hi im trying to add my api key to my google map. when i used the string version of the key everything was fine, but i don't want to do that i would like to keep the key in my .env file. However when i make that change i can't get the Google Maps JavaScript API error: NotLoadingAPIFromGoogleMapsError. any help would be greatly appreciated!
*edit i just noticed that this issue is happening when i try to load the api key from my .env file. when i swap out the line with process.env.VUE_APP_GOOOGLEMAPS_KEY; and paste in the actual api key the map loads just fine.
<ion-content :fullscreen="true">
<GoogleMap :api-key="API_KEY" style="width: 100%; height: 500px" :center="center" :zoom="15">
<Marker :options="{ position: center }" />
<script lang="ts">
import { IonPage, IonHeader, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonContent } from '#ionic/vue';
import { GoogleMap, Marker } from "vue3-google-map";
export default {
name: 'MapPage',
components: { IonHeader, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonContent, IonPage, GoogleMap, Marker },
setup() {
const center = { lat: 40.689247, lng: -74.044502 };
const API_KEY = process.env.VUE_APP_GOOOGLEMAPS_KEY;
return { center,API_KEY };
The Maps JavaScript API must be downloaded directly from Google's servers.
The script element that loads the Maps JavaScript API is not being included correctly on your page. In order for the API to work correctly, it must be loaded directly from
See Loading the Maps JavaScript API.
It also occurs when using the original location for the google maps API (which worked for years):
Changing that to (per the documentation link above):
I am new to Bootstrap and I'm building a login screen for an app. I want to use the the MDBIcons for google, twitter and facebook. I followed the documentaion here https://mdbootstrap.com/docs/b5/react/components/buttons/
However, when I view my webpage I can't see the icons. I only a small button in the color of the brand. My code for the google icon button looks like this
import "./App.css";
import React from "react";
import { MDBIcon, MDBBtn } from 'mdb-react-ui-kit';
const SignIn = () => {
return (
style={{ backgroundColor: "#dd4b39" }}
<MDBIcon fab icon="google" />
The picture above is what I see, there is no Google logo in the button. I am using React and running 'npm start' to view my webpage on chrome.
Any help would be appreciated.
Did you add style in the public/index.html file? Info about it is here. React MDB Installation Guide.
I mean this:
link href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.15.1/css/all.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
If not, try adding this into your index.html file's "head" section.
I have this :
bootstrapURLKeys={{ key: 'key' }}
What props can I pass you? Would it be like a scrollEnabled = {false}?
google-map-react is written to use Maps JavaScript API. Please note that Maps JavaScript API is different from Maps Static API. If you would like to show a static map in your react code, you can just directly put the Maps Static API URL in the src parameter of your <img/> tag.
Here's a sample code snippet:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
function App() {
return (
<h1>Static Maps Sample</h1>
<img src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=Brooklyn+Bridge,New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C40.702147,-74.015794&markers=color:green%7Clabel:G%7C40.711614,-74.012318&markers=color:red%7Clabel:C%7C40.718217,-73.998284&key=YOUR_API_KEY"/>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
I have some geojson data that I have created from a gtfs realtime feed, I am trying to add it to a mapbox map. My Map currently displays fine and I can get it to render markers, however I am having issues with rendering geojson data.
containerStyle={{ width: '85vw', height: '90vh'}}
<GeoJSONLayer ...../>
I do not know what should be entered in the <GeoJSONLayer /> tag which is being imported as import { GeoJSONLayer, ... , ... } from "react-mapbox-gl".
I have a page that has pictures (index.js) and when you click a picture, a detail page with bigger version of the picture and its content (pic.js) opens. When I was using hard-coded data, I created a service and put the data in it. By this way, the model hook wasn't skipped when I click a picture. I did it because my links are dynamic {{#link-to}} helper and I saw that model hook gets skipped when you have it. But now, I need to use JSON api to get the data from an URL, when I do it in the index.js there is no problem with displaying it but when I try to open any link in new tab or paste a link in URL bar, model hook doesn't work in pic.js.
