Socket in javascript - javascript

please what is different
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8181');
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8181/websession');
what is ( Websession )

websession is just the endpoint the websocket will connect to. It's just like normal HTTP servers or REST services: You can have multiple endpoints on one server, like:
... and so on. (This is just an example and does not necessarily make sense for a specific use case.) In old-style HTTP, you could image them as different directories on the same server, possibly offering very different contents.
In order to use the socket correctly, you have to know your desired endpoint and use it when creating the socket. So it depends on the server whether ws://localhost:8181 or ws://localhost:8181/websession is correct (or even both of them, depending on the purpose of the individual endpoint). It's generally a good practice to give the endpoint a meaningful name, so the first one would be discouraged.
As the application seems to be running on your localhost, you should take a look at the server running at port 8181 to find out the endpoints offered. And you could possibly get used to websockets, here is one of many possible starting points.


WebRTC on shared hosting ( SSH ) without nodejs, preferrably in php

So ive been looking for a way to integrate webRTC into a site im making, but i want to do it on shared hosting. I came across this repo on GitHub by nielsbaloe and it has been a huge help in getting a basic connection.
This is the code i believe is responsible for adding the peer: ( index.html in the repo, line )
function icecandidate(localStream) {
pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);
pc.onicecandidate = function (event) {
if (event.candidate) {
publish('client-candidate', event.candidate);
try {
var tracks = localStream.getTracks();
for(var i=0;i<tracks.length;i++){
pc.addTrack(tracks[i], localStream);
pc.ontrack = function (e) {
remoteVideo.srcObject = e.streams[0];
Now the struggle im facing is adding room functionality, and maybe the ability to have more than two concurrent peers present at the same time. I did some experimenting, but in vain. I know that for room functionality id have to tinker around in the php, so at least id like to figure out how to make more than 1 peer possible.
As far as I know, there is no way to re-use the same RTCPeerConnection for multiple peers, so you'll have to do the same thing as 1-on-1 but between every single peer in a group.
As far as signalling, it's pretty simple, goes kind of like this:
Client A -> [Offer] -> Server -> [Offer] -> Client B -> [Answer] -> Server -> [Answer] -> Client A
A nicer explanation at MDN
There isn't necessarily a need for NodeJS or WebSocket. The reason most people go for it it is because the last link in this chain (Server -> Client A) requires server-initiated connection. But that can be substituted with alternative techniques such as (long-)polling. Or, in case of PHP, you might use websocket implementations such as Bloatless or Aerys
To implement the room functionality, you'll have to implement the following:
Variant A (using polling):
An endpoint to throw offers at, e.g. POST /rooms/{id}
An endpoint to regularly check for new offers from, e.g. GET /rooms/{id}
Variant B (with websockets)
Create a broadcast rooms, for example, by dynamically creating HTTP endpoints and websocket server instances. Or by having a single websocket instance but sending whatever room you're intending to join right inside after establishing a connection. From there, it's only a matter of sending correct offers and answers to correct users.
In both cases, you might want to either create multiple offers in advance to pool from the server, or to dynamically create new ones, but, most importantly, make sure you're not connecting the same peers twice, otherwise you will end up with a loop. To prevent it, just provide each user with a randomly generated string to identify themself and send it among offers.
There are turnkey solutions available if you don't want to go this route, but be careful and check whether you can use your own TURN servers with them. A common trend I have noticed is that there are a lot of WebRTC solution providers out there that lure you with their simplicity but then lock you in with their own TURN servers for which you might have to pay a quite hefty bill later on.

