Node.js spawning parent process and capturing subprocess output - javascript

const options = {
cwd: process.cwd(),
shell: true,
stdio: 'inherit',
const firstCommand = 'pktmon stop'
const secondCommand = 'pktmon filter remove'
const thirdCommand = 'pktmon filter add --ethertype 0x88cc'
const foruthCommand = 'pktmon start --etw --pkt-size 0 --log-mode real-time --comp nics'
const child = require('child_process').spawn(`${firstCommand} && ${secondCommand} &&
${thirdCommand} && ${foruthCommand}`,[], options)
//none of child outputs are triggered by subprocess output
child.stdout.on('data', function(data){
console.log('stdout', data.toString())
child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
child.on('message', (data) => {
Subprocess output is showed on the terminal but how can i actually capture them and save output to a variable?
the reason im using stdio: 'inherit' is because - when i'm not using it the terminal is freezing when last command being executed..


How to prefix every line of the output of a child_process spawn() call with text?

I execute several processes using spawn() from child_process.
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
spawn("sh", [""], { shell: false, stdio: "inherit"});
spawn("sh", [""], { shell: false, stdio: "inherit"});
spawn("sh", [""], { shell: false, stdio: "inherit"});
Question: How to prefix the output of the scripts with text?
The idea is that I would be able to easily distinguish what each script logs.
I went through the spawn documentation but couldn't find anything that would help achieve this.
Note: I cannot modify the scripts.
You have stdio set to "inherit".
If you set this to "pipe", Node.js will give you back readable streams for stderr and stdin, which you can use to add your prefix.
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const one = spawn("sh", [""], { shell: false, stdio: "pipe"});
let oneStdout = ''
one.stdout.on('data', function (chunk) {
oneStdout += chunk
const lines = oneStdout.split('\n')
while(lines.length > 1) {
const line = lines.shift()
oneStdout = lines.shift()
one.stdout.on('end', function () {
console.log('one', oneStdout)
Here is the relevant section in the docs:
Potential gotcha:
When "prefixing" you likely want to prefix each new line but not all scripts write to stdout a full line at a time. Play around with a few scripts that use echo -n "foobar" throughout the output to test that you're handling line breaks correctly.
Here is how I run external commands and capture their output, e.g. to prefix each line with a timestamp:
const { spawn } = require("child_process"),
command = "echo",
args = ["Studies have shown that people watch TV more than any other appliance."];
const child = spawn(command, args);
child.stdout.on('data', buff => {
const line = buff.toLocaleString(); Date(), line);
child.stderr.on('data', buff => { // also catch any error output
const line = buff.toLocaleString();
console.error(new Date(), line);
child.on('exit', code => {`Command exited with code ${code}`)});
Here's what it looks like when you run it:
$ node thatScript.js
2020-12-10T11:46:51.455Z Studies have shown that people watch TV more than any other appliance.
Command exited with code 0

How to pass stream input/output between a main process and a child process in Node.js

I'm trying to get two processes to "talk" to each other via stdio:
import { readline } from '../readline';
import { sleep } from '../sleep';
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
const spawnPongProcess = () => {
const child = spawn('node',
['-r', 'esm', `${__dirname}/pong.js`],
{ stdio: 'pipe' });
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.error(`stderr: ${data}`);
child.on('close', (code) => {
console.error(`child process exited with code ${code}`);
child.on('error', (err) => {
console.error(`child process error: ${err}`);
return child;
export const ping = async () => {
const child = spawnPongProcess();
await sleep(1000);
let pong = readline();
console.error(`Ping received: ${pong}`);
I pipe the parent process' stdout to the child process stdin and the child process stdout to the parent process stdin in an effort to allow the processes to communicate via stdio.
import { readline } from '../readline';
import { sleep } from '../sleep';
const pong = async () => {
console.log(`Pong initiated and waiting for input.`);
let ping = readline();
console.log(`Pong received: ${ping}`);
import { question } from 'readline-sync';
export const readline = question;
export const sleep = (ms) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
The output is:
$ node -r esm src/index.js
Pong initiated and waiting for input.
It appears that the output from the parent process (ping) is not getting through to the child process (pong). Any ideas on how to make it work?
You piped your process' stdout (Writable) to child's stdin (Writable) and vice versa. Since data is received on the stdin (Readable), you have to pipe it instead of stdout:
Your code doesn't throw because if the stdout is a terminal, it becomes a Duplex stream.

How do you create a terminal instance within a NodeJS child process?