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return Ember.$.getJSON('My jsonApi Url');
I read that I need to use ember-data in order to fix it. I created a model "news-list" and put attributes in it. Also I created an adapter and take the code which I call API from index.js and put there.
import JSONAPIAdapter from 'ember-data/adapters/json-api';
import Ember from 'ember';
export default JSONAPIAdapter.extend({
return Ember.$.getJSON('My jsonApi Url',params.NewsUrl);
{{image-list model=model.Data currentPos=currentPos }}
{{#each model as |pic|}}
<div>{{#link-to "pic" pic}}
<p class="info">{{pic.Title}}</p><br/>
<img src={{pic.Image}} width="300">
{{/link-to}}</div> {{/each}}
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
activate: function() {
model() {
//return this.store.findAll('news-list');
<p class= "back">{{#link-to 'index'}}Home Page{{/link-to}}</p>
<p class="detail"><img src="{{model.Image}}" width="600" ></p>
<p class="content"><br/><br/>{{model.Content}}</p><br/><br/>
<p class= "back">{{#link-to 'index'}}Home Page{{/link-to}}</p>
I tried to use return this.store.findAll('news-list'); in the pic.js but then all I see was a blank page when I click a picture.
I guess there is something I'm missing. I can't use ember-data properly. How can I fix it?
I'm trying to load a javascript file (using IRLibloader) after the Iron Router has rendered the template:
layoutTemplate: 'layout',
loadingTemplate: 'loading',
Router.route('/', {
name: 'landing',
template: 'landing',
onBeforeAction: function () {
var googleAPI = IRLibLoader.load('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?libraries=places&sensor=false');
var fancyInput = IRLibLoader.load('/js/fancyInput.js');
var geoComplete;
geoComplete = IRLibLoader.load('/js/jquery.geocomplete.min.js');
if(googleAPI.ready() &&
fancyInput.ready() &&
console.log('All ready');
this.next(); // Render the page when all the libraries are ready
// Testing this here
// Set places autocomplete
Template.landing.rendered = function(){
$('section :input').val('').fancyInput()[0].focus();
$('section :input').geocomplete();
console.log("loading.js ejecutandose (after render)");
But when I browse localhost:3000, the layout gets rendered, the googleAPI, fancyInput and geocomplete libraries are loaded too since the 'all ready' message gets printed at console, and landing.js also gets loaded (since it loads the background image and the message 'Meteor.isClient' also gets printed).
But then, the 'landing' template never gets rendered. Its content does not appear, and the console message inside the Template.landing.rendered never gets printed. This is the template.js file:
<template name="landing">
<img id='logo' src="img/logos/logo.png">
<div id='content'>
<section class='input'>
<input type='text' placeholder='Type text here'>
I also tried loading landing.js with onAfterAction, which seems to happen before the onBeforeAction according to the Firebug console. How strange!
I can't understand why the template is not being loaded, since no error appears at meteor console. Any idea?
EDIT: it does work if I remove the layout, which looks like this:
<template name="layout">
<title>Welcome to my app</title>
What's wrong with this layout?
So, I think you might be overthinking this a little. Why not use existing packages for these libraries? Aside from being significantly easier to use, some of that 3rd party code would get minified into the main app js file instead of making additional HTTP requests to download them.
For example, dburles:google-maps gets you the Google Maps API and extra libs of your choice (with the option to only load on specific routes) and jeremy:geocomplete gets you Geocomplete (which automatically installs that maps package as a dependency). See the jeremy:geocomplete README for implementation.
As for Fancy Input, why not create a simple Meteor package wrapper for that so you can just meteor add fancy-input?
Also, your Template.landing.rendered callback should not be in an onBeforeAction. Ideally, it should be in its own file with other code for the landing template.