Puppeteer timeouts in headless mode - javascript

I need to go to the UPS site, type in a tracking number, then get the data about that tracking number. I turned headless to false then the timeouts disappeared, turn it to true, and it will timeout or wait forever. I tried a number of different methods (any I could find), to mess around with the promises, but nothing helped.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
var fs = require("fs").promises;
var Page = {};
var Browser = {};
async function printPage(){
await fs.writeFile("pagecontent_afterClick.txt", await Page.content());
const count = await Page.$$eval('#st_App_PkgStsMonthNum', divs => divs.length);
const deliveredOn = await Page.$eval('#st_App_PkgStsMonthNum', el => el.textContent);
const deliveredToAddress = await Page.$eval('#stApp_txtAddress', el => el.textContent);
const deliveredToCountry = await Page.$eval('#stApp_txtCountry', el => el.textContent);
const deliveredBy = await Page.$eval('#stApp_valReceivedBy', el => el.textContent);
console.log("browser close");
await Browser.close();
async function start(){
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false
const page = await browser.newPage();
Page = page
Browser = browser
const navigationPromise = page.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: 'load'})
await navigationPromise;
await fs.writeFile("pagecontent_B4.txt", await page.content());
await page.type("#stApp_trackingNumber", "1Z0F1R740320306827");
const searchValue = await page.$eval('#stApp_trackingNumber', el => el.value);
const count = await page.$$eval('button#stApp_btnTrack.ups-cta.ups-cta_primary', divs => divs.length);
try {
console.log("end waiting");
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: 'networkidle2'})
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof puppeteer.errors.TimeoutError) {


What is wrong is the puppeteer script that stops it saving the scraped data to a file?

What is wrong here? I need to be able to scrape the data CSS selectors from the URLs in the const URLs array, and then save that information back into a file in an array. I've been playing with getting this working for ages, but I think I don't understand something correctly and thus am missing something, any pointers please?
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const colors = require('colors/safe');
const fs = require('fs');
const bluebird = require("bluebird");
const https = require('https');
const querystring = require('querystring');
(async() => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
// Now you can go wherever you want
const urls = ['/news/england/', '/news/wales/']
const results = await bluebird.map(urls, async(url) => {
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(0);
await page.setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0')
await page.goto('https://www.bbc.com' + url);
await page.setViewport({
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
await sleep(60000);
await page.waitForSelector('#topos-component');
const [a, b] = await page.evaluate(() => {
const a = document.querySelector("a.gel-paragon-bold");
const aText = a.innerText;
const b = document.querySelectorAll(".gs-o-responsive-image--lead > img:nth-child(1)");
const bText = b.href;
return [aText, bText];
}, {
concurrency: 3
fs.writeFileSync('test.html', JSON.stringify(results));
// Then when you're done, just close
await browser.close();
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
I have solved it and got it working how I need it
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const colors = require('colors/safe');
const fs = require('fs');
const bluebird = require("bluebird");
const https = require('https');
const querystring = require('querystring');
(async () => {
const args = ['--proxy-server=socks5://'];
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('https://check.torproject.org/');
const isUsingTor = await page.$eval('body', el =>
el.innerHTML.includes('Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor')
if (!isUsingTor) {
console.log(colors.red.bold('Not using Tor. Closing...'));
return await browser.close();
console.log(colors.green.bold('Using Tor. Continuing... '));
// Now you can go wherever you want
const urls = ['/xxxx123','/xxxxxx345','/xxxxxx567']
const results = await bluebird.map(urls, async (url) => {
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(0);
await page.setUserAgent('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
await page.goto('https://aaaaaaaa.com'+url);
await page.setViewport({
width: 1920,
height: 1080,
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
await sleep(60000);
await page.waitForSelector('.xxxx', { timeout: 30000 });
const xx1 = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.xx1').innerText);
const xx2= await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.xx2').innerText);
const xx3 = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('xx3').innerText);
const publish_date = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.post-banner-p').innerText);
const xx4= await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.xx4').innerText);
const xx5= await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.xx5').innerText);
const xx6 = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('xx6)').innerText);
const xx7 = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('xx7').innerText);
const xx8 = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.xx8').innerText);
const xx9 = await page.evaluate(() => document.querySelector('.xx9').innerText);
return [xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4,xx5,xx6,xx7,xx8,xx9];
}, {
concurrency: 3
fs.writeFileSync('xxxxxxx.html', JSON.stringify(results));
// Then when you're done, just close
await browser.close();
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);

puppeteer waitForSelector when there are multiple elements with same class and more than one can be visible

