy to build your own concurrency yourself. Let me demonstrate:
/* [Symbol.iterator]() is equivalent to .values()
const iterator = [1,2,3][Symbol.iterator]() */
const iterator = [1,2,3].values()
// loop over all items with for..of
for (const x of iterator) {
console.log('x:', x)
// notices how this loop continues the same iterator
// and consumes the rest of the iterator, making the
// outer loop not logging any more x's
for (const y of iterator) {
console.log('y:', y)
We can use the same iterator and share it across workers.
If you had used .entries() instead of .values() you would have gotten a iterator that yields [index, value] which i will demonstrate below with a concurrency of 2
const sleep = t => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(rs, t))
const iterator = Array.from('abcdefghij').entries()
// const results = [] || Array(someLength)
async function doWork (iterator, i) {
for (let [index, item] of iterator) {
await sleep(1000)
console.log(`Worker#${i}: ${index},${item}`)
// in case you need to store the results in order
// results[index] = item + item
// or if the order dose not mather
// results.push(item + item)
const workers = Array(2).fill(iterator).map(doWork)
// ^--- starts two workers sharing the same iterator
Promise.allSettled(workers).then(console.log.bind(null, 'done'))
The benefit of this is that you can have a generator function instead of having everything ready at once.
What's even more awesome is that you can do stream.Readable.from(iterator) in node (and eventually in whatwg streams as well). and with transferable ReadbleStream, this makes this potential very useful in the feature if you are working with web workers also for performances
Note: the different from this compared to example async-pool is that it spawns two workers, so if one worker throws an error for some reason at say index 5 it won't stop the other worker from doing the rest. So you go from doing 2 concurrency down to 1. (so it won't stop there) So my advise is that you catch all errors inside the doWork function
Instead of using promises for limiting http requests, use node's built-in http.Agent.maxSockets. This removes the requirement of using a library or writing your own pooling code, and has the added advantage more control over what you're limiting.
By default set to Infinity. Determines how many concurrent sockets the agent can have open per origin. Origin is either a 'host:port' or 'host:port:localAddress' combination.
For example:
var http = require('http');
var agent = new http.Agent({maxSockets: 5}); // 5 concurrent connections per origin
var request = http.request({..., agent: agent}, ...);
If making multiple requests to the same origin, it might also benefit you to set keepAlive to true (see docs above for more info).
bluebird's can take a concurrency option to control how many promises should be running in parallel. Sometimes it is easier than .all because you don't need to create the promise array.
const Promise = require('bluebird')
function getCounts() {
return, user => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
remoteServer.getCount(user) // makes an HTTP request
.then(() => {
/* snip */
}, {concurrency: 10}); // <---- at most 10 http requests at a time
As all others in this answer thread have pointed out, Promise.all() won't do the right thing if you need to limit concurrency. But ideally you shouldn't even want to wait until all of the Promises are done before processing them.
Instead, you want to process each result ASAP as soon as it becomes available, so you don't have to wait for the very last promise to finish before you start iterating over them.
So, here's a code sample that does just that, based partly on the answer by Endless and also on this answer by T.J. Crowder.
// example tasks that sleep and return a number
// in real life, you'd probably fetch URLs or something
const tasks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
tasks.push(async () => {
console.log(`start ${i}`);
await sleep(Math.random() * 1000);
console.log(`end ${i}`);
return i;
function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms)); }
(async () => {
for await (let value of runTasks(3, tasks.values())) {
console.log(`output ${value}`);
async function* runTasks(maxConcurrency, taskIterator) {
// Each async iterator is a worker, polling for tasks from the shared taskIterator
// Sharing the iterator ensures that each worker gets unique tasks.
