How to update deeply nested array of objects? - javascript

I have the following nested array of objects:
const data = [
product: {
id: "U2NlbmFyaW9Qcm9swkdWN0OjEsz",
currentValue: 34300,
task: {
id: "R2VuZXJpY1Byb2R1Y3Q6MTA",
name: "My Annuity",
instrumentDetails: [
instrument: {
id: "U2NlbmFyaW9JbnN0cnVtZW50OjEz",
supplier: {
id: "U3VwcGxpZXJJbnN0cnVtZW50OjUzNjQ",
supplierDetails: {
name: "Local - Class A",
currentValue: 44323,
assets: {
current: 1.2999270432626702,
fixed: 0.5144729302004819,
financial: 0.0723506386331588,
cash: 0.00006003594786398524,
alternative: 0.05214078143244779,
property: 0.548494862567579,
local: 0.10089348539739094,
global: 0,
product: {
id: "U2NlbmFyaW9Qcm9swkfefewdWN0OjEsz",
currentValue: 3435300,
task: {
id: "R2VuZXJpYfewfew1Byb2R1Y3Q6MTA",
name: "Living",
instrumentDetails: [
instrument: {
id: "U2NlbmFyadewwW9JbnN0cnVtZW50OjEz",
supplier: {
id: "U3VwcGxpZdwdwXJJbnN0cnVtZW50OjUzNjQ",
supplierDetails: {
name: "Local - Class B",
currentValue: 434323,
assets: {
current: 1.294353242,
fixed: 0.514434242004819,
financial: 0.07434286331588,
cash: 0.0000434398524,
alternative: 0.05242348143244779,
property: 0.543242567579,
local: 0.100432439739094,
global: 0,
The above data presents an array of products which consist of instruments that are described in instrumentDetails array. I am trying to find an instrument by supplier id and update its assets by multiplying all of the asset values by a given number.
Here is my function:
export const updateObject = (
productsArr: any,
supplierInstrumentId: string
) => {
(product: any) => {
(instrumentDetail: any) => {
if ( ===
) {
instrumentDetail.assets.current = instrumentDetail.assets.current + 5;
instrumentDetail.assets.fixed= instrumentDetail.assets.fixed+ 5; 5; 5;
This function is giving an error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'current' of
object '#'
How can I deeply update the above data? Please help.

You need to return a new instrumentDetail-type object from the map function. Don't try to update the existing object.
(instrumentDetail: any) => {
const assets = === supplierInstrumentId
? Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(instrumentDetail.assets).map(([k, v]) => [k, v + 5])
return {

Your product map is not returning which is why you're likely getting an undefined. I wasn't getting the typescript error which you mentioned above. This should leave the array in the state at which you intended.
const updateObject = (
productsArr: any,
supplierInstrumentId: string
) => {
(product: any) => {
(instrumentDetail: any) => {
if ( ===
) {
instrumentDetail.assets.current += 5;
instrumentDetail.assets.fixed= instrumentDetail.assets.fixed+ 5; 5; 5;
return instrumentDetail;
return product;


How to change multiple Boolean values()Parent Item, Child Item) in an array on click

I am working in a task where I need to change the Boolean values onclick from an array of items, I need to change the Boolean value from array and child array. I have changed the value from an array it's working as expected but inside that array I am having an another array of objects from that I need to change the boolean value. OnClick I need to make parent isProcessing and child isProcessing false. I have tried changing it but I am not getting the expected output , can anyone guide me how to achieve this thanks in advance.
Mock Data:
const mockItems = [
id: '1',
itemType: 'metal',
doneBy: {
id: '1',
display: 'Item Name',
catg: 'A',
createdDate: '01/01/2021',
updatedBy: {
id: '1',
type: 'M-A',
isProcessing: 'true',
subItems: [
id: '1',
doneBy: {
id: '1',
display: 'sub item name',
status: {
type: 'notapproved',
isProcessing: 'true',
Code for accessing parent : isProcessing //it's working
const [processingItem, setProcessingItem] = useState(mockItems);
const handleToggle = () => {
setProcessingItem((prevState) =>, i) =>
i === 0 ? { ...prItem, isProcessing: false } : prItem
//code to change child array Boolean not working
const handleToggle = () => {
setProcessingItem((prevState) => {, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
const obj = { ...prItem.subItems, isProcessing: false };
return { ...prItem, isProcessing: false, obj };
Try this
const handleToggle = () => {
setProcessingItem((prevState) => {, index) => {
if(index !=0)
return prItem;
const subItems =,idx)=>{
return idx != 0 ? si : {,isProcessing: false}
return { ...prItem, isProcessing: false, subItems:subItems }

