swap the Multiple Video Html elements before Removing - javascript

how to swap the elements before Removing them without the use of a clone using jquery
I created the video call app for using picture in picture mode that was working properly but I have a small issue when I click to swap the video that working properly, after swapping when I want to remove some video they are not working properly.
/* swaping the videoElement */
function initVideoSwapping() {
// check if there is an element first
if ($('.video-list .videoWrap').length > 0 && $('.mainVideo').length > 0) {
$('.video-list .videoWrap').on('click', function () {
/* stopEvent Propogation */
var $this = $(this);
$this.data('clicked', true);
var IsadminTrue = getDataFromQueryString()
if (IsadminTrue.isadmin) {
var $StopthisDrop = $(this).find('#DropDown')[0];
$StopthisDrop.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
var $StopthisBtn = $(this).find('button')[0];
$StopthisBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
// name
var $thisName = $(this).find('span')[0]
var $mainName = $('.main-videoWrap').find('span')[0]
// dropdown
var $thisBtn = $(this).find('button')[0];
var $mainbtn = $('.main-videoWrap').find('button')[0];
var $thisUlElement = $(this).find('ul')[0];
var $mainUlElement = $('.main-videoWrap').find('ul')[0];
// video
var $thisVideo = $(this).find('video')[0];
var $mainVideo = $('.main-videoWrap').find('video')[0];
swapNodes($thisVideo, $mainVideo, $thisName, $mainName, $thisBtn, $mainbtn, IsadminTrue, $thisUlElement, $mainUlElement);
function swapNodes(thisVideo, mainVideo, thisName, mainName, thisBtn, mainbtn, thisUlelement, mainUlElement) {
var thisVideoparent = thisVideo.parentNode;
var asibling = thisVideo.nextSibling === mainVideo ? thisVideo : thisVideo.nextSibling;
mainVideo.parentNode.insertBefore(thisVideo, mainVideo);
thisVideoparent.insertBefore(mainVideo, asibling);
// Name Change
var thisNameParent = thisName.parentNode;
var Namesiblings = thisName.nextSibling === mainName ? thisName : thisName.nextSibling;
mainName.parentNode.insertBefore(thisName, mainName);
thisNameParent.insertBefore(mainName, Namesiblings);
// dropdown change
var BtnParanet = thisBtn.parentNode;
var Btniblings = thisBtn.nextSibling === mainbtn ? thisBtn : thisBtn.nextSibling;
mainbtn.parentNode.insertBefore(thisBtn, mainbtn);
BtnParanet.insertBefore(mainbtn, Btniblings);
// ulElement Change
var UlParanet = thisUlelement.parentNode;
var ULSiblings = thisUlelement.nextSibling === mainUlElement ? thisUlelement : thisUlelement.nextSibling;
mainUlElement.parentNode.insertBefore(thisUlelement, mainUlElement);
UlParanet.insertBefore(mainUlElement, ULSiblings);
var asibling = thisVideo.nextSibling === mainVideo ? thisVideo : thisVideo.nextSibling;
mainVideo.parentNode.insertBefore(thisVideo, mainVideo);
thisVideoparent.insertBefore(mainVideo, asibling);
// Name Change
var thisNameParent = thisName.parentNode;
var Namesiblings = thisName.nextSibling === mainName ? thisName : thisName.nextSibling;
mainName.parentNode.insertBefore(thisName, mainName);
thisNameParent.insertBefore(mainName, Namesiblings);
// if (IsadminTrue.isadmin) {
var BtnParanet = thisBtn.parentNode;
var Btniblings = thisBtn.nextSibling === mainbtn ? thisBtn : thisBtn.nextSibling;
mainbtn.parentNode.insertBefore(thisBtn, mainbtn);
BtnParanet.insertBefore(mainbtn, Btniblings);
// ulElement Change
var UlParanet = thisUlelement.parentNode;
var ULSiblings = thisUlelement.nextSibling === mainUlElement ? thisUlelement : thisUlelement.nextSibling;
mainUlElement.parentNode.insertBefore(thisUlelement, mainUlElement);
UlParanet.insertBefore(mainUlElement, ULSiblings);
// }
My Last Try was
function initRemoveSwap() {
var IsadminTrue = getDataFromQueryString()
if (IsadminTrue.isadmin) {
$('.video-list .videoWrap').on('remove', function () {
var $thisVideo = $(this).find('video')[0];
var $mainVideo = $('.main-videoWrap').find('video')[0];
// name
var $thisName = $(this).find('span')[0]
var $mainName = $('.main-videoWrap').find('span')[0]
// dropdown
var $thisBtn = $(this).find('button')[0];
var $mainbtn = $('.main-videoWrap').find('button')[0];
var $thisUlElement = $(this).find('ul')[0];
var $mainUlElement = $('.main-videoWrap').find('ul')[0];
RemoveswapNodes($mainVideo, $thisVideo, $thisName, $mainName, $thisBtn, $mainbtn, IsadminTrue, $thisUlElement, $mainUlElement);
function RemoveswapNodes(mainVideo, thisVideo, thisName, mainName, thisBtn, mainbtn, IsadminTrue, thisUlelement, mainUlElement) {
// videoChange
var thisVideoparent = thisVideo.parentNode;
var asibling = thisVideo.nextSibling === mainVideo ? thisVideo : thisVideo.nextSibling;
mainVideo.parentNode.insertBefore(thisVideo, mainVideo);
thisVideoparent.insertBefore(mainVideo, asibling);
// Name Change
var thisNameParent = thisName.parentNode;
var Namesiblings = thisName.nextSibling === mainName ? thisName : thisName.nextSibling;
mainName.parentNode.insertBefore(thisName, mainName);
thisNameParent.insertBefore(mainName, Namesiblings);
// if (IsadminTrue.isadmin) {
var BtnParanet = thisBtn.parentNode;
var Btniblings = thisBtn.nextSibling === mainbtn ? thisBtn : thisBtn.nextSibling;
mainbtn.parentNode.insertBefore(thisBtn, mainbtn);
BtnParanet.insertBefore(mainbtn, Btniblings);
// ulElement Change
var UlParanet = thisUlelement.parentNode;
var ULSiblings = thisUlelement.nextSibling === mainUlElement ? thisUlelement : thisUlelement.nextSibling;
mainUlElement.parentNode.insertBefore(thisUlelement, mainUlElement);
UlParanet.insertBefore(mainUlElement, ULSiblings);
// }
window.addEventListener('click', initVideoSwapping, false)
I've tried a lot of different ways to change items. I've tried with replaceWith(), before(), and after() but nothing worked.
NOTE: I've already written a function which displays the correct up / down DIVs. So the first and last one can only moved in one direction. That's already solved. I also can't use any kind of existing jQuery plugins.
Kindly Help to how to solve this issue!