const asyncIterators = new Array(maxConcurrency);
for (let i = 0; i < maxConcurrency; i++) {
asyncIterators[i] = (async function* () {
for (const task of taskIterator) yield await task();
yield* raceAsyncIterators(asyncIterators);
async function* raceAsyncIterators(asyncIterators) {
async function nextResultWithItsIterator(iterator) {
return { result: await, iterator: iterator };
/** #type Map<AsyncIterator<T>,
Promise<{result: IteratorResult<T>, iterator: AsyncIterator<T>}>> */
const promises = new Map( =>
[iterator, nextResultWithItsIterator(iterator)]));
while (promises.size) {
const { result, iterator } = await Promise.race(promises.values());
if (result.done) {
} else {
promises.set(iterator, nextResultWithItsIterator(iterator));
yield result.value;
There's a lot of magic in here; let me explain.
This solution is built around async generator functions, which many JS developers may not be familiar with.
A generator function (aka function* function) returns a "generator," an iterator of results. Generator functions are allowed to use the yield keyword where you might have normally used a return keyword. The first time a caller calls next() on the generator (or uses a for...of loop), the function* function runs until it yields a value; that becomes the next() value of the iterator. But the subsequent time next() is called, the generator function resumes from the yield statement, right where it left off, even if it's in the middle of a loop. (You can also yield*, to yield all of the results of another generator function.)
An "async generator function" (async function*) is a generator function that returns an "async iterator," which is an iterator of promises. You can call for await...of on an async iterator. Async generator functions can use the await keyword, as you might do in any async function.
In the example, we call runTasks() with an array of task functions. runTasks() is an async generator function, so we can call it with a for await...of loop. Each time the loop runs, we'll process the result of the latest completed task.
runTasks() creates N async iterators, the workers. (Note that the workers are initially defined as async generator functions, but we immediately invoke each function, and store each resulting async iterator in the asyncIterators array.) The example calls runTasks with 3 concurrent workers, so no more than 3 tasks are launched at the same time. When any task completes, we immediately queue up the next task. (This is superior to "batching", where you do 3 tasks at once, await all three of them, and don't start the next batch of three until the entire previous batch has finished.)
runTasks() concludes by "racing" its async iterators with yield* raceAsyncIterators(). raceAsyncIterators() is like Promise.race() but it races N iterators of Promises instead of just N Promises; it returns an async iterator that yields the results of resolved Promises.
raceAsyncIterators() starts by defining a promises Map from each of the iterators to promises. Each promise is a promise for an iteration result along with the iterator that generated it.
With the promises map, we can Promise.race() the values of the map, giving us the winning iteration result and its iterator. If the iterator is completely done, we remove it from the map; otherwise we replace its Promise in the promises map with the iterator's next() Promise and yield result.value.
In conclusion, runTasks() is an async generator function that yields the results of racing N concurrent async iterators of tasks, so the end user can just for await (let value of runTasks(3, tasks.values())) to process each result as soon as it becomes available.
I suggest the library async-pool:
npm install tiny-async-pool
Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency using native ES6/ES7
asyncPool runs multiple promise-returning & async functions in a limited concurrency pool. It rejects immediately as soon as one of the promises rejects. It resolves when all the promises completes. It calls the iterator function as soon as possible (under concurrency limit).
const timeout = i => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(i), i));
await asyncPool(2, [1000, 5000, 3000, 2000], timeout);
// Call iterator (i = 1000)
// Call iterator (i = 5000)
// Pool limit of 2 reached, wait for the quicker one to complete...
// 1000 finishes
// Call iterator (i = 3000)
// Pool limit of 2 reached, wait for the quicker one to complete...
// 3000 finishes
// Call iterator (i = 2000)
// Itaration is complete, wait until running ones complete...
// 5000 finishes
// 2000 finishes
// Resolves, results are passed in given array order `[1000, 5000, 3000, 2000]`.
Here is my ES7 solution to a copy-paste friendly and feature complete Promise.all()/map() alternative, with a concurrency limit.
Similar to Promise.all() it maintains return order as well as a fallback for non promise return values.
