I have a task I don't know how to start. Please tell me, if there's too much code attached or if I can get any clues from old questions. Am I missing code ony in one of the files below or both?
In the client page there's only possible to drag and drop the attachment, or click square or link and then choose any files from the computer.
Task description is this:
"Purpose and need: The image attachment is added directly from the clipboard with ctrl + v.
The server has an interface at xxxxx.com. Attachments are sent on PUT request and the query portion of the address is, for example, like ?attachment_id[/request_id/urlkey], where attachment_id is something unique and invented, request_id is the request ID number, and urlkey is the "password" associated the request. The last two are therefore either defined or not at all. The content of the transmission itself must be a multipart/form-data model.
The server then returns a JSON response and if it was a success then the okMessage field can be found in it immediately at the root. Otherwise, an error message such as errorMessages (str arr) or errors (obj → srt) will return.
There are two places on this page to send an attachment:
Make a New Job Request. See if this is visible. Here's how to check it: document.getElementById('v1r').checked. If the file was successfully uploaded to the server, it will add a tag as an extension to this table: document.getElementById ('rootNew')._fields.appendixTags.i.a_newTags.
Previously sent request. See if this is visible. Here's how: document.getElementById('v2r').checked && document.getElementById ('justRequest') parentElement.style.display != 'nothing'
(v1r and v2r are mutually exclusive, meaning only one can be visible at a time) Then, when the file has been successfully uploaded, even if you call this function, it will already be the text you want to see: l_help_addFileList(lt, name, size, mime, days) however, only name information is currently used. But where lt comes from in 1, is document.getElementById('justNew')._fields.appendixTags.i.e_sentFiles, and the conditions in section 2 are: document.getElementById('requestAttachment').e_sentFiles.
Job Request Response (Email) Not yet
In step 2, the credentials can be angled from the tag_id and tag_key data stored in the document.getElementById ('comment') element."
I have no idea where to start. I have two javascript files: index and sendAttachment. First of all, must I modify both files or only sendAttachment one?
Secondly, what I'm missing from the code so that in addition to dragging and droping , attachments can also be attached with ctrl + v?
I appreciate your help. Thank you!
Here's the current codes from client side:
//Send button
let send = document.createElement('div');
send.id = 'send';
send.className = 'tr';
let button = document.createElement('input');
button.type = 'button';
button.onclick = new_sendForm;
button.value = 'Submit';
root._send = button;
//Shows that notification is received
let note = document.createElement('div');
note.id = 'new_note';
note.style.display = 'none';
let div = document.createElement('div');
let text = document.createElement('h2');
text.textContent = 'Sended successfully';
let button = document.createElement('input');
button.type = 'button';
button.onclick = function reset(){
note.style.display = 'none';
if (root._fields.attachmentTags)
l_addBufferedAttachmentInformation(root._fields.attachmentTags.i, []);
button.value = 'Empty form';
let p = document.createElement('i');
p.textContent = 'You can find this and previous requests from the tab named Previous'
+ ' if you gave your email address.'
