How can we create PDF in Nodejs - javascript

I have to create PDF from html in java-script, Node,Already I have use phantomjs but I need to use another one .

PSPDFKit for Web is a JavaScript library for generating PDF documents in a web app without using a server. Newly created PDFs can be rendered in our client-side viewer for signing, editing, form fill, and more.
PSPDFKit SDKs are deployed in some of the world’s most popular applications, such as those made by Autodesk, Disney, DocuSign, Dropbox, IBM, and Lufthansa.


Is it possible to scrape a form from an electronjs app that's based off from a url?

I'm trying to scrape off a user input from an application created with electron. I basically used the url to create the electron application in hopes to make an executable and use the following user inputs to tackle an issue with internet connectivity with the native application.
I have the source files for the original application but with me creating the electron application with just a url, i wouldn't have these files on the project. Is it possible for me to scrape user inputs without the original source files and just with basically an index.js in electron?
I Used various libraries and had a look around the html files by looking at developer mode etc, as well as trying to experiment by mixing with the source code, but didn't get any form of results that I needed.

How to change xml value in local project file with javascript

I have a web project that I made with HTML-Javascript. I want to use the XML file (in local project folders) in this web project in javascript. Then I want to make a few changes in this XML file and overwrite the same xml file again. How can I do that?
JavaScript runs in the browser and is isolated from the local system. So the usual way is to upload/download the file. However here are several possibilities.
A small server application
Develop and start a small server application for example with node.js. The server part will provide the file system access.
Use a wrapper
A more advanced version of the previous solution, you encapsulate the web application using a wrapper like Electron.
File System Access API
Use the File System Access API available in some of the new Chromium based browsers.

Creating a web UI for an ftp file server that can archive folders as ZIP to download

I'm trying to create a file server to serve a bunch of files for download and have a web-based UI to search/filter and download the files.
Right now i'm using a basic FTP server and i'm planning to create a simple (flask+js) web app that will redirect me to the ftp url for the selected file so it can be downloaded. The web app is needed so I can create my own tagging and filtering system.
However, i'm having trouble finding out how to download whole directories and folders as a zip. Basically like how google drive can have a "Download as zip" function while still keeping the raw folder available for browsing.
Is there a way to do this?
This involves working with "blobs", a JavaScript way of dealing with streamable binary data.
I haven't tried this particular library myself, but there's an article here about using the JSZip library specifically for the kind of thing I think you're talking about:

How to edit documents from PHP app on client with native Windows apps?

Current situation
We have web app for document management programmed with html, php and JavaScript hosted on a centos vm. One usecase is that users are asked to check new documents content. Often they prefer to do the annotations in the document. Currently they need to download them, edit them with native Windows apps on their client and upload them again. Documents can be PDF, MS Office or special CAD formats.
Preferred situation
We would like to eliminate/hide the down- and uploading for the user. The editing should still happen with the native Windows apps on the client of the user. Web editors like for example PHPWord are no solution for us as there are to many special document types. To the user it should appear as no difference whether the document is opened from the local file system or the web app.
With which technology can documents from the PHP web app be edited on the users client with their native Windows apps?
Is it possible to use JavaScript to save a temporary copy of the documents on the client of the user? Do we need a browser plugin? Do we need a native app to support the process?

JavaScript API to work with Excel files stored on OneDrive?

I want to create an web application that uses an Excel file stored on the users OneDrive, preferably directly from JavaScript. The web application should not be running inside Excel on the client, so I think that excludes the JavaScript API for Office.
Are there any alternative APIs or is it simply not possible?
You can use the OneDrive Javascript SDK to get Excel files (download) from a user's OneDrive, and then manipulate that content once retrieved from the service.
You can use the OneDrive Javascript SDK directly to traverse the file hierarchy and find an Excel file, or you can use the Web picker to let a user choose (or save) the file (free UI, no need to build hierarchy traversal).
In terms of actually manipulating the Excel file, there are certainly modules and libraries available to help do this (node.js, python)

