How to get child click on paremt in react js - javascript

I have a child and parent compoinents as follows,
When I click on the div I am not able to get the alert in parent component but when I keep button in child component I can able to get the aler. Not sure what I am doing, Can any one please help. Thanks.
Child Comp:
const PrimaryNavigation = ({ className, data, childToParent }: IPrimaryNavigation) => {
return (
<div className={`${className} w-full bg-black grid grid-cols-12 gap-4 py-12 pl-12`}>
<div className="relative col-span-2 md:col-span-1 w-5 h-5 md:w-6 md:h-6 cursor-pointer" onClick={() => { childToParent() }}>>
<Image src={searchSvg} layout="fill" objectFit="contain" alt="hamburgerIcon" />
<div className="relative col-span-2 md:col-span-1 md:w-6 md:h-6 w-5 h-5 cursor-pointer" >
<Image src={hamburgerSvg} layout="fill" objectFit="contain" alt="searchIcon" />
Parent Comp:
const Header = ({ data }: IHeader) => {
const childToParent = () => {
return (
<header className="w-full md-0 md:md-6 bg-black grid grid-cols-12 gap-4">
<PrimaryNavigation className="col-span-11" data={data.primaryNavigationCollection.items} childToParent={childToParent} />
export default Header


dynamic modal not working properly in Next Js

I'm implementing a modal popup for a youtube in my Next app. I'm mapping through json object and passing them into cards. and when user selects specific card it displays a modal popup. and in that popup it is passed a url for a youtube vid.
my index.js code.
const Contents = ({result , index}) => {
let router = useRouter();
const [modal, setModel] = useState(false);
const [temp, setTemp] = useState([]);
const getData = (vid)=>{
let temp = [vid];
setTemp(item =>[1, ...temp]);
return setModel(true);
return (
<div className='grid md:grid-cols-2 gap-y-6 place-items-center lg:grid-cols-4 px-5 pt-5'>
{result.items &&, idx)=>{
return (
{/* <ContentCard result={res} index={index} key={idx}/> */}
<div onClick={()=>getData(res.snippet.resourceId?.videoId)}>
<div className='flex flex-col hover:scale-110 hover:transition-all hover:duration-200 hover:ease-in ease-out duration-200'>
<div className=' relative snap-center rounded-lg h-40 w-64 '>
src={res.snippet.thumbnails.standard?.url || res.snippet.thumbnails.medium?.url || res.snippet.thumbnails.high?.url}
className={`h-full w-full bg-cover rounded-lg bg-no-repeat`} />
<Moment className=' text-dark-gray' date={res.snippet.publishedAt} format={"MMM Do YY"}/>
<div className=' text-sm font-thin font-serif text-med-gray'>{res.snippet.title.slice(0, 25).concat('...')}</div>
modal === true ? <Modal vid={temp[1]} />: ''
and my modal.js
<div className=" fixed inset-0 bg-bg-black bg-opacity-70 backdrop-blur-sm flex justify-center items-center">
<div className="">
<Video vid={vid} />
{/* <h1>{vid}</h1> */}
const opts ={
height: '70%',
wresulthth: '70%',
playerVars: {
autoplay: 1,
return (
<YouTube videoId={vid} opts={opts}/>
my issue is when modal is fired up it displays the prop data, but when i use it for youtube videos it doesn't work. also uses a lot of my cpu and it lags when only modal is opened. what is the fix?

