Give 1 point to each unique winner respectively in javascript - javascript

First of all, I hope you can understand my English. I'm not really good at English. I'd like to ask for help on giving 1 point to every unique user(a user that joined, a live stream to be exact) for every correct answer.
The issue I have in the current coding is that instead of giving points to each user respectively, it counts all users as one. What I mean by that is, for example: When user A wins, he gets(displays) 1 point. When user B wins, he gets(displays) 2 points. The points keep adding for every other user.
I'd like it to be like this: When user A wins, he gets(displays) 1 point. When user B wins he also gets(displays) 1 point too. That means each user has their own winning record.
I hope you can understand what I'm trying to explain.
Please ask if you need further explanation on things you don't understand.
I'd like to display the win count under/currently under the 'function addPhoto'.
Following is the current code:
Thanks in advance!
let connection = new TikTokIOConnection(undefined);
let gameWords = [];
let gamegameSelectedWord = null;
let gameTimer = null;
let gameStatus = false;
let wins = 0;
// Config
let confComment = false;
let confLike = false;
let confShare = false;
let confJoin = false;
$(document).ready(() => {
// Resize
function resizeContainer() {
let height = window.innerHeight;
let width = Math.round((9 / 16) * height);
$("#gameSize").html(width + 'x' + height);
// Paper
if (window.innerWidth >= 1366) {
var paperHeight = $("#paperContainer").outerHeight() - 20;
} else {
var paperHeight = $("#paperContainer").outerHeight() + 7;
$(window).resize(function() {
// Connect
$("#targetConnect").click(function(e) {
// Check
if (gameStatus) {
let targetLive = $("#targetUsername").val();
} else {
alert("Start game first!");
// Test
$("#btnPrepare").click(function(e) {
// Check sound
// Populate dummy
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
addContent("<div style='text-align:center;'>Welcome ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ</div>");
// Load game
// Setting
// Set
gameStatus = true;
// Save config
$("#btnSave").click(function(e) {
function speakTTS(msg) {
speak(msg, {
amplitude: 100,
pitch: 70,
speed: 150,
wordgap: 5
/*function scramble( s ) {
return s.replace(
function( t, a, b, c ) {
b = b.split( /\B/ );
for( var i = b.length, j, k; i; j = parseInt( Math.random() * i ),
k = b[--i], b[i] = b[j], b[j] = k ) {}
return a + b.join( '' ) + c;
document.forms.f.onsubmit = function() {
this.elements.t.value = scramble( this.elements.t.value );
return false;
document.forms.f.elements.t.value =
scramble( gettext( document.getElementsByTagName( 'p' )[0] ) );
function censor(word) {
let censored = [];
let length = word.length;
let target = Math.ceil(length / 2);
let range_start = 2;
let range_end = target;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let c = word.charAt(i);
if (i >= range_start && i <= range_end) {
if (c === " ") {
censored.push(" ");
} else {
} else {
return censored.join("");
function copyArray(a) {
let b = [];
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
b[i] = a[i];
return b;
function shuffle(a) {
let j, x, i;
for (i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
x = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = x;
return copyArray(a);
function countDown() {
// Counter
let timeleft = 60 * 4; // 4 Mins
// Clear
if (gameTimer != null) {
// Start
gameTimer = setInterval(function() {
// Reset
if (timeleft <= 0){
// Set
$("#gameTimeout").html(timeleft.toLocaleString() + "s");
timeleft -= 1;
}, 1000);
function loadGame() {
// Check
if (gameWords.length < 1) {
gameWords = shuffle(WORDS);
// Load
gameSelectedWord = gameWords.pop();
// Set remain words
// Check
if (typeof gameSelectedWord === 'string') {
// Normalize
splittedWord = gameSelectedWord.split("|");