What i'm trying to accomplish is to save complete document with all the comments expanded.
Unfortunately there are multiple selectors with same class and most of them are hidden and what i believe puppeteer does it takes first found selector and waits until it's visible which never happens.
Url: https://www.discoverpermaculture.com/permaculture-masterclass-video-1
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const isElementVisible = async (page, cssSelector) => {
let visible = true;
await page
.waitForSelector(cssSelector, { visible: true, timeout: 2000 })
.catch(() => {
visible = false;
if(visible)console.log('Selector '+cssSelector+'visible!');
return visible;
async function run () {
let browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: true, defaultViewport: null, args: ['--window-size=1920,10000',],});
const page = await browser.newPage();
const fs = require('fs');
await page.goto('https://www.discoverpermaculture.com/permaculture-masterclass-video-1');
await page.waitForTimeout(4000)
const elementHandle = await page.waitForSelector('iframe');
const frame = await elementHandle.contentFrame();
//loading all the comments (works because there's only one 'a.load-more__button' element a time)
const selectorForLoadMoreButton = 'a.load-more__button';
let loadMoreVisible = await isElementVisible(frame, selectorForLoadMoreButton);
while (loadMoreVisible) {
console.log('Loading comments');
await frame
.catch(() => {});
loadMoreVisible = await isElementVisible(frame, selectorForLoadMoreButton);
//expanding comments doesn't work because each comment have a.see-more but some are hidden
const selectorForSeeMoreButton = 'a.see-more';
let seeMoreVisible = await isElementVisible(frame, selectorForSeeMoreButton);
while (seeMoreVisible) {
console.log('Expanding comments');
await frame
.catch(() => {});
seeMoreVisible = await isElementVisible(frame, selectorForSeeMoreButton);
const cdp = await page.target().createCDPSession();
const { data } = await cdp.send('Page.captureSnapshot', { format: 'mhtml' });
fs.writeFileSync('out.mhtml', data);
Any ideas how to handle this?
It turned out that each comment have 'a.see-more' element but if it's not a long one it also have '.hidden' class. Had to update this piece of code to search for all the 'a.see-more' elements but without '.hidden' class.
const selectorForSeeMoreButton = 'a.see-more:not(.hidden)';
let seeMoreVisible = await isElementVisible(frame, selectorForSeeMoreButton);
while (seeMoreVisible) {
console.log('Expanding comments');
await frame
.catch(() => {});
seeMoreVisible = await isElementVisible(frame, electorForSeeMoreButton);

Loop through pages to return all the product links

The goal is to obtain all product links from all pages in the pagination. So far I have managed to print information to the console with console.log (links). However, since I am completely new to this field and completely inexperienced, I have a problem how to pass some value back with the return command. return links.
With console.log(links) I get a warning: getLinks is not iterable
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
async function getLinks(){
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false, defaultViewport: null});
const page = await browser.newPage();
const url = "https://example.com/product-category?p=1&nidx"
await page.goto(url)
while(await page.$('.change-country-buttons > button:nth-child(1)')){
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowDown');
await page.waitForSelector('.change-country-buttons');
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
await page.click('.change-country-buttons > button:nth-child(1)');
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
while(await page.$(".pagination .pagination--next")){
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
await page.evaluate(() => {
document.querySelector(".pagination .pagination--next").scrollIntoView();
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
await page.waitForSelector(".pagination .pagination--next")
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
await page.click('.pagination .pagination--next')
const links = await page.$$eval('.item__info > .mtc-link:nth-child(2)', (allAs) => { return allAs.map((a) => a.href) });
await page.waitForTimeout(1500);
return links // Is returning links only form the first page and then the loop stops
I tried something with Promise.all () but it wasn't entirely clear to me how to do it.
Please help and be gentle as I am just starting to learn the basics
You need to create an array and push all the helmet links from each page onto it.
This tested successfully for me.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
async function getLinks(){
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false, defaultViewport: null});
const page = await browser.newPage();
const url = "https://www.motocard.com/en/motorcycle-road-gear/helmets/precio_150-3200/full-face?p=1&nidx"
var all_links = [];
await page.goto(url);
while(await page.$('.change-country-buttons > button:nth-child(1)')){
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
await page.keyboard.press('ArrowDown');
await page.waitForSelector('.change-country-buttons');
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
await page.click('.change-country-buttons > button:nth-child(1)');
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
while(await page.$(".pagination .pagination--next")){
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
await page.evaluate(() => {
document.querySelector(".pagination .pagination--next").scrollIntoView();
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
await page.waitForSelector(".pagination .pagination--next")
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
await page.click('.pagination .pagination--next')
const links = await page.$$eval('.item__info > .mtc-link:nth-child(2)', (allAs) => { return allAs.map((a) => a.href) });
await page.waitForTimeout(1500);
return all_links;
(async ()=>{
var links = await getLinks();

