Object keys starting with a letter are not inserted as quoted strings - javascript

The whole process looks more or less this way:
const response = {};
let st;
const queryString = 'abe433,32a8b7,ede8a4,1ba48c';
const keysToProcess = queryString.split(',');
keysToProcess.map((keyToProcess) => {
st = keyToProcess.toUpperCase();
response[keyToProcess] = { st };
Now, the code above run in a browser console yields something like this, when calling JSON.stringify(response);:
However, when run in an Express.js app, I find things like this logged to the console:
abe433: {
'st': 'ABE433'
'32a8b7': {
'st': '32A8B7'
ede8a4: {
'st': 'EDE8A4'
'1ba48c': {
'st': 'BA48C'
When I tried to stringify keys doing response[JSON.stringify(keyToProcess)] = { st }, I ended up with keys like '"ede8a4"'.
How should I ensure the keys are stored as strings?


Construct MongoDB query from GraphQL request

Let's say we query the server with this request, we only want to get the following user's Email, My current implementation requests the whole User object from the MongoDB, which I can imagine is extremely inefficient.
user(id:"34567345637456") {
How would you go about creating a MongoDB filter that would only return those Specified Fields? E.g,
JS object
"email": 1
My current server is running Node.js, Fastify and Mercurius
which I can imagine is extremely inefficient.
Doing this task is an advanced feature with many pitfalls. I would suggest starting building a simple extraction that read all the fields. This solution works and does not return any additional field to the client.
The pitfalls are:
nested queries
complex object composition
multiple queries into one request
Here an example that does what you are looking for.
It manages aliasing and multiple queries.
const Fastify = require('fastify')
const mercurius = require('mercurius')
const app = Fastify({ logger: true })
const schema = `
type Query {
select: Foo
type Foo {
a: String
b: String
const resolvers = {
Query: {
select: async (parent, args, context, info) => {
const currentQueryName = info.path.key
// search the input query AST node
const selection = info.operation.selectionSet.selections.find(
(selection) => {
return (
selection.name.value === currentQueryName ||
selection.alias.value === currentQueryName
// grab the fields requested by the user
const project = selection.selectionSet.selections.map((selection) => {
return selection.name.value
// do the query using the projection
const result = {}
project.forEach((fieldName) => {
result[fieldName] = fieldName
return result
app.register(mercurius, {
graphiql: true,
Call it using:
query {
one: select {
two: select {
"data": {
"one": {
"a": "a"
"two": {
"a": "a",
"aliasMe": "b"
Expanding from #Manuel Spigolon original answer, where he stated that one of the pitfalls of his implementation is that it doesn't work on nested queries and 'multiple queries into one request' which this implementation seeks to fix.
function formFilter(context:any) {
let filter:any = {};
let getValues = (selection:any, parentObj?:string[]) => {
//selection = labelSelection(selection);
selection.map((selection:any) => {
// Check if the parentObj is defined
// Merge the two objects
_.merge(filter, [...parentObj, null].reduceRight((obj, next) => {
if(next === null) return ({[selection.name?.value]: 1});
return ({[next]: obj});
}, {}));
// Check for a nested selection set
if(selection.selectionSet?.selections !== undefined){
// If the selection has a selection set, then we need to recurse
if(!parentObj) getValues(selection.selectionSet?.selections, [selection.name.value]);
// If the selection is nested
else getValues(selection.selectionSet?.selections, [...parentObj, selection.name.value]);
// Start the recursive function
return filter;
role(id: "61f1ccc79623d445bd2f677f") {
users {
permissions {
Output (JSON.stringify)

