How to access httpOnly cookies from Nuxt 3 server - javascript

I am implementing a login feature to a website project. The backend is Express and the frontend is Nuxt 3. Upon successfully authenticating a user login, the Express backend returns necessary data to the webserver, which then creates an httpOnly cookie and sets any necessary data in a Pinia store. On page refresh, I would like the Nuxt 3 server to look at the cookie and setup the Pinia store (since it is lost on page refresh).
Can someone provide some guidance? I have looked at the useNuxtApp() composable, and I can see the cookie in nuxtApp.ssrContext.req.headers.cookie, but that only provides a K/V pairing of all set cookies, which I would need to parse. I know of the useCookie composable, but that only works during Lifecycle hooks, which seems to only resolve undefined.

Not sure if this is the right way,
but it's a solution I used to get through a similar case - dotnet api + nuxt3 client.
First, we need to proxy API (express in your case),
this will make it, so our cookie is on the same domain and browser will start sending it to /api/ endpoints.
Install #nuxtjs-alt/proxy - npm i #nuxtjs-alt/proxy.
Add configuration to nuxt.config.ts (my api running on localhost:3000):
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
proxy: {
enableProxy: true,
fetch: true,
proxies: {
'/proxy': {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
changeOrigin: true,
rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/proxy/, '')
Then we can the request that will set a cookie anywhere on client using proxy instead of a direct call.
Anywhere on client, do a request using newly setup proxy instead of calling API directly.
Adjust parameters based on your setup.
await $fetch('/proxy/user/sign-in', {
method: 'POST',
body: {
email: '',
password: 'password'
Ultimately, should end up with a cookie set on our client domain.
And lastly, when we handle request client side - we read the cookie and set up on forwarding request.
Replace COOKIE_NAME and API URL accordingly.
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
return await $fetch('http://localhost:3000/user/me', {
headers: {
Cookie: `COOKIE_NAME=${
getCookie(event, 'COOKIE_NAME')
API call will use the same cookie we got when we did a first request using cookie and the server should be able to read it.


Setting Cookies does not work in production Vuejs, vuecookies

Im using Vue.js 3 & the vue-cookies package Vue Cookies
this is how im setting the cookies in the app
in main.js
import VueCookies from "vue-cookies";
app.use(VueCookies, { expires: "35min" });
in login.vue
const $cookies = inject("$cookies");
const handleLogin = async () => {
const res = await axios({
method: "POST",
url: "/sellers/login",
data: {
Email: email.value,
Password: password.value,
// withCredentials: true,
let token =;
// $cookies.set("jwt", token); //---->method 1
const storeToken = useLocalStorage("token", {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 3000);
let storedToken = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("token"));
$cookies.set("jwt", storedToken.token); ///---> method 2
console.log("getting the cookie");
let y = $cookies.get("jwt");
i've tried storing the cookie in local storage then retrieving and setting it from there (method 2) because i thought the problem was method 1
the results of console.log(y) is null
however,i have confirmed the token is in local storage
Both Method 1 & 2 work when the app is running via the Vite development server
After building for production and serving the assets in dist with nodejs, it does not work
what im i doing wrong or haven't done?
i can see the response from the node.js server and even save them in localstorage (like the token)
i can also retrieve the token from localstorage
setting the token from localstorage (method 2) or setting it direct from the response (method 1) is what is not happening
i appreciate your help
First of all, you shouldn't create authentication cookies or save any kind of authorization token this way. It makes a good vulnerability for XSS attacks. You should try to set the cookie from your backend with the httpOnly attribute which is not possible from the client side.
Regarding your problem, it's quite difficult to say what could be the problem on production. My best guess is that your production environment is using https and your cookie is being set insecurely by the package you are using as its the default. Therefor, it is only accessible when using http which you are probably using for development.
Try to set the config to use secure cookies when your import.meta.env.PROD equals true like this example below:
$cookies.config('35m', '', '', import.meta.env.PROD)
You should also make sure that the correct domain is set so it's accessible from the client.

Vite react proxy sends requests to different endpoints depending on current location

After switch to vite, I am trying to mimic proxy: "http://localhost:5000" which I previously used in package.json
Here is my vite config
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
server: {
proxy: {
"/api": {
target: "http://localhost:5000",
changeOrigin: true,
secure: false,
I have react app running on port 3000. When I send a request in the root url (http://localhost:3000) everything works fine
const { data } = await axios.get("api/user/me");
Well, not really fine. Even though proper data is returned in response, in the console request gets sent to http://localhost:3000/api/user/me instead of http://localhost:5000/api/user/me. Can anyone explain this behaviour?
The main problem is that when I navigate to another page (e.g. http://localhost:3000/dashboard), then the same request gets sent to http://localhost:3000/dashboard/api/user/me.
What am I doing wrong? I want to send requests to http://localhost:5000, no matter the location
I found a workaround by specifying FE url before every request const { data } = await axios.get("http://localhost:3000/api/user/me");, but still is there a way to mimic package.json proxy behaviour?
I resolved the issue by changing axios defaults
axios.defaults.baseURL = `http://localhost:5000`
By doing this I achieved what I was going for. Requests get sent to the proper endpoint no matter the location
I solved this problem by using Axios.
Create a new file. I called mine emailApi.
Setup your axios, like so:
export const emailApi = axios.create({baseURL: "http://localhost:<yourPortNumber>"})
Done! Whenever you want to send a request to your server, import the emailApi and you're good.
Also in your server, make sure to install cors and set it as a middleware, like so:
express().use(cors({origin: <viteLocalServer>}))

