AMP Project: Develop safeframe solution - javascript

In #amp-html project I'm going to add a possibility to my adserver to deliver ads inside a safeframe. Is there any "ready-to-use" solution in this project? I can see some "safeframe" strings in the "amp-a4a.js" extension file but I don't really know how to use that. Any info would be welcomed.


How to tell Javascript script to only run in the Header of a web page?

I have a website owner who uses X Theme on Wordpress for website development. The theme has an option where you can easily add custom JS, but it is global by default. This owner wants the JS script to only run in the header of the site.
What is the easiest way to go about achieving this?
Mr. Robot
Depending on what type of Javascript code is, most tracking scripts like Google requires it to be in the head tag. I don't see why any other code needs to be in head. There are a few ways to include it in a Wordpress head.
Simplest would be to download a plugin: Plugin Link
Make a child theme and Enqueue the script. I dont know too much on this one but you can View it here
Hoping I gave you some ideas on how to continue.

Tool to analyse files using in a website

A web site project was given to me. There is many CSS and JS files, but I'm not sure that everything is useful.
Do you know if there is a tool able to analyze what and for what are used this type of files, or directly a tool which optimize this files in a web project?
Thank you.
Go to inspector
click audit tab.
click web page performance check box
Click Run Button
You can find what css files are not used

Javascript plugin written in AngularJS

I made an app in Rails and AngularJS. A startup approached me to port the technology over to their site, but they have very limited technology resources, so the idea is to make it very easy to integrate.
I want it to work a bit like Google Analytics - they include one external javascript file and add a snippet of code with a reference id/code in it. Then the rest is handled on my side.
I haven’t done this before, especially not in AngularJS. I want to use AngularJS in a section of their site without them needing to install it.
Should I just put all the directives and services into a minified file or should I have a smarter setup?
I would appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction. I'm also looking for any recommended gems/tools that can help me with this. I’m happy to explain further if needed.
I ended up using Brunch, this article was very helpful.
You could create a grunt build task that will inline your html templates as strings into your js, and then concatenate and minifying your code.

How can I reverse engineer my JavaScript files with js/uml?

My goal is to get an UML model out of my JavaScript project (consisting of several .js files) and store it as XMI.
How far I've come
I searched the internet and found out js/uml is the first place to go.
I've managed it to get the js/uml plugin running with Eclipse 3.7.1 (Win32) and a local installation of my pre-downloaded additional plugins: (installs required org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.clazz 0.10.0) (only works with Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo))
I loaded the provided example project into Eclipse and added all my .js files to this project also.
Now I'm stuck and do not get it how to call the reverse engineering of my .js files. I can call 'New'->'Other'->'UML 2.1 Diagrams'->'Class Diagram' from the project's context menu, but I don't get the following steps of that assistant dialog, nor do I get it if this is the right way at all. Please, could you help me with an easy understandable click tutorial? The js/uml homepage does not explain it well enough IMHO. Thanks for your help in advance.
Someone adapted UML for web artifact, its called the "WAE" extension of UML. This way you can see not only your javascript files but the html and css. If you work with node.js, i created a module that generate class diagram for javascript/node/html/css. Its called wavi. For javascript, function,variable are automatically recognized. You can use it for documenting your application.
Well, I think I have come quite close.
There's a command-line tool called Code2Flow. which uses GaphViz to generate graphs for Python and JavaScript sources.
I tried it, it does generate the graphs but somehow i can't make to do right.
I hope this will help you or someone.

regarding Combress for minify & combine js/css file

after searching google lot to know which js minifier & combiner is good. i just come to know that Combress is good. so i download combress but could not open it with VS2010. it is saying project under source control. i have no vss & tfs. anyway i just add Combress dll and follow some instruction from the site
i did all the things but now my project is not running. what should i do......plzz help. thanks

