Why can't I import this CardList in JSX? - javascript

I'm doing with my homework about React.
I'm tring to add Cards to the page and I created a Card.jsx and a CardList.jsx file to achieve this. And I used the faker to help generating some random fake info. However, when I imported the CardList.jsx to the App.js file and ran it, I saw nothing but while page on the browser. I just dont know why and I've almost copy the same as the teacher gave.
Please help me!
Here are the codes:
import React from "react";
const Card = (props) => {
return (
<img src={props.avatar} alt="food" />
export default Card
import React from "react";
import Card from './Card'
import { faker } from '#faker-js/faker'
const CardList = () => {
return (
author_name={faker.name.firstName + ' ' + faker.name.lastName}
export default CardList
import './App.css';
import CardList from './CardList'
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<CardList />
export default App;
overview of the vs code

In your CardList.jsx change code to this :
avatar = {faker.image.fashion()}
article_name = {faker.definitions.title}
description = {faker.lorem.paragraph()}
author_name = {faker.name.firstName() + ' ' + faker.name.lastName()}
Since faker.definitions.title is not a function. If you would open your browser console, you will see an error message regarding the same.Please make sure you write functions as functions and variables as variables by reading documentation.

firstName and lastName are functions so they need parentheses https://fakerjs.dev/api/name.html
Looking through the documentation, faker.definitions.title doesn't exist so you will need to use some other type of date for article_name
article_name={faker.commerce.productName()} //using this as an example. replace with what you want
author_name={faker.name.firstName() + ' ' + faker.name.lastName()}


react/no-multi-comp is showing up as warnings

I am using hook router 1.2.5 and I have a very simple home page as below:
import { useRoutes } from "hookrouter";
import React from "react";
import Nav from "./pages/Nav";
import AboutPage from "./pages/About";
const HomePage = () => {
const routeResult = useRoutes({
"/about": () => <AboutPage />
return (
<div fluid>
<div xs={3} md={1} lg={1} className="nav-container">
<Nav />
<div xs={9} md={11} lg={11}>
{routeResult || <AboutPage />}
export default HomePage;
But when I run lint, I see below warnings show up.
8:10 warning Component definition is missing display name react/display-name
8:10 warning Declare only one React component per file react/no-multi-comp
I know I can disable these eslint warnings. But I would like to know how to fix them. For example, I don't have another component in my file. So why would it show react/no-multi-comp warning, or did I miss something? Any helps are appreciated.
I was able to fix react/display-name by replacing the arrow function as below:
const routeResult = useRoutes({
"/about"() {
return <AboutPage />;

Changing Background image using Create React App

Having trouble using Create React App to change a background image I feed to my component through props. The docs say use the import syntax. This works but it would mean I have to hard code every background image to each component. Anyway to do this dynamically?
I noticed it won't let me use template literals on the import syntax as well. That would have fixed my issue I think.
import '../css/Avatar.css';
import photo from "../images/joe_exotic.jpg";
const Avatar = (props) => {
return (
style={{backgroundImage: `url("${photo}")`}}
export default Avatar;
P.S: I checked out the other articles on StackOverflow regarding this and they didn't provide much help.
If you wanna avoid this way of doing, you can put your images in the public folder of your React app, et grab them like so :
import '../css/Avatar.css';
const Avatar = (props) => {
return (
style={{backgroundImage: `url("/joe_exotic.jpg")`}}
export default Avatar;
I hope it works for you. good luck.
import '../css/Avatar.css';
import photo from "../images/joe_exotic.jpg";
const Avatar = (props) => {
return (
) }
export default Avatar;

Why don't my images and information render on my React localhost?

Recently I started a React course where the chapter goal is to create a monster sort of website. Below I will leave the code of the relevant JS and JSX files. My SearchBox input does appear on my screen, however, the monster images with their respective h2 and p are not appearing only in my react localhost. I have tried going through my code to understand why my code is not working and I haven't been able to find a solution. Here I will leave the link to the API where I am obtaining the images from, you just have to change the number before the ? to access the other images. I am aware that classes are a bit outdated due to hooks but the course is focusing on them initially so that we can understand their behavior, so please do not update the code, just help me with the functionality.
App.js File
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import './App.css';
import { CardList } from './components/card-list/card-list';
import {SearchBox} from './components/search-box/search-box';
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
monsters: [],
searchField: ''
componentDidMount() {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(users => this.setState({monsters: users}));
render() {
const {monsters, searchField} = this.state;
const filteredMonsters = monsters.filter(monster => monster.name.toLowerCase().includes(searchField.toLowerCase())) //This checks if one of the monsters name includes the text inputted into the search field, and filters out those that do not. We lower case it to avoid capital and lower case issues.
return (
<div className='App'>
placeholder='Search Monsters'
handleChange={e => this.setState({searchField: e.target.value})}
<CardList monsters={filteredMonsters}/>
</div> //By using filteredMonsters here, initially all will appear but as we place some input, only those that include the searchField will appear
export default App;
card.jsx file
import React from 'react';
export const Card = props => {
return (
<img src={'https://robohash.org/'+ props.monster.id + '?set=set2&size=180x180'} alt='monster'/>
<h2> {props.monster.name} </h2>
<p> {props.monster.email} </p>
card-list.jsx file
import React from 'react';
import { Card} from '../card/card';
import './card-list.css';
export const CardList = props => {
return (
<div className='card-list'>
{props.monsters.map((monster) => {
<Card key={monster.id}/>
In CardList, you never even passed a monster object to your Card component. Only a monster id for a key. Basically, you need something like this:
<div className='card-list'>
{props.monsters.map((monster) => {
<Card key={monster.id} monster={monster} />
Minor suggestion: Use proper destructuring in Card component:
export const Card = ({ monster: { id, name, email } }) => {
return (
<img src={'https://robohash.org/'+ id + '?set=set2&size=180x180'} alt='monster'/>
<h2> {name} </h2>
<p> {email} </p>
Working Sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/fervent-cerf-qcubt?file=/src/App.js

React Props not passing down to children components?

I am trying to learn React so please bear with me!
I am following a tutorial to help me understand react and how you can pass down components.
I am trying to pass props down 2 levels, but when I render the code on the third element, nothing appears on the page. Using React Dev tools on chrome, it seems that the props are loading on the Tweets.js component rather than the Tweet.js component.
Can anybody tell me whats wrong? The order is App.js > Tweets.js > Tweet.js
For ref, I am following the following tutorial, it is around the 15 min mark.
React State and Props | Learn React For Beginners Part 4
import './App.css';
import Tweets from './components/Tweets';
import React from 'react';
function App() {
const name=["Name1", "Name2", "Name3"];
const age=["21", "22", "24"]; /* Data is created here */
return (
<div className="App">
<Tweets me={name} age={age} />{/*Data is added to component*/ }
export default App;
import Tweet from './Tweet';
const Tweets = (props) => (
<Tweet />
export default Tweets;
const Tweet = (props) => (
export default Tweet;
You would need to transfer props through your Tweets component:
const Tweets = (props) => (
<Tweet {...props} />

Error: Cannot find module './suns.png' when trying to get web page to work

import React from 'react'
export default function MasonryPost ({post, tagsOnTop}) {
const style = {backgroundImage: `url("${require(`../../assets/images/${post.image}`)}")`};
return (
<a className="masonry-post overlay" style={style} href={post.link}>
How about url(`${require(../../assets/images/${post.image})}`)}
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