gameSelectedWord = splittedWord[1];
// Set
$("#textGuess").html("<div style='font-size:70%;padding-bottom:5px;'>" + splittedWord[0] + "</div>" + censor(gameSelectedWord));
//$("#textGuess").html("<div style='font-size:70%;padding-bottom:5px;'>" + splittedWord[0] + "</div>" + scramble(gameSelectedWord));
// Timeout
} else {
function checkWinner(data, msg) {
// Check type
if (typeof gameSelectedWord === 'string' && typeof msg === 'string') {
// Check answer
if (gameSelectedWord.trim().toLowerCase() == msg.trim().toLowerCase()) {
// Print Photo
addPhoto(data, "winner");
// Sound
// Play TTS
let tssMsg = MSG_WINNER.replace("|username|", data.uniqueId);
// Reload game
function loadSetting() {
// Load
confComment = $("#confComment").prop('checked');
confLike = $("#confLike").prop('checked');
confShare = $("#confShare").prop('checked');
confJoin = $("#confJoin").prop('checked');
function connect(targetLive) {
if (targetLive !== '') {
connection.connect(targetLive, {
enableExtendedGiftInfo: true
}).then(state => {
$('#stateText').text(`Connected ${state.roomId}`);
}).catch(errorMessage => {
} else {
alert('Enter username first!');
function sanitize(text) {
return text.replace(/</g, '<')
function isPendingStreak(data) {
return data.giftType === 1 && !data.repeatEnd;
function playSound(mode) {
function addContent(payload) {
// Container
let content = $('#paper');
content.append("<div class='item'>" + payload + "</div>");
// Scroll top bottom
content.animate({ scrollTop: content.get(0).scrollHeight}, 333);
function addMessage(data, msg) {
let userName = data.uniqueId;
let message = sanitize(msg);
// Check for voice
let command = message.split(" ")[0];
if (command == ":=say" || command == ":=cakap") {
// TTS
let cleanText = message.replace("=:say", "").replace("=:cakap", "");
} else {
// Check setting
if (confComment) {
// Add
addContent("<span style='font-weight: bold;'>" + userName + "</span>: " + message);
// Sound
function addPhoto(data, mode) {
let userName = data.uniqueId;
let userAvatar = data.profilePictureUrl;
let word = ['Nice going','Thatโ€™s better than ever','Thatโ€™s first class work','Iโ€™m impressed','Nothing can stop you now','Well done','Good job','You did it','Thatโ€™s the way','You rock','I knew you could do it','Keep up the good work','Thatโ€™s clever','Way to go','Outstanding','Tremendous','Fantastic','You are amazing','No one can beat you','You are the chosen one'];
let words = word[Math.floor(Math.random()*word.length)];
// Add
if (mode == "winner")
`<div style="text-align:center;font-size: 1.25rem;">
<div style='padding-bottom:.25rem;color:#1881FF;'>๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป `+words+`</div>
<div style='padding-bottom:.5rem;font-weight: bold;color:#20B601;'>`+userName+` โ—</div>
<img src="`+userAvatar+`" style="width:135px;height:135px;border-radius: 15px;"/>
Wins: `+wins+`
} else {
`<div style="text-align:center;font-size: 1.25rem;">
<div style='padding-bottom:.25rem;'>๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰Thanks๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰</div>
<div style='padding-bottom:.5rem;font-weight: bold;color:#EA0C0C;'>`+userName+`</div>
<img src="`+userAvatar+`" style="width:135px;height:135px;border-radius: 15px;"/>
// Sound
function addGift(data) {
let userName = data.uniqueId;
let giftPictureUrl = data.giftPictureUrl;
let giftName = data.giftName;
let giftRepeat = data.repeatCount;
let giftTotal = (data.diamondCount * data.repeatCount);
let word = ['Appreciate it','Thanks','Thank you very much','It means a lot','Youโ€™re the best','Your gift helps me',];
let words = word[Math.floor(Math.random()*word.length)];
// Check
if (giftTotal >= 10) {
// Print Photo
} else {
// Add
`<div style="text-align:center;font-size: 1.25rem;"><div style='padding-bottom:.5rem;'>`+words+` <span style='font-weight: bold;color:#EA0C0C;'>`+userName+`!</span></div>