p = document.createElement('p');
p.style.fontFamily = "'Lucida Console', monospace";
p.innerHTML = 'Here's the link<br>';
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = '#';
a.textContent = 'The link isn't created yet';
root._note = note;
root._note_a = a;
let email = root._fields['email'];
let o = s_get();
if (email && email.i && !email.i.value && o.email)
email.i.value = o.email;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function show_comment(){
let comment = document.getElementById('comment');
let selection = null;{
let inputs = comment.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (let i=0, ii=inputs.length; i<ii; i++){
let input = inputs.item(i);
if (input.checked){
selection = input.value;
let n_comment = document.getElementById('n_comment');
let n_comment_error = document.getElementById('n_comment_error');
let n_comment_button = document.getElementById('n_comment_button');
if (!selection)
n_comment_error.textContent = 'Not done';
else if (!n_comment.value.trim())
n_comment_error.textContent = 'Comment missing';
else {
n_comment_error.textContent = '';
n_comment_button.disabled = true;
let post = {
feature: "addComment",
getRequest: {
id: comment.key_id,
urlkey: comment.key_key,
status: selection,
description: n_comment.value
function ok(json){
n_comment_button.disabled = false;
if (json.errorMessages)
n_comment_error.innerHTML = json.errorMessages.join('<br>');
n_comment.value = '';
if (json.requests && json.requests[0]){
let request = json.requests[0];
let label = document.getElementById('rootRequest').getElementsByTagName('h3').item(0);
if (label && request.jira_fields && request.jira_fields.description){
label.nextElementSibling.innerHTML = '';
doc2html(request.jira_fields.description, bella.nextElementSibling);
function err(json){
n_comment_button.disabled = false;
n_comment_error.textContent = 'Sending failed';
//Attachments part
let requestAttachment = document.getElementById('requestAttachment');
if (request.jira_fields && request.jira_fields.attachment)
l_addJiraAttachmentInfo(requestAttachment, request.jira_fields.attachment);
else if (pyynto.attachmentTags)
l_addBufferedAttachmentInfo(requestAttachment, request.attachmentTags);
l_addBufferedAttachmentInfo(requestAttachment, []);
} else {
root.innerHTML = 'Didn't find the request';
root.parentElement.style.display = 'inline-block';
function show_get(id, urlkey){
function ok(json){
feature: 'get',
getRequest: {
id: id,
urlkey: urlkey
function err(json){
let root = document.getElementById('rootRequest');
root.innerHTML = '<b>Download failed</b>';
function show_initLomake(){
let get = getParameters();
let root = document.getElementById('rootRequest');
if (get['id'] && get['idKey']){
root.innerHTML = '<i>Searching...</i>';
show_get(get['id'], get['idKey']);
//Switching page
document.getElementById('v2r').checked = true;
} else {
root.parentElement.style.display = 'none';
let requestAttachment = document.getElementById('requestAttachment');
let comment = document.getElementById('comment');
if (typeof l_createForm === 'function' && requestAttachment && comment)
l_createForm(requestAttachment, comment);
else if (comment)
requestAttachment.parentElement.style.display = 'none';
function list_sendLink(email){
if (email){
function ok(json){
let root = document.getElementById('rootList');
if (json.okMessage)
root.textContent = json.okMessage;
else if (json.errors && json.errors['sendMssage']){
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = json.errors['sendMessage'];
div.className = 'error';
} else if (json.errorMessages && json.errorMessages[0]){
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = json.errorMessages[0];
div.className = 'error';
} else
root.innerHTML = "Something went wrong. Don't know what or where.";
feature: 'sendListTag',
newForm: {
email: email
function err(json){
let root = document.getElementById('rootList');
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = 'Sending the request to server failed???';
div.className = 'error';
function list_initShowPrevious(){
let get = getParameters();
let store = s_get();
let root = document.getElementById('rootList');
let mm_list = document.getElementById('mm_list');
let email = get['email'];
let listTag = get['list'];
if (store.email && store.listTag){
if (!email || !listag || store.email == email && store.listTag == listTag){
email = store.email;
listTag = store.listTag;
mm_list.innerHTML = 'Email and list tags.';
} else {
mm_list.innerHTML = 'Email and list tag, but they differ!<br><i>If you want to update, you must forget old infos first.</i>';
} else if (email && listTag){
s_post(email, listTag);
mm_list.innerHTML = 'Email and list tags (saved now).';
} else {
mm_list.innerHTML = 'Nothing';
if (email && listTag){
root.innerHTML = '<i>Searching...</i>';
list_get(email, listTag);
if (!get['form'])
document.getElementById('v2r').checked = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function init(){
//New form?
