I am trying to Draw a Right Angle using Rectangles.
My Problem is instead of Using two Rectangles to Draw the Adjustable Right Angle,I want to use a Exact Right Angle as in this Image
I am using the Below code to add the Rectangle using fabric.js
addRect = () => {
this.canvas.add(new fabric.Rect({
left: this.canvas.width / 2,
top: this.canvas.height / 2,
fill: '#ffa726',
width: 100,
centeredRotation: true,
height: 100,
originX: 'center',
originY: 'center',
strokeWidth: 0
Kindly Help me to solve this issue.
You can't use a Rect to get just a right angle, but you can use a Polyline. Here's an example:
const points = [
{x: 5, y: 15},
{x: 95, y: 15},
{x: 95, y: 85},
const options = {
strokeWidth: 20,
stroke: 'orange',
fill: null,
strokeLineJoin: 'miter',
strokeLineCap: 'butt'
const rightAngle = new fabric.Polyline(points, options)
If you want to interactively adjust the points, you could adapt the code from the custom controls example on the Fabric.js site (Polygon and Polyline are similar).
I'm trying to stretch an image dynamically so it expands in one direction in my Phaser 3 game. I've tried using a Tween with scaleX but there's a problem.
The first one is what I have. An image object in Phaser that I want to stretch. The second bar is what happens when I use scaleX. I guess it's what normally should happen, but not what I need. I need it like bar three. The left side of the image should stay aligned and only the right side should stretch. ALso I want to do this in an animation, so it should be something I can use with tweens or similar solutions. It needs to be possible to do it on any angle, so I can't just change the x-position. It has to be possible at any angle, when I don't know what the angle is going to be.
Does anyone know how to do that?
I'm not sure how your code looks like, but here is how I would solve it:
(If I would have to use scaleX and tween)
Although I don't know: what you want/need/mean with the "...on any angle..., here to know/see your code would be good.
just set the origin of the gameObject to 0 since the default is center
adjust the x position to compensate for the new origin position.
Here a runnable example:
(Tween starts a scaleX = 0 to better illustrate, where the origin is)
var config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
parent: 'phaser-example',
width: 800,
height: 600,
backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
scene: {
create: create
var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
function create ()
var original = this.add.rectangle(225, 75, 200, 50, 0x0);
var defaultOrigin = this.add.rectangle(225, 150, 200, 50, 0x0);
// calculate the offset -100 = half width
var setOrigin = this.add.rectangle(225 - 100, 200, 200, 50, 0x0).setOrigin(0);
var setOriginAtAnAngle = this.add.rectangle(225 - 100, 275, 200, 50, 0x0)
var setOriginAtAnAngle2 = this.add.rectangle(225 - 100, 375, 200, 50, 0x0)
.setOrigin(0, .5)
// rotation in degrees
//setOriginAtAnAngle.angle = 25;
/* origin point */
this.add.rectangle(225, 75, 5, 5, 0xFFA701).setOrigin(0.5);
this.add.rectangle(225, 150, 5, 5, 0xFFA701).setOrigin(0.5);
this.add.rectangle(225 - 100, 200, 5, 5, 0xFFA701).setOrigin(0.5);
this.add.rectangle(225 - 100, 275, 5, 5, 0xFFA701).setOrigin(0.5);
this.add.rectangle(225 - 100, 375, 5, 5, 0xFFA701).setOrigin(0.5, 1);
/* Just code to improve the display */
this.add.line(0, 0, 150, 25, 150, 400, 0x0000ff).setOrigin(0);
this.add.text(150, 75, ' Base Box', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px', color: '#fff' }).setOrigin(0, .5);
this.add.text(150, 150, ' Origin: default (Center)', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px', color: '#f00' }).setOrigin(0, .5);
this.add.text(150, 200, ' Origin: 0 (TopLeft)', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px', color: '#0f0' }).setOrigin(0, -.5);
this.add.text(150, 290, ' Origin: 0 (TopLeft) with angle', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px', color: '#0f0' })
.setOrigin(0, -.5)
this.add.text(150, 360, ' Origin: 0 (CenterLeft) with angle', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px', color: '#0f0' })
.setOrigin(0, -.5)
this.text = this.add.text(100, 12, 'Click to replay tween!', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '20px', color: '#0000ff', backgroundColor: '#ffffff', fontStyle:'Bold' });
this.tween = this.tweens.add({
targets: [defaultOrigin, setOrigin, setOriginAtAnAngle, setOriginAtAnAngle2],
duration: 3000,
scaleX:{from:0, to:2},
ease: 'Power0',
onStart: _ => this.text.setText('Tween is running!'),
onActive: _ => this.text.setText('Tween is running!'),
onComplete: _=> this.text.setText('Click to replay tween!')
this.input.on('pointerdown', _=> {
canvas {
transform: scale(.5) translate(-50%, -50%)
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/phaser#3.55.2/dist/phaser.min.js"></script>
Origin's are now marked in the example, with a yellow point, for clarity.