How to properly conditionally render child component in react

I have the following components : (AddBookPanel contains the AddBookForm)
I need to have the ability to display the form on click of the 'AddBookButton', and also
have the ability to hide the form while clicking the 'x' button (img in AddBookForm component), however the component doesn't seem to load properly, what could be wrong here? What do you think is the best way to organize this?
import { AddBookButton } from './AddBookButton';
import { AddBookForm } from './AddBookForm';
import { useState } from 'react';
export const AddBookPanel = () => {
const [addBookPressed, setAddBookPressed] = useState(false);
return (
<div onClick={() => setAddBookPressed(!addBookPressed)}>
<AddBookButton />
<AddBookForm initialFormActive={addBookPressed} />
import { useState } from 'react';
interface AddBookFormProps {
initialFormActive: boolean;
export const AddBookForm: React.FC<AddBookFormProps> = ({
}) => {
const [isFormActive, setIsFormActive] = useState(initialFormActive);
return (
{isFormActive && (
<div className="fixed box-border h-2/3 w-1/3 border-4 left-1/3 top-24 bg-white border-slate-600 shadow-xl">
<div className="flex justify-between bg-slate-400">
<p className="text-4xl my-5 mx-6">Add a new Book</p>
<div className="h-16 w-16 my-3 mx-3">
<button onClick={() => setIsFormActive(!isFormActive)}>
<div className="flex-col">
<div className="flex justify-between my-10 ml-5 text-xl">
<input type="text" placeholder="book name"></input>
You're always rendering the AddBookForm. That means in the initial render the useState is called with false. Since you never call setIsFormActive it is now stuck as "do not render".
Just don't use the useState and use the property initialFormActive directly. And maybe rename it to isFormActive. Let the parent handle the state change.
import { AddBookButton } from './AddBookButton';
import { AddBookForm } from './AddBookForm';
import { useState } from 'react';
export const AddBookPanel = () => {
const [addBookPressed, setAddBookPressed] = useState(false);
return (
<div onClick={() => setAddBookPressed(!addBookPressed)}>
<AddBookButton />
<AddBookForm initialFormActive={addBookPressed} onClose={() => setAddBookPressed(false)} />
import { useState } from 'react';
interface AddBookFormProps {
initialFormActive: boolean;
onColse: () => void;
export const AddBookForm: React.FC<AddBookFormProps> = ({
}) => {
// const [isFormActive, setIsFormActive] = useState(initialFormActive); don't use this frozen state, allow the parent to control visibility
return (
{initialFormActive && (
<div className="fixed box-border h-2/3 w-1/3 border-4 left-1/3 top-24 bg-white border-slate-600 shadow-xl">
<div className="flex justify-between bg-slate-400">
<p className="text-4xl my-5 mx-6">Add a new Book</p>
<div className="h-16 w-16 my-3 mx-3">
<button onClick={() => onClose()}>
<div className="flex-col">
<div className="flex justify-between my-10 ml-5 text-xl">
<input type="text" placeholder="book name"></input>
Problem with your code is in how you tied initialFormActive to inner state of AddBookForm component. When looking at useState inside AddBookForm it is clear that prop initialFormActive only affects your initial state, and when looking at your parent component I can clearly see that you passed false as value for initialFormActive prop, thus initializing state inside AddBookForm with false value(form will stay hidden). Then you expect when you click on button, and when prop value changes(becomes true), that your <AddBookForm /> will become visible, but it will not because you just used initial value(false) from prop and after that completely decoupled from prop value change.
Since you want to control visibility outside of component, then you should attach two props to AddBookForm, isVisible and toggleVisibiliy. And do something like this:
export const AddBookPanel = () => {
const [addBookPressed, setAddBookPressed] = useState(false);
const toggleAddBookPressed = () => setAddBookPressed(p => !p);
return (
<div onClick={() => setAddBookPressed(!addBookPressed)}>
<AddBookButton />
<AddBookForm isVisible={addBookPressed} toggleVisibility={toggleAddBookPressed } />
export const AddBookForm: React.FC<AddBookFormProps> = ({
isVisible, toggleVisibility
}) => {
return (
{isVisible&& (
<div className="fixed box-border h-2/3 w-1/3 border-4 left-1/3 top-24 bg-white border-slate-600 shadow-xl">
<div className="flex justify-between bg-slate-400">
<p className="text-4xl my-5 mx-6">Add a new Book</p>
<div className="h-16 w-16 my-3 mx-3">
<button onClick={toggleVisibility}>
<div className="flex-col">
<div className="flex justify-between my-10 ml-5 text-xl">
<input type="text" placeholder="book name"></input>

How to pass an icon as a prop?

I'm using props and I want to have "optionText" and "optionIcon" the 1st one I'm able to add but I'm not able to implement an icon as a prop
File where I'm creating props
import Icon from "#mui/material/Icon";
function HeaderMenuOptions({ optionText, OptionIcon }) {
return (
<div className="flex items-center text-center">
<h1 className="py-1 my-1 hover:bg-menu-option-hover hover:text-black cursor-pointer">
export default HeaderMenuOptions;
file where I'm using said props
<div className="absolute left-72 top-3 rounded-md bg-section w-[10rem] text-center">
<p className="menu-header mt-2">VIEW OPTIONS</p>
<div className="flex items-center justify-center space-x-2 mr-2 cursor-pointer hover:bg-menu-option-hover hover:hover:text-black group">
<HeaderMenuOptions optionText="Night Mode" />
onClick={() => alert("Light mode has not been added yet!")}
className="cursor-pointer text-blue-500"
<p className="menu-header">MORE STUFF</p>
<HeaderMenuOptions optionText="Premium" OptionIcon={SecurityIcon} />
<HeaderMenuOptions optionText="TEST" />
<HeaderMenuOptions optionText="TEST" />
<HeaderMenuOptions optionText="TEST" />
<HeaderMenuOptions optionText="TEST" />
can anyone please help me. Thanks
The HeaderMenuOptions looks fine. You need to change the parent component.
You can do something like this.
<HeaderMenuOptions optionText="Premium" OptionIcon={<SecurityIcon />} />
You can use pass icon as JSX.Element from ParentComponent to TargetComponent as the following:
import AddAlertIcon from '#mui/icons-material/AddAlert';
const ParentComponent=()=>{
<TargetComponent icon={<AddAlertIcon />}>
const TargetComponent = (props: Props) => {
export type Props= {
icon: JSX.Element;

