Object gets duplicated inside array - javascript

This is the result I want to achieve
dataset: [
dataset: [
seriesname: "",
data: [
value: "123",
value: "123",
My problem right now is that the second dataset gets duplicated.
This is how I am setting it (val is an integer and allYears is an array of integers):
this.grphColumn.dataSource.dataset[0].dataset = this.allYears.map(el => {
return {
seriesname: "Planned",
data: [{value: val}, {value: val}]
How can I make it so the dataset doesn't get duplicated?

You have to map the values separately, if you dont want the seriesName to be Repeated..
const yearsMap = this.allYears.map((el) => { return { value: el } });
this.grphColumn.dataSource.dataset[0].dataset = {
seriesname: "Planned",
data: yearsMap


Loop array value into object javascript

i have problem with my javascript project.
i have an array with value like this :
exmpArr = ["PX1","PX2","PX3"];
and i want to loop and push it to obj like this:
sections = [
rows: [
{ title: exmpArr[i], rowId: exmpArr[i] },
the final value must like this:
sections = [
rows: [
{ title: "PX1", rowId: "PX1" },
{ title: "PX2", rowId: "PX2" },
{ title: "PX3", rowId: "PX3" },
what should i do?
what i did is i put for loop inside the object and its not work
map returns a new array from the one you're mapping over. So you can immediately assign that array as the property value when you build your object.
const exmpArr = ['PX1', 'PX2', 'PX3'];
const sections = [
rows: exmpArr.map(el => {
return { title: el, rowId: el };

Loop over the array and display the following format

My goal is to loop over some data and get something like the following output, so if anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated. In order to display something like this, I tried looping something and displaying it in a loop.
let selectedOrders: {code?: string;selectedList?: [{ name: string; language: string }];
let set = new Set();
order.orders.map((list) => {
if (!set.has(list.code)) {
code: list.code,
selectedList: [
name: list.name!,
language: list.language!,
selectedList: [
name: list.name!,
language: list.language!,
return selectedOrders;
code: A
selectedList: [{
let data = [
code: "A",
name: "php",
desc: "language",
order: 2,
code: "B",
name: "c++",
desc: "language",
order: 3,
code: "A",
name: "javascript",
desc: "language",
order: 1
let result = data.reduce((acc: any[], item) => {
const { name, desc, order, code } = item;
if (acc.some((a: any) => code == a.code)) {
let obj: any = acc.find((a: any) => code == a.code)!;
name, desc, order
} else {
selectedList: [{ name, desc, order }]
return acc;
}, []);
Just change any to your required type.

Change the values in array based on some other value in React

For example the original array is
const [leads,setLeads] = useState([
{ name:"something", otherValue:"something",stage:["Converted","Rejected","Refunded"]},
{ name:"something2", otherValue:"something2", stage:["Converted w/o demo","Rejected","Refunded"] },
{ name:"something3", otherValue:"something3",stage:["Rejected","Refunded"]}
Here is what should happen
Now if the stage includes Converted or Converted w/o demo a field should be added named converted with a value if true or if it does not includes either of both converted should be set to false
Basically the desired result should be
[{ name:"something", otherValue:"something",stage:["Converted","Rejected","Refunded"],converted :true},
{ name:"something2", otherValue:"something2", stage:["Converted w/o demo","Rejected"],converted: true},
{ name:"something3", otherValue:"something3",stage:["Rejected","Refunded"], converted:false}]
The value should be set using set using setLeads function
You can pass a callback function to useState where you add the additional property after processing the initial array and return the resultant array to be set into state for the first time.
For processing the array, you can use Array.prototype.map and Array.prototype.includes
Post this any update to the state will need to take care of this property update too
const arr = [
{ name:"something", otherValue:"something",stage:["Converted","Rejected","Refunded"},
{ name:"something2", otherValue:"something2", stage:["Converted w/o demo","Rejected","Refunded" },
{ name:"something3", otherValue:"something3",stage:["Rejected","Refunded"],
const getInitialState = () => {
return arr.map(item => {
if(item.stage.includes('Converted w/o demo') || item.stage.includes('Converted')) {
return { ...item, converted: true}
} else {
return { ...item, converted: false}
const [leads, setLeads] = useState(getInitialState)
const array = [
name: 'something',
otherValue: 'something',
stage: ['Converted', 'Rejected', 'Refunded'],
name: 'something2',
otherValue: 'something2',
stage: ['Converted w/o demo', 'Rejected', 'Refunded'],
name: 'something3',
otherValue: 'something3',
stage: ['Rejected', 'Refunded'],
array.map((data, index) => {
if (data.stage.indexOf('Converted')) {
array[index].converted = true;
} else {
array[index].converted = false;
const [leads, setLeads] = useState(array);
// if Converted value exists in array then add converted=true otherwise converted=false . You can change the value accordingly above if statement if (data.stage.indexOf('Converted'))
// output
"name": "something",
"otherValue": "something",
"stage": [
"converted": false
"name": "something2",
"otherValue": "something2",
"stage": [
"Converted w/o demo",
"converted": true
"name": "something3",
"otherValue": "something3",
"stage": [
"converted": true

