Tree multiselect JS with menu - javascript

I'm looking to make a Tree multislect, but not in the form of a dropdown, but rather a menu (which could slide).
Here is an example in image :
Link to image
I haven't found any plugin to do this, do you know any or do you think it's possible to create it easily?
Perhaps by creating a simple menu that contains several multiselects?


Hide Element on onepage-scroll.js site

right now I'm building a site using Pete R.'s 'onepage-scroll.js' plugin you can find
I'm also using Bootstrap and what I want to do is hiding bootraps horizontal nav-bar when on the first 'site' and show it on all the other 'sites' (by sites I mean the different sections this plugin uses). My first idea was to create something like a .hideit css-class and tell jQuery to overwrite it whenever the visible section is not the first, but after trying it for hours I can't find the solution - hope you can help me!

"Flip View" of ListViews for Windows8

I would like to create a "FlipView" of ListViews in Windows8 using JS and HTML. That is, I would like a control that would display a ListView and when the user swips or scrolls, it would display the contents of a different ListView. Is this possible? If so, how? Thanks for helping a Windows8 noob!
My attempt to put a listview under flipview, was not successful. css classes used by both controls overlap (e.g. win-item). I found that items in the nested list view occupied the whole available space like flip view item. This behavior was happening because the win-container hosting the nested list view item, was sized like that. I could not set its (win-container) size explicitly to smaller size even after overriding it in css file.
It does not look like that list view will work nested under a flip view for css/html. If any one else has had success with this, do share your comments and code.
if anyone had tried it in c# using FlipView and nested GridView/ListView and had success, do mark a answer with code (will be interesting to know).

Need application like dropdown menu bar like google docs

I need a dropdown menu bar like the one used in google docs.
For example here:
The top menu is File, Edit, View, Help.
I basically want exactly the same menu to be able to use in my application in CSS, Javascript is ok too.
There are many JS/CSS type of menus systems.
Just look on the we or use links provided here.
They are all quite simple to customize
have fun.
After a lot of google searching I found this

pro tinkering for html select box look-alike but with extra features

This could be an fun question. I'm planning to make a select box that looks like normal html at first, but when you open it there will be two exciting things:
The box will contain 2 different text-aligns making two neat rows.(see picture)
At the end of each line of the list item contained in the box, there will be a like/dislike button system.(see picture)
Some of you already know where this is going, I'll need to make the thing like you'd make any such menu in GUI programming. I assume some object oriented Javascript programming?
(I'm looking for technical details as I'm novice at Javascript and jQuery(but not at programming), I'm basically interested in info about transferring such a pseudocode construct into Javascript/jQuery or another more usable framework if really need be. I'm also perfectly aware that I'm normally not going to be using any actual html in this GUI.)
So my question is, how should I set out to do this according to you?
You will not be able to modify a normal select element to achieve this, you will have to
Create a proxy-pro-select-element and hide the original one.
Copy option elements and create equivalent one in your proxy
You will have to also keep both selects in sync.
Once you have that you can do anything in your proxy-pro-select-element, simplest would be to on click show a table with select able rows, with table it would be very easy to align all columns.
Technical details:
Read how to implement a jQuery plugin
In your plugin's init loop through options in target select and create corresponding rows in a div say dropdown, hide original select and replace it with your control which will be a select-div
onclick on select-div, show dropdown div after re-positioning correctly
See code like this and modify
You should be able to accomplish something similar to this with jQuery and jQuery UI comboboxing,
And then modify _renderItem to change the layout of results in the dropdown. You can search for the following in the view source: "autocomplete" )._renderItem
However, I would try to avoid having like/dislike buttons in a combo box because it goes against normal web conventions.

Radiobutton Tree Control

I am developing a search form which displays a number of categories and sub-categories. The client has requested that I do not use cascading dropdowns but to display radiobuttons instead so that the user can see the top level categories at a glance.
I had a bit of a look around for any javascript plugins that might give me a head start and save me from having to write all of the code from scratch but didnt come up with too much.
Can anyone suggest a good plugin that will allow me to display a radio button list in a hierarchical collapsible tree structure?
I ended up using this plugin and adapting it to my own needs ->
There is a great jQuery plugin called jsTree.
I personalize it for my needs as well.

