Prevent render before useEffect with search params - javascript

I have a component Browse that used to display search result requested from SearchBar component.
First search query when results state is null
Found some tracks now results state have array of tracks in
I make another search but changing the filter type from By Tracks to By Users (The results should have array of users objects)
I got an error because the render was called before the initResults() function so the results has always array of tracks object inside so I got error of undefined property
The output when I search for the first time :
> init useEffect
> render
The output when I searched another time inside the Browse Component :
> render
> init useEffect
How can I refresh the useEffect when search params change
Any idea ? Thank's !
export default function Browse() {
const [results, setResults] = UseSafeState(null)
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = UseSafeState(true)
const location = useLocation()
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(
const search = searchParams.get('search')
const identifierFilter = searchParams.get('identifier_filter')
const initResults = () => {
setIsLoading(true), identifierFilter)
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
const renderTrackBrowse = () => {
return, key) => <div key={key}>{}</div>)
const renderUserBrowse = () => {
return, key) => <div key={key}>{result.user.username}</div>)
const renderPage = () => {
switch (identifierFilter) {
return renderTrackBrowse()
return renderUserBrowse()
useEffect(() => {
console.log('init useEffect')
}, [location, search, identifierFilter])
return <div className="main double-contained browse">{isLoading ? <Loader /> : renderPage()}</div>

Effects will always execute after the execution of the whole function. Even useLayoutEffect does not get invoked early enough to fix your issue. But with a tiny change, your code would already work.
const renderPage = () => {
// do not continue execution if no results exist
if (!results) return;
switch (identifierFilter) {
return renderTrackBrowse()
return renderUserBrowse()
Also one of your dependencies in the useEffect seems to be irrelevant and could cause more requests to be done as necessary. This should be sufficient.
useEffect(() => {
console.log('init useEffect')
}, [search, identifierFilter])


context api - useEffect doesn't fire on first render - react native

The useEffect doesn't fire on first render, but when I save the file (ctrl+s), the state updates and the results can be seen.
What I want to do is, when I'm in GameScreen, I tap on an ICON which takes me to WalletScreen, from there I can select some items/gifts (attachedGifts - in context) and after finalising I go back to previous screen i.e. GameScreen with gifts attached (attachedGifts!==null), now again when I tap ICON and go to WalletScreen it should show me the gifts that were attached so that I could un-attach them or update selection (this is being done in the useEffect below in WalletScreen), but the issue is, although my attachedGifts state is updating, the useEffect in WalletScreen does not fire immediately when navigated, when I hit ctrl+s to save the file, then I can see my selected/attached gifts in WalletScreen.
const Main = () => {
return (
<Stack.Screen name='WalletScreen' component={WalletScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name='GameScreen' component={GameScreen} />
const GameScreen = () => {
const { attachedGifts } = useGifts(); //coming from context - GiftsProvider
console.log('attached gifts: ', attachedGifts);
return ...
const WalletScreen = () => {
const { attachedGifts } = useGifts();
useEffect(() => { // does not fire on initial render, after saving the file, then it works.
if (attachedGifts !== null) {
let selectedIndex = -1
let filteredArray = => {
if ( === {
selectedIndex = walletData.indexOf(val);
return {
isSelect: val?.isSelect ? !val?.isSelect : true,
} else {
return { ...val, isSelect: false };
}, [attachedGifts]);
const attachGiftsToContext = (obj) => {
showToast('Gifts attached successfully!');
navigation?.goBack(); // goes back to GameScreen
return (
// somewhere in between
<TouchableOpacity onPress={attachGiftsToContext}>ATTACH</TouchableOpacity>
import React, { createContext, useContext, useMemo, useReducer } from 'react';
const GiftsReducer = (state: Object | null, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'SET_GIFTS':
return action.payload;
return state;
const GiftContext = createContext({});
export const GiftsProvider = ({ children }) => {
const initialGiftState: Object | null = null;
const [attachedGifts, dispatch] = useReducer(
const memoedValue = useMemo(
() => ({
return (
<GiftContext.Provider value={memoedValue}>
export default function () {
return useContext(GiftContext);
Output of console.log in GameScreen:
attached gifts: Object {
"reciptId": "baNlCz6KFVABxYNHAHasd213Fu1",
"walletId": "KQCqSqC3cowZ987663QJboZ",
What could possibly be the reason behind this and how do I solve this?
Added related code here:
From the docs
When you call useEffect in your component, this is effectively queuing
or scheduling an effect to maybe run, after the render is done.
After rendering finishes, useEffect will check the list of dependency
values against the values from the last render, and will call your
effect function if any one of them has changed.
You might want to take a different approach to this.
There is not much info, but I can try to suggest to put it into render, so it might look like this
const filterAttachedGifts = useMemo(() => ...your function from useEffect... , [attachedGitfs])
Some where in render you use "data" variable to render attached gifts, instead, put filterAttachedGifts function there.
Or run this function in component body and then render the result.
const filteredAttachedGifts = filterAttachedGifts()
It would run on first render and also would change on each attachedGifts change.
If this approach doesn't seems like something that you expected, please, provide more code and details
I assume that the problem is that your wallet receive attachedGifts on first render, and after it, useEffect check if that value was changed, and it doesn't, so it wouldn't run a function.
You can try to move your function from useEffect into external function and use that function in 2 places, in useEffect and in wallet state as a default value
feel free to pick up a better name instead of "getUpdatedArray"
const getUpdatedArray = () => {
const updatedArray = [...walletData];
if (attachedGifts !== null) {
let selectedIndex = -1
updatedArray = IWalletListDT) => {
if (val?.walletId === attachedGifts?.walletIds) {
selectedIndex = walletData.indexOf(val);
return {
isSelect: val?.isSelect ? !val?.isSelect : true,
} else {
return { ...val, isSelect: false };
return updatedArray;
Then use it here
const [walletData, setWalletData] = useState(getUpdatedArray());
and in your useEffect
useEffect(() => {
}, [attachedGifts]);
That update should cover the data on first render. That might be not the best solution, but it might help you. Better solution require more code\time etc.