I also included a comparison of the different implementation as it illustrates some aspects a few of the other solutions have missed.
const asyncFn = delay => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), delay));
const args = [30, 20, 15, 10];
await asyncPool(args, arg => asyncFn(arg), 4); // concurrency limit of 4
async function asyncBatch(args, fn, limit = 8) {
// Copy arguments to avoid side effects
args = [...args];
const outs = [];
while (args.length) {
const batch = args.splice(0, limit);
const out = await Promise.all(;
return outs;
async function asyncPool(args, fn, limit = 8) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Copy arguments to avoid side effect, reverse queue as
// pop is faster than shift
const argQueue = [...args].reverse();
let count = 0;
const outs = [];
const pollNext = () => {
if (argQueue.length === 0 && count === 0) {
} else {
while (count < limit && argQueue.length) {
const index = args.length - argQueue.length;
const arg = argQueue.pop();
count += 1;
const out = fn(arg);
const processOut = (out, index) => {
outs[index] = out;
count -= 1;
if (typeof out === 'object' && out.then) {
out.then(out => processOut(out, index));
} else {
processOut(out, index);
// A simple async function that returns after the given delay
// and prints its value to allow us to determine the response order
const asyncFn = delay => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
}, delay));
// List of arguments to the asyncFn function
const args = [30, 20, 15, 10];
// As a comparison of the different implementations, a low concurrency
// limit of 2 is used in order to highlight the performance differences.
// If a limit greater than or equal to args.length is used the results
// would be identical.
// Vanilla Promise.all/map combo
const out1 = await Promise.all( => asyncFn(arg)));
// prints: 10, 15, 20, 30
// total time: 30ms
// Pooled implementation
const out2 = await asyncPool(args, arg => asyncFn(arg), 2);
// prints: 20, 30, 15, 10
// total time: 40ms
// Batched implementation
const out3 = await asyncBatch(args, arg => asyncFn(arg), 2);
// prints: 20, 30, 20, 30
// total time: 45ms
console.log(out1, out2, out3); // prints: [30, 20, 15, 10] x 3
// Conclusion: Execution order and performance is different,
// but return order is still identical
asyncPool() should be the best solution as it allows new requests to start as soon as any previous one finishes.
asyncBatch() is included as a comparison as its implementation is simpler to understand, but it should be slower in performance as all requests in the same batch is required to finish in order to start the next batch.
In this contrived example, the non-limited vanilla Promise.all() is of course the fastest, while the others could perform more desirable in a real world congestion scenario.
The async-pool library that others have already suggested is probably a better alternative to my implementation as it works almost identically and has a more concise implementation with a clever usage of Promise.race():
Hopefully my answer can still serve an educational value.
Semaphore is well known concurrency primitive that was designed to solve similar problems. It's very universal construct, implementations of Semaphore exist in many languages. This is how one would use Semaphore to solve this issue:
async function main() {
const s = new Semaphore(100);
const res = await Promise.all( =>
s.runExclusive(() => remoteServer.getCount(user))
return res;
I'm using implementation of Semaphore from async-mutex, it has decent documentation and TypeScript support.
If you want to dig deep into topics like this you can take a look at the book "The Little Book of Semaphores" which is freely available as PDF here
Unfortunately there is no way to do it with native Promise.all, so you have to be creative.
This is the quickest most concise way I could find without using any outside libraries.
It makes use of a newer javascript feature called an iterator. The iterator basically keeps track of what items have been processed and what haven't.
In order to use it in code, you create an array of async functions. Each async function asks the same iterator for the next item that needs to be processed. Each function processes its own item asynchronously, and when done asks the iterator for a new one. Once the iterator runs out of items, all the functions complete.