function settingsGot(json){
window._settings = json;
'use strict';
function l_createForm(root, settingSource){
if (!root || !ss || !ss.SimpleUpload){
console.error("Formatting of downloading attachment file failed.");
} else {
root.a_settingSource = settingSource;
root.a_newTags = [];
let sendedFiles = document.createElement('fieldset');
root.e_SendedFiles = sendedFiles;
sendedFiles.className = 'sendedFiles';
let legend = document.createElement('legend');
legend.innerHTML = 'Sended files';
let progressBox = document.createElement('div');
root.e_progressBox = progressBox;
progressBox.className = 'progressBox';
let key = document.createElement('p');
root.e_key = key;
key.className = 'key';
key.innerHTML = '<span>Drag and drop the files you want to send to the square above</span> ' +
'or <a>click here</a>';
root.e_clicking = key.lastElementChild;
root.e_fileUpload = new ss.SimpleUpload({
button: [root.e_sendedFiles, root.e_clicking],
url: function before(xhr, settings){
let extra = '';
if (settingSource && settingSource.tag_id && settingSource.tag_key)
extra = '/' + settingSource.tag_id + '/' + settingSource.tag_key;
return location.protocol +
'//' + location.host +
'/api?' +
(Date.now()) +
name: "file",
method: "PUT",
dropzone: root,
dragClass: 'fileOn',
encodeHeaders: true,
cors: false,
multiple: true,
multipleSelect: true,
noParams: true,
multipart: true,
autoSubmit: true,
responseType: "json",
debug: false,
onDone: function sendingPassed(
statusCode,//the response status code, if any
statusText,//the response status code, if any
button,//Button which started sending
fileSize//number or null
let sendedFiles = root.e_sendedFiles;
if (sendedFiles){
if (json && json.attachmentTag)
} else {
alert('File "' + fileName + '" sended successfully.');
onError: function sendingError(
errorType,//"error" or "parseerror"
statusCode,//the response status code, if any
statusText,//the response status code, if any
button,//Button which started sending
fileSize//number or null
alert('"' + fileName + '": ' + statusText);
onSubmit: function(filename, extension) {
// Create the elements of our progress bar
var progress = document.createElement('div'), // container for progress bar
bar = document.createElement('div'), // actual progress bar
fileSize = document.createElement('div'), // container for upload file size
wrapper = document.createElement('div'), // container for this progress bar
//declare somewhere: <div id="progressBox"></div> where you want to show the progress-bar(s)
progressBox = root.e_progressBox; //on page container for progress bars
// Assign each element its corresponding class
progress.className = 'progress progress-striped';
bar.className = 'progress-bar progress-bar-success';
fileSize.className = 'size';
wrapper.className = 'wrapper';
// Assemble the progress bar and add it to the page
wrapper.innerHTML = '<div class="name">Sending <b>'+filename+'</b></div>'; // filename is passed to onSubmit()
progressBox.appendChild(wrapper); // just an element on the page to hold the progress bars
// Assign roles to the elements of the progress bar
this.setProgressBar(bar); // will serve as the actual progress bar
this.setFileSizeBox(fileSize); // display file size beside progress bar
this.setProgressContainer(wrapper); // designate the containing div to be removed after upload
function l_help_addFileToList(root, name, size, mime, date){
let square = document.createElement('div');
square.className = 'square';
let text = document.createElement('span');
text.className = 'name';
text.innerHTML = name;
let size = document.createElement('i');
size.className = 'size';
size.innerHTML = size;
function l_addJiraAttachmentInfo(root, attachment_arr){
if (root.e_sendedFiles && attachment_arr instanceof Array){
root.e_sendedFiles.innerHTML = '';
root.a_newTags = [];
for (let i=0, ii=attachment_arr.length; i<ii; i++){
let a = attachment_arr[i];
function l_addBufferedAttachmentInfo(root, attachmentTags){
if (root.e_sendedFiles && attachmentTags instanceof Array){
root.e_sendedFiles.innerHTML = '';
root.a_newTags = [];
for (let i=0, ii=attachmentTags.length; i<ii; i++){
let a = attachmentTags[i];
'Sending_' + a,
function l_getSendedTags(root){
if (root.a_newTags)
return root.a_newTags;
return null;
I have an email form field. On click, it executes this javascript ...