Sorry for bad grammar-
i have a problem about how to add shape with button trigger.
but isn't working
here my code :
<button id="btnCreateRectangle" class="btn-primary-blue">Button Text</button>
And here my js :
function addRectangle(layer) {
var scale = 1;
var rectangle = new Konva.Rect({
x: 12,
y: 12,
numPoints: 5,
innerRadius: 30,
outerRadius: 50,
fill: "#89b717",
opacity: 0.8,
draggable: true,
name: 'rect',
width: 128,
height: 50,
scale: {
x: scale,
y: scale
shadowColor: "black",
shadowBlur: 4,
shadowOffset: {
x: 5,
y: 5
shadowOpacity: 0.6,
// custom attribute
startScale: scale
.addEventListener('click', function () {
Im very pretty new in javasrcipt language ,
any suggest or answer will be appreciate
from the documentation of KonvaJS after adding the rect to layer, you should add that layer to stage https://konvajs.org/docs/overview.html
How i can do something like this? all the shapes in the group should not listen to the event, but the group should operate on the event, but do not work. I gave the example of the two groups, and they are actually very much, and so I have to add a listener to the layer, and listen to the babbling events all internal groups.
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'container',
width: 1000,
height: 800
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var group1 = new Kinetic.Group({listening: true});
var group2 = new Kinetic.Group();
var circle = new Kinetic.Circle({
x: stage.getWidth() / 2,
y: stage.getHeight() / 2,
radius: 70,
listening: false,
fillLinearGradientStartPoint: {x:70, y:-70},
fillLinearGradientEndPoint: {x:70,y:70},
fillLinearGradientColorStops: [0, 'black', 1, 'white'],
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4
var circle2 = new Kinetic.Circle({
x: 100,
y: 100,
radius: 70,
listening: false,
fillLinearGradientStartPoint: {x:70, y:-70},
fillLinearGradientEndPoint: {x:70,y:70},
fillLinearGradientColorStops: [0, 'black', 1, 'white'],
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4
var circle3 = new Kinetic.Circle({
x: 300,
y: 300,
radius: 70,
listening: false,
fillLinearGradientStartPoint: {x:70, y:-70},
fillLinearGradientEndPoint: {x:70,y:70},
fillLinearGradientColorStops: [0, '#678345', 1, '#824444'],
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4
var circle4 = new Kinetic.Circle({
x: 200,
y: 200,
radius: 70,
listening: false,
fillLinearGradientStartPoint: {x:70, y:-70},
fillLinearGradientEndPoint: {x:70,y:70},
fillLinearGradientColorStops: [0, '#678345', 1, '#824444'],
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4
// add the triangle shape to the layer
// add the layer to the stage
function onClick(e){
Please help!
Only nodes in a group will trigger events
your circles will trigger events
clicking in a non-node area of a group will not trigger any events
A workaround is to add a transparent rect as a background covering the entire group width/height.
var group=new Kinetic.Group({
var groupListener=new Kinetic.Rect({
Then you can assign a listener to the "invisible" groupListener rectangle
console.log("clicked on non-node area of group");
A Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/ur6be/
I'm trying to stroke my Kinetic Spline object with a gradient instead of a solid color. However, my spline is turning out black. Any ideas?
Here's my code:
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'container',
width: 578,
height: 200
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var blueSpline = new Kinetic.Spline({
points: [{
x: 73,
y: 160
}, {
x: 340,
y: 23
}, {
x: 500,
y: 109
}, {
x: 300,
y: 109
strokeWidth: 10,
lineCap: 'round',
tension: 1,
fillLinearGradientStartPoint: [73, 160],
fillLinearGradientEndPoint: [300, 109],
fillLinearGradientColorStops: ['#ff0000', '#00ff00'],
fillPriority: 'linear-gradient'
You can try this:
var ctx = layer.getContext();
var grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(73, 160, 300, 109);
grad.addColorStop(0, '#ff0000');
grad.addColorStop(1, '#00ff00');
var blueSpline = new Kinetic.Spline({
stroke: grad,
Here is an example:
KineticJS does not support gradient strokes--only gradient fills.
Hello guys I am a noob in KineticJS and I want to know how to change property values. For example for a rectangle after its creation:
var rect = new Kinetic.Rect({
x: 239,
y: 75,
width: 100,
height: 50,
fill: "#00D2FF",
stroke: "black",
strokeWidth: 4
How would I do something like this:
x: 100,
y: 30,
width: 100,
height: 50,
fill: "#cccccc",
and leave the other properties the same?
Like this:
var rect = new Kinetic.Rect({
x: 239,
y: 75,
width: 100,
height: 50,
fill: "#00D2FF",
stroke: "black",
strokeWidth: 4
thanks for the info..
i also tried
it works :)