Thanks to #Endless for inspiration.
const items = [
// get a cursor that keeps track of what items have already been processed.
let cursor = items.entries();
// create 5 for loops that each run off the same cursor which keeps track of location
Array(5).fill().forEach(async () => {
for (let [index, url] of cursor){
console.log('getting url is ', index, url)
// run your async task instead of this next line
var text = await fetch(url).then(res => res.text())
console.log('text is', text.slice(0, 20))
Here goes basic example for streaming and 'p-limit'. It streams http read stream to mongo db.
const stream = require('stream');
const util = require('util');
const pLimit = require('p-limit');
const es = require('event-stream');
const streamToMongoDB = require('stream-to-mongo-db').streamToMongoDB;
const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline)
const outputDBConfig = {
dbURL: 'yr-db-url',
collection: 'some-collection'
const limit = pLimit(3);
async yrAsyncStreamingFunction(readStream) => {
const mongoWriteStream = streamToMongoDB(outputDBConfig);
const mapperStream =, done) => {
let someDataPromise = limit(() => yr_async_call_to_somewhere())
function handleResolve(someData) {
data.someData = someData;
done(null, data);
function handleError(error) {
await pipeline(
So many good solutions. I started out with the elegant solution posted by #Endless and ended up with this little extension method that does not use any external libraries nor does it run in batches (although assumes you have features like async, etc):
Promise.allWithLimit = async (taskList, limit = 5) => {
const iterator = taskList.entries();
let results = new Array(taskList.length);
let workerThreads = new Array(limit).fill(0).map(() =>
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
let entry =;
while (!entry.done) {
let [index, promise] = entry.value;
try {
results[index] = await promise;
entry =;
catch (err) {
results[index] = err;
// No more work to do
catch (err) {
// This worker is dead
await Promise.all(workerThreads);
return results;
Promise.allWithLimit = async (taskList, limit = 5) => {
const iterator = taskList.entries();
let results = new Array(taskList.length);
let workerThreads = new Array(limit).fill(0).map(() =>
new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
let entry =;
while (!entry.done) {
let [index, promise] = entry.value;
try {
results[index] = await promise;
entry =;
catch (err) {
results[index] = err;
// No more work to do
catch (err) {
// This worker is dead
await Promise.all(workerThreads);
return results;
const demoTasks = new Array(10).fill(0).map((v,i) => new Promise(resolve => {
let n = (i + 1) * 5;
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Did nothing for ${n} seconds`);
}, n * 1000);
var results = Promise.allWithLimit(demoTasks);
#tcooc's answer was quite cool. Didn't know about it and will leverage it in the future.
I also enjoyed #MatthewRideout's answer, but it uses an external library!!
Whenever possible, I give a shot at developing this kind of things on my own, rather than going for a library. You end up learning a lot of concepts which seemed daunting before.
class Pool{
constructor(maxAsync) {
this.maxAsync = maxAsync;
this.asyncOperationsQueue = [];
this.currentAsyncOperations = 0
runAnother() {
if (this.asyncOperationsQueue.length > 0 && this.currentAsyncOperations < this.maxAsync) {
this.currentAsyncOperations += 1;
.then(() => { this.currentAsyncOperations -= 1; this.runAnother() }, () => { this.currentAsyncOperations -= 1; this.runAnother() })
add(f){ // the argument f is a function of signature () => Promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
() => f().then(resolve).catch(reject)
function dbCall(id, timeout, fail) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (fail) {
reject(`Error for id ${id}`);
} else {
}, timeout)
const dbQuery1 = () => dbCall(1, 5000, false);
const dbQuery2 = () => dbCall(2, 5000, false);
const dbQuery3 = () => dbCall(3, 5000, false);
const dbQuery4 = () => dbCall(4, 5000, true);
const dbQuery5 = () => dbCall(5, 5000, false);
const cappedPool = new Pool(2);
const dbQuery1Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery1).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery2Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery2).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery3Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery3).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery4Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery4).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
const dbQuery5Res = cappedPool.add(dbQuery5).catch(i => i).then(i => console.log(`Resolved: ${i}`))
This approach provides a nice API, similar to thread pools in scala/java.