|React:useOutsideClick hook gives forwardRef warning message

From firebase I fetch data and map this data to be shown in cards, every card has edit component and CardComponent(edit component parent) which use ref provided from useHandleOpen custom hook
Error message:
Function components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?
Component where ref is in use
export default function EditCard(id) {
const { ref, isOpen, setIsOpen } = useHandleOpen(false);
return (
className="cursor-pointer "
onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}
{isOpen && (
className="w-20 h-15 bg-white z-30 rounded-md absolute text-center
top-0 right-0
<p className="hover:bg-blue-300 hover:text-white cursor-pointer">
className="bg-red-400 text-white font-semibold hover:bg-red-600 cursor-pointer"
onClick={() => {}}
export const Edit = memo(EditCard);
Card component which use ref tho and its Edit parent
const Card = ({ data, id }) => {
const editRef = useRef(null);
const { ref, isOpen, setIsOpen } = useHandleOpen(editRef);
return (
className="bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-200 to-purple-500
w-64 h-28 rounded-md relative
<div className="relative top-0 left-0">
<p className="px-2 pt-1 font-bold text-gray-800 text-lg">
<p className="px-2 text-xs text-gray-800">Sala 101</p>
className="absolute top-0 right-0 rounded-r-md
bg-white w-6 h-7
grid place-items-center
<Edit id={id} />
<div className="absolute bottom-9 left-0 mb-2.5">
<p className="px-2 text-xs text-gray-800">{data.teacher}</p>
<div className=" flex direction-row mt-7 text-center w-full justify-end align-bottom pr-2 ">
<div className="rounded-lg w-14 h-7 mx-3 bg-purple-300">
<div className="rounded-lg w-14 h-7 bg-gray-800 ">
className=" absolute bottom-0 left-0 rounded-l-md
bg-white w-7 h-6 grid place-items-center devide-solid"
{isOpen ? (
onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}
) : (
onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}
{isOpen && (
className="bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-200 to-purple-500 w-full text-left rounded-b-md p-4 "
<p className="font-bold text-gray-800 text-sm ">Lekcje w:</p>
<p className="text-gray-800 text-sm">PN: 8-12</p>
export const CardSubject = memo(Card);
Custom hook with ref:
export default function useHandleOpen() {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const ref = useRef(null);
const handleClickOutside = (event) => {
if (ref.current && !ref.current.contains( {
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside, !isOpen);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside, !isOpen);
return { ref, isOpen, setIsOpen };
Edit: Tried change it this way, but this displays warning too.
export default function useHandleOpen(ref) {
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const handleClickOutside = (event) => {
if (ref.current && !ref.current.contains( {
useEffect(() => {
document.addEventListener("click", handleClickOutside, !isOpen);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("click", handleClickOutside, !isOpen);
return { ref, isOpen, setIsOpen };
And use hook like this:
const editRef = useRef(null);
const { ref, isOpen, setIsOpen } = useHandleOpen(editRef);
Ok i fixed it by removing ref from places where i use onClick method for changing the state

How to render components with individual keys?