<div style='font-weight: bold;padding-bottom:.5rem;'><img src="`+giftPictureUrl+`" style="width:35px;height:35px;"/> Sent `+giftName+`</div>
x`+giftRepeat.toLocaleString()+` worth `+giftTotal.toLocaleString()+` coins!</div>`
// Sound
// Play TTS
let tssMsg = MSG_GIFT.replace("|username|", userName);
// New chat comment received
connection.on('chat', (data) => {
addMessage(data, data.comment);
checkWinner(data, data.comment);
// New gift received
connection.on('gift', (data) => {
if (!isPendingStreak(data) && data.diamondCount > 0) {
// Like
connection.on('like', (data) => {
if (typeof data.totalLikeCount === 'number') {
// Check setting
if (confLike) {
// Print like
addMessage(data, data.label.replace('{0:user}', '').replace('likes', `${data.likeCount} likes`));
// Share, Follow
connection.on('social', (data) => {
// Check setting
if (confShare) {
// Print share
addMessage(data, data.label.replace('{0:user}', ''));
// Member join
let joinMsgDelay = 0;
connection.on('member', (data) => {
let addDelay = 250;
if (joinMsgDelay > 500) addDelay = 100;
if (joinMsgDelay > 1000) addDelay = 0;
joinMsgDelay += addDelay;
setTimeout(() => {
joinMsgDelay -= addDelay;
// Check setting
if (confJoin) {
// Print join
addMessage(data, "has entered");
}, joinMsgDelay);
// End
connection.on('streamEnd', () => {
$('#stateText').text('Stream ended.');

You should have an dictionary (object) of wins with keys the users, and values are the wins for each. Thus you save for each user its own wins.
So declare global:
let wins = {
// name: wins, name2: wins2
Then whenever need to increase wins, do so for the wins[playerName] value.
if (mode == "winner") {
wins[userName] = wins[userName] || 0
`<div style="text-align:center;font-size: 1.25rem;">
<div style='padding-bottom:.25rem;color:#1881FF;'>๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป `+ words + `</div>
<div style='padding-bottom:.5rem;font-weight: bold;color:#20B601;'>`+ userName + ` โ—</div>
<img src="`+ userAvatar + `" style="width:135px;height:135px;border-radius: 15px;"/>
Wins: `+ wins[userName] + `


code a function if we hadequal points in quiz app

i make quiz app
It displays the winner now if the number of questions expires and counts the points, but I want itin the event of the points being equal to display a message
self.showWinner = function () {
// who has the most points?
let team_data = {};
for (let team_name of self.teams)
team_data[team_name] = 0;
for (let action of self.actions) {
if (self.rounds[self.current.round].indexOf(action.category) === -1)
if (action.correct)
team_data[] += action.difficulty;
team_data[] -= action.difficulty;
let name;
let points = -99999;
for (let team_name in team_data) {
if (team_data[team_name] > points) {
points = team_data[team_name];
name = team_name;
// show screen
$("#overlay > *").hide();
$("#overlay #winner").show();
$("#winner .text").text(name + " (" + points + " pt)");
// reset game
self.teams = [];
if (self.current.round !== undefined && answered_questions === 4) {
setTimeout(self.showWinner, 10);

Why are my functions executing out of order at the end of this Connect Four game? It works in some browsers

I'm having two timing issues here, both involving the process in this game once the winning move has been made:
Ideally, I should (1) pick the winning space (2) see the winning space filled (3) have the alert proclaim the winner.
What I see and do not like is:
*checkForWinners() runs
winDeclared() runs and the alert "winner" pop up first
Then after the alert is cleared, drawboard() runs, adding the winning piece to the gameboard.
This does not happen as badly in Firefox. The piece is added at the same time the alert pops up.
Then, in winDeclared(), I also change the display in the top right to also indicate the winner. But swapTurns() seems to execute before winDeclared().