JS: append array of objects with data from another

I've got some JS data holding all kinds of data, numbers, child objects, arrays, etc in all manner of different structures:
let datapile = {
cover_img: { uid:'u2a3j4' },
avatar_img: { uid:'u5j3vg' },
created: 8273736384,
friends: [
{ name:'John', img: { uid:'u2726b' }, },
{ name:'Jane', parent: { profile_img: { uid:'u293k4' }, } },
occupation: {
past: current,
prior: {
title: 'Accountant',
company: {
logo: { img: { uid:'u29374' } },
And then I've got this JS list of images:
let imgs : [
{ uid:'u2a3j4', format:'jpg', alt_txt:'Lorem...', size:583729, dominant_color:'#d79273' },
{ uid:'u5j3vg', format:'png', alt_txt:'Lorem...', size:284849, dominant_color:'#f99383' },
{ uid:'u2726b', format:'gif', alt_txt:'Lorem...', size:293742, dominant_color:'#349a83' },
Now, what I need is a function I can call that will look through the datapile and append img data objects from the imgs list below. So where the datapile now has only the uid reference, it should have the entire img object. And I will then do the same with all kinds of other pieces of referenced data.
I've tried the following function:
function isArray(x){ return ( x !== undefined && Array.isArray(x) ) }
function isObject(x){ return (x && typeof x === "object" && !Array.isArray(x)) }
function get_item(type, uid) { /* loops through eg. imgs and returns img matching uid */ }
function append_referenced_relations(data){
if( !data ) return data
if( isObject(data) && data['uid'] !== undefined ) {
let item = get_item('any', data['uid'])
data = item
if( isObject(data) || isArray(data) ) {
for( let key in data ) {
data[key] = this.append_referenced_relations(deepClone(data[key]))
return data
... but I just can't get it to work. And my best googling efforts for similar scenarios have also come up empty. Can the internet help me out here?
you can try something like this
basically it use recursion and Object.fromEntries /entries to check all the keys of the inner object
if you have any specific question feel free to ask me
const decorate = (obj, data) => {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') {
return obj
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return => decorate(e, data))
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(obj).flatMap(([k, v]) => {
if (k === 'uid') {
const imgData = data.find(d => v === d.uid)
return Object.entries(imgData || [[k, v]])
return [
[k, decorate(v, data)]
let datapile = {
cover_img: {
uid: 'u2a3j4'
avatar_img: {
uid: 'u5j3vg'
created: 8273736384,
friends: [{
name: 'John',
img: {
uid: 'u2726b'
name: 'Jane',
parent: {
profile_img: {
uid: 'u293k4'
occupation: {
past: 'current',
prior: {
title: 'Accountant',
company: {
logo: {
img: {
uid: 'u29374'
let imgs = [{
uid: 'u2a3j4',
format: 'jpg',
alt_txt: 'Lorem...',
size: 583729,
dominant_color: '#d79273'
uid: 'u5j3vg',
format: 'png',
alt_txt: 'Lorem...',
size: 284849,
dominant_color: '#f99383'
uid: 'u2726b',
format: 'gif',
alt_txt: 'Lorem...',
size: 293742,
dominant_color: '#349a83'
console.log(decorate(datapile, imgs))
You need to recurse in the nested datapile to identify the object with uids and add the img properties to be added.
Few cases to consider:
Objects. (If the Object has uid property, then stop recursion for its properties)
Object values having objects.
Array of Objects.
No need to return anywhere in your function actually as we can update objects inline.
Try like below.
let imgs = [ { uid: "u2a3j4", format: "jpg", alt_txt: "Lorem...", size: 583729, dominant_color: "#d79273", }, { uid: "u5j3vg", format: "png", alt_txt: "Lorem...", size: 284849, dominant_color: "#f99383", }, { uid: "u2726b", format: "gif", alt_txt: "Lorem...", size: 293742, dominant_color: "#349a83", }, { uid: "u293k4", format: "gif", alt_txt: "Lorem...", size: 193742, dominant_color: "#349a83", }, { uid: "u29374", format: "gif", alt_txt: "Lorem...", size: 793742, dominant_color: "#349a83", }, ]; let datapile = { cover_img: { uid: "u2a3j4" }, avatar_img: { uid: "u5j3vg" }, created: 8273736384, friends: [ { name: "John", img: { uid: "u2726b" } }, { name: "Jane", parent: { profile_img: { uid: "u293k4" } } }, ], occupation: { past: "current", prior: { title: "Accountant", company: { logo: { img: { uid: "u29374" } }, }, }, }, };
function isArray(x) {
return x !== undefined && Array.isArray(x);
function isObject(x) {
return typeof x === "object" && !Array.isArray(x);
function get_item(uid) {
return imgs.find((img) => img.uid === uid);
function append_referenced_relations(data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
if (data["uid"] !== undefined) {
const img = get_item(data.uid);
// Add img properties to the same object as properties
Object.entries(img).forEach(([key, value]) => {
data[key] = value;
} else {
// Recurse for the object values
Object.values(data).forEach((item) => {
} else if (isArray(data)) {
data.forEach((item) => {
// Recurse for the array entries
console.log(JSON.stringify(datapile, null, 2));

