How can i group and restructure the JSON object in Angular8 - javascript

I am getting below response, I want to ReGroup all the data and its children based on buSubRegion which is present inside children now. And also needs to add buSubRegion outside children.
For EX - In below Response, 1UL Africa belongs to Africa object and also present inside Europe object, so i need to merge children of all objects which belongs to 1UL Africa into one array of object.
I want if buSubRegion have a same value and it is present inside many objects then find all those objects and merge into one.
Also, Agbara - Savoury dont have a BU sub-region So i don't want to include this object.
Can anyone please help me to achieve this.
const data = [
"name": "Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Agbara - Laundry",
"buSubRegion": "1UL Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Agbara - Savoury",
"children": [
"name": "Europe",
"children": [
"name": "Europe1",
"buSubRegion": "1UL Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Europe2",
"buSubRegion": "Test Europe",
"children": [
"name": "Latem",
"children": [
"name": "test1",
"buSubRegion": "latem1",
"children": [
Below is my Expected Output
"buSubRegion": "1UL Africa",
"name": "Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Agbara - Laundry",
"buSubRegion": "1UL Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Europe1",
"buSubRegion": "1UL Africa",
"children": [
"buSubRegion": "Test Europe",
"name": "Europe",
"children": [
"name": "Europe2",
"buSubRegion": "Test Europe",
"children": [
"name": "Latem",
"buSubRegion": "latem1",
"children": [
"name": "test1",
"buSubRegion": "latem1",
"children": [

You can make use of reduce and inside that loop through children property to group the data by buSubRegion.
const data = [{"name":"Africa","id":1,"children":[{"name":"Agbara - Laundry","buSubRegion":"1UL Africa","children":[{"lineId":"R_D005_TPKDST02"}]},{"name":"Agbara - Savoury","children":[{"lineId":"R_D005_TPKDST02"}]}]},{"name":"Europe","id":2,"children":[{"name":"Europe1","buSubRegion":"1UL Africa","children":[{"lineId":"R_D005_TPKDST02"}]},{"name":"Europe2","buSubRegion":"Test Europe","children":[{"lineId":"R_D005_TPKDST02"}]}]},{"name":"Latem","id":3,"children":[{"name":"test1","buSubRegion":"latem1","children":[{"lineId":"R_D005_TPKDST02"}]}]}];
const result = data.reduce((a,{children,})=>{
a[buSubRegion] ??= {buSubRegion,, children:[]};
a[buSubRegion].children.push({buSubRegion, ...others})
return a;


javascript print nested array to screen

I have a data array, there are multiple objects in this array, and the data object is an array. There may be more than one object in this array. How can I copy these objects under a single array?
const test = []
const data = [
"_id": "124141",
"name": "test",
"data": [
"title": "sda"
"_id": "2525",
"name": "test2",
"data": [
"title": "asdas"
"title": "sda"
"title": "asdas"
If this is the output I expect, it should be like this. how can I do that
const data = [
"_id": "124141",
"name": "test",
"data": [
"title": "sda"
"_id": "2525",
"name": "test2",
"data": [
"title": "asdas"
console.log( =>;
// OR
console.log(data.flatMap(e =>;

How to filter nested JSON children objects and return result Angular 8

I am getting API response inside filterchildrenByRegion() function,
I want to remove those object which are not matching with the selected Region and return all data as it is.
Ex 1 -
If i will pass '1UL Africa' inside changeRegion() function,than it will return data as my expected output 1.
Ex - 2 - If i will pass 'South Africa"' inside changeRegion() function,than it will return data as my expected output 2.
this.newRegion = this.filterchildrenByRegion('1UL Africa');
filterchildrenByRegion(region){ = [
"name": "Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Test1",
"region": "1UL Africa"
"name": "Test2",
"region": "South Africa",
"name": "Test3",
"region": "New Test",
"name": "Europe",
"children": [
"name": "Test4",
"region": "1UL Africa"
"name": "Test5",
"region": "Test Europe"
return => => child.region).includes(regionName));
Expected OutPut1
result = = [
"name": "Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Test1",
"region": "1UL Africa"
"name": "Europe",
"children": [
"name": "Test4",
"region": "1UL Africa"
Expected OutPut 2
result = = [
"name": "Africa",
"children": [
"name": "Test1",
"region": "1UL Africa"
Here is a sample that will work for your case
return => {
const childrenFulfillingTheSearch = x.children.filter(c => c.region.includes(region));
if (childrenFulfillingTheSearch.length === 0) {
return undefined; //this country has no children fulfilling the requirements
return {
children: childrenFulfillingTheSearch
.filter(x => x !== undefined);
Click here to view a running example

Create a nested json object from another nested json object [HOLD]