Is that because winDeclared() is two functions deep into checkForWinners()? Is there a way to delay it?
let gameboard = [
let playerOne
let playerTwo
let indexPick
let availableSpots
let gameType
let playerOneTurn = true
document.getElementsByName("announcements")[0].innerHTML = "Current Player: " + whosPlaying() + " "
let itsAOnePlayerGame = true
let isThereAWinner = false
let mainDiv = document.createElement("div");
mainDiv.setAttribute('class', 'mainDiv')
let selectorHolder = document.createElement("div")
selectorHolder.setAttribute('class', 'selectorHolder')
selectorHolder.setAttribute('id', 'selectorHolder')
let selectorTable = document.createElement("table")
selectorTable.setAttribute('class', 'selectorTable')
selectorTable.setAttribute('id', 'selectorTable')
function drawSelector() {
let selectorRow = document.createElement("tr")
selectorRow.setAttribute('class', 'selectorRow')
for (i=0; i<7; i++){
let selectorCell = document.createElement("td")
selectorCell.setAttribute('class', 'selectorCell')
let innerSelectorCell = document.createElement("div")
innerSelectorCell.setAttribute('class', 'innerSelectorCell')
innerSelectorCell.setAttribute('id', [i])
innerSelectorCell.addEventListener("mouseover", function(event) {
if (playerOneTurn == true) {
else {innerSelectorCell.classList.add('redBG')
innerSelectorCell.addEventListener("mouseout", function(event) {
if (playerOneTurn == true) {
else {innerSelectorCell.classList.remove('redBG')
innerSelectorCell.onclick = function(){
if (isThereAWinner == true){return}
else {
indexPick = parseInt(
// Draw Main Gameboard
let mainTable = document.createElement("table");
mainTable.setAttribute('class', 'mainTable')
function drawBoard() {
for (i=0; i<gameboard.length; i++){
let row = document.createElement("tr")
for (j=0; j<gameboard[i].length; j++){
let outerCell = document.createElement('td')
outerCell.setAttribute('class', 'outerCell')
let innerCell = document.createElement('div')
innerCell.setAttribute('class', 'innerCell')
innerCell.setAttribute('innerHTML', gameboard[i][j])
function validateRadio() {
let ele = document.getElementsByName('gameType');
for(i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) {
gameType = (ele[i].value)
function beginGame() {
if (gameType == "1PEasy"){
itsAOnePlayerGame = true
else if (gameType == "1PHard"){
itsAOnePlayerGame = true
else if (gameType == "2P"){
itsAOnePlayerGame = false
function resetBoard() {
playerOneTurn = true
isThereAWinner = false
gameboard = [
function swapTurns() {
selectorTable.innerHTML = ""
playerOneTurn = !playerOneTurn
document.getElementsByName("announcements")[0].innerHTML = "Current Player: " + whosPlaying() + " "
function playerSelects2P() {
// put an eventListener here?
columnPick = prompt(whosPlaying() + ', choose which column 1-7')
if (availableSpots.includes(parseInt(columnPick)))
else {
alert("not available")
function playerSelects1P() {
if (whosPlaying() == playerTwo) {
columnPick = availableSpots[Math.floor(Math.random() * availableSpots.length)]
else {playerSelects2P()}
function whosPlaying() {
if (playerOneTurn) {
return "Yellow"
} else {
return "Red"
// starts from the bottom row and claims spot when there it is a number (unoccupied)
function claimSpot(){
if (availableSpots.includes(indexPick+1)) {
let i;
for (i = 5; i > -1; i--)
{if (Number.isInteger(gameboard[i][indexPick])) {
gameboard[i].splice((indexPick), 1, whosPlaying())
mainTable.innerHTML = ""
// do I need to put some sort of delay here for it not to go to swap turns right away?
else {
// if there is a string in row[0], that column is no longer available.
// the cells are numbered from 1 to 7, not per index so you need to add one to indexPick to identify
function findAvailableSpots() {
availableSpots = gameboard[0].filter(x => Number.isInteger(x) == true)
function checkForWinners() {
// a forloop evaluates a section of the matrix, moving through it and seeing if the 3 ahead match.