After creating one instance of the pool with const cappedPool = new Pool(2), you provide promises to it with simply cappedPool.add(() => myPromise).
Obliviously we must ensure that the promise does not start immediately and that is why we must "provide it lazily" with the help of the function.
Most importantly, notice that the result of the method add is a Promise which will be completed/resolved with the value of your original promise! This makes for a very intuitive use.
const resultPromise = cappedPool.add( () => dbCall(...))
.then( actualResult => {
// Do something with the result form the DB
This solution uses an async generator to manage concurrent promises with vanilla javascript. The throttle generator takes 3 arguments:
An array of values to be be supplied as arguments to a promise genrating function. (e.g. An array of URLs.)
A function that return a promise. (e.g. Returns a promise for an HTTP request.)
An integer that represents the maximum concurrent promises allowed.
Promises are only instantiated as required in order to reduce memory consumption. Results can be iterated over using a for await...of statement.
The example below provides a function to check promise state, the throttle async generator, and a simple function that return a promise based on setTimeout. The async IIFE at the end defines the reservoir of timeout values, sets the async iterable returned by throttle, then iterates over the results as they resolve.
If you would like a more complete example for HTTP requests, let me know in the comments.
Please note that Node.js 16+ is required in order async generators.
const promiseState = function( promise ) {
const control = Symbol();
return Promise
.race([ promise, control ])
.then( value => ( value === control ) ? 'pending' : 'fulfilled' )
.catch( () => 'rejected' );
const throttle = async function* ( reservoir, promiseClass, highWaterMark ) {
let iterable = reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark ).map( item => promiseClass( item ) );
while ( iterable.length > 0 ) {
await Promise.any( iterable );
const pending = [];
const resolved = [];
for ( const currentValue of iterable ) {
if ( await promiseState( currentValue ) === 'pending' ) {
pending.push( currentValue );
} else {
resolved.push( currentValue );
console.log({ pending, resolved, reservoir });
iterable = [
...reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark - pending.length ).map( value => promiseClass( value ) )
yield Promise.allSettled( resolved );
const getTimeout = delay => new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
setTimeout(resolve, delay, delay);
} );
( async () => {
const test = [ 1100, 1200, 1300, 10000, 11000, 9000, 5000, 6000, 3000, 4000, 1000, 2000, 3500 ];
const throttledRequests = throttle( test, getTimeout, 4 );
for await ( const timeout of throttledRequests ) {
console.log( timeout );
} )();
The concurrent function below will return a Promise which resolves to an array of resolved promise values, while implementing a concurrency limit. No 3rd party library.
// waits 50 ms then resolves to the passed-in arg
const sleepAndResolve = s => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(()=>rs(s), 50))
// queue 100 promises
const funcs = []
for(let i=0; i<100; i++) funcs.push(()=>sleepAndResolve(i))
//run the promises with a max concurrency of 10
.then(console.log) // prints [0,1,2...,99]
.catch(()=>console.log("there was an error"))
* Run concurrent promises with a maximum concurrency level
* #param concurrency The number of concurrently running promises
* #param funcs An array of functions that return promises
* #returns a promise that resolves to an array of the resolved values from the promises returned by funcs
function concurrent(concurrency, funcs) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let index = -1;
const p = [];
for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(1, Math.min(concurrency, funcs.length)); i++)
function runPromise() {
if (++index < funcs.length)
(p[p.length] = funcs[index]()).then(runPromise).catch(reject);
else if (index === funcs.length)
Here's the Typescript version if you are interested
* Run concurrent promises with a maximum concurrency level
* #param concurrency The number of concurrently running promises
* #param funcs An array of functions that return promises
* #returns a promise that resolves to an array of the resolved values from the promises returned by funcs
function concurrent<V>(concurrency:number, funcs:(()=>Promise<V>)[]):Promise<V[]> {
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
let index = -1;
const p:Promise<V>[] = []
for(let i=0; i<Math.max(1,Math.min(concurrency, funcs.length)); i++) runPromise()
function runPromise() {
if (++index < funcs.length) (p[p.length] = funcs[index]()).then(runPromise).catch(reject)
else if (index === funcs.length) Promise.all(p).then(resolve).catch(reject)
No external libraries. Just plain JS.