As the question states, I want to create a new object from a current json object.
My current json object:
"name": "Parent",
"children": [
"name": "Child1",
"children": [
"name": "GrandChid1",
"children": []
"name": "GrandChild2",
"children": []
"name": "GrandChild3",
"children": [
"name": "GrandGrandChild1",
"children": [
"name": "GrandGrandGrandChild1",
"children": []
"name": "GrandGrandGrandChild2",
"children": []
Now the new object will look something like this:
"Parent": [
"Child1": [
"GrandChid1": ''
"GrandChild2": ''
"GrandChild3": [
"GrandGrandChild1": [
"GrandGrandGrandChild1": ''
"GrandGrandGrandChild2": ''
If there are no children then it becomes a string (simple key value) pair.
Any help is appreciated especially with a recursive solution.
let r = o=> (>r(x)),
{[]: o.children.length ? o.children:''});
let c= {
"name": "Parent",
"children": [
"name": "Child1",
"children": [
"name": "GrandChid1",
"children": []
"name": "GrandChild2",
"children": []
"name": "GrandChild3",
"children": [
"name": "GrandGrandChild1",
"children": [
"name": "GrandGrandGrandChild1",
"children": []
"name": "GrandGrandGrandChild2",
"children": []
let r = o=> (>r(x)),{[]: o.children.length ? o.children:''});

Objects keys value to be updated with arrays value

Below is my Attempt, I have an object which has array of objects within it, it has a field: 'positionTitle'.
I also have an array of objects which also has a 'positionTitle'
They both have similar data I want all of the values for the positionTitles in my 'individualsData' to go into 'graphData' and be able to now use this new graphData!
I think my attempt is wrong its treating them both as arrays?
Thanks, Dale
graphData = {
"engagementAreas": [{
"id": "1",
"engagementTypes": [{
"name": "forestry",
"engagements": []
"name": "houses",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "3434",
"positionTitle": "Manager"
}, {
"name": "landscaping",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1343",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "4545",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager"
IndividualData = [{
"account": {
"id": "001b000003WnPy1AAF",
"fullName": "Adnan A. Khan"
"positions": [{
"id": "a16b0000004AxeBAAS",
"organizationId": "001b0000005gxmlAAA",
"organizationName": "a",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager, Energy",
"positionLevel": "5-Middle Management & Advisers",
"isPrimary": true,
"startDate": "2016-10-07",
"endDate": null
}, {
"account": {
"id": "0010X000048DDMsQAO",
"fullName": "Christine Leong"
"positions": [{
"id": "a160X000004nKfhQAE",
"organizationId": "001b0000005gxmlAAA",
"organizationName": "a",
"positionTitle": "Managing Director",
"positionLevel": "4-Head of Business Unit/Head of Region",
"isPrimary": true,
"startDate": "2018-03-05",
"endDate": null
What I expect to see:
NEWgraphData = {
"engagementAreas": [{
"id": "1",
"engagementTypes": [{
"name": "forestry",
"engagements": []
"name": "houses",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "3434",
"positionTitle": "Senior Manager, Energy" <== from individualsdata
}, {
"name": "landscaping",
"engagements": [{
"name": "engagement1343",
"members": [{
"position": {
"id": "4545",
"positionTitle": "Managing Director" <== also from individuals data
}, i) => {
el.engagementTypes.engagements.members.position.positionTitle = individualsData.positions.positionTitle;
return el;
As engagementTypes, engagements and members properties are also array of objects, you have to loop them as well as below., i) => {
el.engagementTypes.forEach((et) => {
et.engagements.forEach((eg) => {
eg.members.forEach((mem) => {
mem.position.positionTitle = individualsData.positions.positionTitle; // make sure this is correct
return el;
Here is the solution. but you have to choose what individual data item will be the pick for the positionTitle, i) => {
return,i2) => {
return (el3,i3) => {
return,i4) => {
return el4.position.positionTitle =individualsDt[0].positions.[0].positionTitle;// take a look here, i just pick positionTitle staticly
see implementation in console here enter link description here

get records doing a match between arrays rethinkdb

I want get the id from table records that have the array match with other record from the same table's array example:
it is record of user '1'
✔ r.db('fotogena').table('users').filter({user:'1'}).pluck('pleasures')
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
and i want compare each one that items(without the user '1') inside that pleasure.subCategory with others records inside the same table with the same estructure.
Table with 3 records
"date": "2017-10-03T03:58:02.651Z",
"id": "d82279a7-fbc6-40a2-99ca-39796ea57efa",
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"user": "1"
"date": "2017-10-07T02:59:45.942Z",
"id": "174c0e35-da79-4ca8-b237-8ec569cc27b1",
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"user": "10"
"date": "2017-10-07T02:07:13.715Z",
"id": "dd11edac-e0f5-43ac-811a-eaa78a6509c7",
"pleasures": [
"category": "432f1ae0-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1aef-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1afa-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"category": "432f1b02-a7b1-11e7-86dc-d709d79803e4",
"subCategory": [
"user": "25"
i think that maybe can be it:
return //do something
i could solve it, later of search and search, i could created a script that show that i want get
I had that do in unique query(no joins) compare arrays with arrays using .contains() and worked very good
return users('pleasures').contains(category=>{
return category('subCategory').contains(subCategory=>{
return r.db('fotogena').table('users').filter({user: '1'}).pluck('pleasures').contains(pleasures2=>{
return pleasures2('pleasures').contains(subCate2=>{
return subCate2('subCategory')
return subCategory2.eq(subCategory)