dynamic generated html via jQuery is not working

i m generating dynamic html through jquery, when i am using rowspan than it is not working fine.
Expected output:
My Current code:
var shopTimeArray = ["10:00:00","10:15:00","10:30:00","10:45:00","11:00:00"];
var workernames = ["Kapper 1","Kapper 2"];
var workerids = ['148','196'];
var workerTimes = [];
workerTimes['148'] = ["10:00:00","10:15:00","10:30:00","10:45:00","11:00:00"];
workerTimes['196'] = ["10:00:00","10:15:00","10:30:00","10:45:00","11:00:00"];
var workerAppointments = [];
workerAppointments['148'] = ["10:00:00","10:15:00","10:30:00","10:45:00"];
workerAppointments['196'] = ["10:30:00","10:45:00"];
var appointmentTime = [];
appointmentTime['148'] = ["10:00:00"];
appointmentTime['196'] = ["10:15:00"];
var $elem = $("<table>",{'class':'table table-responsive table-bordered overview-table','border':'1'});
var $thead = $('<thead>',{}).appendTo($elem);
var $theadTR = $("<tr>",{}).appendTo($thead);
var $tbody = $("<tbody>",{'class':'overview_table_td'}).appendTo($elem);
$rowspan = 0;
$tbodyTR = $("<tr>",{}).appendTo($tbody);
$tbodyTH = $("<th>",{'scope':'row','html':shopTimeArray[i].slice(0,-3)}).appendTo($tbodyTR);
if(typeof(workerTimes[workerids[j]]) != "undefined" && $.inArray(shopTimeArray[i],workerTimes[workerids[j]]) !== -1 )
if(shopTimeArray[i] == appointmentTime[workerids[j]])
html = "appointment"+j;
} else {
html = '';
$tbodyTD = $("<td>",{'html':html,'rowspan':$rowspan}).appendTo($tbodyTR);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="overview-table">
i tried with the solution like
if($rowSpan > 0) {
} else {
add td
but above code is not working properly.
i want to omit the cells which are in the workerAppointments variable,
currently it is looking wearied,
Looking for help.