// it stops before going out of bounds
function findFour(w,x,y,z) {
// Checks first cell against current player and all cells match that player
return ((w == whosPlaying()) && (w === x) && (w === y) && (w === z));
function winDeclared() {
isThereAWinner = true
document.getElementsByName("announcements")[0].innerHTML = whosPlaying() + " wins! "
// this does not show, it snaps to swap places
function uprightCheck() {
for (r=5; r>2; r--) {
for (c=0; c<4; c++){
if (findFour(gameboard[r][c], gameboard[r-1][c+1], gameboard[r-2][c+2], gameboard[r-3][c+3])) {
function downrightCheck() {
for (r=0; r<3; r++) {
for (c=0; c<4; c++){
if (findFour(gameboard[r][c], gameboard[r+1][c+1], gameboard[r+2][c+2], gameboard[r+3][c+3])) {
function verticalCheck() {
for (r=5; r>2; r--) {
for (c=0; c<7; c++){
if (findFour(gameboard[r][c], gameboard[r-1][c], gameboard[r-2][c], gameboard[r-3][c])) {
function horizontalCheck() {
for (r=0; r<6; r++) {
for (c=0; c<4; c++){
if (findFour(gameboard[r][c], gameboard[r][c+1], gameboard[r][c+2], gameboard[r][c+3])) {
When you manipulate the DOM, the operation itself is syncrhonous but the browser decides when the user will actually see the changes. Sometimes, the broswer will not have time to redraw before the prompt appears. To get around this, you can wrap the alert in a setTimeout() to delay the alert.
function() {
}, 10)

To make a Constructor Asynchronous and only be called once all the data from the API is retrieved into the Array

Data fetched from the API stored in the Array : movieInfo
let movieInfo = [];
async function popularMovies() {
let page = 1;
let lastResult = [];
do {
try {
const resp = await fetch(popularAPIURL + `&page=${page}`);
const data = await resp.json();
lastResult = data.total_pages;
data.results.forEach((result) => {
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Oops, Something is wrong ${err}`);
} while (lastResult);
console.time("Time my API Call");
console.timeEnd("Time my API Call");
Constructor function created for HTML pagination which also renders data from the Array: movieInfo to create respective Movie cards which basically displays the movie name, image and descp. Now I want to make this Constructor Asynchronous and only be called once the Array : MovieInfo has retrieved all the data from the API
class Paginator {
constructor(totalRecords, recordsPerPage = 1, visiblePages = 1) {
this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
this.totalRecords = totalRecords;
this.noOfPages = Math.ceil(this.totalRecords / this.recordsPerPage);
this.visiblePages = visiblePages;
this.activePage = 1;
this.visiblePagesEndRange = visiblePages;
validate() {
if (this.recordsPerPage <= 0) {
this.recordsPerPage = 1;
if (this.visiblePages <= 0) {
this.visiblePages = 1;
if (this.totalRecords <= 0) {
this.totalRecords = 1;
if (this.noOfPages <= 0) {
this.noOfPages = Math.ceil(this.totalRecords / this.recordsPerPage);
if (this.visiblePagesEndRange <= 0) {
this.visiblePagesEndRange = this.visiblePages;
if (this.visiblePages > this.noOfPages) {
this.visiblePages = this.noOfPages;
this.visiblePagesEndRange = this.visiblePages;
if (this.recordsPerPage > this.totalRecords) {
this.recordsPerPage = this.totalRecords;
gotoNextPage() {
if (this.activePage < this.noOfPages) {
this.activePage += 1;
if (this.activePage > this.visiblePagesEndRange) {
this.visiblePagesEndRange += this.visiblePages;
this.visiblePagesEndRange = Math.min(
gotoPrevPage() {
if (this.activePage > 1) {
this.activePage -= 1;
if (this.activePage % this.visiblePages === 0) {
this.visiblePagesEndRange = this.activePage;
gotoFirstPage() {
this.activePage = 1;
this.visiblePagesEndRange = this.visiblePages;
gotoLastPage() {
this.activePage = this.noOfPages;
this.visiblePagesEndRange = this.noOfPages;
gotoPage(page) {
this.activePage = page;
getVisiblePagesRange() {
let beginningVisiblePage;
let endingVisiblePage;
// When the visiblepagesendrange % visiblepages is not zero (which means that all the pages cannot be fit in the visible pages range) and if our ending page range is equal to total no pages then the beginning would be equivalent to visble page range - ((visible page range mod visiblepage range) - 1) i.e the leftover pages until the end.
if (
this.visiblePagesEndRange % this.visiblePages !== 0 &&
this.visiblePagesEndRange === this.noOfPages
) {
beginningVisiblePage =
this.visiblePagesEndRange -
((this.visiblePagesEndRange % this.visiblePages) - 1);
// else we are always in a place where, current visible page end range - visible page range + 1 will return us the correct beginning position for the page range.
