Working with state on recursive components - javascript

I'm writing a component that renders itself inside recursively and is data-driven
Attaching my sandbox snippet, as it will be easier to see there.
This is my data:
var builderStructureData = [
id: 123,
value: 3,
children: []
id: 345,
value: 5,
children: [
id: 4123,
value: 34,
children: [
id: 342342,
value: 33,
children: []
id: 340235,
value: 3431,
children: [
id: 342231342,
value: 3415,
children: []
and it renders like this:
This is my App.js:
import { useState } from "react";
import "./App.css";
import Group from "./components/group";
import builderStructureData from "./components/builderStructureData";
function App() {
const [builderStructure, setBuilderStructure] = useState(
return (
<div className="App">
{ => {
return <Group key={} children={x.children} value={x.value} />;
export default App;
And this is my recursive component:
import React from "react";
export default function Group(props) {
let childrenArray = [];
if (props.children) { => childrenArray.push(x));
return (
<div className="group" draggable>
<p>this is value: </p>
<input value={props.value} readOnly={true}></input>
<button>Add Group</button>
{ => {
return <Group key={} children={x.children} value={x.value} />;
I can render the components based on the data, and it seems to be handling recursion fine. I need to store the state on the App.js page and be able to change it from within child components. For example, if I update the "value" field of the component with ID = 342342, I want it to update that corresponding object in the state no matter how deeply nested it is, but not sure how to do that as it is not as simple as just passing a prop.
Am I taking the right approach with my code snippet? How can I do the state update?

I would advise the state normalization approach - here is an example for redux state - - but you can use this approach with your state. So - your state will look like this:
state = {
items: {
[123]: {
id: 123,
value: 3,
childrenIds: []
[345]: {
id: 345,
value: 5,
childrenIds: [4123, 340235]
[4123]: {
id: 4123,
value: 34,
parentId: 345,
childrenIds: [342342]
[342342]: {
id: 342342,
value: 33,
parentId: 4123,
childrenIds: []
[340235]: {
id: 340235,
value: 3431,
parentId: 345,
childrenIds: [342231342]
[342231342]: {
id: 342231342,
value: 3415,
parentId: 340235
childrenIds: []
Here the field "childrenIds" is an optional denormalization for ease of use, if you want - you can do without this field. With this approach, there will be no problem updating the state.

You are thinking this in a wrong way, it should be very easy to do what you want.
The most imported thing is to make a little small changes in Group
Please have a look
import React from "react";
export default function Group(props) {
const [item, setItem] = React.useState(props.item);
let childrenArray = [];
if (item.children) { => childrenArray.push(x));
const updateValue = ()=> {
// this will update the value of the current object
// no matter how deep its recrusive is and the update will also happen in APP.js
// now you should also use datacontext in app.js togather with state if you want to
// trigger somethings in app.js
item.value =props.item.value= 15254525;
setState({...item}) // update the state now
return (
<div className="group" draggable>
<p>this is value: </p>
<input value={item.value} readOnly={true}></input>
<button>Add Group</button>
{ => {
return <Group item={x} />;
The code above should make you understand how easy it is to think about this as an object instead of keys.
Hop this should make it easy for you to understand


Pushing array with useState()

Everyone! i just have this kind of problem that i can`t fix.
this is my App.js
import { useState } from "react"
import Header from "./components/header"
import FeedbackList from "./components/FeedbackList"
import FeedbackData from "./data/FeedbackData"
function App() {
const [feedback, setFeedback] = useState(FeedbackData)
return (
<Header />
<div className="container">
<FeedbackList feedback={feedback} />
) }
export default App
and this is my second js file that i want to use "feedback" prop like array
import FeedbackItem from "./FeedbackItem"
import FeedbackData from "../data/FeedbackData"
function FeedbackList(feedback) {
return (
<FeedbackItem key={} item={item}/>
i cant use function in this case because feedback is not like array (sorry for my bad english) i solve this problem without using hooks but i want to know what i can do in this case,sorry if im writing something wrong im just new in React and trying to learn.
In Javascript there are object and array. Both can be mapped.
For Array.
const arr = [
{ name: "name 1", id: "01" },
{ name: "name 2", id: "02" },
{ name: "name 3", id: "03" },
];> (<div key={}>{}</div>))
For Object.
const obj = {
"item01": { name: "name 1" },
"item02": { name: "name 1" },
"item03": { name: "name 1" },
Object.keys(obj).map((key)=> <div key={key}>{obj[key].name}</div>)
Check your type, console.log(typeof FeedbackData).
If it is not type error. Instead of
const [feedback, setFeedback] = useState(FeedbackData)
Try this.
const [feedback,setFeedback] = useState([])
useEffect(()=> setFeedback(FeedbackData),[])
what you want is to destructure the prop you need from the 'props' object.
function Component1() {
const [val, setVal] = useState([]);
return <Component2 val={val} />
function Component2({ val }) {
this is equivalent to doing:
function Component2(props) {
this is because props is an object, and so you need to get the right key from the object based on the prop name, either by destructuring or accessing it via props.propName

How do I pass different values depending on the imported data in React?