why useEffect is called infinitely

In useEffect in my react component I get data and I update a state, but I don't know why the useEffect is always executed:
const Comp1 = () => {
const [studies, setStudies]= useState([]);
React.useEffect( async()=>{
await axios.get('/api/expert/',
.then((response) => {
}, (error) => {
console.log(error );
console.log("called+ "+ studies);
<Comp2 studies={studies}/>
Here is my second Component used in the first component...
const Comp2 = (props) => {
const [studies, setStudies]= useState([]);
React.useEffect( ()=>{
},[props.studies, studies]);
const Comp2 = (props) => {
// for some brief time props.studies will be an empty array, []
// you need to decide what to do while props.studies is empty.
// you can show some loading message, show some loading status,
// show an empty list, do whatever you want to indicate
// progress, dont anxious out your users
return (>{console.log(study)}
You useEffect hook depends on the updates that the state studies receive. Inside this useEffect hook you update studies. Can you see that the useEffect triggers itself?
A updates B. A runs whenever B is updated. (goes on forever)
How I'd do it?
const Comp1 = () => {
const [studies, setStudies]= useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
const asyncCall = async () => {
await axios.get('/api/expert/',
.then((response) => {
}, (error) => {
console.log(error );
console.log("called+ "+ studies);
}, []);
<Comp2 studies={studies}/>
useEffect() has dependency array which causes it to execute if any value within it updates. Here, setStudies updates studies which is provided as dependency array and causes it to run again and so on. To prevent this, remove studies from the dependency array.
Refer: How the useEffect Hook Works (with Examples)