It can be resolved using recursion.
The idea is that initially we immediately execute the maximum allowed number of queries and each of these queries should recursively initiate a new query on its completion.
In this example I populate successful responses together with errors and I execute all queries but it's possible to slightly modify algorithm if you want to terminate batch execution on the first failure.
async function batchQuery(queries, limit) {
limit = Math.min(queries.length, limit);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const responsesOrErrors = new Array(queries.length);
let startedCount = 0;
let finishedCount = 0;
let hasErrors = false;
function recursiveQuery() {
let index = startedCount++;
.then(res => {
responsesOrErrors[index] = res;
.catch(error => {
responsesOrErrors[index] = error;
hasErrors = true;
.finally(() => {
if (finishedCount === queries.length) {
hasErrors ? reject(responsesOrErrors) : resolve(responsesOrErrors);
} else if (startedCount < queries.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
async function doQuery(query) {
console.log(`${query} started`);
const delay = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1500);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (delay <= 1000) {
console.log(`${query} finished successfully`);
resolve(`${query} success`);
} else {
console.log(`${query} finished with error`);
reject(`${query} error`);
}, delay);
const queries = new Array(10).fill('query').map((query, index) => `${query}_${index + 1}`);
batchQuery(queries, 3)
.then(responses => console.log('All successfull', responses))
.catch(responsesWithErrors => console.log('All with several failed', responsesWithErrors));
So I tried to make some examples shown work for my code, but since this was only for an import script and not production code, using the npm package batch-promises was surely the easiest path for me
NOTE: Requires runtime to support Promise or to be polyfilled.
batchPromises(int: batchSize, array: Collection, i => Promise: Iteratee)
The Promise: Iteratee will be called after each batch.
Easily batch promises
NOTE: Requires runtime to support Promise or to be polyfilled.
batchPromises(int: batchSize, array: Collection, i => Promise: Iteratee)
The Promise: Iteratee will be called after each batch.
import batchPromises from 'batch-promises';
batchPromises(2, [1,2,3,4,5], i => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// The iteratee will fire after each batch resulting in the following behaviour:
// # 100ms resolve items 1 and 2 (first batch of 2)
// # 200ms resolve items 3 and 4 (second batch of 2)
// # 300ms resolve remaining item 5 (last remaining batch)
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
.then(results => {
console.log(results); // [1,2,3,4,5]
Recursion is the answer if you don't want to use external libraries
var self = this;
var tracker = function(next){
return self.someExpensiveRequest(someArrayWithData[next])
next++;//This updates the next in the tracker function parameter
if(next < someArrayWithData.length){//Did I finish processing all my data?
return tracker(next);//Go to the next promise
return tracker(0);
expanding on the answer posted by #deceleratedcaviar, I created a 'batch' utility function that takes as argument: array of values, concurrency limit and processing function. Yes I realize that using Promise.all this way is more akin to batch processing vs true concurrency, but if the goal is to limit excessive number of HTTP calls at one time I go with this approach due to its simplicity and no need for external library.
