Am trying to understand Maps objects in javascript, and how to use them inside an application, but there's something that i cant understand and it leads me to this question, here's my example
const myMap = new Map();
myMap.set('Name', 'John Doe')
.set(1, function sayHello(user){ console.log(`Hello ${user}`)})
myMap.get('Name'); // output John Doe
myMap.get(1); // output [function: sayHello]
as you see above i can set a function inside the Map
how can i use that function?
what's the point of setting a function in a Map?
are there any use cases?
I'm so confused, i will appreciate any explanation
What you've stored in the map is a function object. To understand it better, take a look at the following snippet to observe the difference between sayHello and sayHello("World"). The former is the function object and the latter is an invocation.
const sayHello = (user) => console.log(`Hello ${user}`)
You'd observe that the .get returns you the function object. To see it in action, you need to invoke it with ().
Among other things, maps could help you organize function objects and have, arguably, more readable code. For comparison, check the following implementations.
function calculator(operation, a, b) {
if (operation === "add") {
return a + b;
} else if (operation === "subtract") {
return a - b;
} else if (operation === "multiply") {
return a * b;
console.log(calculator("add", 5, 10));
console.log(calculator("subtract", 5, 10));
console.log(calculator("multiply", 5, 10));
function calculator(operation, a, b) {
const operations = new Map([
["add", (a, b) => a + b],
["subtract", (a, b) => a - b],
["multiply", (a, b) => a * b],
return operations.get(operation)(a, b);
console.log(calculator("add", 5, 10));
console.log(calculator("subtract", 5, 10));
console.log(calculator("multiply", 5, 10));
1. `myMap.get(1)(userName)
2. Several: Functions are objects that define behaviours. You can pass them as parameters as callbacks, transformation filters, etc... Storing them in a Map or just a regular object is just a matter of getting faster access when accessing by some key.
3. Lots of them. You can store not only functions in maps but even whole classes if you want even in most cases it would be more handy (and almost equally efficient) to just use a regular object.
The point is never finding use cases for a thing but having that thing in your toolbox in order to be able to use it as soon as the necessity arises. In this case, when you have a set of key-function pairs big enough.
HINT: If you are curios on more use cases, search for functional programming stuff.
You need to invoke the function by passing the argument like:
If you want to use the function inside the map ( like set above ) then use like this : myMap.get(1)('name')
Map accepts any key type
If the object's key is not a string or symbol, JavaScript implicitly transforms it into a string.
Contrary, the map accepts keys of any type: strings, numbers, boolean, symbols. Moreover, the map preserves the key type. That's the map's main benefit.
There are specific usecases where map win the race over objects :
Map can contain keys of any data type, it could be Objects, integers, strings, boolean, functions or arrays. But in Objects, the key must always be a string or a symbol.
A Map is ordered and iterable, whereas a objects is not ordered and not iterable
Checking the number of entries in a Map is quite easy compared to checking that of Objects.
A Map inherits from Map.prototype. This offers all sorts of utility functions and properties which makes working with Map objects a lot easier
There are chances of accidentally overwriting inherited properties from prototypes by writing JavaScript identifiers as key names of an object (e.g., toString, constructor, etc.) at that case, use Maps
Another object cannot be used as key of an object, so no extra information can be written for an object by writing that object as key of another object and value of that another object will contain the extra information but this is possible in the case of Maps
and much more...
Remember! : debugging with Maps is painful then the objects
I Hope this answer helps you!
Comment if you have any questions or doubts and don't forget to mark the answer as accepted if you find it useful because it'll be helpful for others who're looking the answer for the same question.
Have a great day!
I have the same question as this one, but in the context of JavaScript.
From Wikipedia:
[a pure function's] return value is the same for the same arguments
It's further claimed there that a pure function is not allowed to have a variation in return value with "mutable reference arguments". In JavaScript, every normal object is passed as a "mutable reference argument". Consider the following example:
const f = (arr) => arr.length
const x = []
console.log( f(x) ) // 0
console.log( f(x) ) // 1
Is the above proof that f is impure?
Or would you argue that we're not calling f with the "same" argument in the two cases?
I can see how it would make sense to call f impure in a language/environment where other threads could potentially mess with the mutable reference argument while f is executing. But since f is not async, there is no way for this to happen. x is going to stay the same from the moment f is called to when it's done executing. (If I'm understanding correctly, this interpretation seems to be supported by the definition of "same" put forth in § 4.1 of Verifiable Functional Purity in Java.)
Or am I missing something? Is there an example in JavaScript where a function containing no asynchronous code loses the property of referential transparency simply because it's taking a mutable reference, but it would be pure if we used e.g. an Immutable.js data structure instead?
When taking the Wikipedia definition to the letter, a function that takes as argument a reference to a mutable data structure (such as a native Array) is not pure:
Its return value is the same for the same arguments (no variation with local static variables, non-local variables, mutable reference arguments or input streams from I/O devices).
Although this clearly says "no variation with mutable reference arguments", we could maybe say this is open to interpretation and depends on the meaning of "same" and "variation". There are different definitions possible, and so we enter the area of opinion. Quoted from the paper your referred to:
There is not a single obviously right answer to these questions. Determinism is thus a parameterized property: given a definition of what it means for arguments to be equivalent, a method is deterministic if all calls with equivalent arguments return results that are indistinguishable from within the language
The functional purity proposed in the same paper, uses the following definition of equivalence:
Two sets of object references are considered equivalent if they result in identical object graphs
So with that definition, the following two arrays are considered equivalent:
let a = [1];
let b = [1];
But this concept can not really be applied to JavaScript without adding more restrictions. Nor to Java, which is the reason why the authors of the paper refer to a trimmed-down language, called Joe-E:
objects have identity: conceptually, they have an “address”, and we can compare whether two object references point to the same “address” using the == operator. This notion of object identity can expose nondeterminism.
Illustrated in JavaScript:
const compare = (array1, array2) => array1 === array2;
let arr = [1];
let a = compare(arr, arr);
let b = compare(arr, [1]);
console.log(a === b); // false
As the two calls return a different result, even though the arguments had the same shape and content, we should conclude (with this definition of equivalence) that the above function compare is not pure. While in Java you can influence the behaviour of the == operator (Joe-E forbids calling Object.hashCode), and so avoid this from happening, this is not generally possible in JavaScript when comparing objects.
Unintended side effects
Another issue is that JavaScript is not strongly typed, and so a function cannot be certain that the arguments it receives are what they are intended to be. For instance, the following function looks pure:
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
But it can be called in way to give side effects:
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
let i = 0;
let obj = { valueOf() { return i++ } };
let a = add(1, obj);
let b = add(1, obj);
console.log(a === b); // false
The same problem exists with the function in your question:
const f = (arr) => arr.length;
const x = { get length() { return Math.random() } };
let a = f(x);
let b = f(x);
console.log(a === b) // false
In both cases the function unintentionally called an impure function and returned a result that depended on it. While in the first example it is easy to still make the function pure with a typeof check, this is less trivial for your function. We can think of instanceof or Array.isArray, or even some smart deepCompare function, but still, callers can set a strange object's prototype, set its constructor property, replace primitive properties with getters, wrap the object in a proxy, ...etc, etc, and so fool even the smartest equality checkers.
As in JavaScript there are just too many "loose ends", one has to be pragmatic in order to have a useful definition of "pure", as otherwise almost nothing can be labelled pure.
For example, in practice many will call a function like Array#slice pure, even though it suffers from the problems mentioned above (including related to the special argument this).
In JavaScript, when calling a function pure, you will often have to agree on a contract on how the function should be called. The arguments should be of a certain type, and not have (hidden) methods that could be called but that are impure.
One may argue that this goes against the idea behind "pure", which should only be determined by the function definition itself, not the way it eventually might get called.
I just saw a code snippet in MDN about destructuring rest parameters like so:
function f(...[a, b, c]) {
return a + b + c;
f(1) // NaN (b and c are undefined)
f(1, 2, 3) // 6
f(1, 2, 3, 4) // 6 (the fourth parameter is not destructured)
the code snippet is in this page:
Although the common use case for rest parameters is very clear to me (function foo(...params){/*code*/}) I could not think about a real world use case to use rest parameters like the way presented in that code snippet. Instead, I think that in that case, I should just use a common function definition:
function f(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
f(1) // NaN (b and c are undefined)
f(1, 2, 3) // 6
f(1, 2, 3, 4) // 6 (the fourth parameter is not defined)
Your function f(a, b, c) { … } is indeed the proper way to write this. The only difference between that and the rest+destructuring syntax is that rest parameters do not add to number of parameters, i.e. f.length == 0.
There really is no good use case for putting an array destructuring pattern as the target of a rest parameter. Just because the syntax allows it doesn't mean that it's useful somewhere. The MDN example probably should've made that more clear.
The example illustrates that rest and destructuring syntaxes are flexible enough to be combined even in such a way.
It is known that neither TypeScript nor Babel stable versions currently support this syntax, primarily because it's of no practical use.
let's say that we have a function that returns an object such like that:
function getCustomer(id) {
return fetch(`${id}`);
and let's say I have a response like that:
"customer": {
"id": 1234,
"name": "John Doe",
"latestBadges": [
"Platinum Customer",
"100 Buys",
In a more traditional approach I could write a function to show the latest 3 badges like so:
function showLatestBadges(a, b, c) {
console.log(a, b, c);
and to use that function, I would need to to:
getCustomer(1234).then((customer) => {
With this new spread operator, I could do this instead:
getCustomer(1234).then((customer) => {
So, using the spread operator in the function definition may look like it's a little useless. But, in fact, it CAN be useful in a VERY specific situation:
Let's say we have a legacy system, and let's say that the call to the showLatestBadges function is being made in hundreds of places without using the spread operator, just like the old days. Let's also assume that we are using a linting tool that prevents unused variables, and let's also assume that we are running a build process that do cares about the linting results, and if the linting says that something is not right, the build fails.
Let's ALSO ASSUME that for some weird business rule, we now have to show only the first and third badges.
Now, assuming this function call being made in hundreds of places in the legacy system, and we do not have much time available to deliver the implementation of this new business rule, we do not have time to refactor the code for ALL those hundreds of calls.
So, we will now change the function as so:
function showLatestBadges(a, b, c) {
console.log(a, c);
But now we have a problem: the build fails because of the unused b variable, and we have to deliver this change for YESTERDAY!!! We have no time to refactor all the hundreds of calls to this function, and we cannot just do a simple find and replace in all the spots, because we have such a messy code, and there are evals all over the place, and unpredictable behavior can happen.
So, one solution is: change the function signature using the spread operator, so the build succeeds, and create a task on the board to do the refactoring.
So, we can change the function as so:
function showLatestBadges(...[a,,c]) {
console.log(a, c);
Ok, I know this is a VERY specific situation and that this is very unlike to happen, but, who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Actually the ... operator is two ways. It's both called rest and spread depending on your use case. They are both very powerful operators especially for functional approaches. You may always use spread operator as,
var a = [1,2,3],
b = [4,5,6];
which would yield a to be [1,2,3,4,5,6] all at once. At this moment one could say that .concat() could do the same. Yes concat has a built in spread functionality but a.concat(b) wouldn't effect a. I just creates and returns a new array. In fact in proper functional languages treating a as an immutable object is nice for the sake of purity. Yet JS is a weird language. It's believed to be functional but at the same time deeply embraces reference types. So long story short if you want to keep the references to a intact while mutating it then you can not use a.concat(b) but a.push(...b). Here i have to mention that .push() is not perfectly designed because it returns a stupid length property which is totally useless. It should have returned a. So I end up using the comma operator like (a.push(...b),a) most of the times.
OK apart from simple use cases you may stretch ... further for a little more complicated but cool looking implementations. Such as you may do an Haskellesque pattern matching to split head and tail of an array and recurse accordingly.
Here is a useful case of spread and rest operators working hand to hand to flatten an arbitrary nested array.
var flat = (x,...xs) => x ? [...Array.isArray(x) ? flat(...x) : [x], ...flat(...xs)] : [];
var na = [[1,2],[3,[4,5]],[6,7,[[[8],9]]],10];
fa = flat(na);
This is one of the use-cases I got to use this
const tail = function([, ...xs]) {
return xs;
tail([1,2]); // [2]
const head = ([a]) => a
head([1,2,3,4]) // 1
This question already has answers here:
How do I persist a ES6 Map in localstorage (or elsewhere)?
(10 answers)
Convert ES6 Class with Symbols to JSON
(6 answers)
Is there a way of specifying what data of an object is passed to the serializer when it's being serialized?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am developing an Angular app. I use Typescript and have a certain class which contains the built-in Set and a Map types. My problem is that I want to store instances of my class in the browser's localStorage as JSON, but when I try to stringify them I get empty strings for these types.
Example from chrom's console:
> inst = new Object({
'elem': new Set(),
'str': 'somestring'
: Object {elem: Set(0), str: "somestring"}elem: Set(0)str: "somestring"}
> inst.elem.add('123');
: Set(1) {"123"}
> inst.elem.add('123');
: Set(1) {"123"}size: (...)__proto__: Set[[Entries]]: Array(1)0: "123"length: 1
> JSON.stringify(inst)
: "{"elem":{},"str":"somestring"}"
The only thing I could think of is recursively converting Sets and Maps to Arrays and Objects respectively before stringifying. But it sounds like much effort.
Is there a better way? Thanks.
Converting a Map to a simple Object won't work, unless the keys happen to be all strings. Remember that Maps can have anything as keys, including things that are not equal by reference but that will result in the same string when coerced.
The obvious way to serialise Maps and Sets would be, indeed, to convert them to arrays and then serialise that. Fortunately, you don't have to write much code yourself, just use the built-in iterators:
const map = new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2]])
const set = new Set([2,3,5,7,11])
serializedMap = JSON.stringify([]) // => [["a", 1], ["b", 2]]
serializedSet = JSON.stringify([...set]) // => [2,3,5,7,11]
Now, as you noticed, you'll have some trouble with nested Maps and Sets. To avoid writing specific code to dive into objects and turn their deeply nested Map and Set values into arrays, you can define the toJSON method on Map and Set prototypes. The method is called implicitly by JSON.stringify:
Map.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return [...this]
// or, if you really want to use objects:
Map.prototype.toJSON = function () {
var obj = {}
for(let [key, value] of this)
obj[key] = value
return obj
// and for Sets:
Set.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return [...this]
Be careful, toJSON may be defined for Sets and Maps sometime in the future, with a different behaviour than this. Although it seems unlikely.
Now, whenever you call JSON.stringify and it sees a Map or Set, it will notice the toJSON method and use it instead of just copying the object's properties.
Another, similar and more ECMA-approved solution is to use JSON.stringify's second argument. Define a helper function that will preprocess values, replacing Maps and Sets with appropriate arrays or objects:
function mapReplacer(key, value) {
if(value instanceof Map || value instanceof Set) {
return [...value]
// of course you can separate cases to turn Maps into objects
return value
Now just pass mapReplacer to JSON.stringify:
JSON.stringify(map, mapReplacer)
The question I have deals with an application of adding a new method to the existing String constructor. In Object Oriented Program for Javascript by Stoyan Stefanov, there is an example of using the Array constructor's .reverse() method to create one for the String constructor. Here is the example:
String.prototype.reverse = function() {
return Array.prototype.reverse.apply(this.split('')).join('');
I thought the .reverse() method of Array belonged directly to the object of Array. In fact, when I try to do the second bit of code with this statement:,
String.prototype.reverse = function() {
return Array.reverse.apply(this.split('')).join(''); //WITHOUT the .prototype
var rev = "karunesh".reverse(); //applying the code here
I get an error in the Firebug Console stating: "TypeError: missing argument 0 when calling function Array.reverse". That does not make any sense to me.
And of course, if I add back in the .prototype, it works perfectly fine.
Also, if is the case that I have to call upon prototype to access the .reverse() method from the Array object, then is it the case that I have to do that for any built-in object in Javascript?
Thanks for the help in advance!
Is it the case that I have to call upon prototype to access the .reverse() method from the Array object
No. To access a method on an object, just access it with dot notation. What you want to do is simply
return this.split('').reverse().join('');
That is just what apply (or call) does:
var arr = this.split('');
return arr.reverse.apply(arr).join('');
and finally arr.reverse === Array.prototype.reverse since that's where Array objects do inherit from. You are not accessing the reverse method on the Array constructor function object itself, you are to access the property that all Array instances share - via their prototype. Yet you hardly will ever need to use the prototype object explicitly, that's only when you're dealing with objects that are not Array instances (do not share the prototype) like arguments objects or NodeLists.
TypeError: missing argument 0 when calling function Array.reverse. That does not make any sense to me.
Array.reverse is a non-standard Array generic method which is only available in Firefox. It's purpose is to simplify the construct of applying Array prototype methods on other objects, and it does take the array-like object as it's first parameter. An example:
Array.reverse([0, 1]) // [1, 0]
which is equivalent to
Array.prototype.reverse.apply([0, 1]);
However, you were doing
Array.reverse.apply([…]/*, undefined*/)
which is calling the Array.reverse function with the array for the (irrelevant) this value and no actual argument, equivalent to
and that throws the rightful exception.
Array.reverse is undefined (at least in Chrome 29) - Array.prototype.reverse is a function that will reverse the order of the "iterable" it is called on.
The key thing to note here is that Array is not a class like you would have in Java - rather it is a constructor:
[].constructor === Array;
// true
The prototype property of Array is actually what is providing the behavior to any particular instance of Array:
Object.getPrototypeOf([]) === Array.prototype;
// true
// Bad idea, just for an example
var guys = ['Tom', 'Harry', 'Richard'];
Array.prototype.exclaim = function() {
return this.join(", ") + "?!?!?!";
// Tom, Harry, Richard?!?!?!
The key here is that JavaScript uses a prototype-based object-oriented pattern, rather than the classical pattern you are more likely familiar with. Instead of having "classes" which contain all the behaviors, but which are distinct from instances, JavaScript has objects, which can be the "prototypes" of other objects, providing data and behavior to the child objects.
// Totally licit OO pattern in JavaScript
var prototypeClass = {
method1: function() { console.log("Hello from method 1!"); },
method2: function() { console.log("Hello from method 2!"); },
classData: 42
var prototypeInstance = Object.create(prototypeClass);
prototypeInstance.method1() // Hello from method 1!
prototypeInstance.classData // 42
// And you can modify the class after
// instantiating instances and the changes
// will be picked up by the instances
prototypeClass.happyPrimes = "Don't they teach recreational mathematics anymore?";
prototypeInstance.happyPrimes // The quote from 42
Any programming language which provides arrays (lists, vectors, tuples etc.) must decide whether they have reference or value semantics, with the usual/obvious choice being reference semantics for mutable arrays and value semantics for immutable ones.
JavaScript which provides mutable arrays appears to have chosen reference semantics e.g. given
var a = [1, 2, 3]
var b = [1, 2, 3]
then a != b, as expected because though they have the same contents, they are different arrays.
However when you use them as keys in an object, the picture changes; if you set obj[a] to a value, then obj[b] gets the same value. Furthermore, this remains true if you change the contents of the arrays; at least when I tested it in Rhino, it behaves as though the interpreter were recursively comparing the full contents of the supplied and stored key arrays on every lookup, complete with a check for the infinite loop that would occur if one of the arrays were made to point to itself.
Is this the intended/specified behavior in all implementations?
Does it also apply to objects used as keys?
Is there any way to get the other behavior, i.e. to look up values using arrays as keys with reference semantics?
When arrays are used as property names they are cast to a string:
[1,2,3].toString() == '1,2,3'
Once turned into a string value, arrays with the same contents would map to the same property.
To answer your last question, you can't use objects to reference property names (keys) whereby only the same object maps to the same property (1:1 mapping).
obj[a] and obj[b] will run the toString function on the arrays and produce the same result for both. It doesn't try to use the arrays as keys.
var a = [1,2,3];
var x = {};
x[a] = "test";
var i;
for(i in x)
alert(i); //"1,2,3"
jsFiddle example