How to make this jQuery code more simple and effective

I have follow two functions here which working great!
As you can see these two functions are almost the same, except the code which comes below the last comment in each function.
How do I make that more simple. Could I make a code-"holder" - Where I only include a part of a code from another file? So I don't have too have the "same" code in each functions?
Should I use some kind of classes or? - I have never worked with classes.
/// Function (add_new_field)
$(document).on("click", '.add_new_field', function(e) {
var flex0 = $(this);
var flex1 = $(this).parent().closest('div');
var flex2 = $(flex1).parent().closest('div');
var flex3 = $(flex2).parent().closest('div');
var flex4 = $(flex3).parent().closest('div');
var flex5 = $(flex4).parent().closest('div');
var flex6 = $(flex5).parent().closest('div');
' -> WrapID:'+flex6.attr('id')+
' -> accordionContentID:'+flex5.attr('id')+
' -> acContentBoxID:'+flex4.attr('id')+
' -> acChildBoxID:'+flex3.attr('id')+
' -> acBabyBoxID:'+flex2.attr('id')+
' -> SecondID:'+flex1.attr('id')+
' -> FirstID:'+flex0.attr('id')
var wrapID = flex6.attr('id'); // wrapID
var accordionContentID = flex5.attr('id');
var acContentBoxID = flex4.attr('id'); // sharedID
var acChildBoxID = flex3.attr('id'); // langID
var acBabyBoxID = flex2.attr('id'); // langID
var SecondID = flex1.attr('id'); // OLD : AddLangBoxID
var FirstID = flex0.attr('id'); // OLD : add_new_fieldID
// there is a lot more code here...
/// Function (del_field)
$(document).on("click", '.del_field', function(e) {
var flex0 = $(this);
var flex1 = $(this).parent().closest('div');
var flex2 = $(flex1).parent().closest('div');
var flex3 = $(flex2).parent().closest('div');
var flex4 = $(flex3).parent().closest('div');
var flex5 = $(flex4).parent().closest('div');
var flex6 = $(flex5).parent().closest('div');
var wrapID = flex6.attr('id'); // wrapID
var accordionContentID = flex5.attr('id');
var acContentBoxID = flex4.attr('id'); // sharedID
var acChildBoxID = flex3.attr('id'); // langID
var acBabyBoxID = flex2.attr('id'); // langID
var SecondID = flex1.attr('id'); // OLD : AddLangBoxID
var FirstID = flex0.attr('id'); // OLD : add_new_fieldID
// there is a lot more code her
How could I make something like this.
/// I want to include this code into the functions. So I don't have to write it twice.
var flex0 = $(this);
var flex1 = $(this).parent().closest('div');
var flex2 = $(flex1).parent().closest('div');
var flex3 = $(flex2).parent().closest('div');
var flex4 = $(flex3).parent().closest('div');
var flex5 = $(flex4).parent().closest('div');
var flex6 = $(flex5).parent().closest('div');
var wrapID = flex6.attr('id'); // wrapID
var accordionContentID = flex5.attr('id');
var acContentBoxID = flex4.attr('id'); // sharedID
var acChildBoxID = flex3.attr('id'); // langID
var acBabyBoxID = flex2.attr('id'); // langID
var SecondID = flex1.attr('id'); // OLD : AddLangBoxID
var FirstID = flex0.attr('id'); // OLD : add_new_fieldID
Thank you.
If you want to do something like classes in javascript, your best bet is to use prototyping, since javascript doesn't have classes.
In this case, I'm not sure what your code does, so prototyping might not be the best answer. Your other option is to encapsulate all of your variable definitions in another function, and call that function in both of your click functions. It would return an object with attributes, rather that a bunch of vars.
var myVarFn = function(){
var returnObject = {};
returnObject.flex0 = $(this);
returnObject.flex1 = $(this).parent().closest('div');
returnObject.wrapID = flex6.attr('id'); // wrapID
return returnOBject
And to use it in click, with this defined the same as in the scope of the click function:
$(document).on("click", '.del_field', function(e) {
var dataObject = myVarFn.call(this);
//Other code
And in the other click event,
$(document).on("click", '.add_new_field', function(e) {
var dataObject = myVarFn.call(this);
//Other code
You will have to modify your other code to use dataObject.flex0 instead of flex0 and so on.
Create a global object
var allId = new Object();
And a function that can be called whenever needed..
function getAllIDs(el) {
var id = ["wrapID", "accordionContentID", "acContentBoxID", "acChildBoxID", "acBabyBoxID", "SecondID", "FirstID"];
var flex;
for (var i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
flex = $(el).parent().closest('div');
} else {
flex = $(flex).parent().closest('div');
allId.id[i] = $(flex).parent().closest('div').attr('id');
Further, on jQuery event you can call getAllIDs function
$(document).on("click", '.add_new_field', function (e) {
More details about javascript objects

