I am trying to convert an older jquery script to vanilla JS.
I have been working through most of them just one by one but am having a problem with the ajax call. Can anyone look at my original file and new file and see what is missing?
I am struggling mostly with converting the initial function calls to vanilla js. If you look at the 2nd code drop there most of the 'jquery-isms' have been rewritten in vanilla js. However I am having trouble converting my $.merge and $.extend actions. Furthermore, converting the $.ajax call to a JS version.
I tried to work on it modularly task by task but still haven't gotten it completely polished.
$(document).ready(function() {
url: "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.galleries.getPhotos&api_key=*PRIVATE*c&gallery_id=72157720949295872&per_page=10&format=json&nojsoncallback=1",
type: "GET",
success: function(data) {
console.log("api successfully called")
let path = data.photos.photo
//for each photo, I save the different individual ids into variables so that they can be easily plugged into a URL
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
let obj = path[i];
let farm_id = data.photos.photo[i].farm
let server_id = data.photos.photo[i].server
let photo_id = data.photos.photo[i].id
let secret = data.photos.photo[i].secret
//the static address to photos on Flickr is accessed through this address: https://farm{farm-id}.staticflickr.com/{server-id}/{id}_{secret}.jpg
//this variable is the direct link to access photos on Flickr, minus the ".jpg" designation that will be added, according to whether we are trying to access the medium picture or the large picture
let pic_url = "https://farm" + farm_id + ".staticflickr.com/" + server_id + "/" + photo_id + "_" + secret;
//this is the variable that stores the medium jpeg URL
let pic_url_m = pic_url + "_m.jpg";
//this stores an image tag which will be populated with a medium jpeg URL
let pic_img = ('<img src=\'' + pic_url_m + '\' alt = \"pic\" />');
//this appends the var pic_img to the photo_list div as the function loops through
//this appends the class "paginate" to each img tag that is formed, ensuring that the the divs get passed to a later function called customPaginate
// $('img').addClass("paginate")
$('#photo-list img').addClass("paginate");
//this passes all divs with the class "pagination" to the function customPaginate
itemsToPaginate: ".paginate"
//when img tags with the class paginate are clicked, the following function is called
$('.paginate').click(function() {
//this variable saves the "src" or URL of (this) which is any element with the class "paginate"
let src = $(this).attr('src');
//this variable takes the "src" variable, slices the last six characters, and replaces it with "_c.jpg", a large version of the image URL
let src_l = src.slice(0, -6) + "_c.jpg";
//gives the "frame img" element a new attribute, which is the large image URL
$('#frame img').attr('src', src_l);
//allows the the "frame img" element to fade into the screen
$('#frame img').fadeIn();
//allows the "overlay" element to fade onto the screen
//when the "overlay" element is clicked, both the "overlay" and "frame img" elements
$('#overlay').click(function() {
$('#frame img').fadeOut();
//removes the "src" attribute from "frame img", allowing it to be populated by other image URLs next time an image is clicked
$('#frame img').removeAttr('src');
//this function generates the customPaginate function, which paginates the images 10 to a page
$.fn.customPaginate = function(options)
let paginationContainer = this;
let defaults = {
//sets how many items to a page
itemsPerPage : 10
let settings = {};
//merges defaults and options into one one variable, settings
$.extend(settings, defaults, options);
//sets how many items will be on each page
let itemsPerPage = settings.itemsPerPage;
//sets which items are going to be
let itemsToPaginate = $(settings.itemsToPaginate);
//determines how many pages to generate based on the amount of items
let numberOfItems = Math.ceil((itemsToPaginate.length / itemsPerPage));
//this ul will contain the page numbers
//loops through the ul tag the same number of times as there are pages. in this case, the loop will run 4 times
for(let index = 0; index < numberOfItems; index++)
paginationContainer.find('ul').append('<li>'+ (index+1) + '</li>');
//ensures that the current page only displays the items that should be on the specific page, and hides the others
itemsToPaginate.filter(":gt(" + (itemsPerPage - 1) + ")").hide();
//locates the first li element, adds activeClass element to it
paginationContainer.find("ul li").first().addClass(settings.activeClass).end().on('click', function(){
let $this = $(this);
//gives current page the activeClass setting
//takes activeClass setting away from non-current pages
let pageNumber = $this.text();
//this variable designates that items located on the previous page times the number of items per page should be hidden
let itemsToHide = itemsToPaginate.filter(":lt(" + ((pageNumber-1) * itemsPerPage) + ")");
//this function merges itemsToHide and itemsToPaginate that are greater than the product of the pageNumber and the itemsPerPage minus 1, ensuring that these items are hidden from view
$.merge(itemsToHide, itemsToPaginate.filter(":gt(" + ((pageNumber * itemsPerPage) - 1) + ")"));
//designates these items as items that should be shown on the current page
let itemsToShow = itemsToPaginate.not(itemsToHide);
//hides items from other pages and shows items from current page
$("html,body").animate({scrollTop:"0px"}, function(){
Vanilla JS (what im still stuck on)
document.querySelector(document).ready(function() {
$.ajax({ //need to convert this to JS
url: "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.galleries.getPhotos&api_key=*PRIVATE*c&gallery_id=72157720949295872&per_page=10&format=json&nojsoncallback=1",
type: "GET",
success: function(data) {
console.log("api successfully called")
// ....truncated
$.fn.customPaginate = function()
let paginationContainer = this;
let defaults = {
itemsPerPage : 10
let settings = {};
//need to convert this extend to JS
$.extend(settings, defaults, options);
let itemsPerPage = settings.itemsPerPage;
// ....truncated
let pageNumber = qS.text();
let itemsToHide = itemsToPaginate.filter(":lt(" + ((pageNumber-1) * itemsPerPage) + ")");
//need to convert this extend to JS
$.merge(itemsToHide, itemsToPaginate.filter(":gt(" + ((pageNumber * itemsPerPage) - 1) + ")"));
First, please see: https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_ajax_intro.asp
Example you might consider.
function getPages(){
const xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onload = function() {
// Everything you want to do with the data
// this.responseText.photos.photo
xmlhttp.open("GET", "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.galleries.getPhotos&api_key=*PRIVATE*c&gallery_id=72157720949295872&per_page=10&format=json&nojsoncallback=1",);
I'm using jQuery to get a list of elements that contain certain key words. I'm able to get the list of elements but I don't know how to loop through each element, click on its child element and download the newly loaded page. Here's the casperjs code I have so far:
var casper = require('casper').create({
clientScripts: ["/var/www/html/project/public/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"]
var fs = require('fs');
casper.start('https://m.1xbet.co.ke/en/line/Football/', function () {
var links = casper.evaluate(function () {
$.expr[":"].contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function (arg) {
return function (elem) {
return $(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(arg.toUpperCase()) >= 0;
return $("#events-betting").find("li.events__item_head:contains(World cup)");
var date = new Date(), year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth() + 1, day = date.getDate();
var folderName = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
// loop would go here to save each file
var path = "destination/" + folderName + "/1xbet/worldcup-1";
fs.write(path + ".html", this.getHTML(), "w");
I'd like to click on the individual items on the links object - they aren't anchor tags but rather they are clickable divs with inline javascript listening for a click.
The goal is to click on the div that has certain text I'm interested in, then once clicked, I can either choose to scrape the HTML and save it in a file or get the current url; either will be fine for my purposes. Since there could be multiple divs with the desired text, I'd like for a way to loop through each and do perform the same operation.
This is an example of the page I'm interested in:
The parent element in this case is: #events-betting and nested is a list of li tags with clickable divs.
I can either choose to scrape the HTML and save it in a file or get the current url
Of course the solution is very specific to this exact site, but then again it is quite normal when doing web scraping.
casper.start('https://m.1xbet.co.ke/en/line/Football/', function () {
var links = casper.evaluate(function () {
$.expr[":"].contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function (arg) {
return function (elem) {
return $(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(arg.toUpperCase()) >= 0;
var links = [];
// Better to scrpape .events__title as it contains data-href attribute
$("#events-betting").find(".events__title:contains(World cup)").each(function (i, item) {
var lastPartOfurl = item.getAttribute("data-href");
lastPartOfurl = lastPartOfurl.split("/");
links.push("https://m.1xbet.co.ke/en/line/Football/" + item.getAttribute("data-champ") + "-" + lastPartOfurl[1]+'/');
return links;
The result:
I cannot figure out what is wrong with my code and why my API/AJAX call will not show the images that I'm calling. It appears when I console.log(results) the 10 images are called but they will not show. Here is my jquery code..
//when window loads ... function will happen
window.onload = function(){
var musiciansList = [];
var inputBox = $('#submitButton')
//whatever musician the user submits will appear
$('#submitButton').on('click', function(){
var input=$('#submitButton');
var userInput=inputBox.val();
function renderButtons() {
var button = $('<button>');
//When I click this button a function will happen
$(document).on('click', '.band', function() {
//variable queryUrl for giphy
var queryUrl = "http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?q=music&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&limit=10";
//requesting information giphy
url: queryUrl,
method: 'GET'
})//recieving information from giphy
.done(function(response) {
//returns the response from the website
var results = response.data;
var imageUrl = response.data.image_original_url;
var musicians = $('<img>');
//takes var musicians and adds attr src and imageUrl
musicians.attr('src', imageUrl);
musicians.attr('alt', 'musician');
//prepend puts the images in the beginning
//empty gifs button
So it looks like you've got a couple of errors.
First one looks like your usage of the giphy API. If you go to http://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?q=music&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&limit=10 in your browser, you can see how the data is coming back. The data is returned as an array of GIF objects that each have an "images" property that has an assortment of images you can choose from. Instead of accessing the images like
var imageUrl = response.data.image_original_url;
you need to loop through the response.data array and grab an image, as in the following example
var imageUrl = response.data[i].images.fixed_height.url;
Your other issue is when appending the image element you created to the DOM. You are appending the imageUrl variable (which is just the value of the image URL), instead of the img element you created which is stored in the musicians variable (this will also have to be a part of your loop). In addition, the following:
//prepend puts the images in the beginning
can all be refactored to the single line
Your end result should look something like:
for(var i = 0; i < response.data.length; i++){
var imageUrl = response.data[i].images.fixed_height.url;
var musicians = $('<img>');
//takes var musicians and adds attr src and imageUrl
musicians.attr('src', imageUrl);
musicians.attr('alt', 'musician');
//prepend puts the images in the beginning
I'm making a website to host artwork. The idea is that when the page loads I have JavaScript run a php file that makes a query to the server to get the names and IDs of the image files (artwork.jpg) and display them as thumbnails on a page.
When you scroll over the thumbnail, the artwork is displayed larger on a different part of the screen and the description, specs, etc for the piece of art fades in. My issue is that when I make this second AJAX call it appends the value of the previously moused over image to the screen and does nothing until you've moused over at least two images.
Here's my code for the first ajax call that appends thumbnails to the page and creates a form with the value of the thumnbnail's id:
function getArtDescriptions()
$.post('../../path/to/script/get_art.php', function(json)
if (json.art.length > 0)
var info =
'<div class = "thumbnail_box">'
+ '<img src = "images/thumbnails/'
+ this['img']
+ '"id = "'
+ this['ID']
+ '"> '
+ '<form id = "art_descriptions'
+ this['ID']
+ '" '
+ 'name = "art_descriptions'
+ this['ID']
+ '">'
+ '<input type = "hidden" id = "descriptions" name = "descriptions" value = "'
+ this['ID']
+ '"></form>'
+ '</div>';
}, 'json');
And this is the code I'm using to make the second AJAX call that is giving me a problem:
setTimeout(function get_id()
var tooltipTimeout;
$(".thumbnail_box img").on("mouseenter", function()
tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(details(this.id),0);
$(".thumbnail_box img").on("mouseleave", function()
function hideTooltip()
}, 800);
function details(art)
var formname = "#art_descriptions"+art;
var filename = '../../file/path/to/script/get_descriptions.php';
$(".thumbnail_box img").on("mouseenter", function()
$.post(filename, $(formname).serialize(), function(json)
if (json.descriptions.length > 0)
console.log("art method"+this['ID']);
}, 'json');
When I console.log(this['ID']) in the get_id() method the correct value is displayed in the console, but when I console.log("art method"+this['ID'] in the details method I get a value equal to the previously scrolled over thumbnail's ID. I'd really appreciate any insight on this issue.
Is it something to do with the use of setTimeout()? My code would not run without specifying a timeout for the method. For example if I load the page and then scroll over images with ID's 14 and then 13, my console will display:
art method 14
The issue is that you are appending more of the same events. After the first mouseenter event occurs the details function is called, which then appends another mouseenter event. So subsequent calls will be doing the same thing. You can see an example of this here: http://jsfiddle.net/6qre72fk/.
var counter = 0;
$('#container1').on('mouseenter', function(){
$('#container2').text('First mouseenter');
function appendingAnotherMouseEnter(){
$('#container1').on('mouseenter', function(){
You can see how the counter is incremented several times due to all appended the mouseenter events.
What I'm trying to do is create a dynamic wall of images.
What I'm doing is this:
Call an API to get some response. Create an array of objects based on response
Based on the array, make HTML elements for each object where there's an img in it too.
When all of these HTML elements are created, attach it to the DOM, and call a final function.
This is what I have so far (truncated to get the point across):
EDIT: code has changed a bit. scroll to bottom of question for link to current code.
// based on one post, construct the html and return it
function getOneHtml(post, w) {
console.log("getting one html");
var outerDiv = $("<div>", {class: "brick"});
var img = $("<img />");
img.attr("src", post.img_src);
img.on('load', function() {
console.log("img loaded");
var ratio = this.width / w;
h = this.height / ratio;
$(this).css({'height': h});
// ...
// ...
// create the element
// an alternative I'm using for now is directly append
// the created HTML onto the page, but that results
// in a kinda messy interface.
return outerDiv[0].outerHTML;
// queries an api and then calls callback after everything is done
function requestData(subreddit, callback) {
// array of objects with link to image, post title, link to reddit
posts = [];
var w = $(window).innerWidth() / 3,
html = ''; // holds all of the inner HTML for all elements
$.get("url here", function(data) {
var arr = data.data.children;
arr.forEach(function(res_post) {
console.log("looping in requestData");
// prepare a post object
// ...
// ...
html += getOneHtml(post, w); // get the HTML for this post
// this should happen after everything else is done
console.log("calling callback");
// complete the DOM
function makeWall(html) {
console.log("making wall");
// do stuff
Now the trace of the program in console is this:
looping in requestData
getting one html
looping in requestData
getting one html
... // bunch of times
calling callback
making wall
(20) img loaded
So now the problem is that the HTML isn't prepared until each image is loaded, and so it doesn't actually get attached to the DOM.
How can I make sure that things happen in order in which I want them to? I tried refactoring code into more of an async style but that didn't work (not my strongest point).
I also tried looking at $.Deferred but I don't understand it, and how to integrate it into my code.
Any help is appreciated.
I think it might help to see what I'm doing: http://karan.github.io/griddit/
When you load, I want the images to load first, and then fade in. Currently, they show up, then hide and then fade in. Here's the source: https://github.com/karan/griddit/blob/gh-pages/js/main.js.
Also, if you scroll down one or two pages, then scroll back up, some images show up behind others.
You can use .done(), as explained in the jQuery API documentation on .done() specifically explains how to use .done() with $.get().
It's as simple as:
$.get( "test.php" ).done(function() {
alert( "$.get succeeded" );
As the API documentation link provided above indicates, you can daisy chain .done() calls together.
$.get(url,handler).done(function(){console.log('calling callback')},callback);
Note, Not certain about functionality of included plugins, i.e.g., #grid layout,
css, etc. image width, height and #grid layout not addressed, save for existing pieces re-composed in attempt at flow clarity.
Piece below solely to fulfill // Do something when all dynamically created images have loaded requirement. See console at jsfiddle
Note also, piece at jsfiddle format issue. In order to test piece, drew in 2 plugins from links at original post. Tried jsfiddle's TidyUp feature, which inserted linebreaks.
Piece may need some re-formatting; though current jsfiddle does provide callback functionality, as per original post. Again, see console. Thanks for sharing.
$(function() {
// the name of the last added post
var last_added = '';
// to control the flow of loading during scroll var scrollLoad = true;
var q = 'cats';
var callbacks = $.Callbacks();
// callback,
// Do something when all dynamically created images have loaded
var callback = function (cb) {
return console.log( cb||$.now() )
function getOneHtml(post, w, count){
var img = $("<img>", {
"src" : post.img_src,
"width" : w
img.on('load', function(e) {
var ratio = e.target.width / w;
h = e.target.height / ratio;
var link = $("<a>", {
"href" : post.permalink,
"target" : "_blank",
"html" : img
var outerDiv = $("<div>", {
"class" : "brick",
"style" : "width:" + w
.then(function(div, _link, _count) {
// `image` `fadeIn`; adjustable
return _count
callbacks.fireWith(window, [_count + " images appended to grid at " + $.now()])
function requestData(subreddit,callback) {
//array of objects with link to image, post title,link to reddit
var w = $(window).innerWidth() / 3;
html = '';
type : 'get',
url : "http://api.reddit.com/r/" + subreddit + "/hot.json?&after=" + last_added,
beforeSend : function () {
complete : function () {
success : function (data) {
var arr = data.data.children;
var count = null;
arr.forEach(function(res_post) {
if(!res_post.data.is_self&&(/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|tiff|png)$/i).test(res_post.data.url)) {
// `images` count
var post = {
'title' : res_post.data.title,
'img_src': res_post.data.url,
'name' : res_post.data.name,
'permalink': 'http://reddit.com' + res_post.data.permalink
getOneHtml(post, w, count);
last_added = res_post.data.name;
scrollLoad = true;
// callback,
// Do something when all dynamically created images have loaded
// see `console`; adjustable
callbacks.fireWith( window, [$(".brick img").size() + " appended to grid, callback at " + $.now()]);
// function makeWall() {}
jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/guest271314/ggsY9/
i have designed chess board using buttons.Initially all the values on the button will be null,upon loading the page all the pieces appear on them and the piece of code is as follows
<input type="button" id="A8" value="" style="background:#FFE4C4;font-size: 70px;height:90;width:100" onclick="check(this.id)">
and in the onLoad function,the ASCII charecter of the chess pieces are assigned as follows:
Now what i want is to change the one piece from a button to another on clicking two buttons.i had tried a lot with the following script
function check(clicked_id) {
var Button_2 = "";
if (i < 2) {
// alert("i:"+i);
if (i == 1) {
Button_1 = clicked_id;
B1_val = document.getElementById(Button_1).value;
alert("B1 Button val:" + B1_val);
if (i == 2) {
var Button_2 = clicked_id;
B2_val = document.getElementById(Button_2).value;
alert("b1 val:" + B1_val);
alert("B2 val:" + B2_val);
B2_val = B1_val;
B1_val = "";
alert("B1 val:" + B1_val + "B2 val:" + B2_val);
} else {
alert("Only 2 butons should press..i:" + i);
i = 0;
// alert("clcked a button:"+clicked_id);
But the code is not working
If you just want to move the value from the location of the first click to the location of the second click, then you can do that fairly simply like this:
var lastClick;
function check(id) {
var src, dest;
if (!lastClick) {
// no previous click so just store the location of this first click
lastClick = id;
} else {
// move value from lastClick id to new id
src = document.getElementById(lastClick);
dest = document.getElementById(id);
dest.value = src.value;
src.value = "";
lastClick = null;
I assume that a real application would need all sorts of error handling that doesn't let you put a piece on top of another piece, ignores first clicks on empty spaces, enforces only legal moves, etc...