$(document).on('click', '#add_delegate', function() {
RegistrationHelper.added_delegate = true;
// var button = $(event.target);
var button = $(this);
var uri = button.data('url');
if (typeof uri === 'undefined') {
return false;
var input = $('#email_search');
var data = {email:input.val()};
data.text().replace(/ /g,'');
var spinner = $('#delegate_add_spinner');
$.ajax({type:'POST', url: uri, data:data}).success(function(card) {
var html = $(card);
var data_id = html.attr('data-id');
var existing_elem = $('.mini_addresscard[data-id=' + data_id + ']');
if (existing_elem.length < 1) {
// this is in a seperate timeout because IE8 is so damn stupid; it crashes if run directly
setTimeout(function () {
var last_card = $('#address_cards div.mini_addresscard').last();
//last_card.get(0).innerHTML = card;
// html.attr("id", 'sdklfjaklsdjf');
}, 10);
} else {
var background = existing_elem.css('background');
}, {
complete: function() {
// var border_color = existing_elem.css('border-color');
// existing_elem.css({'border-color':'#EFF038'});
// existing_elem.animate({'border-color':border_color});
}).complete(function(data) {
}).error(function(data) {
var input = $('#email_search');
var error = 'Please try again later'; //incase something crazy happens
if(data.status == "422"){
error = 'You cannot add yourself as a supervisor.';
if(data.status == "404" ){
error = 'Could not find anyone with that email address.';
add_popover(input, error);
return false;
My goal is to trim the whitespace before the AJAX request
So as you can see in the code above I added the line
data.text().replace(/ /g,'');
... but now it renders that button useless. In other words the button does nothing when clicked.
Since you're using jQuery, why not make use of .trim():
var data = {email:input.val()};
data.text().replace(/ /g,'');
var data = {email:$.trim(input.val())};
The trim supposed to remove the spaces at beginning and end of the input:
var input = $('#email_search').val();
input = input.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
This my code
I am getting email address from database through ajax and mysql it is giving me value in . so in below FUNCTION comparing() i am retriving data from span to compare with the textfield data. but it is not comparing properly.
Please help me out
function validate(pageForm)
/************Getting error values in return values***********************/
var returncomparing = "";
returncomparing += comparing(pageForm.email);
if (returncomparing != "")
document.getElementById('error').innerHTML = returnIndustry;
return false;
After giving correct EMAIL still it is giving Error ... (Please Provide Login User ID)
function comparing(pageForm){
var error = "";
// var fetchedEmail=document.forms["pageForm"]["email_fetch"].value;
var em=document.forms["pageForm"]["email"].value;
//var emai = document.getElementById('emlTst').value;
var email = document.getElementById('txtHint').innerHTML;
//document.getElementById('emlTst').value = email;
if(em != email){
document.getElementById('error_email2').innerHTML="Please Provide Login User ID";
pageForm.style.borderColor = 'red';
else if(em == email){
error = "";
else {
pageForm.style.borderColor = '#c7c7c7';
return error;
var em = $('#email').val().toLowerCase();
var email = $('#txtHint').val().toLowerCase();
I created a Captcha validator but It overrides the Dreamweaver Spry validator that validates the entire form and submits it. How do I get it to get it to append to or work with the spry validator. The captcha validator is below. I don't want it to submit the form. I want it to proceed to the spry validator that validates the entire form.