puppeteer returning undefined when trying to scrape img src

I was trying to scrape a thumbnail image from youtube with its XPath but I am getting undefined for the src. I can't figure out what is causing this? I already tried using both the XPath and full XPath but that didn't help. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
async function scrapeChannel1(url) {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(url, {
timeout: 0
const [el2] = await page.$x('//*[#id="dismissible"]/ytd-thumbnail');
const src1 = await el2.getProperty('src');
const thumbnailURL1 = await src1.jsonValue();
return {
The <img> you are looking for is placed a bit deeper in the DOM at: '//*[#id="dismissible"]/ytd-thumbnail/a/yt-img-shadow/img' (so you should add: /a/yt-img-shadow/img at the end of your XPath expression).
Note, you have more powerful tools in puppeteer than .getProperty('src') to retrieve DOM element properties.
E.g. page.$eval:
const selector = 'ytd-thumbnail > a > yt-img-shadow > #img'
const imageSrc = await page.$eval(selector, el => el.src)
// returns: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/{youtube_id}/hqdefault.jpg...
Or if you want all images use page.$$eval:
const imageSrcs = await page.$$eval(selector, elems => elems.map(el => el.src))
If you want to get images src from YouTube, you need to scroll video thumbnails into view like in the code below (also check it on the online IDE):
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer-extra");
const StealthPlugin = require("puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth");
const mainPageUrl = "https://www.youtube.com";
async function scrollPage(page, scrollElements) {
let currentElement = 0;
while (true) {
let elementsLength = await page.evaluate((scrollElements) => {
return document.querySelectorAll(scrollElements).length;
}, scrollElements);
for (; currentElement < elementsLength; currentElement++) {
await page.waitForTimeout(200);
await page.evaluate(
(currentElement, scrollElements) => {
await page.waitForTimeout(5000);
let newElementsLength = await page.evaluate((scrollElements) => {
return document.querySelectorAll(scrollElements).length;
}, scrollElements);
if (newElementsLength === elementsLength || currentElement > 100) break; // if you want to get all elements (or some other number of elements) change number to 'Infinity' (or some other number)
async function getThumbnails() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
args: ["--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox"],
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(60000);
await page.goto(mainPageUrl);
await page.waitForSelector("#contents");
const scrollElements = "a#thumbnail";
await scrollPage(page, scrollElements);
await page.waitForTimeout(10000);
const urls = await page.$$eval("a#thumbnail #img", (els) => els.map(el => el.getAttribute('src')).filter(el => el));
await browser.close();
return urls;
...and other results
You can read more about scraping YouTube search from my blog post Web scraping YouTube search video results with Nodejs.