How to create dynamic instances of JQueryTE text editor

I am attempting to create a small program that incorporates dynamically created instances of this editor.
I have it working except for the ability to create a button that opens/closes the editor.
jsFiddle of what I've got so far.
"use strict";
$(document).ready(function() {
var createPad = $("#createPad").click(function () {
var body = document.getElementById("body");
var editorNumberCounter = 1;
var toggleOnOffCounter= 1;
var editorName = '.'+ (editorNumberCounter++);
var status = document.createElement('div');
status.className = "status";
status.id = "status";
var editorName= document.createElement('span');
editorName.className = "status";
editorName.id = "status";
var toggle = status.id + toggleOnOffCounter++;
// settings of status
var jqteStatus = true;
jqteStatus = jqteStatus ? false : true;
$(editorName).jqte({toggle : jqteStatus})
I made up some changes to your code an now seems to work.
I try to explain them point by point:
variabiles editorNumberCounter and toggleOnOffCounter must be globally scoped or you lose the incremented value
ID of elements (dynamically created or not) MUST be unique, so I create the div and span element considering the counter
for dynamically created elements you must use the bind method or the event will not be bind
the toggle property not exist! You must use the status property
the element onto JQTE is binded is get as next element after the clicked element
var editorNumberCounter = 0;
var toggleOnOffCounter = 0;
$(document).ready(function () {
var createPad = $("#createPad").click(function () {
var body = document.getElementById("body");
var editorName = '.' + editorNumberCounter++;
var status = document.createElement('div');
status.className = "status";
status.id = "div_status" + editorNumberCounter;
var editorName = document.createElement('span');
editorName.className = "status";
editorName.id = "span_status" + editorNumberCounter;
// settings of status
var jqteStatus = true;
$("#div_status" + editorNumberCounter).bind("click",function () {
jqteStatus = jqteStatus ? false : true;
status: jqteStatus
Here is a working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/IrvinDominin/UfhNQ/14/

Add a colspan to a JS generated cell

I have some JavaScript that creates a row in a table and adds cells to it. I need to put an colspan=2 on the second cell added (A.K.A the select cell), but I can't figure out the best way to do this with the least change in the code because this affects a entire page of more code. Suggestions? (table id=table5 class=mytable)
var fltrow = t.insertRow(0); //adds filter row
fltrow.className = "fltrow";
for(var i=0; i<n; i++)// this loop adds filters
var fltcell = fltrow.insertCell(i);
//fltcell.noWrap = true;
i==n-1 && displayBtn==true ? inpclass = "flt_s" : inpclass = "flt";
if(f==undefined || f["col_"+i]==undefined || f["col_"+i]=="none")
var inptype;
(f==undefined || f["col_"+i]==undefined) ? inptype="text" : inptype="hidden";//show/hide input
var inp = createElm( "input",["id","flt"+i+"_"+id],["type",inptype],["class",inpclass] );
inp.className = inpclass;// for ie<=6
if(enterkey) inp.onkeypress = DetectKey;
else if(f["col_"+i]=="select")
var slc = createElm( "select",["id","flt"+i+"_"+id],["class",inpclass] );
slc.className = inpclass;// for ie<=6
if(displayPaging)//stores arguments for GroupByPage() fn
var args = new Array();
args.push(id); args.push(i); args.push(n);
args.push(display_allText); args.push(sort_slc); args.push(displayPaging);
if(enterkey) slc.onkeypress = DetectKey;
(!modfilter_fn) ? slc.onchange = function(){ Filter(id); } : slc.onchange = f["mod_filter_fn"];
if(i==n-1 && displayBtn==true)// this adds button
var btn = createElm(
btn.className = "btnflt";
(!modfilter_fn) ? btn.onclick = function(){ Filter(id); } : btn.onclick = f["mod_filter_fn"];
}// for i
}//if fltgrid
If I understand you correctly, you can change the code block in the else if to the following:
var slc = createElm( "select",["id","flt"+i+"_"+id],["class",inpclass] );
slc.className = inpclass;// for ie<=6