function checkform(theform){
var why = "";
if(theform.txtInput.value == ""){
why += "- Security code should not be empty.\n";
if(theform.txtInput.value != ""){
if(ValidCaptcha(theform.txtInput.value) == false){
why += "- Security code did not match.\n";
if(why != ""){
return false;
// Validate the Entered input aganist the generated security code function
function ValidCaptcha(){
var str1 = removeSpaces(document.getElementById('txtCaptcha').value);
var str2 = removeSpaces(document.getElementById('txtInput').value);
if (str1 == str2){
return true;
return false;
// Remove the spaces from the entered and generated code
function removeSpaces(string){
return string.split(' ').join('');
1.I solved the problem by removing the checkform function above
2. Then create an input field and validate it against the output of the txtCaptcha generated by the code below. That way my Form gets validated by my original validator. (no Conflicts
<script type="text/javascript">
//Generates the captcha function
var a = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';
var b = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';
var c = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';
var d = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';
var e = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';
var code = a + b + c + d + e;
document.getElementById("txtCaptcha").value = code;
document.getElementById("txtCaptchaDiv").innerHTML = code;
var spryconfirm1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationConfirm("spryconfirm1", "txtCaptcha");
I have a login box using a simple javascript login comparing usernames and passwords, before you all start I know about the security issues in using javascript for authentication. Here is the code
function validate() {
var un = document.getElementById("usern").value;
var pw = document.getElementById("pword").value;
var valid = false;
var unArray = ["markwalt", "jongossy", "lisacain", "jenndemp"];
var pwArray = ["mark1234", "flomaygo", "lisa1234", "jenny1234"];
var fnArray = ["Mark Walters", "Jonathan Goss", "Lisa Cain", "Jenny Dempsey"];
for (var i=0; i <unArray.length; i++) {
if ((un == unArray[i]) && (pw == pwArray[i])) {
valid = true;
if (valid) {
alert ("Login was successful");
document.getElementById("mandatory1").value = un;
else {
alert("Invalid Username and/or Password! Please try again. You will not be able to submit this form without a successful login")
document.getElementById("pword").value = "";
document.getElementById("usern").value = "";
At the moment if the login is successful I'm posting the username to a hidden field which is then being used by a piece of a software. How do I associate the names in fnArray with the other correct username & password so that I can then grab associated full name and post that to the hidden field "mandator1" instead?
You can get the index of the correct user
var unArray = ["markwalt", "jongossy", "lisacain", "jenndemp"];
var pwArray = ["mark1234", "flomaygo", "lisa1234", "jenny1234"];
var fnArray = ["Mark Walters, Jonathan Goss, Lisa Cain, Jenny Dempsey"];
var index = 0;
for (var i=0; i <unArray.length; i++) {
if ((un == unArray[i]) && (pw == pwArray[i])) {
valid = true;
index = i;
now you can access the correct data using
// and so on for other arrays
Define a variable for full name, and set it if you have the valid user:
var fn = "";
/* ... */
valid = true;
fn = fnArray[i];
/* ... */
document.getElementById("mandatory1").value = fn;
Note: Actually you can check validity later on using fn. If it is empty string, then no user was logged in. This makes it have same purpose as valid, and more.
Try this.
function validate() {
var un = document.getElementById("usern").value;
var pw = document.getElementById("pword").value;
var valid = -1;
var unArray = ["markwalt", "jongossy", "lisacain", "jenndemp"];
var pwArray = ["mark1234", "flomaygo", "lisa1234", "jenny1234"];
var fnArray = ["Mark Walters","Jonathan Goss","Lisa Cain","Jenny Dempsey"];
for (var i=0; i <unArray.length; i++) {
if ((un == unArray[i]) && (pw == pwArray[i])) {
valid = i;
if (valid != -1) {
alert ("Login was successful");
document.getElementById("mandatory1").value = fnArray[valid];
else {
alert("Invalid Username and/or Password! Please try again. You will not be able to submit this form without a successful login")
document.getElementById("pword").value = "";
document.getElementById("usern").value = "";
set mandatory1 when the login is successful based on i (in the for loop)