Cookie not set in request with NodeJS and NextJS

I'm developing a fullstack app with Node + Express backend and NextJS front end (separate servers) and am having trouble requesting the browser to attach the cookie vended down as part of the response header from the node server. Here's the setup:
Node server is running on localhost:3000 and NextJs server is running on localhost:3001.
I have set up alias in etc/hosts to route to
Using the front end UI (port 3001) I was able to vend the cookie with JsHttp's cookie module with the following code from the backend (port 3000):
import { serialize } from 'cookie';
const cookie = serialize(TOKEN_NAME, TOKEN_VAL, {
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: 'none',
I was able to observe the Set-Cookie header in the response.
However, in the subsequent requests, I did not see the cookie being attached. I have tried fiddling with the above cookie serialization params with no success:
Here are the arguments I've tried:
domain: ['', '']
path: '/'
domain: ''
I have a feeling it might just be due to front end and back end server ports being different, but all requests have been initiated on the client side going to localhost:3000 (backend port). So not sure what I've possibly done wrong here.
====== UPDATE =======
I've run a couple more experiments, and found out that when I'm accessing a URL directly, NextJs renders the page server-side. When I'm transitioning between pages within the app, the page is rendered client-side where it queries the backend port 3000 directly. Unfortunately in neither scenario did I see any cookie being set...
the cookies must be sent directly from the browser to the server , which is not the case when you use nextJs . because when you access to your app next js will server side render your page and then the request will be sent from nextjs server to your nodejs server so the browser will send the cookies to nextjs server not to your nodejs server .
the solution is to send cookies manually from nextjs server to nodejs .
example with fetchApi and getServerSideProps function:
export async function getServerSideProps(context){
const res = await fetch(`your-api-endpoint`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': true,
Cookie: context.req.headers.cookie
const data = await res.json()
throw data
return console.log(err)
return {
props: {
If you use SameSite=none you also need to use Secure, meaning SSL must also be used. You are then saying that your 2 servers are from unrelated domains, which is probably not what you want, since browsers will drop cookies aggressively.
Use these settings initially on your development computer, and ensure that all URLs used in the browser and Ajax calls use and rather than localhost. Cookies will then stick on a development computer.
When you deploy to a proper environment, also use SSL and set the cookie option Secure. Most importantly, the two domains must meet hosting prerequisites of sharing the same base domain, eg:
This ensures that cookies issued are considered first party and in the same site, so that they are not dropped. If preconditions are not met, there is nothing you can do in code to fix the problem.
This Curity code example uses local development domains and same site cookie settings similar to those I've used above and may be useful to compare against.
You should set serialized cookie with res.set Express method.
Alternatively, you can use res.cookie method without additional cookie package like this:
res.cookie(TOKEN_NAME, TOKEN_VAL, {
httpOnly: true,
sameSite: 'none',
Note, you shouldn't worry about different ports on the same domain, since cookies are not isolated by port but domain only. No matter what port you use, cookies should be visible.
Since you said, "I was able to observe the Set-Cookie header in the response", I believe your node.js setting correct.
When you get response from node js, you need to set cookies, which can be done with a npm packages easily. I will demonstrate with js-cookie:
import Cookies from "js-cookie";
you write a reusable function to set the cookies:
// what ever your project returns
setSession(authResult) {
//converting everything to miliseconds
const expiresAt =
JSON.stringify(authResult.expiresIn * 1000) + new Date().getTime();
// I just put properties. I dont know how project sets
Cookies.set("user", authResult.idTokenPayload);
Cookies.set("jwt", authResult.idToken);
Cookies.set("expiresAt", expiresAt);
Everytime you make request you have to set headers. You have to retrieve cookies based on if you are on browser or on server. So you have to write a function if you are on server. Since I demonstrated how to set cookies with js-cookies, you can get the cookies easily on the browser. This reusable function to retrieve the cookie if you are on the server:
// cookieKey: I set three "user", "jwt","expiresAt"
export const getCookieFromReq = (req, cookieKey) => {
console.log("req.headers", req.headers);
// cookies are attached to the req.header.cookie.
const cookie = req.headers.cookie
.find((c) => c.trim().startsWith(`${cookieKey}=`));
if (!cookie) return undefined;
return cookie.split("=")[1];
Now you have to write a function to set the headers:
import Cookies from "js-cookie";
import { getCookieFromReq } from "./directoryOf";
export const setAuthHeader = (req) => {
const token = req ? getCookieFromReq(req, "jwt") : Cookies.getJSON("jwt");
if (token) {
return {
headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` },
return undefined;
Now when you make request, you have to use this setAuthHeader. For example:
await axiosInstance
.post("/blogs", blogData, setAuthHeader())
.then((response) =>
.catch((error) => rejectPromise(error));

How to get OAuth token from ebay API using express, node, javascript

What combination of requests and responses are needed to get an Oauth token from eBay? What is a runame and what headers do I need to keep eBay happy?
After three frustrating days of trying to get Ebay's oauth to give me an access token, I have finally worked it out. As the docs are pain and there is little to no help online, I have decided to post my solution here in the hope that it will help others. I am no good at StackOverflow so let me know if I need to improve my formatting.
app.get("/login/ebay", (req, res) => {
The first thing you need to do is redirect to this URL.
The format is like this
There is also a scope property, but I don't understand that yet, and I got back a token without is so me.
That URL takes you to the eBay login page. If you are using the sandbox, you need to create a sandbox user and login with sandbox credentials.
Once you log in, eBay will redirect you to a URL of your choosing. You enter the URL you want to be redirected to here.
It's in the ebay developer section under Get A Token From Ebay Via your Application.
This URL can be anything. you just have to handle it in node or express or whatever, because as soon as someone signs in that URL is where they are heading.
Here is how I handled it
app.get("/auth/ebay/callback", (req, res) => {
axios("", {
method: "post",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Basic " +
`client public key:client secret keys`
data: qs.stringify({
grant_type: "authorization_code",
// parsed from redirect URI after returning from eBay,
code: req.query.code,
// this is set in your dev account, also called RuName
redirect_uri: "Dean_Schmid-DeanSchm-TestAp-kqmgc"
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
A few gotchas that got me.
Make sure you have space after "Basic " in the authorisation
bota is a 3rd party library that base 64 encodes your public and
secret keys. There are many ways to do this. I just did it this way because I stole a bunch of code.
With Axios, the request body is called data but with fetch and other
methods it might be called something else like body or param
The Axios method is in a get request because of the redirect from ebay
defaults to an http get.
ebay now uses https. Make sure you are using
sandbox URLs
We also had to use JS for the eBay API and solved your mention problem with developing a new Lib. It's available here. This lib will also automatically try to refresh the token if it's expires.
This is how we obtain the oAuth token:
import eBayApi from 'ebay-api';
const eBay = new eBayApi({
appId: '-- or Client ID --',
certId: '-- or Client Secret',
sandbox: false,
siteId: eBayApi.SiteId.EBAY_US,
ruName: '-- eBay Redirect URL name --' //in this case: Dean_Schmid-DeanSchm-TestAp-kqmgc
// This will generate the URL you need to visit
const url = eBay.oAuth2.generateAuthUrl();
// After grant access, eBay will redirect you to RuName page and set the ?code query.
// Grab the ?code and get the token with:
eBay.oAuth2.getToken(code).then((token) => {
console.log('Token', token);
// Now you can make request to eBay API:'v1|382282567190|651094235351')
.then(item => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(item, null, 2));
.catch(e => {
Another example with scope can we found here.
Some hints:
with "scope" you tell eBay what you plan to use. You can find the
Descriptions here, under Sandbox/Production Keys Box. (OAuth
if you use axios you can use the auth config, so you dont't
need btoa:
axios("", {
// ...
auth: {
username: 'appId',
password: 'certId'
To use sandbox without https, e.g. localhost, you can setup a redirect on a https site and redirec/pass the code to non-https site.

How to request, store, and use an access token in Meteor while using the Instagram API

How does one request, store, and use an access token from an API in the Meteor framework? I am currently trying to make requests from the (Instagram API)[], but I first need to request an access token and store it for later use.
What is the general structure for doing this? I have my Client Id and Client Secret stored in the settings.json and have the services configuration package loaded. I think I need to create some sort of Method using http.get, but if someone could give a brief walkthrough that would be greatly appreciated ! Not much on this in the Meteor Docs.
You can use Bozhao Package for this.
Just install it.
meteor add bozhao:accounts-instagram
And this will work exactly like tha core accounts - facebook || google || twitter
and you can do something like this on the accountsOnCreateUser Methods
if ( {
instagramProfile = {
service: "Instagram",
profileUrl: ""+
user.profile = instagramProfile;
Now knowing this, you can see that we have the user data inside the object, there should be a accessToken and id field that you make POST / GET http request to the
I have never done a HTTP request to the Instagram API but it should be similar to facebook (if not sorry the below code dosnt help you to much).
Simple http call using the params.
Meteor.http.get("", {
headers: {
"User-Agent": "Meteor/1.0"
params: {