async function batch(o) {
let arr = o.arr
let resp = []
while (arr.length) {
let subset = arr.splice(0, o.limit)
let results = await Promise.all(
return [].concat.apply([], resp)
let arr = []
for (let i = 0; i < 250; i++) { arr.push(i) }
async function calc(val) { return val * 100 }
(async () => {
let resp = await batch({
arr: arr,
limit: 100,
process: calc
One more solution with a custom promise library (CPromise):
using generators Live codesandbox demo
import { CPromise } from "c-promise2";
import cpFetch from "cp-fetch";
const promise = CPromise.all(
function* () {
const urls = [
for (const url of urls) {
yield cpFetch(url); // add a promise to the pool
console.log(`Request [${url}] completed`);
{ concurrency: 2 }
(v) => console.log(`Done: `, v),
(e) => console.warn(`Failed: ${e}`)
// yeah, we able to cancel the task and abort pending network requests
// setTimeout(() => promise.cancel(), 4500);
using mapper Live codesandbox demo
import { CPromise } from "c-promise2";
import cpFetch from "cp-fetch";
const promise = CPromise.all(
mapper: (url) => {
console.log(`Request [${url}]`);
return cpFetch(url);
concurrency: 2
(v) => console.log(`Done: `, v),
(e) => console.warn(`Failed: ${e}`)
// yeah, we able to cancel the task and abort pending network requests
//setTimeout(() => promise.cancel(), 4500);
Warning this has not been benchmarked for efficiency and does a lot of array copying/creation
If you want a more functional approach you could do something like:
import chunk from 'lodash.chunk';
const maxConcurrency = (max) => (dataArr, promiseFn) =>
chunk(dataArr, max).reduce(
async (agg, batch) => [
...(await agg),
...(await Promise.all(
and then to you could use it like:
const randomFn = (data) =>
new Promise((res) => setTimeout(
() => res(data + 1),
Math.random() * 1000
const result = await maxConcurrency(5)(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
console.log('result+++', result);
I had been using the bottleneck library, which I actually really liked, but in my case wasn't releasing memory and kept tanking long running jobs... Which isn't great for running the massive jobs that you likely want a throttling/concurrency library for in the first place.
I needed a simple, low-overhead, easy to maintain solution. I also wanted something that kept the pool topped up, rather than simply batching predefined chunks... In the case of a downloader, this will stop that nGB file from holding up your queue for minutes/hours at a time, even though the rest of the batch finished ages ago.
This is the Node.js v16+, no-dependency, async generator solution I've been using instead:
const promiseState = function( promise ) {
// A promise could never resolve to a unique symbol unless it was in this scope
const control = Symbol();
// This helps us determine the state of the promise... A little heavy, but it beats a third-party promise library. The control is the second element passed to Promise.race() since it will only resolve first if the promise being tested is pending.
return Promise
.race([ promise, control ])
.then( value => ( value === control ) ? 'pending' : 'fulfilled' )
.catch( () => 'rejected' );
const throttle = async function* ( reservoir, promiseFunction, highWaterMark ) {
let iterable = reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark ).map( item => promiseFunction( item ) );
while ( iterable.length > 0 ) {
// When a promise has resolved we have space to top it up to the high water mark...
await Promise.any( iterable );
const pending = [];
const resolved = [];
// This identifies the promise(s) that have resolved so that we can yield them
for ( const currentValue of iterable ) {
if ( await promiseState( currentValue ) === 'pending' ) {
pending.push( currentValue );
} else {
resolved.push( currentValue );
// Put the remaining promises back into iterable, and top it to the high water mark
iterable = [
...reservoir.splice( 0, highWaterMark - pending.length ).map( value => promiseFunction( value ) )
yield Promise.allSettled( resolved );
// This is just an example of what would get passed as "promiseFunction"... This can be the function that returns your HTTP request promises
const getTimeout = delay => new Promise( (resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, delay, delay) );
// This is just the async IIFE that bootstraps this example
( async () => {
const test = [ 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500 ];
for await ( const timeout of throttle( test, getTimeout, 4 ) ) {
console.log( timeout );
} )();
I have solution with creating chunks and using .reduce function to wait each chunks promise.alls to be finished. And also I add some delay if the promises have some call limits.
export function delay(ms: number) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
export const chunk = <T>(arr: T[], size: number): T[][] => [
...Array(Math.ceil(arr.length / size)),
].map((_, i) => arr.slice(size * i, size + size * i));
const myIdlist = []; // all items
const groupedIdList = chunk(myIdList, 20); // grouped by 20 items
await groupedIdList.reduce(async (prev, subIdList) => {
await prev;
// Make sure we wait for 500 ms after processing every page to prevent overloading the calls.