How to exclude certain property from the list in NodeJS

I'm having the below list and I would like to add only these property names PRODUCT_TYPE, PRODUCT_TERM, PRODUCT_ID in myProduct. I want to ignore rest of the properties - I've around 100 properties and want to filter only a few of them from myProduct
Please find my code below:
const obj = {
myProduct: [
value: "234.324",
value: "Insurance",
value: "Life",
value: "Long",
name: "PRODUCT_ID",
value: "AP3232343JKD",
value: "TRUE",
const allowedNames = [
const updateCertainProperties = {
PRODUCT_ID: "app.productID",
PRODUCT_ENABLED: "app.product.enabled"
const productName = "testProduct_3234dfasfdk3msldf23";
const environment = => {
obj.myProduct.filter(product => allowedNames.includes(;
if (updateCertainProperties[]) = updateCertainProperties[];
if ( === "PRODUCT_NAME") o.value = productName;
return obj.myProduct;
Expected output:
{ name: 'PRODUCT_NAME', value: 'testProduct_3234dfasfdk3msldf23' },
{ name: 'PRODUCT_TYPE', value: 'Life' },
{ name: 'PRODUCT_TERM', value: 'Long' },
{ name: 'app.productID', value: 'AP3232343JKD' },
{ name: 'app.product.enabled', value: 'TRUE' }
Can someone please help me how can I achieve this? Appreciated your help in advance!
You can create an array of allowed names and filter them out using includes()
css just for prettier output
added updateCertainProperties object values into allowedNames array and moved filter outside environment map.
const obj = {
myProduct: [
value: "234.324",
value: "Insurance",
value: "Life",
value: "Long",
name: "PRODUCT_ID",
value: "AP3232343JKD",
value: "TRUE",
const allowedNames = [
const updateCertainProperties = {
PRODUCT_ID: "app.productID",
PRODUCT_ENABLED: "app.product.enabled"
const productName = "testProduct_3234dfasfdk3msldf23";
const environment = => {
if (updateCertainProperties[]) = updateCertainProperties[];
if ( === "PRODUCT_NAME") o.value = productName;
return obj.myProduct;
obj.myProduct = obj.myProduct.filter(product => allowedNames.includes(;
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: unset !important;
top: 0;
It sounds like you're describing filtering an array, not "excluding properties". You have an array of objects, with each object consisting of a name property and value property. And you only want objects with specific values in their name property.
Using .filter on the array, it might look something like this:
obj.myProduct = obj.myProduct.filter(p => ( === 'PRODUCT_TYPE' || === 'PRODUCT_TERM' || === 'PRODUCT_ID'));
This would filter out all elements of the array which don't match the supplied condition.