Display no results component when there are no results

I'm trying to show the no results components whenever the api has finished loading and when no results are returned. The issue I'm having, is I am seeing the no results components displayed first for a few seconds and then the results showing whenever the api returns data. I should never want to see the no results component showing if there are results returned from the api.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import NoResults from './NoResults';
const Users = () => {
const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
const isLoading = () => {
if (isResultsLoading) return <ResultsLoader />;
if (results && results.length > 0)
return (
return <NoResults heading="No users available." />;
useEffect(() => {
let isMounted = true;
const getData = async () => {
if (isMounted) {
const users = await fetchUsers(); // is just an api call
if (users && users.length > 0) return { users, loading: false };
return { users: null, loading: true };
return { users: null, loading: true };
getData().then(({ users, loading }) => {
if (isMounted) {
if (users) setResults(users);
return () => {
isMounted = false;
}, []);
return (
export default Users;
Check for the length of results with results.length since results already exists as an empty array.
When you get your data and parse it simply set both the states for results with the data, and isLoading to false.
Perhaps rename the isLoading function to something more representative of what the function does. I've called mine getJSX.
Here's a working example that uses a mock API. (Note I've had to use this without async and await because snippets haven't caught up with the latest Babel version.) You can change the JSON that's returned by the API by uncommenting/commenting out the JSON statements in the first couple of lines.
const {useState, useEffect} = React;
const json= '[1, 2, 3, 4]';
// const json = '[]';
function mockApi() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => res(json), 3000);
function Example() {
const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
function getJSX() {
if (isResultsLoading) return <div>Loading</div>;
if (results.length) {
return => <div>{el}</div>);
return <div>No users available.</div>;
useEffect(() => {
.then(res => JSON.parse(res))
.then(data => {
}, []);
return <div>{getJSX()}</div>
<Example />,
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="react"></div>
You should rely on conditional rendering and simplify your logic a little bit.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import NoResults from "./NoResults";
const Users = () => {
// This holds the results - default to null till we get a successful API response
const [results, setResults] = useState(null);
// This should be a boolean stating if the API call is pending
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
const getData = async () => {
const users = await fetchUsers(); // is just an api call
if (users && users.length > 0) {
// if the result is good, store it
// By the way, the api call is finished now
}, []); // no deps => this effect will run just once, when the component mounts
if (isResultsLoading) {
// Render nothing while API call is pending
return null;
} else {
if (results) {
// The API has returned a good result, so render it!
return (
<UserTable data={results} />
} else {
// No good result, render the fallback component
return <NoResults heading="No users available." />;
export default Users;
You've a lot of extraneous conditionals and code duplication (not as DRY as it could be). Try cutting down on the user checks before you've even updated state, and you likely don't need the mounted check. Conditionally render the UI in the return.
const Users = () => {
const [results, setResults] = useState([]);
const [isResultsLoading, setIsResultsLoading] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
fetchUsers() // is just an api call
.then(users => {
.catch(error => {
// handle any errors, etc...
.finally(() => {
setIsResultsLoading(false); // <-- clear loading state regardless of success/failure
}, []);
return (
{isResultsLoading ? (
<ResultsLoader />
) : results.length ? ( // <-- any non-zero length is truthy
<UserTable data={results} />
) : (
<NoResults heading="No users available." />

Maximum depth exceeded while using useEffect

I am trying to implement a simple search algorithm for my products CRUD.
The way I thought to do it was entering the input in a search bar, and the products that matched the search would appear instantly every time the user changes the input, without needing to hit a search button.
However, the way I tried to do it was like this:
function filterProducts (productName, productList) {
const queryProducts = productList.filter((prod)=> {
return prod.title === productName;
return queryProducts;
function HomePage () {
const [productList, setProductList] = useState([]);
const [popupTrigger, setPopupTrigger] = useState('');
const [productDeleteId, setProductDeleteId] = useState('');
const [queryString, setQueryString] = useState('');
let history = useHistory();
useEffect(() => {
if (queryString.trim() === "") {
Axios.get("http://localhost:3001/api/product/get-all").then((data) => {
const queryProducts = filterProducts(queryString, productList);
}, [queryString, productList]);
I know that productList changes every render, and that's probably why it isn't working. But I didn't figure out how can I solve the problem. I've seen other problems here and solutions with useReducer, but I none of them seemed to help me.
The error is this one below:
Warning: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component calls setState inside useEffect, but useEffect either doesn't have a dependency array, or one of the dependencies changes on every render.
what you are doing here is fetching a product list and filtering it based on the query string and using that filtered list to render the UI. So ideally your filteredList is just a derived state based on your queryString and productList. So you can remove the filterProducts from your useEffect and move it outside. So that it runs when ever there is a change in the state.
function filterProducts (productName = '', productList = []) {
return productName.trim().length > 0 ? productList.filter((prod)=> {
return prod.title === productName;
}); : productList
function HomePage () {
const [productList, setProductList] = useState([]);
const [queryString, setQueryString] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
if (queryString.trim() === "") {
Axios.get("http://localhost:3001/api/product/get-all").then((data) => {
}, [queryString]);
// query products is the derived state
const queryProducts = filterProducts(queryString, productList);
// Now instead of using productList to render something use the queryProducts
return (
{ => {
If you want the filterProducts to run only on change in queryString or productList then you can wrap it in useMemo
const queryProducts = React.useMemo(() => filterProducts(queryString, productList), [queryString, productList]);
When you use a setState function in a useEffect hook while having the state for that setState function as one of the useEffect hook's dependencies, you'll get this recursive effect where you end up infinitely re-rendering your component.
So, first of all we have to remove productList from the useEffect. Then, we can use a function to update your state instead of a stale update (like what you're doing in your example).
function filterProducts (productName, productList) {
const queryProducts = productList.filter((prod)=> {
return prod.title === productName;
return queryProducts;
function HomePage () {
const [productList, setProductList] = useState([]);
const [popupTrigger, setPopupTrigger] = useState('');
const [productDeleteId, setProductDeleteId] = useState('');
const [queryString, setQueryString] = useState('');
let history = useHistory();
useEffect(() => {
if (queryString.trim() === "") {
Axios.get("http://localhost:3001/api/product/get-all").then((data) => {
setProductList(prevProductList => {
return filterProducts(queryString, prevProductList)
}, [queryString]);
Now, you still get access to productList for your filter, but you won't have to include it in your dependencies, which should take care of the infinite re-rendering.
I recommend several code changes.
I would separate the state that immediately reflects the user input at all times from the state that represents the query that is send to the backend. And I would add a debounce between the two states. Something like this:
const [query, setQuery] = useState('');
const [userInput, setUserInput] = useState('');
useDebounce(userInput, setQuery, 750);
I would split up the raw data that was returned from the backend and the filtered data which is just derived from it
const [products, setProducts] = useState([]);
const [filteredProducts, setFilteredProducts] = useState([]);
I would split up the useEffect and not mix different concerns all into one (there is no rule that you cannot have multiple useEffect)
useEffect(() => {
if (query.trim() === '') {
.then((data) => { setProducts( });
}, [query]);
() => setFilteredProducts(filterProducts(userInput, products)),
[userInput, products]

React filter large dataset without re-render (Too many re-renders error)

I have a really large array of objects, parsed (PapaParse) from a CSV:
import { readRemoteFile } from 'react-papaparse'
const [studentData, setStudentData] = useState(null)
const [filteredStudents, setFilteredStudents] = useState([])
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
const grabData = () => {
readRemoteFile('my-data.csv', {
complete: (results) => { // this method gets called once file is finished parsing
I want to filter the student data and only show students with the name 'Amber' for example:
const getFilteredStudents = (name) => {
let updatedStudents = studentData.filter((student) => {
return === name
// Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.
if (!loading) {
In the above codeblock, called setFilteredStudents(updatedStudents) causes a react error.
Finally I just want to render only the filtered students in the component:
render (
{ filteredStudents ?, index) => {
<div key={index}>
} : null
This is happening because your are calling
if (!loading) {
everytime the component renders, which triggers a new => getFilteredStudents which does => setFilteredStudents resulting into a new re-render and an infinite loop
you should instead do
const grabData = () => {
readRemoteFile('my-data.csv', {
complete: (results) => { // this method gets called once file is finished parsing
and just call getFilteredStudents('Amber') with a button..
The problem was the conditional:
if (!loading) {
Removed it and it seems to be working. Now I just need a much better way of rendering the data, because there are about 5000 Amber objects