else {
beginningVisiblePage = this.visiblePagesEndRange - this.visiblePages + 1;
//Also endingActivePage would be simply equal visiblePagesEndRange.
endingVisiblePage = this.visiblePagesEndRange;
return {
getActivePageIndices() {
// the beginning page index will be current active page multiplied by no of records.
let beginningPageIndex = (this.activePage - 1) * this.recordsPerPage;
// the ending page index will be minimum of total records and (beginning + records allowed per page);
let endingPageIndex = Math.min(
beginningPageIndex + this.recordsPerPage,
return { beginningPageIndex, endingPageIndex };
// All the render and using Paginator class logic comes here
(function () {
function nextPage() {
function prevPage() {
function lastPage() {
function firstPage() {
// Delegating event to the parent ul.
function gotoPage(event) {
if ( === "BUTTON") {
const page = parseInt(;
const paginationPages = document.querySelector(".pagination__pages");
paginationPages.addEventListener("click", gotoPage);
// paginator object
// list which is of length 346
// recordsPerPage = 6
// visiblePages = 6
const paginator = new Paginator(movieInfo.length, 20, 6);
// Method to render the pagination buttons;
function renderPages() {
const paginationPages = document.querySelector(".pagination__pages");
let html = "";
let { beginningVisiblePage, endingVisiblePage } =
for (let page = beginningVisiblePage; page <= endingVisiblePage; page++) {
const pageClass =
paginator.activePage === page
? "pagination__page-btn--active"
: "pagination__page-btn";
html += `<li class='pagination__page'>
<button data-item=${page} class=${pageClass}>${page}</button>
paginationPages.innerHTML = html;
// Method to render the list items
function renderList() {
// const list = document.querySelector(".list");
const mainContent = document.getElementById("main-content");
const { beginningPageIndex, endingPageIndex } =
let html = "";
for (let index = beginningPageIndex; index < endingPageIndex; index++) {
// html += `<li class='list__item'>${records[index]}</li>`;
html = `<div class="container">
<div class="card">
<figure class="card__thumb">
<img src= "${IMG_URL + movieInfo[index].poster_path}"/>
<figcaption class="card__caption">
<h2 class="card__title">${movieInfo[index].name}</h2>
<p class="card__snippet">${movieInfo[index].overview}</p>
Read more
mainContent.innerHTML += html;
// Main render function
function render() {
this.firstPage = firstPage;
this.lastPage = lastPage;
this.nextPage = nextPage;
this.prevPage = prevPage;
this.gotoPage = gotoPage;
Make your IIFE a named function declaration (init() below). And execute that function as a callback for your async Promise resolution.
NOTE: you should surround your call to your async function with a try/catch block.
async function popularMovies() {
return movieInfo;
// Replace your IIFE with this
function init(movieInfo) {
const paginator = new Paginator(movieInfo.length, 20, 6);

Delete each letter before passing on the next array index?

I've been writing this little script in order to make a "self writing text" animation. The thing is, everytime a word is finished, it jumps straight up to the next one. I can't work my head around it to make so each letter deletes before passing on the next word in the array.
const text = ['design', 'make', 'develop', 'code', 'create']
let count = 0;
let index = 0;
let currentText = "";
let letter = "";
(function type() {
if (count === text.length) {
count = 0;
currentText = text[count];
letter = currentText.slice(0, ++index);
document.querySelector(".main__animation").textContent = letter;
if (letter.length === currentText.length) {
index = 0;
setTimeout(type, 500);
Thanks beforehand!
const text = [, 'design', 'make', 'develop', 'code', 'create']
let count = 1;
let index = 0;
let currentText = "";
let letter = "";
var deleting = false;
(function type() {
if (count === text.length) {
count = 1;
currentText = text[count];
if (deleting) {
letter = currentText.slice(0, --index);
} else {
letter = currentText.slice(0, ++index);
document.querySelector(".main-animation").textContent = letter;
if (letter.length === currentText.length) {
deleting = true;
if (letter.length === 0) {
index = 0;
deleting = false;
setTimeout(type, 500);
<div class="main-animation"></div>
This is what I came along. Please let me know if there is any doubt.