Delete specific object with id

I have an array of objects, I need to delete a complete object based on the id
Input :
filters: [
key: "status",
label: "En attente",
value: "waiting",
id: 0
key: "dateDue[min]",
label: "15/12/2019",
value: "15/12/2019",
id: 1
key: "dateDue[max]",
label: "02/02/2020",
value: "02/02/2020",
id: 2
key: "bien",
values: [
label: "Studio Bordeaux",
value: 36,
id: 3
label: "Studio 2",
value: 34,
id: 184
key: "type",
values: [
type: "receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
type: "receipts",
label: "APL",
value: "apl",
id: 5
type: "spending",
label: "taxes",
value: "taxes",
id: 6
So I created a removeItem method with the id that must be deleted in parameters
removeItem method :
removeItem = (e, id) => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const remove = _.reject(filters, el => {
if (!_.isEmpty(el.values)) {
return el.values.find(o => === id);
if (_.isEmpty(el.values)) {
return === id;
filters: remove
I use lodash to make my job easier and more specifically _.reject
My issue is the following :
I manage to correctly delete the classic objects for example
key: "status",
label: "En attente",
value: "waiting",
id: 0
but my method however does not work for objects of the following form
key: "bien",
values: [
label: "Studio Bordeaux",
value: 36,
id: 3
label: "Studio 2",
value: 34,
id: 184
currently the whole object is deleted and not only the object in the values array according to its id
Here is my codesandbox!
thank you in advance for your help
I found a solution with lodash (compact), I share my solution here :
removeIdFromCollection = id => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const newFilters = [];, filter => {
if (filter.values) {
const valuesTmp = _.compact(, value => {
if ( !== id) return value;
if (!_.isEmpty(valuesTmp)) {
return newFilters.push({
key: filter.key,
values: valuesTmp
if ( && !== id) return newFilters.push(filter);
return newFilters;
removeItem = id => e =>
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(id)
The values false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN are removed with lodash compact (_.compact(array))
Here is my updated codesandbox
You will need to filter the filters array and each values separately. Below is a recursive function which will remove items with the given id from the filters array and from the values property.
PS. This example is not using Lodash as I think it is not needed in this case.
removeIdFromCollection = (collection, id) => {
return collection.filter(datum => {
if (Array.isArray(datum.values)) {
datum.values = this.removeIdFromCollection(datum.values, id);
return !== id;
removeItem = (e, id) => {
const { filters } = this.state;
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(filters, id),
The problem would be the structure of the object. You'll need to refactor for that inconvenient array out of nowhere for uniformity:
// Example
filters: [
key: "type",
values: [
type: "receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
// could be
filters: [
key: "type-receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
Repeat the pattern on all of it so you could just use the native array filter like this:
const newFilters = filters.filter(v => !== id);
filters: newFilters,
I found a solution with lodash, I share it with you here :
removeIdFromCollection = id => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const newFilters = [];, filter => {
if (filter.values) {
const valuesTmp = _.compact(, value => {
if ( !== id) return value;
if (!_.isEmpty(valuesTmp)) {
return newFilters.push({
key: filter.key,
values: valuesTmp
if ( && !== id) return newFilters.push(filter);
return newFilters;
removeItem = id => e =>
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(id)
Here is my updated codesandbox

