How to pass data after page loading to components in VueJS? - javascript

In my project I use Vue.js and Nuxt.js and I have this page.
This page is settings page, where user can changes his settings. As you can see, this is only one page, where user can switch between tabs.
<div class="account-wrapper">
<div class="avatar" #click="redirect('/account/me')">
<img class='avatar-box' src="../../../assets/img/testava.jpg" alt="ava">
<div class="avatar-text">
<h2 class="nmp">{{ personalSettings.username }}</h2>
<p class="paragraph opacity nmp">Public profile</p>
<div class="side-bar">
<div v-for="item in accountHeaderItems" :key="item.title" class="flex">
<div v-if="" class="vertical-line" />
<p :class="[ ? 'item item-active' : 'item']" #click="changeSubsection(item)">
{{ item.title }}
<personal-information v-if="currentSection === 'Public account'" :personal-settings="personalSettings" />
<security-settings v-else-if="currentSection === 'Security settings'" :security-settings="securitySettings" />
<site-settings v-else />
import SecuritySettings from '~/components/pageComponents/settings/SecuritySettings'
import PersonalInformation from '~/components/pageComponents/settings/PersonalInformation'
import SiteSettings from '~/components/pageComponents/settings/SiteSettings'
import { getUserSettings } from "~/api";
export default {
name: 'Settings',
components: {
data() {
return {
accountHeaderItems: [
{ title: 'Public account', active: true },
{ title: 'Security settings', active: false },
{ title: 'Appearance settings', active: false },
{ title: 'Notifications', active: false }
currentSection: 'Public account',
personalSettings: {},
securitySettings: {},
async mounted() {
if (localStorage.getItem('token') !== null) await this.getUsersSettings(localStorage.getItem('token'))
else await this.$router.push('/')
methods: {
async getUsersSettings(token) {
const userSettings = await getUserSettings(token)
if (userSettings.status === -1)
return this.$router.push('/')
this.personalSettings = userSettings.personalSettings
this.securitySettings = userSettings.securitySettings
changeSubsection(item) {
this.currentSection = item.title
this.accountHeaderItems.forEach(header => { = item.title === header.title
redirect(path) {
The problem is when page loads. When in async mounted() I get data I want to pass it to my components. And here is the problem, when I try to do that it seems to work fine, but there is strange behaviour, I always need to switch between tabs, to make data be visible on page.
For example - in personalSettings object there is field first_name. So, in personal-information component in custom Input I want to show this data in this way (in mounted I make copy of object to prevent mutations):
:title="'First name'"
props: {
personalSettings: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
data() {
return {
personalInfo: {},
loading: false,
showPopup: false
mounted() {
this.personalInfo = this.personalSettings
Everything seems to be fine, but, actually, I have to switch to another tab and switch back to this tab to see this data. What's wrong? How can I prevent this behaviour and show data in correct way?

There are many ways to do it, you can use Store, and emit changes and Data you want to use late.


Vue form Wizard prevent back step

we are working with injection of dynamic components by server response, but once the user has approved a step, we will prevent him from going back to the steps he has already approved.
<div id="app">
<form-wizard #on-complete="onComplete">
<tab-content v-for="tab in tabs"
<component :is="tab.component"></component>
Vue.component('step1', {
template:` <div> My first tab content <br>
Vue.component('step2', {
template:`<div> My second tab content </div>`
Vue.component('step3', {
template:`<div> My third tab content </div>`
Vue.component('step4', {
template:`<div> Yuhuuu! This seems pretty damn simple </div>`
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
tabs: [{title: 'Personal details', icon: 'ti-user', component: 'step1'},
{title: 'Is Logged In?', icon: 'ti-settings', component: 'step2', hide: false},
{title: 'Additional Info', icon: 'ti-location-pin', component: 'step3'},
{title: 'Last step', icon: 'ti-check', component: 'step4'},
methods: {
onComplete: function(){
alert('Yay. Done!');
but we have not found answers in the documentation if suddenly someone has had this problem and can tell us how to solve it, I would appreciate it, thanks.
Once the user has approved a step, we will prevent him from going back
to the steps he has already approved.
Validate going forward, then simply remove the back button.
I did some tests and the beforeTabSwitch doesn't fire if going backwards props.prevTab(), shame as you could then do it in the validate call.
Here is an example, which validates going forward and removes the Previous button and prevents navigating via the header (wizard-step).
Vue.component('step1', {
template: ` <div> My first tab content</div>`,
data: () => ({
name: ''
methods: {
validate() {
// change `true` to things checked on model, beyond scope of question
this.$emit('on-validate', this.$data, true)
return true
Vue.component('step2', {
template: `<div> My second tab content </div>`,
data: () => ({
logged_in_yada: ''
methods: {
validate() {
this.$emit('on-validate', this.$data, true)
return true
Vue.component('step3', {
template: `<div> My third tab content </div>`,
data: () => ({
additional_info: ''
methods: {
validate() {
this.$emit('on-validate', this.$data, true)
return true
Vue.component('step4', {
template: `<div> Yuhuuu! This seems pretty damn simple </div>`,
data: () => ({
last_step: ''
methods: {
validate() {
this.$emit('on-validate', this.$data, true)
return true
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
tabModel: {},
tabs: [{
title: 'Personal details',
icon: 'ti-user',
component: 'step1'
title: 'Is Logged In?',
icon: 'ti-settings',
component: 'step2',
hide: false
title: 'Additional Info',
icon: 'ti-location-pin',
component: 'step3'
title: 'Last step',
icon: 'ti-check',
component: 'step4'
methods: {
onComplete: function() {
alert('Yay. Done!');
validateStep(name) {
return this.$refs[name][0].validate()
mergeTabModel(model, isValid) {
if (isValid) {
// merging each step model into the final model
this.tabModel = Object.assign({}, this.tabModel, model)
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div id="app">
<form-wizard #on-complete="onComplete">
<wizard-step slot-scope="props" slot="step" :tab="" :transition="props.transition" :index="props.index">
<tab-content v-for="tab in tabs" v-if="!tab.hide" :key="tab.title" :title="tab.title" :icon="tab.icon" :before-change="()=>validateStep(tab.component)">
<component :is="tab.component" :ref="tab.component" #on-validate="mergeTabModel"></component>
<template slot="footer" scope="props">
<div class="wizard-footer-left">
<!-- remove previous button -->
<!-- <wizard-button v-if="props.activeTabIndex > 0 && !props.isLastStep" #click.native="props.prevTab()" :style="props.fillButtonStyle">Previous</wizard-button> -->
<div class="wizard-footer-right">
<wizard-button #click.native="props.nextTab()" class="wizard-footer-right finish-button" :style="props.fillButtonStyle">{{props.isLastStep ? 'Done' : 'Next'}}</wizard-button>
<pre>{{ tabModel }}</pre>
using refs
this.$refs.wizardFirst.displayPrevButton = false
"vue-form-wizard": "0.8.4",
use this CSS instead:
.vue-form-wizard .wizard-nav-pills a, .vue-form-wizard .wizard-nav-pills li{
cursor: not-allowed;
pointer-events: none;

Vue.js - How to dynamically bind v-model to route parameters based on state

I'm building an application to power the backend of a website for a restaurant chain. Users will need to edit page content and images. The site is fairly complex and there are lots of nested pages and sections within those pages. Rather than hardcode templates to edit each page and section, I'm trying to make a standard template that can edit all pages based on data from the route.
I'm getting stuck on the v-model for my text input.
Here's my router code:
path: '/dashboard/:id/sections/:section',
name: 'section',
component: () => import('../views/Dashboard/Restaurants/Restaurant/Sections/Section.vue'),
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
Then, in my Section.vue, here is my input with the v-model. In this case, I'm trying to edit the Welcome section of a restaurant. If I was building just a page to edit the Welcome text, it would work no problem.:
<vue-editor v-model="restInfo.welcome" placeholder="Update Text"></vue-editor>
This issue is that I need to reference the "welcome" part of the v-model dynamically, because I've got about 40 Sections to deal with.
I can reference the Section to edit with this.$route.params.section. It would be great if I could use v-model="restInfo. + section", but that doesn't work.
Is there a way to update v-model based on the route parameters?
Here is my entire Section.vue
<Breadcrumbs :items="crumbs" />
<div v-if="restInfo">
<h3>Update {{section}}</h3>
<div class="flex flex-wrap">
<div class="form__content">
<form #submit.prevent>
<vue-editor v-model="restInfo.welcome" placeholder="Update Text"></vue-editor>
<div class="flex">
<button class="btn btn__primary mb-3" #click="editText()">
<transition name="fade">
<span class="ml-2" v-if="performingRequest">
<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor"
import Loader from '#/components/Loader.vue'
import Breadcrumbs from '#/components/Breadcrumbs.vue'
export default {
data() {
return {
performingRequest: false,
created () {
this.$store.dispatch("getRestFromId", this.$;
computed: {
...mapState(['currentUser', 'restInfo']),
section() {
return this.$route.params.section
identifier() {
model() {
return + `.` + this.section
crumbs () {
if (this.restInfo) {
let rest = this.restInfo
let crumbsArray = []
let step1 = { title: "Dashboard", to: { name: "dashboard"}}
let step2 = { title:, to: { name: "resthome"}}
let step3 = { title: 'Page Sections', to: { name: 'restsections'}}
let step4 = { title: this.$route.params.section, to: false}
return crumbsArray
} else {
return []
methods: {
editText() {
this.performingRequest = true
this.$store.dispatch("updateRest", {
setTimeout(() => {
this.performingRequest = false
}, 2000)
components: {
this.performingRequest = false
delete this.performingRequest
Try to use the brackets accessor [] instead of . :
<vue-editor v-model="restInfo[section]"

Problems with data communication between components

I had a page on which there was a header with an input that was a search engine, a list of posts, and pagination. I decided to move the header from this file to a separate component in a separate vue file. After I did this, the search for posts by title stopped working, and I can’t add a post now either. I think that I need to import my posts into a new file for my newly created component but how to do it.
My code when it worked(before my changes)
My code is not working after the changes:
The file in which my posts situated:
<div class="app">
<li v-for="(post, index) in paginatedData" class="post" :key="index">
<router-link :to="{ name: 'detail', params: {id:, title: post.title, body: post.body} }">
<img src="src/assets/nature.jpg">
<p class="boldText"> {{ post.title }}</p>
<p> {{ post.body }}</p>
<div class="allpagination">
<button type="button" #click="page -=1" v-if="page > 0" class="prev"><<</button>
<div class="pagin">
<button class="item"
v-for="n in evenPosts"
v-bind:class="{'selected': current ===}"
#click="page=n-1">{{ n }} </button>
<button type="button" #click="page +=1" class="next" v-if="page < evenPosts-1">>></button>
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
name: 'Pagination',
data () {
return {
search: '',
current: null,
page: 0,
posts: [],
createTitle: '',
createBody: '',
visiblePostID: '',
watch: {
counter: function(newValue, oldValue) {
computed: {
evenPosts: function(posts){
return Math.ceil(this.posts.length/6);
paginatedData() {
const start = * 6;
const end = start + 6;
return this.posts.filter((post) => {
return post.title.match(;
}).slice(start, end);
methods: {
getData() {
axios.get(``).then(response => {
this.posts =
Header vue:
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
name: 'Pagination',
data () {
return {
search: '',
current: null,
posts: [],
createTitle: '',
createBody: '',
methods: {
getData() {
axios.get(``).then(response => {
this.posts =
addPost() {'', {
title: this.createTitle,
body: this.createBody
}).then((response) => {
<div id="app">
export default {
components: {
name: 'app',
You have a computed property paginatedData in your "posts" component that relies a variable
paginatedData () {
const start = * 6;
const end = start + 6;
return this.posts.filter((post) => {
return post.title.match(;
}).slice(start, end);
but value is not updated in that component because you moved the search input that populates that value into the header component.
What you need to do now is make sure that the updated search value is passed into your "posts" component so that the paginatedData computed property detects the change and computes the new paginatedData value.
You're now encountering the need to pass values between components that may not have a parent/child relationship.
In your scenario, I would look at handling this need with some Simple State Management as described in the Vue docs.
Depending on the scale of you app it may be worth implementing Vuex for state management.

Vue.js: Show/Hide buttons on navbar based on Vuex Store state when the user is logged in or not

I'm creating a navbar that shows or hides buttons depending if the user is logged in or not.
For that, I'm saving the state on Vuex and localStorage.
I'm trying to build a dynamic menu, using a list of objects (i.e. rightMenu) that contains the information of the buttons (i.e. route, title and a flag that indicates if the button may show or not if the user is logged in).
Always that the user logs in the system, the this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn changes to true, however the template does not change, the button stays in the same initial state when the user was not logged in.
For example: the sign out button does not show when this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn updates.
But when I click 'ctrl+F5' and the page reloads, the buttons show correctly.
In this case, for example, the sign out button appears correctly when I reload the page manually.
I'm thinking in to force the page to reload again when the user logs in or logs out, however I believe that it is not a good option.
Could anyone help me?
I'm giving the code that I'm using below.
Thank you in advance.
Menu.vue > template
<v-toolbar color='grey darken-3' dark>
<v-toolbar-items class='hidden-sm-and-down'>
<v-btn v-for='item in rightMenu' :key='item.title'
:to='' v-if='item.showButton' flat>
{{ item.title }}
Menu.vue > script
export default {
data () {
return {
rightMenu: [
{ to: '/sign_in', title: 'sign in'
showButton: !this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn },
{ to: '/sign_up', title: 'sign up'
showButton: !this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn },
{ to: '/sign_out', title: 'sign out'
showButton: this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn }
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
auth: {
token: '',
isUserLoggedIn: false
mutations: {
setAuthToken (state, token) { // I use it on the Login
state.auth.token = token
state.auth.isUserLoggedIn = !!token
localStorage.setItem('store', JSON.stringify(state))
cleanAuth (state) { // I use it on the Logout
state.auth = {
token: '',
isUserLoggedIn: false
localStorage.setItem('store', JSON.stringify(state))
When I use this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn explicitly on my code, it works well. So, the button appears and disappears correctly. I give below an example:
Menu.vue > template
<v-toolbar-items class='hidden-sm-and-down'>
<v-btn v-if='this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn' flat>
Test {{ this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn }}
Hence, I believe that the problem is in the binding of showButton with this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn.
Use computed property to make it reactive:
<v-btn v-for='item in rightMenu' :key='item.title'
:to='' v-if='isUserLoggedIn(item.title)' flat>
{{ item.title }}
computed: {
isUserLoggedIn() {
return (title) => { // you'll not have any caching benefits
if (title === 'sign out') {
return this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn;
return !this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn;
Through the answers of Chris Li, Andrei Gheorghiu and Sajib Khan I could solve my problem.
Andrei Gheorghiu have explained that I can't access computed properties in data() and Chris Li suggested that I use a computed variable instead. These answers plus Sajib Khan example I was able to think in a solution that I share below. I hope that it help others in the future.
In a nutshell, I've created a computed property that returns my array and always when this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn updates, the array changes together (consequently the menu as well).
I intent to create a mapGetter to my this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn. As soon as I do it, I update the answer.
Thank you guys so much.
export default {
data () {
return { ... }
computed: {
rightMenu () {
return [
{ title: 'sign_in', to: '/sign_in',
showButton: !this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn },
{ title: 'sign_up', to: '/sign_up',
showButton: !this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn },
{ title: 'sign_out', to: '/sign_out',
showButton: this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn }
EDIT 1: Solution using mapGetters
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
data () {
return { ... }
computed: {
rightMenu () {
return [
{ title: 'sign_in', to: '/sign_in',
showButton: !this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn },
{ title: 'sign_up', to: '/sign_up',
showButton: !this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn },
{ title: 'sign_out', to: '/sign_out',
showButton: this.$store.state.auth.isUserLoggedIn }
I've added the following getter:
getters: {
isUserLoggedIn (state) {
return state.auth.isUserLoggedIn

Vue.js passing store data as prop causes mutation warnings

I'm passing store data (Vuex) as a property of component but it's giving me mutation errors even though I'm not changing the data.
Edit: Codepen illustrating error:
<input type="text" class="form-control" ref="input" />
<div style="padding-top: 5px">
<button #click="create" class="btn btn-primary btn-small">Create</button>
{{ example }}
import store from "#/store"
export default {
props: {
"example": {
data() {
return {
methods: {
create() {
store.commit("general_set_creation_name", {name: this.$refs.input.value})
<template src="./Modal.html"></template>
import $ from 'jquery'
import store from '#/store'
export default {
props: {
"id": String,
"height": {
type: String,
default: "auto"
"width": {
type: String,
default: "40vw"
"position": {
type: String,
default: "absolute"
"component": {
default: null
"global": {
default: true
data () {
return {
store: store
computed: {
body () {
return store.state.General.modal.body
props () {
return store.state.General.modal.props
title () {
return store.state.General.modal.title
methods: {
close_modal (event) {
if ( === event.currentTarget) {
this.$ = "none"
<style scoped lang="scss" src="./Modal.scss"></style>
<div ref="content" class="content" :style="{minHeight: height, minWidth: width, position}">
<div ref="title" class="title" v-if="title">
{{ title }}
<hr v-if="title" />
<div ref="body" class="body">
<component v-if="global" :is="body" v-bind="props"></component>
Changing store data with this line in a third component:
store.commit("general_set_modal", {body: Input, title: "New "+page, props: {example: "example text 2"})
I'm quite sure you should not put a vue component on the state. If you are supposed to do that then I don't think the creators of vuex understand how an event store works.
In the documentation it also says you need to initialize your state with values and you don't do that.
Your sandbox works fine when removing the vue component from the state (state should contain data but vue components are objects with both data and behavior).
index.js in store:
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
modal: {
body: {},
title: "",//det it to something
props: {}
creationName: null
mutations: {
general_set_creation_name(state, payload) {
state.creationName =;
general_set_modal(state, payload) {
state.modal.title = payload.title;
state.modal.props = payload.props;
console.log("we are fine here");
strict: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"
For whatever reason, changing the way I import the class removes the warning
const test = () => import('./Test')