Use array of keywords and loop through script in Playwright

So, I am trying to scrape a couple of searchengines with a couple of search phrases with Playwright.
Running the script with one query is working.
const { chromium } = require('playwright');
(async () => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 250 });
const context = await browser.newContext()
const page = await context.newPage();
const keyWord = ('Arsenal');
await page.goto('https://duckduckgo.com/');
await page.fill('//input[#name="q"]',keyWord);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
const getOne = (' (//h2[#class="result__title"])[9] ');
await page.waitForSelector(getOne)
const pushOne = await page.$(getOne);
const One = await pushOne.evaluate(element => element.innerText);
await page.goto('https://yandex.com/');
await page.fill('//input[#aria-label="Request"]', keyWord);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
const getTwo = (' //li[#data-first-snippet] //div[#class="organic__url-text"] ');
await page.waitForSelector(getTwo)
const pushTwo = await page.$(getTwo);
const Two = await pushTwo.evaluate(element => element.innerText);
await browser.close()
But when I use an array with phrases (keyWordlist) I fail to get the script running.
Have searched around for using Array with 'For' and 'Foreach' loops, but haven't been able to fix it.
I want to run the different keywords through the different searchengines and list the results.
For 3 keywords in two searchengines that would get 6 results.
const { chromium } = require('playwright');
(async () => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 250 });
const context = await browser.newContext()
const page = await context.newPage();
let kewWordlist = ['Arsenal', 'Liverpool', 'Ajax']
for (var i=0; i<=kewWordlist.length; i++) {
// for (const i in kewWordlist){
async () => {
const keyWord = kewWordlist[i];
await page.goto('https://duckduckgo.com/');
await page.fill('//input[#name="q"]',keyWord);
// await page.fill('//input[#name="q"]',[i]);
// await page.fill('//input[#name="q"]',`${keyWord}`);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
const getOne = (' (//h2[#class="result__title"])[9] ');
await page.waitForSelector(getOne)
const pushOne = await page.$(getOne);
const One = await pushOne.evaluate(element => element.innerText);
// await page.goto('https://yandex.com/');
// await page.fill('//input[#aria-label="Request"]', keyWord);
// await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// const getTwo = (' //li[#data-first-snippet] //div[#class="organic__url-text"] ');
// await page.waitForSelector(getTwo)
// const pushTwo = await page.$(getTwo);
// const Two = await pushTwo.evaluate(element => element.innerText);
// console.log(Two);
await browser.close()
If anyone has some pointers on how to solve this, much obliged.
maybe the result selectors needs some tweaking but I think this is what you were looking for:
test.only('search search engines', async({page, context}) => {
const search = [
name: 'yandex',
url: 'https://yandex.com/',
elementFill: '//input[#aria-label="Request"]',
elementResult: '//li[#data-first-snippet] //div[#class="organic__url-text"]'
name: 'google',
url: 'https://www.google.nl',
elementFill: '//input[#name="q"]',
elementResult: '(//h2[#class="result__title"])[9]'
name: '',
url: 'https://duckduckgo.com/',
elementFill: '//input[#name="q"]',
elementResult: '(//h2[#class="result__title"])[9]'
const kewWordlist = ['Arsenal', 'Liverpool', 'Ajax']
for (let i = 0; i < search.length; i++) {
const searchName = search[i].name
const searchResult = search[i].elementResult
const searchFill = search[i].elementFill
const searchPage = await context.newPage()
await searchPage.waitForLoadState()
await searchPage.goto(`${search[i].url}`)
for (let i = 0; i < kewWordlist.length; i++) {
await searchPage.fill(searchFill,kewWordlist[i])
await searchPage.keyboard.press('Enter')
await searchPage.waitForSelector(searchResult)
const result = await page.$(searchResult)
console.log(`${searchName}: ${result} `)
The reason your loop isn't working is that you have an async function inside of it that you never call. There are a few ways you could go about this:
You could take your first version, have it accept a word to search, and run that over each element of the array:
const searchOneKeyword = async (keyWord) => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 250 });
const context = await browser.newContext()
const page = await context.newPage();
// rest of code
const kewWordList = ['Arsenal', 'Liverpool', 'Ajax']
keyWordList.forEach((k) => {
Or if you'd like to keep the same browser instance, you can do it in a loop in the function:
const search = async (words) => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 250 });
const context = await browser.newContext()
const page = await context.newPage();
for (const keyWord of words) {
await page.goto('https://duckduckgo.com/');
await page.fill('//input[#name="q"]',keyWord);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
const getOne = (' (//h2[#class="result__title"])[9] ');
await page.waitForSelector(getOne)
const pushOne = await page.$(getOne);
const One = await pushOne.evaluate(element => element.innerText);
// etc.
await browser.close()
In both of those cases, you're logging, but never returning anything, so if you need that data in another function afterwards, you'd have to change that. Example:
const search = async (words) => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 250 });
const context = await browser.newContext()
const page = await context.newPage();
const results = await Promise.all(words.map((keyWord) => {
await page.goto('https://duckduckgo.com/');
await page.fill('//input[#name="q"]',keyWord);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
// etc.
return [ One, Two ]
await browser.close()
return results
search(keyWordList).then((results) => { console.log(results.flat()) })
I have spent a couple of hours trying to get the script working based on your suggestions. No result unfortunately. I get errors like 'await is only valid in async function' and 'Unreachable code detected'. Searched for other examples, for some inspiration, but none found. If you or someone else has a suggestion, please share! This is code I have now:
const { chromium } = require('playwright');
let keyWordList = ['Arsenal', 'Liverpool', 'Ajax']
const search = async function words() {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false, slowMo: 250 });
const context = await browser.newContext()
const page = await context.newPage();
const results = await Promise.all(words.map(keyWord))
await page.goto('https://duckduckgo.com/');
await page.fill('//input[#name="q"]',keyWord);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
const getOne = (' (//h2[#class="result__title"])[9] ');
await page.waitForSelector(getOne)
const pushOne = await page.$(getOne);
const One = await pushOne.evaluate(element => element.innerText);
await page.goto('https://yandex.com/');
await page.fill('//input[#aria-label="Request"]', keyWord);
await page.keyboard.press('Enter');
const getTwo = (' //li[#data-first-snippet] //div[#class="organic__url-text"] ');
await page.waitForSelector(getTwo)
const pushTwo = await page.$(getTwo);
const Two = await pushTwo.evaluate(element => element.innerText);
return [ One , Two ]
return results
search(keyWordList).then((results) => { console.log(results.flat())
await browser.close();