node.js edit variable from another file

Hello i have just started to learn node.js today and i am having a problem getting a variable from another file and editing it.
I'm trying to get the variable bots from server.js and edit it in bots.js.
var bots = [
{ botID: '16f11103', userID: '12345' },
{ botID: '5657d5e9', userID: '54321' }
setInterval(() => { console.log(bots); }, 5000);
module.exports.bots = bots;
var request = require("../server.js");
var unique_id = '16f11103';
if (request.bots.some(e => e.botID === unique_id)) {
request.bots = request.bots.filter(function(e) {
return e.botID != unique_id;
One way of doing this is to create a function that sets the variable bots.
Note: Instead of using seperate variables and functions i suggest to use something like a class to group all the functionality surrounding the bots.
var bots = [
{ botID: "16f11103", userID: "12345" },
{ botID: "5657d5e9", userID: "54321" },
var setBots = (newBots) => (bots = newBots);
setInterval(() => {
}, 5000);
module.exports = { bots, setBots };
var { bots, setBots } = require("./server.js");
var unique_id = "16f11103";
if (bots.some((e) => e.botID === unique_id)) {
var newBots = bots.filter(function (e) {
return e.botID != unique_id;
It's not working because of how variables are modified in JavaScript (Think copy by reference vs value).
When you first export the bots variable in server.js:
module.exports.bots = bots;
module.exports.bots is pointing to the bots variable by reference. If you modify the array directly like module.exports.bots[0] = 1 it will be reflected in the original bots variable as well since the reference hasn't changed.
However, what you're doing is reassigning the module.exports.bots value completely. The Array.prototype.filter() returns a new array without modifying the original.
When you do:
request.bots = request.bots.filter(function(e) {
return e.botID != unique_id;
You're making it so that the module.exports.bots variable points to a new array and no longer points to the original bots array. That's why your console.log call is always printing the same array because the original bots variable is still pointing to that array and it was never modified.
If you don't want to modify the array directly you can try this.
var request = {};
request.bots = [
{ botID: '16f11103', userID: '12345' },
{ botID: '5657d5e9', userID: '54321' }
setInterval(() => { console.log(request.bots); }, 5000);
module.exports = request;
bots.js can now be kept exactly the same
var request = require("../server.js");
var unique_id = '16f11103';
if (request.bots.some(e => e.botID === unique_id)) {
request.bots = request.bots.filter(function(e) {
return e.botID != unique_id;
You should do
var bots = [
{ botID: '16f11103', userID: '12345' },
{ botID: '5657d5e9', userID: '54321' }
setInterval(() => { console.log(bots); }, 5000);
module.exports = bots;
instead of
module.exports.bots = bots;
You can also do
exports.bots = bots;
Then use Like this
var bots = require("./server.js");
var unique_id = '16f11103';
if (bots.some(e => e.botID === unique_id)) {
bots = bots.filter(function(e) {
return e.botID != unique_id;

Converting Async Response to Standard Javascript Object

Imagine your React app gets a response like this:
What's a best practice way to convert these fields to something more common in Javascript:
Also keeping mind that there could be nested structures.
I've typically done this immediately when the response is received.
My colleagues seem to think it's fine to keep the snake_case syntax persist through the app.
There may be some edge cases that fail, I could not find anything on github that would do the trick but if you have any errors then please let me know.
It is assuming you only pass object literals to it, maybe you can write some tests and tell me if anything fails:
const snakeToCamel = snakeCased => {
// Use a regular expression to find the underscores + the next letter
return snakeCased.replace(/(_\w)/g, function(match) {
// Convert to upper case and ignore the first char (=the underscore)
return match.toUpperCase().substr(1);
const toCamel = object => {
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
return object.map(toCamel);
if (typeof object === 'object' && object !== null) {
return Object.entries(object).reduce(
(result, [key, value]) => {
result[snakeToCamel(key)] = toCamel(value);
return result;
return object;
arra_of_things: [
{ thing_one: null },
{ two: { sub_item: 22 } },
sub_one: {
sub_two: {
sub_three: {
sub_four: {
sub_four_value: 22,

Convert JSON object to object which not in JSON format

I have a JSON object with the structure as below
const inputObj = {
"prop1": "val1",
"prop2": {
"prop2_1": "val2_1",
"prop2_2": "val2_2"
"prop3": "val3"
My objective: I would like to take the property, including the nested property, and store the result in a txt file, but not in JSON format. To make it clear, here is my expected output in the txt file:
prop1: {
id: 'prop1'
prop2_prop2_1: {
id: 'prop2.prop2_1'
prop2_prop2_2: {
id: 'prop2.prop2_2'
prop3: {
id: 'prop3'
So far, I could write the non nested property, but still not in the structure which I expected. Here is the result so far:
"prop1": "prop1",
"prop3": "prop3"
Its still in JSON format, not in the structure that I expected, and the nested property still not caught (I still thinking how to get it)
here is the code so far to make my current result:
const fs = require('fs')
const fileName = "./results.txt"
function getAllKeys(obj, path = [], result = []) {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([k, v]) => {
if (typeof v === 'object') getAllKeys(v, path.concat(k), result)
else result.push(path.concat(k).join("."))
return result
const inputToFile = getAllKeys(inputObj)
// console.log(inputToFile)
// result of the console.log
// prop1
// prop2.prop2_1
// prop2.prop2_2
// prop3
const newObj = {}
for (var i = 0; i < inputToFile.length; i++) {
var input = inputToFile[i]
var dotIndex = input.indexOf('.') // to check if its from the nested JSON property of the inputObj
if (dotIndex === -1) {
// no dot or nested property in the JSON
newObj[input] = input.toString()
} else {
// if the input contain dot, which is a nested JSON
fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.stringfy(newObj))
// if I use above line, the result in the file is as I had mention above. But, if the code is like below:
const finals = JSON.stringfy(newObj)
fs.writeFileSync(fileName, JSON.parse(finals))
// the output in the file is only "[Object object]" without double quote
The reason why I need the result to be formatted like that, is because I want to use react-intl. I already have the locale file (the translation), which looks like the inputObj (the structure). Then, I need to make a file, which like this (below), so the lib could translate it:
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
const MessagesId = defineMessages({
prop1: {
id: 'prop1'
prop2_prop2_1: {
id: 'prop2.prop2_1'
prop2_prop2_2: {
id: 'prop2.prop2_2'
prop3: {
id: 'prop3'
export default MessagesId;
Thats why, I need it to be not like JSON. Because I already have thousand codes for the translation, but need to define it in the MessagesId. It would be so much takes time rite if I do it manually .__.
Ps: the react-intl is works, the problem is only the converting as my initial questions
This script can handle multiple levels of nestied object.
const outputObj = {};
const convertNestedObj = (obj, parentKey = []) => {
for (key in obj) {
newParentKey = [...parentKey, key];
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
convertNestedObj(obj[key], newParentKey);
} else {
outputObj[newParentKey.join('_')] = { id: newParentKey.join('_') };

Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined

to begin with, I have a multilevel of entities as in
country unit ----> customer reporting group ----> customers
each country unit has different customer reporting groups and each of the later has different customers
in the code the variable names are
cu ----> crg ---> customer
this is represented in a multilevel object called menuData:
menuData = {
cu1: {
CRG3: {
Customer1: {},
Customer5: {}
CRG7: {
Customer3: {},
Customer2: {},
Customer7: {}
cu4: {
CRG1: {
Customer2: {},
Customer4: {}
CRG3: {
Customer4: {}
what I wanted to do is to construct unique id for each level in a multilevel objects as well as in for example the ids for the customer units will be the same
cu1 and cu2 and so on
for the customer reporting groups the ids will consist of the cu + the crg as in
for the customer:
what I did is a function called getIds
var getIds = function(menuData) {
var ids = {};
for (cu in menuData) {
ids[cu] = cu;
for (crg in menuData[cu]) {
if (!(ids[cu] in ids)) {
ids[cu] = {};
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
} else ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
for (customer in menuData[cu][crg]) {
if (!ids[cu][crg]) {
ids[cu][crg] = {};
ids[cu][crg][customer] = ids[cu][crg].concat(customer);
} else ids[cu][crg][customer] = ids[cu][crg].concat(customer);
return ids;
the error I got is
Cannot read property 'concat' of undefined
what I have tried is that, because it says that it's undefined, I try to define it if its not already defined as in
if (!(ids[cu] in ids)) {
ids[cu] = {};
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat(crg);
if its not defined, define it and insert the value, but if its defined, only assign the value
else ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat (crg );
why do I get this error? and how to get the the ids in multilevel objects ?
edit, excpected output is
ids = {
"cu1": {
"cu1+CRG3": { "cu1+CRG3+Customer1":{}, "cu1+CRG3+Customer5":{} },
"cu1+CRG7": { "cu1+CRG7+Customer3":{}, "cu1+CRG7+Customer2":{}, "cu1+CRG7+Customer7":{} }
"cu4": {
"cu4+CRG1": { "cu4+CRG1+Customer2":{}, "cu4+CRG1+Customer4":{} },
"cu4+CRG3": { "cu4+CRG3+Customer4":{}}
The Problem with your Code is that you are using Objects to store your data and Objects don´t have the Method "concat" only Arrays have the "concat" Method. Your Object must look like these to work:
menuData = [
"cu1": [
"CRG3": [ "Customer1":{}, "Customer5":{} ],
"CRG7": [ "Customer3":{}, "Customer2":{}, "Customer7":{} ]
"cu4": [
"CRG1": [ "Customer2":{}, "Customer4":{} ],
"CRG3": [ "Customer4":{}]
Here´s a reference : MDN Array.concat()
What can be confusing in JS is that an Object Property can be accessed like an Array.
Update after Expected Output was added:
okay than i think concat is not the right solution for your Problem.
Try it with something like this:
var ids = {};
var menuData = {
cu1: {
CRG3: {
Customer1: {},
Customer5: {}
CRG7: {
Customer3: {},
Customer2: {},
Customer7: {}
cu4: {
CRG1: {
Customer2: {},
Customer4: {}
CRG3: {
Customer4: {}
for (propKeyLevel1 in menuData){
ids[propKeyLevel1] = {};
var propLevel1 = ids[propKeyLevel1];
for(propKeyLevel2 in menuData[propKeyLevel1]){
propLevel1[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2] = {};
var propLevel2 = propLevel1[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2];
for(propKeyLevel3 in menuData[propKeyLevel1][propKeyLevel2]){
propLevel2[propKeyLevel1+"+"+propKeyLevel2+"+"+propKeyLevel3] = {};
concat is a method for for a String or an Array, here you call it on an object hence the error.
What you're trying to do is a bit unclear to me, but maybe you could try that :
ids[cu][crg] = crg;
instead of :
ids[cu][crg] = ids[cu].concat (crg );
Because that's what you seem to be trying.
I’d try it this way:
function getIds(dataIn, idsIn) {
idsIn = idsIn || [];
var dataOut = {}, idOut;
for (var idIn in dataIn) {
idsOut = idsIn.concat([idIn]);
dataOut[idsOut.join('+')] = getIds(dataIn[idIn], idsOut);
return dataOut;
Perfect use case for a recursive function passing down an array (idsOut) of the ids of the previous layers to generate the intended object keys. Pretty straight forward.