function createAnimation(words, target, speed) {
let wordIndex = 0;
let i = 0;
let erase = false;
const handler = () => {
const word = words[wordIndex];
if (erase) {
target.innerText = target.innerText.slice(0, -1);
if (!target.innerText.length) {
wordIndex = (wordIndex + 1) % words.length;
i = 0;
erase = false;
} else {
target.innerText += word.charAt(i);
if (i === word.length) {
erase = true;
let interval = null;
return {
start() {
interval = setInterval(handler, 1000 / speed)
stop() {
const animation = createAnimation(
['design', 'make', 'develop', 'code', 'create'],
5 // [letters/s]
// TO STOP, CALL animation.stop()
<h1 id='target'></h1>

Is there a way to keep a variable that a generate using Math.random when I run the function multiple times

I am trying to make a game when you have to guess a number that is generated by the Math.random() function in JavaScript. But I realized that when I do that I have to rerun the function if they get the number wrong. Then the number regenerates when it reruns the function. Is there a way that I can make the variable stay until I want to change it. I was going to change it using the const function but I realized it would do the same thing. Here is my full code:
var tries = 5;
var howMany = 0;
var wrong = 0;
var player1 = 0;
var player2 = 0;
var triesmulti = 10;
var turn = 'player 1';
var number;
function start() {
var min = document.getElementById('min').value;
var max = document.getElementById('max').value;
number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
if (tries < 1) {
alert('You \don\'t have any more tries left. The number was \n' + number);
tries = 5;
wrong += 1;
document.getElementById('wrong').innerHTML = 'You have got the number wrong ' + wrong + ' times';
} else {
var guess = prompt();
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
howMany += 1;
tries = 5;
document.getElementById('howMany').innerHTML = 'You have guessed the number ' + howMany + ' times';
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries left';
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong.');
tries -= 1;
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have ' + tries + ' tries left';
setTimeout(start, 1000);
function multiplayer() {
var min = document.getElementById('minm').value;
var max = document.getElementById('maxm').value;
number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
if (triesmulti < 1) {
alert('You \don\'t have any more tries left\n' + number);
triesmulti = 10;
document.getElementById('triesmulti').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries for each player';
} else {
var guess = prompt(turn);
if (turn == 'player 1') {
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
player1 += 1;
triesmulti = 10;
document.getElementById('triesmulti').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries for each player';
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong!');
turn = 'player 2';
setTimeout(multiplayer, 1000);
} else if (turn == 'player 2') {
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
player2 += 1;
triesmulti = 10;
document.getElementById('triesmulti').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries for each player';
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong!');
turn = 'player1';
setTimeout(multiplayer, 1000);
If you see there, in the setTimeout() it reruns the function.
You can create a stateful random number generator quite easily with an object or closure:
const rndRng = (lo, hi) => ~~(Math.random() * (hi - lo) + lo);
const intRng = (lo, hi) => {
let n = rndRng(lo, hi);
return {
next: () => (n = rndRng(lo, hi)),
get: () => n
const rng = intRng(10, 20);
But having to do this shouldn't really be necessary for your application. Currently, the application uses non-idempotent functions that rely on global state, repeated/duplicate logic and deeply nested conditionals, so it's become too encumbered to easily work with.
I'd start by storing state in an object. A game like this can be modeled well by a finite state machine.
The below code is a naive implementation of this with plenty of room for improvement, but hopefully demonstrates the idea. It works for any number of players and it's fairly easy to add features to.
However, string messages are baked into business logic so the class is overburdened. A good next step would be creating a separate view class to abstract business logic from display. However, although the message strings are baked into the game logic, the DOM is decoupled. This makes it fairly easy for the caller to use the class in other UIs such as substituting the DOM for alert/prompt.
