Prevent user to leave page without the confirmation - javascript

I have found on StackOverflow this script that handles the issue when a user wants to leave the page, to ask him before doing it.
It is working fine (even though there is probably a much better solution) but I have realized that it is causing one "bug". When a user sends data from the form and the script asks him does he want to leave the page (because of the redirect) it still sends data. So, even if the user clicks on "Cancel" it will still proceed to the store() method and if the user adds something more and sends again the data I get duplicates. Is there a way to include "stop propagation" in this script?
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
return 'Are you sure you want to close this website?';
Additional question
Since this script is running with the Laravel Livewire, every time I click on any button related to the livewire (which won't redirect the user to the other page) script prompts the popup to ask if the user is sure he wants to leave the page. Is there any workaround (if you need some other code, write a comment because I am not sure which part could help you at all :) ) for this issue?

Try this:
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
// For IE and Firefox prior to version 4
if (e) {
e.returnValue = 'Sure?';
// For Safari
return 'Sure?';
Here is a working jsFiddle


How to stop refresh the page form the beforeunload event?

i'm using the 'beforeunload' event to detect the refresh event from the to stop refresh the page from beforeunload event and i should not show alert message
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.onUnload);
onUnload = e => {
// how to stop refresh the page from here and i should not show alert message.
//it is showing alert message. i no need to show the alert.
e.returnValue = "sure do you want to reload?";
It is not possible to prevent unloading a page without notifying the user.
Imagine you want to go to at a time you are viewing - but it will simply prevent you from navigating away!
However, there was a time some browsers used to prevent unloading silently when you assign an empty string to the returnValue. But I believe that age of evil is gone now.
When i understand your following comment corectly, then you simply need to return zero, or false. So in your function you write:
onUnload = e => {
return false;
When i do this, i get an automated response from the Browser (for me its Chrome), if i really wanna close this website. And its in my language, so its i18n-compilant
It basically says "Are you sure you wanna refresh/close this website, data may get lost" and than 2 buttons with "Refresh/Close" and "Abort"

How to show dialog box if user wants to close the browser and then check what they selected?

I'm wondering if there is any solution in JavaScript or JQuery to show the message to the user if they want to close their browser/window? I know there is an option to use beforeunload but the only problem is that I couldn't find what user selects Leave Page or Stay on Page. Reason why I'm asking if this is possible is because if user selects Leave Page I want to process AJAX call and then close the browser. All solutions so far would run AJAX call before user selects the option. Here is example of my current function that I use:
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
var confirmationMessage = "Your browser is now offline.",
recID = $.trim($("#recordID").val());
recID ? removeLock(recID) : ""; // Call function to remove record from the Lock table.
(e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; //I'm not sure what is the purpose of this line ???
return confirmationMessage;
As you can see above in the code my removeLock() function will execute as soon as user clicks on the X to close the browser/window. That will remove record from the lock table. This can be the problem if user decides to stay on the page. I'm wondering if there is any alternative solution or the way to check what user selects? Thank you.
I read your post as this may come in handy for tracking user behaviour one day.
I think your question is answered in an older post:
Capturing result of window.onbeforeunload confirmation dialog

How Do I Use JavaScript To Prevent A Window From Closing Without The Popup With The "Are You Sure You Want To Leave This Page" Message?

I have a page for editing some data, and have some buttons for saving the data and closing the page. The page also has a modal popup for prompting the user if they want to exit without saving any changes they've made (if they have made any).
However, whilst this works when the user clicks on the buttons, this does not work if they click on the X at the top right corner of the window. I can get the page to stop when they click on this, and ask the usual "Are You Sure You Want To Leave This Page" message, but this isn't as nice as the modal popup, and I'd rather the user saw the same message regardless of which way they tried to exit the screen.
Can anyone explain how to prevent the window from closing if the user has made changes, but without using the "Are You Sure You Want To Leave This Page" message, so that I can show my nice modal version instead please?
You can't. If you could, it would get abused. So you can't. Your only option is the onbeforeunload handler, which will (with modern browsers) show a default message (no longer a custom message). That's it.
var showMessage = false; // set it to true when you want the message shown on exit
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
if (showMessage) {
var event = e || window.event;
var msg = "You have unsaved changes."; // Most modern browsers will no
// longer actually show this
// message, just their own.
// But to trigger it, you have to
// return one, so may as well make
// it useful.
if (event) {
event.returnValue = msg; // IE
return msg; // Everyone else