Need some clarification on nodejs concepts

I am starting to learn more about how this "web world" works and that's why I am taking the free code camp course. I already took front-end development and I really enjoyed it. Now I am on the back end part.
The back end is much more foggy for me. There are many things that I don't get so I would hope that someone could help me out.
First of all I learned about the get method. so I did:
var http = require('http');
and then made a get request:
http.get(url, function callBack(response){
response.on("data", function(data){
Question 1)
So apparently this code "gets" a response from a certain URL. but What response? I didn't even ask for anything in particular.
Moving on...
The second exercise asks us to listen to a TCP connection and create a server and then write the date and time of that connection. So here's the answer:
var server = net.createServer(function listener (socket){
Question 2)
Okay so I created a TCP server with net.createServer() and when the connection was successful I outputted the date. But where? What did actually happen when I put date inside of socket.end()?
Last but not least...
in the last exercise I was told to create an HTTP server (what?) to server a text file for every time it receives requests, and here's what I did:
var server = http.createServer(function callback(request, response){
var read = fs.createReadStream(location);
Question 3)
a) Why did I have to create an HTTP server instead of a regular TCP? what's the difference?
b)what does createReadStream do?
c) What does pipe() do?
If someone could help me, trying to make the explanation easier would help me a lot since I am, as you can see, pretty dumb on this subject.
Thank you a lot!
This is a little broad for Stackoverflow which favors focused questions that address specific problems. But I feel your pain, so…
Questions 1:
Http.get is roughly equivalent to requesting a webpage. The url in the function is the page you are requesting. The response will include several things like the HTTP response code, but also (most importantly) the content of the page, which is what you are probably after. On the backend this is normally used for hitting APIs that get data rather than actual web pages, but the transport mechanism is the same.
Question 2:
When you open a socket, you are waiting for someone else to request a connection. (The way you do when you use http.get(). When you output data you are sending them a response like the one you received in question 1.
Question 3:
HTTP is a higher level protocol than TCP. This basically means it is more specific and TCP is more general (pedants will take issue with that statement, but it's an easy way to understand it). HTTP defines the things like GET and POST that you use when you download a webpage. Lower down in the protocol stack HTTP uses TCP. You could just use TCP, but you would have to do a lot more work to interpret the requests that come in. The HTTP library does that work for you. Other protocols like FTP also use TCP, but they are different protocol than HTTP.
For this answer, you need to understand two things. An IP address is the numeric value of a website, it's the address to the server pointing to the site. A domain name is a conversion from IP to a NAMED system which allows humans an easier way to see the names of websites, so instead of typing numbers for websites, like, we can now just type names ( That's what your get request is doing, it's requesting the site.
socket.end is a method you're calling. socket.end "Half-closes the socket. i.e., it sends a FIN packet. It is possible the server will still send some data" from the docs, so basically it half closes your socket at the parameter you're sending in, which is todays current date.
HTTP is hyper text transfer protocol, TCP (transmissioncontrol protocol) is a link between two computers
3a HTTP is for browsers, so that's why you did it, for a web page you were hosting locally or something.
3b createreadstream() Returns a new ReadStream object. (See Readable Stream).
Be aware that, unlike the default value set for highWaterMark on a readable stream (16 kb), the stream returned by this method has a default value of 64 kb for the same parameter.
3c pipe:
The 'pipe' event is emitted when the stream.pipe() method is called on a readable stream, adding this writable to its set of destinations.

In Node.js, is it normal to create several "server" objects, but only bind one to a port?

I'm just about done reading "Node.js in Action", and I'm trying to put together the pieces of Node.js --> Connect --> Express. I have a question about the "servers" that we create in Node.
node_server = http.createServer();
connect_app = Connect();
express_app = Express();
In the code above, is it true that connect_app is basically a "subclass" of node_server? (I know, this is JavaScript, so we don't really have subclassing, but I don't know what else to call it; extension?). And likewise express_app is basically a "subclass" of connect_app? It's my understanding that all of these objects are servers which could be bound to a port and respond to requests, but that in practice we typically only bind ONE of them to a port and use it to proxy requests to other server objects.
Am I on the right track in learning this?
First of all, shake off the idea that there are 3 running servers - because there's only one.
Express is a framework that relies on Connect, which is another framework/set of middlewares. Further, Connect relies on the NodeJS's API (HTTP module). Basically an abstraction, one on top of another.
An analogy is that Express is a car, Connect is like an engine, NodeJS is the engine parts. You only have one running car (one server in your case), but multiple components powering it.
#josh3736 Has commented a better explanation how it works.