I am setting up a discord channel to function as an SSH terminal. A NodeJS server will provide the connection. A custom command will spawn a new terminal instance, which can then be used as a shell.
I don't know how to spawn a terminal within a child process. I have tried using the screen and bash commands to no avail.
I am using CentOS 7.
// Code For Discord
var $discord = {
currentInterface: null,
send: (data) => {
/* some code that sends data to a discord channel */
receive: (data) => {
// Send Data To Terminal
if ($discord.currentInterface) {
} else {
$discord.send('**Error:** Terminal has not been spawned.');
command: (name, args) => {
// Recieve Discord Commands
switch (name) {
case 'spawn':
$discord.currentInterface = $interface();
// Create Interface
var $interface = function () {
// Define object
let x = {
terminal: child_process.spawn('screen'),
send: (data) => {
// Send Input to Terminal
x.process.stdin.write(data + '\n');
receive: (data) => {
// Send Output to Discord
// Process Output
x.terminal.on('stdout', (data) => {
// Process Errors
x.terminal.on('stderr', (error) => {
// Return
return x;
The problem lies with creating the terminal itself. How do you create an SSH-style shell within a child process?
After realizing how much of an idiot I really am, I found a solution...
// Import Modules
const fs = require('fs');
const child_process = require('child_process');
// Create Interface
var interface = {
terminal: child_process.spawn('/bin/sh'),
handler: console.log,
send: (data) => {
interface.terminal.stdin.write(data + '\n');
cwd: () => {
let cwd = fs.readlinkSync('/proc/' + + '/cwd');
interface.handler({ type: 'cwd', data: cwd });
// Handle Data
interface.terminal.stdout.on('data', (buffer) => {
interface.handler({ type: 'data', data: buffer });
// Handle Error
interface.terminal.stderr.on('data', (buffer) => {
interface.handler({ type: 'error', data: buffer });
// Handle Closure
interface.terminal.on('close', () => {
interface.handler({ type: 'closure', data: null });
interface.handler = (output) => {
let data = '';
if ( data += ': ' +;
console.log(output.type + data);
interface.send('echo Hello World!');
// Returns: data: Hello World!
interface.send('cd /home');
// Returns: cwd: /home
// Returns: error: bin/sh: line 2: abcdef: command not found
// Returns: exit
I'd take a look at the documentation for child_process.execFile. There's an option to set the shell on, but it's disabled by default.
There's also this approach if you want to try setting up a batch script. This is set up for windows and the answer isn't set up for passing arguments, but you should be able to adapt it fairly easily.

Data stream handlers and CLI incorporation Node JS

I am trying to create an interactive CLI that can run serial commands. I have two files serialcomms.js and cli.js. Serialcomms.js contains the connection, handlers, and command functions. cli.js contains the commander information.
My issue is that I can only call the send command once because the listeners/handlers take over from the serialcomms file. What would be the best method to loop the cli program so I can call the send command over and over again, but still have the serial handlers running and output to stdout? Would I need to use a child process? Or recursion to have the cli call itself?
Example behavior I am expecting with an echo bot on the other end of the serial line.
Send hello
Send Bye
Behavior I am experiencing
Send hello
endless wait
Here is my serialcomms.js
const SerialPort = require('serialport');
const ReadLine = require('#serialport/parser-readline');
let portName = `/dev/pts/${process.argv[2]}` || '/dev/pts/6';
let baudRate = process.argv[3] || 115200;
let myPort = new SerialPort(portName, {baudRate: baudRate})
let parser = myPort.pipe(new ReadLine({ delimiter: '\n' }))
myPort.on('open', () => {
console.log(`port ${portName} open`)
parser.on('data', (data) => {
myPort.on('close', () => {
console.log(`port ${portName} closed`)
myPort.on('error', (err) => {
console.error('port error: ' + err)
function send(data){
myPort.write(JSON.stringify(data)+'\n', function(err) {
if (err) {
return console.log('Error on write: ', err.message);
console.log(`${data} sent`);
module.exports = {
Here is my CLI.js file
const program = require('commander');
const {send} = require('./serialcomms');
.description('Serial Tester')
.command('send <msg>')
.description('send a message over serial')

Defining stdout and stderr in a child.process in node.js 8

I am trying to start. child process in my node dev-server, to set the API json-server before launching it when I use the command :
nom run dev -- reset
I am stuck with the stdout and stderr parameters being null, with the error :
cp.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null
here is my piece of code. Feedback appreciated...
const cp = spawn('cp', [dbResetJson, dbJson], { stdio: 'inherit' })
cp.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
cp.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`stderr: ${data}`);
cp.on('close', (code) => {
console.log(`child process exited with code ${code}`)
apiServer.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Starting DB-JSON test Server... at ' + '3000' + '\n'))
} else {
console.log('Use DB-JSON test Server in current state'))
apiServer.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Starting DB-JSON test Server... at ' + '3000' + '\n'))
That's because you're using stdio: 'inherit', which means that the child process will use the parent process's stdin, stdout and stderr (in which case it doesn't make sense to attach a listener to stdout).
You probably want to just use the default (pipe):
const cp = spawn('cp', [dbResetJson, dbJson]);
// which does the same as:
const cp = spawn('cp', [dbResetJson, dbJson], { stdio: 'pipe' });