The below solution is far from the only way to approach this design problem.
class GuessingGame {
constructor(players=1, guesses=5, lo=0, hi=10) {
this.players = Array(players).fill().map(() => ({
guesses: guesses, score: 0
this.guesses = guesses;
this.lowerBound = lo;
this.upperBound = hi;
this.state = this.initialize;
initialize() {
const {lowerBound: lo, upperBound: hi} = this;
this.players ={score}) => ({
guesses: this.guesses,
score: score
})); = ~~(Math.random() * (hi - lo) + lo);
this.currentPlayer = ~~(Math.random() * this.players.length);
this.state = this.guess;
this.message = `guess a number between ${lo} and ${hi - 1} ` +
`(inclusive), player ${this.currentPlayer}:`;
handleCorrectGuess() {
this.state = this.initialize;
this.message = `player ${this.currentPlayer} guessed ` +
`${} correctly! press 'enter' to continue.`;
handleNoGuessesLeft(guess) {
this.state = this.initialize;
this.flash = `${guess} was not the number, player ` +
this.message = `player ${this.currentPlayer} ran out of ` +
`guesses. the secret number was ${}. press ` +
`'enter' to continue.`;
handleIncorrectGuess(guess) {
this.flash = `${guess} was not the number, player ` +
this.currentPlayer = (this.currentPlayer + 1) % this.players.length;
const {lowerBound: lo, upperBound: hi} = this;
this.message = `guess a number between ${lo} and ${hi - 1} ` +
`(inclusive), player ${this.currentPlayer}:`;
guess(guess) {
if (String(+guess) !== String(guess)) {
this.flash = `sorry, ${guess || "that"} ` +
`isn't a valid number. try something else.`;
if ( === +guess) {
else if (!--this.players[this.currentPlayer].guesses) {
else {
nextState(...args) {
this.flash = "";
return this.state(...args);
scoreBoard() {
return, i) =>
`player ${i}: {score: ${e.score}, guesses remaining: ` +
`${e.guesses}} ${game.currentPlayer === i ? "<--" : ""}`
const msgElem = document.getElementById("message");
const responseElem = document.getElementById("response");
const scoresElem = document.getElementById("scoreboard");
const game = new GuessingGame(3);
msgElem.innerText = game.message;
scoresElem.innerText = game.scoreBoard();
let timeout;
responseElem.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
if (timeout || e.code !== "Enter") {
game.nextState(; = ""; = true;
msgElem.innerText = game.flash;
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
msgElem.innerText = game.message;
scoresElem.innerText = game.scoreBoard();
timeout = null; = false;;
}, game.flash ? 1300 : 0);
* {
background: white;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 1.03em;
input {
margin-bottom: 1em;
margin-top: 1em;
<div id="message"></div>
<input id="response">
<div id="scoreboard"></div>
Well, your code is not organised, have lot of duplicates, you could devide it into functions anyway, you can add a boolean variable to check against when you should change the number, I don't know about your HTML code or css but I just added those elements according to you selectors, you can change the multiplayer function too.
var tries = 5;
var howMany = 0;
var wrong = 0;
var player1 = 0;
var player2 = 0;
var triesmulti = 10;
var turn = 'player 1';
var number;
var isAlreadyPlaying = false;
function start() {
var min = document.getElementById('min').value;
var max = document.getElementById('max').value;
if(!isAlreadyPlaying) {
isAlreadyPlaying = true;
number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min;
if (tries < 1) {
alert('You \don\'t have any more tries left. The number was \n' + number);
tries = 5;
wrong += 1;
document.getElementById('wrong').innerHTML = 'You have got the number wrong ' + wrong + ' times';
isAlreadyPlaying = false;
} else {
var guess = prompt();
if (guess == number) {
alert('You got the number right!\n' + number);
howMany += 1;
tries = 5;
document.getElementById('howMany').innerHTML = 'You have guessed the number ' + howMany + ' times';
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have 5 tries left';
isAlreadyPlaying = false;
} else {
alert('You got the number wrong.');
tries -= 1;
document.getElementById('tries').innerHTML = 'You have ' + tries + ' tries left';
setTimeout(start, 1000);
Min <input type="number" id="min" value="1"><br>
Max<input type="number" id="max" value="10"><br>
<button onclick="start()">Play</button>
<p id="wrong"></p>
<p id="howMany"></p>
<p id="tries"></p>