I want to take data from js files classified as categories such as 'Delivery' and 'Cafe' and deliver different data to different pages.
I thought about how to import it using map(), but I keep getting errors such as 'products' is not defined.'
It must be done, but it is not implemented well with javascript and react weak. If you know how to do it, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know.
export const Product = [
Delivery: [
id: '101',
productName: '허니랩',
summary: '밀랍으로 만든 친환경 식품포장랩 허니랩.',
images: ['3k7sH9F'],
companyName: '허니랩',
contact: '02-6082-2720',
email: '',
url: '',
id: '102',
productName: '허니포켓',
summary: '밀랍으로 만든 친환경 식품포장랩 허니랩. 주머니형태.',
images: ['4zJEqwN'],
companyName: '허니랩',
contact: "02-6082-2720",
email: "",
url: "",
HouseholdGoods: [
id: '201',
productName: '순둥이',
summary: '아기용 친환경 순한 물티슈',
images: ['4QXJJaz'],
companyName: '수오미',
contact: '080-000-3706',
email: '',
url: '',
id: '202',
category: ['HouseholdGoods'],
productName: '순둥이 데일리',
summary: '친환경 순한 물티슈',
description: '품질은 그대로이나 가격을 낮춘 경제적인 생활 물티슈',
images: ['OMplkd2'],
companyName: '수오미',
contact: '080-000-3706',
email: '',
url: '',
(The file was named temporarily because I did not know how to classify and deliver data without creating a js file separately.)
import React from "react";
function Delivery(
) {
return (
<div className="Product">
<div className="Product__data">
<h3 className="Product__name">{productName}</h3>
<h5>Contact: {contact}</h5>
<h5>Email: {email}</h5>
<h5>URL: {url}</h5>
<p className="Product__summary">{summary}</p>
<p className="Proudct__descriptions">{description}</p>
export default Delivery;
import React from "react";
import Delivery from "./Delivery";
import { Product } from "./Products";
class Category extends React.Component {
render() {
state = {
products: [],
return <div>{products ? this._renderProduct() : "nothing"}</div>;
_renderProduct = () => {
const { products } = this.state;
const renderProducts =, id) => {
return (
export default Category;
Sorry and thank you for the long question.
There are quite a few different problems I've found.
First is that you call setState inside render in the Category component, this causes an infinite loop. Instead call setState inside a lifecycle method like componentDidMount or use the useEffect hook if using functional components.
Another problem is that state in Category is also defined inside render. In class components you would normally put this in a class constructor outside of render.
In your setState call you refer to _renderProduct(), this should be this._renderProduct() instead.
Now the main problem here is the structure of your data / how you render this structure.
Products is an array of objects where each object either has a Delivery or HouseholdGoods property which is an array of products. I would advise you to change this structure to something more like this:
export const Product = {
Delivery: [
id: "101",
id: "102",
HouseholdGoods: [
id: "201",
id: "202",
or this:
export const Product = [
{ id: "101", productType: "Delivery" },
{ id: "102", productType: "Delivery" },
{ id: "201", productType: "HouseholdGoods" },
{ id: "202", productType: "HouseholdGoods" },
I personally prefer the second structure, but I've implemented the first as this seems to be what you were going for:
class Category extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
products: null,
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ products: Product });
render() {
const { products } = this.state;
return (
? Object.keys(products).map((productKey) => {
return (
<div key={productKey}>
{products[productKey].map((product) => {
return (
: "no products"}
We need a nested loop here, because we need to map over each property key and over the array of objects inside each property. If you use the other structure for Product I've shown, you can simply map over Product without needing two loops.
Now the last important problem was that you weren't destructuring the props inside your Delivery component, instead you should do something like this:
function Delivery({
}) {
return (
<div className="Product">
<div className="Product__data">
<h3 className="Product__name">{productName}</h3>
<h5>Contact: {contact}</h5>
<h5>Email: {email}</h5>
<h5>URL: {url}</h5>
<p className="Product__summary">{summary}</p>
<p className="Proudct__descriptions">{description}</p>
Example Sandbox