Button handling and layer visibility in Greasemonkey

I have a Greasemonkey script that I've been building for a game. The idea is to have info about the game in a div that will pop up when a button (which is added by my script) on the page is clicked.
I'm using z-index because when I just display the div over the top of the game screen, some of the images show through. So, basically what I need to do is change the z-index of my div based on the value of a variable and/or button click. However, I cannot get my div to come to the front when I click my button.
Here's what I have so far:
// ==UserScript==
// #name Test Script
// #namespace http://therealmsbeyond.com/
// #description Test
// #include an_include.js
// #include another_include.js
// #require json.js
// ==/UserScript==
var VERSION = 1;
var WEBSITEURL = 'http://therealmsbeyond.com/';
var SCRIPTNAME = 'Test';
var SENDINFODELAY = 600000;
var UPDATEDELAY = 604800000;
var ZINDEX_UNDER = -100;
var ZINDEX_OVER = 111111;
var Options = {
'mapVisible' : false,
'showHostile' : false,
'showAlliance' : false,
'showBookmarks' : false
function custom_setValue(k,v){
function custom_getValue(k,dv){
function custom_deleteValue(k){
function getSavedInfo(){
function getSavedServerId(){
var e = document.createElement('div');
var idAttr = document.createAttribute('id');
var styleAttr = document.createAttribute('style');
idAttr.nodeValue = 'shadow_map_container';
styleAttr.nodeValue = 'background-color:white;top:150px;left:75px;position:absolute;height:600px;width:600px;';
var c = '<strong>This is the map window.</strong>';
e.innerHTML = c;
if(Options.mapVisible == true)
document.getElementById('shadow_map_container').style.zIndex = ZINDEX_OVER;
document.getElementById('shadow_map_container').style.zIndex = ZINDEX_UNDER;
function showHide()
if(Options.mapVisible == true)
document.getElementById('shadow_map_container').style.zIndex = ZINDEX_UNDER;
Options.mapVisible = false;
document.getElementById('shadow_map_container').style.zIndex = ZINDEX_OVER;
Options.mapVisible = true;
var btnStr = '<a class="navTab" target="_top" onclick="showHide();return false;" href="javascript:void(0)"><span>Shadow Mapper</span></a>';
var myNavContainer = document.getElementById('main_engagement_tabs');
var inner = myNavContainer.innerHTML;
var newStr = btnStr + inner;
myNavContainer.innerHTML = newStr;
This is not a z-index problem, it's a coding style and event-listener problem.
You cannot activate a button that way in a Greasemonkey script. showHide() resides in the GM sandbox, the page's JS cannot reach it from an onclick.
(One more, of many, reasons why inline JS should be avoided.)
In this example, you would activate the link like so:
function showHide()
if(Options.mapVisible == true)
document.getElementById('shadow_map_container').style.zIndex = ZINDEX_UNDER;
Options.mapVisible = false;
document.getElementById('shadow_map_container').style.zIndex = ZINDEX_OVER;
Options.mapVisible = true;
return false;
var btnStr = '<a class="navTab" target="_top"><span>Shadow Mapper</span></a>';
var myNavContainer = document.getElementById('main_engagement_tabs');
var inner = myNavContainer.innerHTML;
var newStr = btnStr + inner;
myNavContainer.innerHTML = newStr;
var btn = document.querySelector (".main_engagement_tabs > a.navTab");
btn.addEventListener ("click", showHide, true);