Multiple Websockets

I'm trying to use two websockets on one page. This is my code:
var pageViewWs = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:9002/pageView");
var sessionWs = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:9002/session");
pageViewWs.onmessage = function (event) {
sessionWs.onmessage = function (event) {
Only the PageView alert appears. On the server side no requests are made to /session, only to /pageView.
Now, if I switch var pageViewWs and var sessionWs around then the Session alert is shown instead of the PageView. It is not because they are alerts, I've tried appending to the body and to divs and I've stepped through using Firebug. It seems that only one WebSocket can be created at a time although in Firebug the properties for pageViewWs and sessionWs appear the same with the exception of their url.
I've only tested this in Firefox 15.0.1. Is there some sort of Websocket limitation whereby you can only run one at a time? Or is something wrong with my code?
I faced the same problem to run multiple services through the same port. So, I created a PHP library to do this.
Why ?
Some free plans of hosting providers don't allow you to bind to ports or allow you to bind to one port. In case of OpenShift Cloud Server, you can only bind to port 8080. So, running multiple WebSocket services is not possible. In this case, Francium DiffSocket is useful.
You can run different services on the same port using a PHP library called Francium DiffSocket.
After setting up Francium DiffSocket, you can do this for using different services :
var chatWS = new WebSocket("ws://");
var gameWS = new WebSocket("ws://");
An example are these services which are running through a single port :
Finding Value Of Pi
Advanced Live Group Chat With PHP, jQuery & WebSocket
Live Group Chat With PHP, jQuery & WebSocket
I believe you can only create one WebSocket connection from a client to a specific port on the host. Have you tried either running the two services on different ports, or on different servers? This would allow you to determine the limitation...
Apart from the HTTP Request head both the request are the same. They hit the same application server on the same port. It is up to the server side application to treat each connection differently based on the HTTP request that initiated it.
I've done this in node. You could do it manually but packages like
or express-ws-routes
eases the process.

Private messaging through node.js

I'm making a multiplayer (2 player) browser game in JavaScript. Every move a player makes will be sent to a server and validated before being transmitted to the opponent. Since WebSockets isn't ready for prime time yet, I'm looking at long polling as a method of transmitting the data and node.js looks quite interesting! I've gone through some example code (chat examples, standard long polling examples and suchlike) but all the examples I've seen seem to broadcast everything to every client, something I'm hoping to avoid. For general server messages this is fine but I want two players to be able to square off in a lobby or so and go into "private messaging" mode.
So I'm wondering if there's a way to implement private messaging between two clients using nodejs as a validating bridge? Something like this:
ClientA->nodejs: REQUEST
nodejs->ClientA: VALID
nodejs->ClientB: VALID REQUEST FROM ClientA
You need some way to keep track of which clients are in a lobby together. You can do this with a simple global array like so process.lobby[1] = Array(ClientASocket, ClientBSocket) or something similar (possibly with some additional data, like nicknames and such), where the ClientXSocket is the socket object of each client that connects.
Now you can hook the lobby id (1 in this case) onto each client's socket object. A sort of session variable (without the hassle of session ids) if you will.
// i just made a hashtable to put all the data in,
// so that we don't clutter up the socket object too much.
socket.sessionData['lobby'] = 1;
What this allows you to do also, is add an event hook in the socket object, so that when the client disconnects, the socket can remove itself from the lobby array immediately, and message the remaining clients that this client has disconnected.
// see link in paragraph above for removeByValue
socket.on('close', function(err) {
// then notify lobby that this client has disconnected.
I've used socket in place of the net.Stream or request.connection or whatever the thing is.
Remember in HTTP if you don't have keep-alive connections, this will make the TCP connection close, and so of course make the client unable to remain within a lobby. If you're using a plain TCP connection without HTTP on top (say within a Flash application or WebSockets), then you should be able to keep it open without having to worry about keep-alive. There are other ways to solve this problem than what I've shown here, but I hope I got you started at least. The key is keeping a persistent object for each client.
Disclaimer: I'm not a Node.js expert (I haven't even gotten around to installing it yet) but I have been reading up on it and I'm very familiar with browser js, so I'm hoping this is helpful somehow.