reset value when using react-select

I am using react-select for my select dropdown. The issue I am having is that there is no empty option to reset the dropdown value if the user changes their mind.
Currently I am taking the options and manually adding an empty string, but I feel there must be something already in the library to handle this? I cannot find anything in the docs.
My code looks like the below, and there is a code sandbox here.
import React from "react";
import Select from "react-select";
const App = () => {
const options = [
{ value: "chocolate", label: "Chocolate" },
{ value: "strawberry", label: "Strawberry" },
{ value: "vanilla", label: "Vanilla" }
return <Dropdown options={options} />;
const Dropdown = ({ options }) => {
const optionsWithEmptyOption = [{ value: "", label: "" }, ...options];
return <Select options={optionsWithEmptyOption} />;
Plase check this out
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import CreatableSelect from 'react-select/creatable';
import { colourOptions } from './docs/data';
export default class CreatableSingle extends Component<*, State> {
handleChange = (newValue: any, actionMeta: any) => {'Value Changed');
console.log(`action: ${actionMeta.action}`);
handleInputChange = (inputValue: any, actionMeta: any) => {'Input Changed');
console.log(`action: ${actionMeta.action}`);
render() {
return (
Empty Unicode
I add line to options, and write between the apostrophes empty unicode like this: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .. you can mark it but dont see it.
const options = [
{ value: "", label: "⠀" },
{ value: "chocolate", label: "Chocolate" },
{ value: "strawberry", label: "Strawberry" },
{ value: "vanilla", label: "Vanilla" }
And I change this:
return <Select options={options} />;
what about const optionsWithEmptyOption = [{ value: null, label: "Select..." }, ...options];
I'm not really good with explanations, but #NicoHaase is right, so here it goes...
as far as I know, you must give a value to value null (if nothing) or string ... same for the label, #1 because of the user UX and second so react-select knows what to display. But if you really need to leave it in black, and you can try to modify in the styles, in order to have the same height as the other options.

How to set multiple dropdown values to each dynamic element Semantic UI React

I'm having trouble figuring out how to set a dynamic dropdown component with multiple-value selections to each rendered element in a feature I'm working on. I think I'm really close but ultimately need a bit of guidance.
Here's the component:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { List, Dropdown, Label } from 'semantic-ui-react'
const directions = [
{key: "0.0", text: "0.0", value: "0.0"},
{key: "22.5", text: "22.5", value: "22.5"},
{key: "45.0", text: "45.0", value: "45.0"},
{key: "67.5", text: "67.5", value: "67.5"},
{key: "90.0", text: "90.0", value: "90.0"}
const channels = [
{ch: 65, callsign: "TEST1"},
{ch: 49, callsign: "TEST2"},
{ch: 29, callsign: "TEST3"}
export default class DirectionalSelection extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
currentValues: {}
handleDropdownChange = (e, index, { value }) => {
this.setState(({ currentValues }) => {
currentValues[index] = value
return currentValues
handleDirAddition = (e, index, { value }) => {
this.setState(({ directions }) => {
directions[index] = [{ text: value, value }, ...this.state.directions]
return directions
render() {
const { channels, currentValues, directions } = this.state
return (
{, index) => (
<List.Item key={index}>
placeholder='Choose directions'
onAddItem={this.handleDirAddition.bind(this, index)}
onChange={this.handleDropdownChange.bind(this, index)}
Right now every time I select dropdown values on any channel, currentValues returns as [object Object]: ["22.5", "45.0"]. I want to set the ch key in channels as the key and the dropdown values array as the value and append them to currentValues.
I hope I've clarified the question enough to understand. Here is a link to Semantic-UI-React docs with the original component I'm using: Thanks for the help!
I figured it out! It was so simple, just had to switch the params in handleDropdownChange = (e, index, { value }) to handleDropdownChange = (index, e, { value }). It was setting the event function as the object key.

React - Tree Component

I am trying to make a component in React to recursively display the names in a data tree. I am not that familiar with React and am not sure what I can do in my code to remove the error I get in the console.
The error is Uncaught SyntaxError: embedded: Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag
Here is a jsFiddle to my code:
Here is my example code:
var treeObj = [
id: 1,
name: 'Bob',
children: [
id: 2,
name: 'Mary',
children: [
{id: 4, name: 'Suzy'}
id: 3,
name: 'Phil',
children: [
{id: 5, name: 'Jon'},
{id: 6, name: 'Paul'}
var TreeView = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
people: treeObj
render: function() {
var people = this.state.people;
var nodes = => <TreeNode node={i} children= {i.children} />)
return (
var TreeNode = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var nodes;
if (this.props.children) {
nodes = => <TreeNode node={i} children={i.children} />);
return (
ReactDOM.render(<TreeView />, document.getElementById('container'));
Your TreeNode component returns two sibling components: <li> and <ul>. Basically, you're trying to return two things from the render function, and you can't do that.
Normally, the recommended solution is to wrap them both in another element. For example:
return (<div>
However, for the tree structure you're trying to create, it would probably be better to put the <ul> inside the <li>. That would be:
return (<li>
This is how nested lists are commonly done in HTML.