How to capture when a user is leaving ASP.Net page unexpectedly

I need to prompt a user when they are leaving my ASP.Net page unexpectedly with a message to ask if they are sure they want to leave. A post back or when the save button is clicked should not fire the warning. There are a bunch of articles covering this but I am brand new to this and appear to have got my wires crossed.
The recommended way appears to be to use the window.onbeforeunload event but behaves unexpectedly for me. This is fired when the page loads as opposed to when the page unloads.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
function confirmExit() {
return "You have attempted to leave this page. If you have made any changes to the fields without clicking the Save button, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?";
If I use the JQuery implementation it fires when the page unloads but the problem is it fires before the code behind is executed. So I cannot set a variable on the client saying don’t fire the event this time as it is a post back or a Save.
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function () {
return 'Are you sure you want to leave?';
Can anyone point me in the correct direction as I know I am making basic mistakes/miss-understanding?
So I am nearly there:
var prompt = true;
$('a').live('click', function () {
//if click does not require a prompt set to false
prompt = false;
$(window).bind("beforeunload", function () {
if (prompt) {
//reset our prompt variable
prompt = false;
return true;
Except the problem is in the above code I need to be able to differentiate between the clicks but I haven't been able to figure that out yet i.e. I am missing a condition here "//if click does not require a prompt set to false".
Any ideas?
You can try using this:
In case people are interested this is the roundabout solution to my problem. How to tell if a page unload in ASP is a PostBack

Prevent user from accidentally navigating away

My problem is a bit more complex than using the following simple JavaScript code:
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
return 'Are You Sure?';
On an e-commerce web page I would like to remind the user that he has items in the shopping cart so that he can change his mind before
closing the browser tab/window
navigating to another domain
The JavaScript method above does not solve my problem because it is evoked even when the user navigates within the domain.
User tries to close window -> Show dialog
User changes url to in the browser's address bar -> Show dialog
User navigates to with the checkout button or presses the back button in the browser -> Do NOT show the dialog
It's not possible to tell if a user is pressing the back-button or closing the tab and you don't have access to their intended location.
It is possible to stop the dialog from showing if an internal link is clicked though:
function isExternal( href ) {
return RegExp('https?:\\/\\/(?!' + window.location.hostname + ')').test(href);
var returnValue = 'Are you sure?';
document.documentElement.onclick = function(e){
var target = e ? : window.event.srcElement;
if (target.href && !isExternal(target.href)) {
returnValue = undefined;
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
return returnValue;
Sorry there's no technical solution to your "problem."
It's not an accident when a user decides to leave your site, i.e. by typing a new URL, so stopping them to say "Hey, you haven't checked out yet" is kind of pointless.
I would suggest letting the visitor leave your website freely and simply remembering their information (DB, Sessions vars, etc). In terms of eCommerce that is the polite way of keeping customers.
If someone wants to leave your website, they will. Double-checking beforehand will likely only irritate the customer and lessen your chance of their return.
Since the beforeUnload-event object does NOT contain the location the user is trying to go to, one "hack" to do this would be to add click listeners to all links on your site, and disable the unload-listener in that handler. It's not very pretty, and it will probably not work if the user navigates with the keyboard, but it's my best guess at the moment.
It sounds like you'd need to use an onbeforeunload and then modify all your internal links to disable it. Probably the thing to do for the latter would be a jQuery event; making the actual hrefs run through JS would be terrible, not least because it'd defeat search engine crawling.
I was looking into this too, reason being we have some really stupid end users who fill out a whole web form then don't press the save button.
I found this is u r interested, seems like a good solution:

