Check if two property of a nested document are equal in mongodb - javascript

I have a user.expenses collection like this
userId: ObjectId("62f332b93753ac926ff6ac62"),
expenses: [
name: 'electricity',
assigned: 400,
given: 400,
name: 'restaurant',
assigned: 2100,
given: 0,
I will get userId and from the request. I need to check if the user.expenses collection has any expenses document whose name is electricity and assigned is not equal to given.
I used $elemMatch and could check if there are any embedded documents whose name is electricity.
userId: ObjectId('62f332b93753ac926ff6ac62'),
expenses: {
$elemMatch: {
name: 'electricity',
I also tried to use $where. But it only can be applied to the top-level document.

you cant do it with query operators because you want to reference a field but you can do it with aggregate operators and $filter
filter the array and keep only if electricity and assigned!=given
keep the document if at least one sub-document was electricity with assigned!=given
{"input": "$expenses",
[{"$eq": ["$$", "electricity"]},
{"$ne": ["$$this.assigned", "$$this.given"]}]}}}, []]}}}])


Why is $elemMatch return the first document, instead of the all matches documents?

I'm trying to execute a query that returns all the documents that match based on query parameters.
I have the following schema:
_id: ObjectId('631b875491b16c38eecfa4e9')
brandName: "Nick"
categories: Array
products: Array
0: Object
productName: "Vans Shoes dsds Old Skool"
description: "amazing Shoes."
categoryId: ObjectId('62f3eaff3ded19dcce71081e')
price: 240
numberOfBuyers: 0
_id: ObjectId(631b875491b16c38eecfa4ec)
1: Object
2: Object
3: Object
__v: 0
The following query should give me all the documents that match, but it returns only the first document:
const products = await Brand.find(
_id: brandId
products: {
$elemMatch: {
categoryId: categoryId,
price: {
$gte: minPrice,
$lte: maxPrice
What is wrong?
You are querying on "Brand" documents. This means your query tells Mongoose: if one of the products is matching (categoryId and price), return the (whole) Brand document.
In order to retrieve only specific elements of this array, you should include your $elemMatch object in the projection step of your find call:
const products = await Brand.find({
_id: brandId
}, {
//include other properties you want to include in your output document
products: {
$elemMatch: {
categoryId: "62f3eaff3ded19dcce71081e",
price: 240
Update after comment
Your products array will only contain the first element that was matched. This is intended behaviour (as described here: cs/manual/reference/operator/projection/elemMatch/):
operator limits the contents of an field from the query results to contain only the first element matching the
In order to get several results you should probably use an aggregation pipeline using $unwind and $group.

Mongo error :Modifiers operate on fields but we found type array instead

I'm working with node and mongo 5.0 . I have a preexisting record that I want to add 2 fields to. I am trying to insert 2 numbers (due, assessed) into the fields Owed and Yearly. These 2 fields do not currently exist within each record. I tried multiple variations including:
await collection.updateOne({ _id: record._id }, { $set: [{ "Owed": due}, {"Yearly": assessed }]});
which gives:
'MongoServerError: Modifiers operate on fields but we found type array instead. For example: {$mod: {<field>: ...}} not {$set: [ { Owed: 0 }, { Yearly: 466.64 } ]}\n
How to I add multiple fields to a record here?
I changed my code to yours. Now I am seeing:
MongoServerError: Modifiers operate on fields but we found type array instead. For example: {$mod: {<field>: ...}} not {$set: [ { Owed: 0 }, { Yearly: 466.64 } ]}
Any thoughts?
I guess you should pass 3rd paramater upsert to create field if it doesn't exists.
await collection.updateOne({ _id: record._id }, { $set: [{ "Owed": due}, {"Yearly": assessed }]}, {upsert: true});
Based on I tried:
await collection.updateOne({ _id: record._id }, { $set: { "Owed": due, "Yearly": assessed }});
This appears to work

How to query an object inside an array by multiple value in mongoose (javascript)?

I have an object and the server will receive a user_id and a part_id. I need to get the certain user, then filter the parts by the provided part ID and get the price.
_id: 6086b8eec1f5325278846983,
user_id: '13',
car_name: 'Car name 1',
created_at: 2008-11-25T00:46:52.000Z,
parts: [
_id: 6086ee212681320190c3c8e0,
part_id: 'P456',
part_name: 'Part name 1',
image: 'image url',
stats: {
price: 10,
_id: 6087e7795e2ca925fc6ead27,
part_id: 'P905',
part_name: 'Part name 2',
image: 'image url',
stats: {
price: 15,
I tried to run the following, but ignores the part_id filter and returns every parts in the array.
Custumers.findOne({'user_id': '13', 'parts.part_id': 'P456'})
Also tried with aggregate but still no luck.
{ $match: { 'user_id': '13'}}
I checked the mongoose documentation but cannot wrap my head around it. Please let me know what I am missing.
Mongoose version: 5.12.4
Option - 1
This will work if you've only 1 matching parts
$ (projection)
The $ operator projects the first matching array element from each document in a collection based on some condition from the query statement.
Demo -
{ "user_id": "13", "parts.part_id": "P456" },
{ "parts.$": 1, car_name: 1 } // add fields you need to projection
Option -2
Demo -
$match: {
"user_id": "13",
"parts.part_id": "P456"
$unwind: "$parts" // break into individual documents
$match: {
"parts.part_id": "P456"

Insert array of objects into MongoDB

I wonder how I could insert array of objects to Mongo collection "root-level documents" with own pre-defined _id values.
I have tried db.MyCollection.insert(array); but it creates nested documents under one single generated _id in MongoDB.
var array = [
{ _id: 'rg8nsoqsxhpNYho2N',
goals: 0,
assists: 1,
total: 1 },
{ _id: 'yKMx6sHQboL5m8Lqx',
goals: 0,
assists: 1,
total: 1 }];
What I want
db.collection.insertMany() is what you need (supported from 3.2):
{ name: "bob", age: 42, status: "A", },
{ name: "ahn", age: 22, status: "A", },
{ name: "xi", age: 34, status: "D", }
"acknowledged" : true,
"insertedIds" : [
Why not iterate over the array objects, and insert them one at a time?
array.forEach((item) => db.MyCollection.insert(item));
Go through this Link To get Exact Outcome the way you want:
You can use MongoDB Bulk to insert multiple document in one single call to the database.
First iterate over your array and call the bulk method for each item:
After the loop, call execute:
Take a look at the refereed documentation to learn more.

MongoDB: projection to match multiple

I am having a bit of trouble here. So I want to show a user's profile. The user belongs to groups. The logged in user can see details of any groups they have in common. Here is some example data
_id: "1234",
battletag: "Fake#1234",
guilds: [{
name: "Lok'Narosh!",
rank: 4,
roles: ['casual']
}, {
name: "Warlords of Draenor",
rank: 2,
roles: ['PvP', 'raider']
}, {
name: "Lok'Tar Ogar!",
rank: 3,
roles: ['raider']
I can get the current user's groups and reduce it to ['Lok'Narosh!', 'Warlords of Draenor'], meaning that Lok'tar Ogar should be omitted from the results.
The main problem I am coming across is that most operations I know only return the first result. For example, with $elemMatch:
The $elemMatch operator limits the contents of an field from the query results to contain only the first element matching the $elemMatch condition.
Is there a way that I can filter this list to contain all matching elements against a list of elements?
You can use aggregate:
$unwind operator to deconstruct 'guilds' field.
Apply criteria with $match
Reconstruct array.
db.getCollection('yourColl').aggregate({$unwind:"$guilds"},{$match:{"guilds.rank":{$gte:2.0}}},{$group:{ "_id":"$_id", "battletag":{$first:"$battletag"},"guilds":{$addToSet:"$guilds"}}})