const data = await Promise.all(;
await delay(500);
}, Promise.resolve());
Using tiny-async-pool ES9 for await...of API, you can do the following:
const asyncPool = require("tiny-async-pool");
const getCount = async (user) => ([user, remoteServer.getCount(user)]);
const concurrency = 2;
for await (const [user, count] of asyncPool(concurrency, users, getCount)) {
console.log(user, count);
The above asyncPool function returns an async iterator that yields as soon as a promise completes (under concurrency limit) and it rejects immediately as soon as one of the promises rejects.
It is possible to limit requests to server by using
Basically you create a pipe and tell it how many concurrent requests you want:
const pipe = createPipe({ throughput: 6, maxQueueSize: Infinity })
Then you take your function which performs call and force it through the pipe to create a limited amount of calls at the same time:
const makeCall = async () => {...}
const limitedMakeCall = pipe(makeCall)
Finally, you call this method as many times as you need as if it was unchanged and it will limit itself on how many parallel executions it can handle:
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
await limitedMakeCall()
I suggest not downloading packages and not writing hundreds of lines of code:
async function async_arr<T1, T2>(
arr: T1[],
func: (x: T1) => Promise<T2> | T2, //can be sync or async
limit = 5
) {
let results: T2[] = [];
let workers = [];
let current = Math.min(arr.length, limit);
async function process(i) {
if (i < arr.length) {
results[i] = await Promise.resolve(func(arr[i]));
await process(current++);
for (let i = 0; i < current; i++) {
await Promise.all(workers);
return results;
Here's my recipe, based on killdash9's answer.
It allows to choose the behaviour on exceptions (Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled).
// Given an array of async functions, runs them in parallel,
// with at most maxConcurrency simultaneous executions
// Except for that, behaves the same as Promise.all,
// unless allSettled is true, where it behaves as Promise.allSettled
function concurrentRun(maxConcurrency = 10, funcs = [], allSettled = false) {
if (funcs.length <= maxConcurrency) {
const ps = => f());
return allSettled ? Promise.allSettled(ps) : Promise.all(ps);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let idx = -1;
const ps = new Array(funcs.length);
function nextPromise() {
idx += 1;
if (idx < funcs.length) {
(ps[idx] = funcs[idx]()).then(nextPromise).catch(allSettled ? nextPromise : reject);
} else if (idx === funcs.length) {
(allSettled ? Promise.allSettled(ps) : Promise.all(ps)).then(resolve).catch(reject);
for (let i = 0; i < maxConcurrency; i += 1) nextPromise();
I know there are a lot of answers already, but I ended up using a very simple, no library or sleep required, solution that uses only a few commands. Promise.all() simply lets you know when all the promises passed to it are finalized. So, you can check on the queue intermittently to see if it is ready for more work, if so, add more processes.
For example:
// init vars
const batchSize = 5
const calls = []
// loop through data and run processes
for (let [index, data] of [1,2,3].entries()) {
// pile on async processes
// every 5th concurrent call, wait for them to finish before adding more
if (index % batchSize === 0) await Promise.all(calls)
// clean up for any data to process left over if smaller than batch size
const allFinishedProcs = await Promise.all(calls)
A good solution for controlling the maximum number of promises/requests is to split your list of requests into pages, and produce only requests for one page at a time.
The example below makes use of iter-ops library:
import {pipeAsync, map, page} from 'iter-ops';
const i = pipeAsync(
users, // make it asynchronous
page(10), // split into pages of 10 items in each
map(p => Promise.all( => u.remoteServer.getCount(u)))), // map into requests
wait() // resolve each page in the pipeline
// below triggers processing page-by-page:
for await(const p of i) {
//=> p = resolved page of data
This way it won't try to create more requests/promises than the size of one page.