Find value in javascript array of objects deeply nested with ES6

In an array of objects I need to find a value -- where key is activity : However the activity key can be deeply nested in the array like so:
const activityItems = [
name: 'Sunday',
items: [
name: 'Gym',
activity: 'weights',
name: 'Monday',
items: [
name: 'Track',
activity: 'race',
name: 'Work',
activity: 'meeting',
name: 'Swim',
items: [
name: 'Beach',
activity: 'scuba diving',
name: 'Pool',
activity: 'back stroke',
{} ...
{} ...
So I wrote a recursive algorithm to find out if a certain activity is in the array:
let match = false;
const findMatchRecursion = (activity, activityItems) => {
for (let i = 0; i < activityItems.length; i += 1) {
if (activityItems[i].activity === activity) {
match = true;
if (activityItems[i].items) {
findMatchRecursion(activity, activityItems[i].items);
return match;
Is there an ES6 way of determining if an activity exists in an array like this?
I tried something like this:
const findMatch(activity, activityItems) {
let obj = activityItems.find(o => o.items.activity === activity);
return obj;
But this won't work with deeply nested activities.
You can use some() method and recursion to find if activity exists on any level and return true/false as result.
const activityItems = [{"name":"Sunday","items":[{"name":"Gym","activity":"weights"}]},{"name":"Monday","items":[{"name":"Track","activity":"race"},{"name":"Work","activity":"meeting"},{"name":"Swim","items":[{"name":"Beach","activity":"scuba diving"},{"name":"Pool","activity":"back stroke"}]}]}]
let findDeep = function(data, activity) {
return data.some(function(e) {
if(e.activity == activity) return true;
else if(e.items) return findDeep(e.items, activity)
console.log(findDeep(activityItems, 'scuba diving'))
While not as elegant as a recursive algorithm, you could JSON.stringify() the array, which gives this:
[{"name":"Sunday","items":[{"name":"Gym","activity":"weights"}]},{"name":"Monday","items":[{"name":"Track","activity":"race"},{"name":"Work","activity":"meeting"},{"name":"Swim","items":[{"name":"Beach","activity":"scuba diving"},{"name":"Pool","activity":"back stroke"}]}]}]
You could then use a template literal to search for the pattern:
Complete function:
findMatch = (activity, activityItems) =>
const activityItems = [{
name: 'Sunday',
items: [{
name: 'Gym',
activity: 'weights',
}, ],
name: 'Monday',
items: [{
name: 'Track',
activity: 'race',
name: 'Work',
activity: 'meeting',
name: 'Swim',
items: [{
name: 'Beach',
activity: 'scuba diving',
name: 'Pool',
activity: 'back stroke',
findMatch = (activity, activityItems) =>
console.log(findMatch('scuba diving', activityItems)); //true
console.log(findMatch('dumpster diving', activityItems)); //false
First, your function could be improved by halting once a match is found via the recursive call. Also, you're both declaring match outside, as well as returning it. Probably better to just return.
const findMatchRecursion = (activity, activityItems) => {
for (let i = 0; i < activityItems.length; i += 1) {
if (activityItems[i].activity === activity) {
return true;
if (activityItems[i].items && findMatchRecursion(activity, activityItems[i].items) {
return true;
return false;
There's no built in deep search, but you can use .find with a named function if you wish.
var result = !!activityItems.find(function fn(item) {
return item.activity === "Gym" || (item.items && item.items.find(fn));
We now use object-scan for simple data processing tasks like this. It's really good once you wrap your head around how to use it. Here is how one could answer your questions
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const find = (activity, input) => objectScan(['**'], {
abort: true,
rtn: 'value',
filterFn: ({ value }) => value.activity === activity
const activityItems = [{"name":"Sunday","items":[{"name":"Gym","activity":"weights"}]},{"name":"Monday","items":[{"name":"Track","activity":"race"},{"name":"Work","activity":"meeting"},{"name":"Swim","items":[{"name":"Beach","activity":"scuba diving"},{"name":"Pool","activity":"back stroke"}]}]}]
console.log(find('scuba diving', activityItems));
// => { name: 'Beach', activity: 'scuba diving' }
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src=""></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan

