jquery load callback function not working synchronously - javascript

Ok from looking previously I heard that I could use a callback function to make a jquery load function synchronous.
For context I'm trying to do a crossfading transition that is triggered from an onclick function. Basically I want to ensure that the content on bottom has loaded before the top starts going transparent but that doesn't always happen clearly, there is an image on them which quite clearly hasn't loaded by that time, is there a fix to ensure it waits?
Below is a simplified version of the code to show the issue. Help would be appreciated.
if (onTop === true) {
onTop = false;
$("#bottom").load(Location, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
if (onTop === false) {
document.getElementById("bottom_container").style.zIndex = 0;
}, 800);
document.getElementById("top_container").style.opacity = 0;
document.getElementById("bottom_container").style.height = null;
var bottomContainerHeight = document.getElementById("bottom_container").clientHeight;
document.getElementById("top_container").style.height = (bottomContainerHeight) + "px";
//Makes sure the top content is equal in height to the top content as to not overflow past it.
else {
onTop = true;
$("#top").load(Location, function() {
document.getElementById("bottom_container").style.zIndex = -2;
document.getElementById("top_container").style.opacity = 1;
document.getElementById("top_container").style.height = null;
var topContainerHeight = document.getElementById("top_container").clientHeight;
document.getElementById("bottom_container").style.height = (topContainerHeight) + "px";
//Makes sure the bottom content is equal in height to the top content as to not overflow past it.

You could accomplish this using CSS animations and/or transitions.
The z-index doesn’t matter in this case.
Since you’ll be fading the elements in and out, it doesn’t matter what layer they’re on.
#keyframes fade {
0% { opacity: 0; }
100% { opacity: 1; }
.fade-in {
animation: fade 500ms linear 0 1 normal forwards;
.fade-out {
animation: fade 500ms linear 0 1 reverse forwards;
Then you can just toggle the classes for each to get the effect.
The images themselves can be preloaded.


Vanilla javascript, not CSS or jQuery, fade in, fade out image change

I know this is fairly easy in jQuery, but I want to do this in plain 'ol "will be around forever" javascript.
I have a dropdown select on my page. I choose one of 8 options. There is a default image showing on the page. When I select an option, the image changes to that pic. It all works fine.
But I want to make the image change a fade out, fade in switch over because I, like most of you, can't leave well alone. We have to keep fiddling.
The javascript that I have, which is triggered by an onchange="setPicture()" on the select dropdown is:
function setPicture(){
var img = document.getElementById("mySelectTag");
var value = img.options[img.selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementById("myImageDiv").src = value;
This works fine. The value of the selected index is a string with the path for each image. I just want a fade out then fade in stuck in there somewhere. I have fiddled about a bit, calling another function before changing the src but no luck.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
The easier way would be to use css keyframes alone.
But from javascript there is the web animation api made for that.
Here is a quick modif from the example, to match your case.
function setPicture(){
{ opacity: 1 },
{ opacity: .1},
{ opacity: 1 }
], {
duration: 3000,
iterations: Infinity
<button onclick="setPicture()">
<img id="alice"
How about setting the image default CSS with the opacity of 0 and with transition time
then in JavaScript just add a class that will make the opacity set to 1
<img class="img1" src="sampleimg.jpg">
.img1 {
opacity: 0;
transition: all .3s;
.img1.show {
opacity: 1;
function setPicture() {
var img = document.querySelector('.img1');
img.src = 'urlofnewimage';
Hope this helps.
Juste one function for all :
function fadeOutEffect(target) {
var fadeTarget = document.getElementById(target);
fadeTarget.style.opacity = 1;
fadeTarget.style.transition = "opacity 2s";
fadeTarget.style.opacity = 0;
fadeTarget.style.display = "none";
}, 2000);;

transition for addclass only works after first time

I basically have some social media icons at the top of the page, that later become fixed.
I want them to fade in, I was using CSS. Everything I tried using JS did the same thing or didn't work.
Here is my JS:
jQuery(document).scroll(function() {
var y = jQuery(document).scrollTop(), //get page y value
social = jQuery(".socialnetworks"),
headerHeight = jQuery(".bg-cover").height();
if(y >= headerHeight + 500) {
social.css({opacity : 0});
} else {
And my CSS
.fixedsocialnetworks {
position: fixed!important;
top: 200px!important;
transition: opacity 400ms;
So I set the opacity to 0, then add a class that sets the opacity to 1, and has the transition.
So it works, but it doesn't work the first time on scroll, it works every other time after the first. Why? How do I fix this?

How to stop one eventListener when start another on the same element?

I'm creating some kind of gallery in js as a practice. I found an error and I don't know how to solve it.
Full code of on JSFiddle ->
I add two eventListeners to my img wrapper,
wrapper looks like that:
<div class="gallery-item"> <-- wrapper
<img src=""> <-- image
<div> <-- overlay
and listeners like that (listeners I'm adding during creating wrappers in js):
imageWrapper.addEventListener('mouseenter', enableOverlay, false);
imageWrapper.addEventListener('mouseleave', disableOverlay, false);
Listeners invokes functions, which are responsible for displaying overlay over image. First of them show overlay with fade effect and the second one hide it with the same effect.
function enableOverlay(e) {
var el = this.childNodes[1].style;
el.display = 'block';
(function fadeIn() {
if (el.opacity < 1) {
el.opacity = parseFloat(el.opacity) + Number(0.1);
setTimeout(fadeIn, 30);
function disableOverlay(e) {
var el = this.childNodes[1].style;
(function fadeOut() {
if (el.opacity > 0) {
el.opacity = parseFloat(el.opacity) - Number(0.1);
setTimeout(fadeOut, 30);
} else {
el.display = 'none';
On first sight everything is ok if I'm slowly move mouse over images - one function ends (opacity = 1) and the second is starting until opacity = 0. But when I'm moving mouse fast over images, overlays start to blink - opacity increases and decreases by 0.1 (value in IIFEs) and script loop.
As I figured out, reason of this behavior is that enableOverlay dosen't finish (el.opacity dosen't reach 1) and in the same time disableOverlay starts. And I don't know how to fix this situation.
I was trying to deal with it using flags which represents the state of fading function and breaks IFFEs, but it didn't help.
Long story short, can anyone help me with this problem or show me a way of thinking to solve it?
In my opinion, my problem is 'how to stop function in one eventListener when another eventListeners is fired'. Changing opacity is only a sample.
You can use css transition.
function enableOverlay(e) {
var el = this.childNodes[1].style;
el.opacity = '1';
function disableOverlay(e) {
var el = this.childNodes[1].style;
el.opacity = '0';
.gallery-item img+div {
cursor: pointer;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity .3s ease;
-moz-transition: opacity .3s ease;
-o-transition: opacity .3s ease;
-ms-transition: opacity .3s ease;
transition: opacity .3s ease;
Just added an attribute to track the event.
function disableOverlay(e) {
var el = this.childNodes[1].style;
var that = this.childNodes[1];
(function fadeOut() {
if (el.opacity > 0 && that.getAttribute('op')==='fadeOut') {
el.opacity = parseFloat(el.opacity) - Number(0.1);
setTimeout(fadeOut, 30);
} else {
el.display = 'none';
In your case, catching the latest setTimeout and calling clearTimeout on it from the other function should help.

Resetting state of transition after the transition played

I have a message which I display on the screen when a user clicks on some links. I use a transition on the opacity to get the message to fade away.
The problem is that when a user clicks on the next link which is supposed to display the message, the element has its opacity set to 0 (thus it's not visible).
The opacity transition is triggered by a JavaScript function.
My question: would it be possible to reset the opacity (back to 1) before the transition effect happens?
I only see a nasty way such as triggering a function from within the function that triggers the opacity transition, to reset the opacity back to 1. Something like:
setTimeout(function(){elem.style.opacity = 1;)}, 3000);
But this is not great because I'd like the opacity to be reset as soon as a user clicks another link for which this message is displayed.
<div id="pop_up" class="pop_up">negative</div>
<a class="something_else" href="#" onclick="show(event, this); return false;">toto</a>
<a class="something_else" href="#" onclick="show(event, this); return false;">titi</a>
position: absolute:
top: -10px;
padding: 10px;
background-color: orange;
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 1s linear;
function show(e, elem)
msg = document.getElementById("pop_up");
msg.style.top = elem.offsetTop;
msg.style.left = elem.offsetLeft;
msg.style.opacity = 0;
msg.innerHTML = "Hug Me!";
I think I know what you want. You need to reset the transition to none and back again each time, and also reset the opacity each time and hide/show. Using the following CSS:
position: absolute;
display: none;
padding: 10px;
background-color: orange;
and the following javascript:
function show(e, elem) {
var msg = document.getElementById("pop_up");
msg.style.transition = 'none';
msg.style.display = 'none';
msg.style.opacity = 100;
msg.innerHTML = "Hug Me!";
msg.style.display = 'block';
msg.style.top = '' + elem.offsetTop + 'px';
msg.style.left = '' + elem.offsetLeft + 'px';
msg.style.transition = 'opacity 2s linear';
msg.style.opacity = 0;
I think you get the effect you want. I have changed to a 2s transition to see ity better, that you can adjust. The point is to hide and reset the popup each time, then reset the transition and show so that the transition runs again.
I have made msg a local vairable (with the vardeclaration) but also agree with the comments that using global functions and inline event handlers like this is not ideal. Improvments to that depnd on if you want to use a js library and if so which or if you want to stick to pure js.
Working fiddle (only tested in Firefox).
This technique stopped working with me, until I nailed done what actually make it work. It's necessary to keep this line in the JS code:
msg.style.bottom = elem.offsetTop + 'px';
If you remove it, it seems like the CSS for the element is not re-evaluated, which means the transition is actually not reset from 'none' to 'opacity 1s ease' for instance, which actually triggers the transition. So, if you remove the lines that actually reset the position of the div, the css won't be re-evaluated. In my case, I ended up needing the element to have a fixed position. So I first do:
msg.style.bottom = elem.offsetTop + 'px';
Immediately followed by:
msg.style.bottom = 0;
The first call internally forces the transition to be reset from none to something else, and then of course I finally positioned the element where I want.
Note that the first line might as well be:
var tmp = elem.offsetTop;
What's important here, is to change the state of the element, so that its CSS is being internally re-evaluated by the browser engine.

CSS3 and Javascript: fade text out and then in using the same function

I'm trying to create a fading out and fading in effect using JavaScript and CSS3. The goal is to have a div shrink in width when clicked and have the text contained within it simultaneously fade out. Then when it is clicked again, the div expands back to its normal width, and the text fades back in.
Here is the HTML:
<div id="box1" onclick="slide1()">
<p class="fader">Lorem ipsum.</p>
Here is the CSS:
#box1 {
width: 70%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #666;
Here is the javascript:
var box1
var fader
window.onload = function() {
box1 = document.getElementById('box1');
fader = document.getElementsByClassName('fader');
function slide1(){
fader[0].style.transition='opacity 0.25s ease-in';
else {
fader[0].style.transition='opacity 0.75s ease-in';
It's working for the fade-out, but for the fade-in it is immediately transitioning from 0 opacity to 1 opacity... there's no fade-in. Any ideas?
I actually asked a very similar question with the same issue a while back: Opacity effect works from 1.0 to 0, but not 0 to 1.0. Check the out and see if it works for you.
Otherwise, try adding a class to the fader element instead of adding a style declaration. Then, in your actual CSS, write the code for the fader element transition.
I guess you use even firefox or opera? I think your code won't work on safari or chrome since transition needs webkit-prefix on those browsers. You can use following code to get transition support:
var transform = (function () {
var transforms = [
], transform = 'transform';
while (transform) {
if (document.body.style[transform] === undefined) {
transform = transforms.pop();
} else {
return transform;
return false;
When im using CSS-transition, sometimes I change transition style and then let browser update changes before changing other styles. You can do this with timeout. On some browsers I have noticed that animation is not working unless doing that (some firefox browsers).
fader[0].style.transition='opacity 0.75s ease-in';
setTimeout(function () {
}, 4);

