React Router does not resolving on parameters route - javascript

I'm using react-router-dom V6
<Route path="/">
<Route path="example" element={<h1>Example</h1>}>
<Route path=":id" element={<p>cool</p>} />
"http://localhost:3000/example " renders Example so far good, but
"https://localhost:3000/example/34" renders nothing.
What is the problem?
Please provide a why and how to solve this issue.

When nesting routes, the parent routes need to render an Outlet component for the nested routes to render their element content into. Route components render an Outlet by default when no element prop is provided, so this is why the "/example" route works.
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from 'react-router-dom';
<Route path="/">
<Outlet />
<Route path=":id" element={<p>cool</p>} />
If you don't want to render the "Example" component at the same time as its children, then render it alone on its own index route.
<Route path="/">
<Route path="example">
<Route index element={<h1>Example</h1>} />
<Route path=":id" element={<p>cool</p>} />
For more details, see:
Routes and Route
Layout Routes


React Router v6 always render "/"

I'm trying to implement router in react-create-app but it always render "/" and showing Home or SignIn page. How can I solve this?
function AppRouter({ isLoggedIn, user }) {
<Route path="/profile" element={<Profile />} />
<Route path="/signUp" element={<SignUp />} />
? <Route exact path={"/"} element={<Home user={user}/>} />
: <Route exact path={"/"} element={<SignIn />} />
It seems you have a slight misunderstanding of how the HashRouter works with the UI.
import { HashRouter as Router, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";
import Profile from "./Profile";
import SignUp from "./SignUp";
import Home from "./Home";
export default function App() {
return (
<Route path="/profile" element={<Profile />} />
<Route path="/signUp" element={<SignUp />} />
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
The HashRouter handles routing with a URL hash value, i.e. everything after the "#" in the URL. If you are trying to render your app and access "<domain>/" instead of "<domain>/#/" the routing won't work.
For example in your running codesandbox demo, the base URL is "". At this base URL the hash router isn't really working, and you should really be accessing "" instead so the hash router is loaded and the app's internal routing can work.
From "" you should be to then navigate to any of your routes, i.e. "" and".
If you switch to a different router, like the BrowserRouter then the "/#/" is no longer used, the router and routes render from "/" where the app is running from. The routes would be "", "", and "".

runtime.js:7 Uncaught Error: [RequireAuth] is not a <Route> component. All component children of <Routes> must be a <Route> or <React.Fragment>

**react route****I wanted to make a route that's secure but it's not working.**
<Route path='/' element={<Home></Home>}></Route>
<Route path='/home' element={<Home></Home>}></Route>
<Route path='/register' element={<Register></Register>}></Route>
<Route path='/login' element={<Login></Login>}></Route>
<Route path='/manageproducts' element={<ManageProduct></ManageProduct>}></Route>
Here i implemented require auth but it's not working
The RequireAuth component needs to be wrapped within a Route as follows:
This would give Routes a child of Route and resolve the error you are getting

Component Missing when Nested inside of Route in React Router v6

When nesting the ChoosePlayer component inside a Route using React Router v6,
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/players">
<Route element={<ChoosePlayer />} />
// <--- Some dynamically generated routes here for /players/{playerName}
// These inner routes shows a modal in addition to ChoosePlayer in the background
the ChoosePlayer component does not render when we are on the url http://localhost:3000/players or http://localhost:3000/players/reacher.
As a sanity check, ChoosePlayer component is rendered at http://localhost:3000/chooseplayer when we have
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/chooseplayer" element={<ChoosePlayer />} />
and at http://localhost:3000/players when index is added to its Route component, but this prevents ChoosePlayer from showing up at http://localhost:3000/players/reacher
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/players">
<Route index element={<ChoosePlayer />} />
// <--- Some dynamically generated routes here for /players/{playerName}
// These inner routes shows a modal in addition to ChoosePlayer in the background
Why is it not rendering in the first example? Is there a way to do this in React Router v6? I think this approach works in React Router v5.
So I've gathered you want to render this ChoosePlayer component with the path is "/players" and also when on some "/players/*" path. In this case you are treating ChoosePlayer more as a layout component that renders a set of nested routes.
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/players">
<Route element={<ChoosePlayer />} />
// <--- Some dynamically generated routes here for /players/{playerName}
// These inner routes shows a modal in addition to ChoosePlayer in the background
The ChoosePlayer route is missing a path for matching and rendering.
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/chooseplayer" element={<ChoosePlayer />} />
ChoosePlayer is matched and rendered, but isn't on a "/players/*" route and doesn't have any nested children routes.
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/players">
<Route index element={<ChoosePlayer />} />
// <--- Some dynamically generated routes here for /players/{playerName}
// These inner routes shows a modal in addition to ChoosePlayer in the background
An an index route, ChoosePlayer is matched and rendered when the path is exactly "/players", but is excluded from being rendered when matching and rendering one of the other nested routes.
I suggest moving ChoosePlayer up into the root "/players" route and render an Outlet component for the nested routes to be rendered into.
import { Outlet } from 'react-router-dom';
const ChoosePlayer = () => {
// ...any component business logic...
return (
<div /* any container props/styling/etc... */>
{/* Common Choose Players UI */}
<Outlet /> // <-- nested routes render into here
<Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
<Route path="/players" element={<ChoosePlayer />} >
// <--- Some dynamically generated routes here for /players/{playerName}
// These inner routes shows a modal in addition to ChoosePlayer in the background
You can read more about layout routes here.

React router only show Navigation component if the current path is on any of the valid routes

For a invalid route, I want to show the NotFound component, but also not show the Navigation component:
const Layout: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
return (
<Navigation />
<Route path="/explore" exact>
<ExploreIndex />
<Route path="/explore/:id" exact>
<ExploreShow />
<Route path="/" exact>
<Home />
<Route component={NotFound} />
If I go to /aaaaaaa, my NotFound component loads but so does my Navigation. How can I not have Navigation render for such routes?
What about just rendering it as another route?
<Route path={['/explore', '/explore/:id', '/']} exact component={Navigation} />
It will not be rendered if the route does not match any of the routes listed in the path array.
You can add NavigationBar in the specific components rather than app.js. So for example if there is a about page, place NavigationBar on top of the component

React-Router can't make subroutes

Maybe somebody know why I can create subroutes
My code.
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={Main} >
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="performance" component={Performance} />
<Route path="home" component={Home} >
<Route path="alert" component={Performance} />
// ...
// imports
import Main from './Main'
import Performance from './performance/PerformanceComponent'
import Home from './home/HomeComponent'
import {Router, Route, IndexRoute} from 'react-router'
import {Provider} from 'react-redux'
I can't go to this address -> /home/alert
And Have this errors in console
alert:11 GET
alert:12 GET ...home/css/home.css
alert:13 GET ...home/css/detailsView.css
alert:26 GET ...home/bundle.tvc.js
I mean if I write wrong address I have special error
Warning: [react-router] Location "/homealert" did not match any routes
I don't have any idea how should I fix it. Thank you in advance!
You want this if you want to Performance component to render on /home/alert. You need to specify the complete path on each matching Routes.
<Route path="/" component={Main} >
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path="/performance" component={Performance} />
<Route path="/home" component={Home} >
<Route path="/home/alert" component={Performance} />
Nesting routes applies to components, not paths. Your app will render as below for /home/alert:

