Chart.js Tooltip Trigger Issue - javascript

In my implementation of Chart.js (v3.9.1) I have a line graph with tooltips. The tooltip plugin definition is as follows ( ... added for brevity in code):
this.graph = new Chart(document.querySelector('#m-graph'), {
type: 'line',
data: {...},
options: {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
interaction: {
mode: 'point'
stacked: false,
showTooltips: true,
title: {
display: false
scales: scales,
plugins: {
legend: {...},
tooltip: {
position: 'nearest',
callbacks: {
label: (context) => {
When I hover over data points, the more "to the right" I go on the X axis, the further away from each data point I need to hover to get the tooltip to popup. GIF below shows issue.
Any ideas/advice on what settings to toggle to fix this? Or is this a bug?

Thank you to #Konrad Linkowski above for pushing me into the right direction. I had the canvas element for the graph sized with width: calc(100% - 5rem). Removing that fixes the issue.


Hide tooltip when hovering over null-values in chart.js

I am currently using a line-chart with chart.js 3.5.0 and react-chart-js 3.0.4, given two datasets.
The first dataset has data in {x,y}-format with null-values for some y.
When hovering over those null-values, the tooltip jumps to the start of the second dataset. In this case, I would like to hide the tooltip, but approaching the problem with callbacks didn't work.
Has anybody experienced the same issue?
const options = {
interaction: {
intersect: false
maintainAspectRatio: true,
animation: false,
plugins: {
tooltip: {
mode: 'nearest',
axis: 'x',
position: 'average',
yAlign: "bottom"
scales: {
y: {
type: 'linear',
beginAtZero: true,
min: 0,
grace: '20%',
chartArea: {
backgroundColor: "rgb(240,240,240)"
You can use mode: 'x' in your tooltip config.
Together with setting pointHitRadius to 0 in both datasets makes it so you dont have duplicate values in your tooltip.

Chartjs - Changing legend as a line with pointsyle of circle?

const myLineChart = new Chart(viewsCount, {
type: 'line',
options: {
elements: {
line: {
tension: 0 // disables bezier curves
point: {
pointStyle: 'line'
legend: {
display: true,
position: "top",
align: "start",
labels: {
boxHeight: 3
usePointStyle : true,
Chartjs - Changing legend as a line with pointsyle of circle? What can I do to style the legend I'm using latest cdn of chartjs
Please read the migration guide to chart.js version 3, it has some.breaking changes for example legend config has been moved to the plugins section so you will have to do options: { plugins: { legend: {} } }
After that it should work, otherwise they have an example online where you can look at to see what's different

Chartjs bar chart blurry when height is set

I am using chartjs 2.7.3 and I have a problem when setting the size of the div that encloses canvas the image is blurry and letters are not visible like the screenshot below:
The code is:
<div class="stackedChartClass">
<canvas #stackedChart></canvas>
let stackedChartOptions: any = {
responsive: false,
legend: {
position: 'right' // place legend on the right side of chart
scales: {
xAxes: [{
stacked: true // this should be set to make the bars stacked
yAxes: [{
stacked: true // this also..
this.stackedChart = new Chart(pieCtx,
type: 'bar',
data: this.stackedChartData,
options: stackedChartOptions,
responsive: true
and the css
.stackedChartClass>canvas {
width: 100% !important;
height: 50vh !important;
How can this be fixed?
I added this to options and the blur effect was gone.
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,

Remove top horizontal line in a horizontal bar chart (Chart.js 2)

I created a horizontal grouped bar chart in Chart.js but am getting stuck on a weird problem.
The problem is that while I disabled all grid lines and borders the chart is still showing a top horizontal line which I would like to get rid off.
It is visible in this screenshot:
I also made a JSFiddle:
function create_horizontal_bar_chart(){
* Draw the chart on the correct canvas. Add the correct data sets
* and set the correct draw type.
let ctx = document.getElementById('monthly_subscription_revenue_chart').getContext("2d");
let data = {
labels: ['Diensten'],
datasets: [
type: 'horizontalBar',
backgroundColor: "rgb(0,33,86)",
data: [2250],
stack: 1
type: 'horizontalBar',
backgroundColor: "rgb(219,219,219)",
data: [3000],
stack: 2
type: 'horizontalBar',
backgroundColor: "rgb(240,95,0)",
data: [750],
stack: 3
new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'horizontalBar',
data: data,
showScale: false,
options: {
legend: {
display: false
tooltips: {
enabled: false
hover: {
mode: null
scales: {
xAxes: [{
stacked: true,
display: false,
gridLines: {
drawBorder: false,
yAxes: [{
stacked: true,
barPercentage: 0.9,
gridLines: {
drawBorder: false,
I hope someone could help me with this problem as I simply can't figure out whats causing this.
You have only disabled borders on the edge of the chart (by setting drawBorder to false), not grid lines. The line that bugs you is a grid line. To disable grid lines for an axis use:
gridLines: {
display: false
Look at the docs under "Grid Line Configuration".

Chart js Backgroundimage Scaling

Hi i'm quite new to JS and looking for an easy way to show a custom map with my own backgroundimage and several points with x-y-coordinates on it.
At first it worked quite well using the "line"-chart-type of chart.js (v2.5) with disabled showScale()-option and fixed axes-max/min-values.
My problem is that the backgroundimage is not rescaling properly when i change the window-size or show/hide the legend of the chart.
Here is my JS-code for creating the chart:
function initMap() {
scatterChart = new Chart(document.getElementById("scatterChart"), {
responsive: true,
type: 'line',
data: {
/*datasets: [
showScale: false,
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
display: false,
ticks: {
max: y_max,
min: 0,
stepSize: 0.1
xAxes: [{
display: false,
type: 'linear',
position: 'bottom',
ticks: {
max: x_max,
min: 0,
stepSize: 0.1
onClick: function (evt) {
var activePoint = scatterChart.getElementAtEvent(evt);
legend: {
position: 'right',
labels: {
fontSize: 15
<canvas id="scatterChart" style="width: 1920px; height: 1080px; background-image:url('media/map_background.jpg'); background-size: 100% 100%;"></canvas>
Here are two images showing the effect:!As59C5Mmd0nahr1zP4rjwI5KobaM3Q!As59C5Mmd0nahr10KwUCJ4wpvfn4_g
What can i do to get a proper rescaling (points should always be shown on the same position on the map regardless of windowsize or enabled/disabled legend)?
Have you tried using the maintainAspectRatio property and setting it to true? That should hopefully fix your window resize issue.
The only way to fix the legend issue is to use a legend that is external to the canvas because the legend takes up space in the canvas so the chart is squished horizontally (there is no layering concept in a canvas). See this example for how to generate an external legend.
You must use the legendCallback property and the .generateLegend() prototype method.