I have a dashboard and I want to use React-Grid-Layout but I render the components only if they have been favorited. To use the gird layout each div needs a key="a" or key="b" depending on the layout defined each key needs to be different.
How can I go about giving each div an individual key? When it renders on-screen in its current form it renders two divs with the same cards in where I need it to render one div for each card.
const layout = [
{ i: "a", x: 0, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2 },
{ i: "b", x: 1, y: 0, w: 3, h: 2, minW: 2, maxW: 4 },
{ i: "c", x: 4, y: 0, w: 1, h: 2 },
render function
const userHasFavorite = (data, favIds, layout) => {
if (favIds && data) {
const filteredData = data.filter((idsArr) =>
const keysMapped = => ids.i);
return (
<div key={keysMapped}>
<PriceCard data={filteredData} />
} else {
return <p1>No Cards Have Been Faved</p1>;
Grid Layout
{isLoading ? (
<LoadingCard />
) : (
userHasFavorite(data, favoritedIds, layout)
return (
<dl className="mt-5 ml-5 grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
{ => (
className="flex-row bg-white hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-purple-700 dark:bg-secondaryDark h-24 pt-2 px-4 pb-12 sm:pt-6 sm:px-6 shadow-2xl rounded-lg overflow-hidden"
<div className="flex h-2 ">
{cardFaved.some((cardFaved) => === ? (
onClick={() => removeCardFavClick(}
className="ml-auto h-5 w-5 cursor-pointer fill-current text-red-600 "
) : (
onClick={() => handleCardFavClick(}
className="ml-auto h-5 w-5 cursor-pointer fill-current text-green-600 "
<div className="absolute rounded-md p-3">
<img className="h-6 w-6 mr-3" src={item.image} />
<p className="ml-16 text-sm pb-0 font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-white truncate">
<dd className="ml-16 pb-7 flex items-baseline sm:pb-7">
<p className="text-2xl font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">
export default PriceCard;
Error I'm having is the cards render 2 in one div
Error 2
Ok, so from the React-Grid-Layout official usage, You need to map() directly within the <GridLayout/> component.
So here a good suggestion:
Within the GridLayout:
WITH map()
<GridLayout className="layout" layout={layout} cols={12} rowHeight={30} width={1200}>
? <LoadingCard />
:{ i }) =>
<div key={i}>
// change this from a typical function into a React component
<UserHasFavorite data={data} favIds={favoritedIds} />
<GridLayout className="layout" layout={layout} cols={12} rowHeight={30} width={1200}>
? <LoadingCard />
: <React.Fragment>
<div key="a"><UserHasFavorite data={data} favIds={favoritedIds} /></div>
<div key="b"><UserHasFavorite data={data} favIds={favoritedIds} /></div>
<div key="c"><UserHasFavorite data={data} favIds={favoritedIds} /></div>
Within the child component
const UserHasFavorite = (data, favIds) => {
if (favIds && data) {
const filteredData = data.filter((idsArr) =>
// <div> is moved up into the GridLayout
return <PriceCard data={filteredData} />;
} else {
return <p1>No Cards Have Been Faved</p1>;
UPDATE: To handle issue of rendering multiple "similar" cards
Within the PriceCard, there is this...
return (
<dl className="mt-5 ml-5 grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
{ => (
className="flex-row bg-white hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-purple-700 dark:bg-secondaryDark h-24 pt-2 px-4 pb-12 sm:pt-6 sm:px-6 shadow-2xl rounded-lg overflow-hidden"
You are mapping to display all the cards in a row. So if you updated the className="flex-column..." those two cards should render in a Column but in one <div>.
And then if you do that, you have two options:
Either you delete the <GridLayout/> and render directly like this...
// <GridLayout className="layout" layout={layout} cols={12} rowHeight={30} width={1200}>
return (
? <LoadingCard />
: <UserHasFavorite data={data} favIds={favoritedIds} />
// </GridLayout>
By removing the <GridLayout/> which is used for display, you will have just two cards rendered in a column (handled with PriceCard component).
2.Or render the <PriceCard/> directly to within the like this...
// Parent component -> GridLayout
export const ParentComponent = props => {
// I'm not sure where "data" and "favoritedIds" are coming from yet,
// but we check like "data &&..." to ensure they are defined
// before we attempt to filter
const filteredData = data && data.filter(
(idsArr) => favoritedIds && favoritedIds.split(",").includes(
return (
<GridLayout className="layout" layout={layout} cols={12} rowHeight={30} width={1200}>
? <LoadingCard />
: (!!data && !!filteredData)
? <React.Fragment>
<div key="a"><PriceCard data={filteredData[0]} /></div>
<div key="b"><PriceCard data={filteredData[1]} /></div>
<div key="c"><PriceCard data={filteredData[2]} /></div>
: <p1>No Cards Have Been Faved</p1>
// Child component -> PriceCard
export const ChildComponent = props => {
return (
<dl className="mt-5 ml-5 grid grid-cols-1 gap-5 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3">
{data && /* don't map here -> we moved it to parent */
<div className="flex-row bg-white hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-purple-700 dark:bg-secondaryDark h-24 pt-2 px-4 pb-12 sm:pt-6 sm:px-6 shadow-2xl rounded-lg overflow-hidden">
/* make necessary changes */
From what I read I think that you need to iterate and assign it to the div. You can do something like this.
return (
{ => (
<div key={data.i}>
<PriceCard data={filteredData} />

