Multiple query using QueryTask ArcgGIS JS Api 3 - javascript

I am using QueryTask in ArcgGIS JS Api 3 and I want to execute multiple query in one call, I took a look at the documentation and I didn't find the possibility to do it
this is what I am using (e)=>{
let query = new esri.tasks.Query();
query.where = "id = '"+id+"'";
query.outFields = ["*"];
let response = await queryTask.execute(query)
and this is what I want to do
let queryList=[]; (e)=>{
let query = new esri.tasks.Query();
query.where = "id = '"+id+"'";
query.outFields = ["*"];
let response = await queryTask.execute(queryList)
any suggestion or help ?
thank you in advance

You can only have one "Query", but you can create a better where statement that searches for all the "id" in a single where statement.
Your where statement would end up looking something like:
id in (1,2,3,4).
You can find more details about the supported SQL under "Request parameters" at

If you're not able to put all the queries in one SQL statement as Bjorn suggested (e.g. queries to multiple layers), then you can add the requests to an array and use promise.all to send all the requests


How do I prevent sql injection on a WHERE IN request with parameterized query? [duplicate]

I am trying to workout how to pass in a comma sepated string of values into a postgres select within in clause query using node-postgres but unfortunately can't seem to get it working and can't find any examples.
I have the following code:
function getUser() {
let inList = "'qwerty', 'qaz'";
const result = await pgPool.query("SELECT name FROM my_table WHERE info IN ($1)", [inList]);
if (result.rowCount == 1) return =>
return false
Basically want the end result query to process:
SELECT name FROM my_table WHERE info IN ('qwerty', 'qaz')
Unsure if this is actually the correct way of doing this with pgPool?
The right way is in the FAQ on Github -->
You should be able to do it that way :
pgPool.query("SELECT name FROM my_table WHERE info = ANY ($1)", [jsArray], ...);

How can I simply iterate through JSON that has a multileveled encapsulation with (Google) Javascript?

I want to retrieve the current prices of specific crypto currencies and update some fields in my google sheet.
Here a short codesnippet:
var api_url = "API-URL";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(api_url);
var dataAll = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
#When executing the URL in a Browser, I get this for dataAll:
dataAll content on Browser
#When executing it in the Google Script Editor, the Google Runtime Environment has this
dataAll content
#Here the rawdata response of the api-url call in JSON-Format with just 1 crypto entry in the data:
For better readability I just pasted it into e.g. Notepad++ and went for Menu > JSON Viewer > Format JSON.
I know it's really basic, but how the heck can I now iterate through this encapsulated Object and dig to the appropriate level so I can read the price? I only want to pick a specific cryptocurrency, e.g. Ethereum which has id: 1027 and take its price for further purposes.
I want to be able to pick just the entries that fit to my portfolio (e.g. distinguish with id:) and take its price for a specific cell update in my google sheet.
Thanks a lot for your help in advance!
Best regards
if you want to get data by name just filter it
const api_url = 'API-URL';
const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(api_url);
const dataAll = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
const etherealData = => === 'Ethereum');
function postDataToSheet() {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const selected=['Symbol1','Symbol2']
const api_url = "API-URL";
let r= UrlFetchApp.fetch(api_url);
let rjson = r.getContentText();
let robj = JSON.parse(rjson);
let vs=[];
const ts=robj.status.timestamp;
const tc=robj.status.total_count;
vs.push('Total Count',tc,'');
//use this one to put them all on a sheet,i)=>{
const sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
//use this one to put only the selected on a sheet,i)=>{
if(~selected.index(item.symbol)) {
const sh=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
If you only need current price I'm pretty sure you can remove all the code and use something like =IMPORTDATA("") to fetch crypto prices.
No complex parsing, no authentication, no limitations.

Firestore query date range with using 'where'

I need to grab doc from collection if its today and status true, but it seems not working is there any better solution for this query?
My query:
var query = firebase.firestore().collection("book")
query = query.where('completed', '==', true)
query = query.orderBy('publishdate').startAt(1555567200000).endAt(1555653599999)
I've also tried:
var query = firebase.firestore().collection("book")
query = query.where('completed', '==', true)
query = query.where('publishdate', '>', 1555567200000)
but no result
I had to do two things to get this working:
Create a composite index by clicking on the link that showed up in my JavaScript console.
Pass in the timestamp as a proper Date() instead of a number: query = query.orderBy('publishdate').startAt(new Date(1555653600000));
With that it works fine for me. See a working sample here:,console

And Query on Parse Cloud code

this looks a very trivial query but I can't seem to make it work..
I am trying to get for instance an object that has locationName = "NYC" AND groupName = "Adults". I am trying to query using this code I found on Parse documentation:
var groupQuery = new Parse.Query("MyTable");
groupQuery.equalTo("group", groupName);
var locationQuery = new Parse.Query("MyTable");
locationQuery.equalTo("location", locationName);
var mainQuery = Parse.Query.or(locationQuery, groupQuery);
But I obviously fail because I am using Parse.Query.or instead what should have been Parse.Query.and which, for some reason doesn't exist...
Is there any alternative way to do it, for some reason I cannot find it on the documentation..
Parse queries use and by default, which is why there is only a Parse.Query.or().
What you want to do can simply be achieved this way :
var mainQuery = new Parse.Query("MyTable");
mainQuery.equalTo("group", groupName);
mainQuery.equalTo("location", locationName);

Adding a record and retrieving the key generated [duplicate]

I have this code in IndexedDB:
var request = objectStore.add({ entryType: entryType, entryDate: t});
Now I want to know the key of this record that was just added in. How do I do that?
I found this article, and this
var data = {"bookName" : "Name", "price" : 100, "rating":"good"};
var request = objectStore.add(data);
request.onsuccess = function(event){
document.write("Saved with id ", event.result)
var key = event.result;
This does not work for me - key shows up as undefined. I think I am missing something basic here!
Go through this code
var data = {"bookName" : "Name", "price" : 100, "rating":"good"};
var request = objectStore.add(data);
request.onsuccess = function(event){
document.write("Saved with id ", event.result)
var key =;
Hope this code will work to retrieve key of last inserted Record
The spec is written for user agent, not for developer. So it is confusing. Key generator is provided by the user agent.
Any event object that is received by onsuccess handler always have It is the key you are looking for. The key is auto generated if you don't provide it, assuming you set autoIncrement to true.
It is documented in Step 8: as follow:
The result of this algorithm is key.
The trick here is knowing how to search using phrases iteratively, until you land on what you need. I've never heard of IndexedDB before, but seem to have found what you want.
I put "IndexedDB" into a search engine and found this. That yielded the phrase "key generator", so I searched for that as well which led me to this and this.
The StackOverflow link discusses using UUIDs, which of course can be generated in JavaScript, and the last link appears to have examples to do what you want out of the box.
If you're using the idb Promise wrapper for IndexedDB then the new key is just the return value from the add() call:
import { openDB } from 'idb';
const db = await openDB(...);
const tx = db.transaction('mystore', 'readwrite');
const newId = await{ hello: 'world' });
await tx.done;
console.log(`Autogenerated unique key for new object is ${newId}`);
Remember of course, this will only work if you include autoIncrement: true in the options passed to createObjectStore().