Updated nested object by matching ID

I have an array with nested objects that I need to update from another array of objects, if they match.
Here is the data structure I want to update:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111" },
Amount: 2499,
Here is the array of objects I want to update it from:
const accounts = [
{ AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
{ AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
{ AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
I want to update invoices, using accounts, by inserting Id if AccountCode matches, to get the following structure:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
Amount: 2499,
I have tried various methods, such as the following:
const mapped = invoices.BatchItemRequest.map((item1) => {
return Object.assign(
accounts.find((item2) => {
return item2 && item1.Invoice.Line.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode === item2.AccountCode;
Problem with this approach (it doesn't work as I think I need to do another nested map), but it also creates a new array, only including the nested elements of invoices.
Does anyone know a good approach to this?
This isn't the cleanest of code but it gets the job done:
function matchInvoiceWithAccount(invoices, accounts) {
const mappedInvoices = invoices.BatchItemRequest.map((request) => {
// Shouldn't modify input parameter, could use Object.assign to create a copy and modify the copy instead for purity
request.Invoice.Line = request.Invoice.Line.map((line) => {
const accountCode = line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode;
// If accounts was a map of AccountCode to Id you would't need to search for it which would be more effective
const account = accounts.find((account) => account.AccountCode === accountCode);
if (account) {
line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.Id = account.Id;
return line;
return request;
return {
BatchItemRequest: mappedInvoices,
What you could and probably should do to improve this is to not modify the input parameters of the function, but that requires that you in a better way copy the original, either using Object.assign or spread operator.
At first, it will be good to create Map from your accounts array. We will go one time for array with O(n) and then will read ids by code with O(1). And nested fors is O(m*n), that will be much more slower at big arrays.
const idsByAccountCodes = new Map();
accounts.forEach((data) => {
idsByAccountCodes.set(data.AccountCode, data.Id);
or shorter:
const idsByAccountCode = new Map(accounts.map((data) => [data.AccountCode, data.Id]))
then if you want to mutate original values you can go through all nesting levels and add values
for ( const {Invoice:{ Line: line }} of invoices.BatchItemRequest){
for ( const {SalesItemLineDetail: {ItemAccountRef: item}} of line){
item.Id = idsByAccountCodes.get(item.AccountCode) || 'some default value'
// also if you don't have ids for all codes you need to define logic for that case
If you don't need to mutate original big object "invoices" and all of nested objects, then you can create recursive clone of if with something like lodash.cloneDeep

Creating new data object set from multiple nested arrays

I've have a complex data structure with multiple nested arrays in place.
Below is the current structure
var contentData = {
data: {
content: [
type: "column",
sections: [
sub: [
type: "heading-1",
text: "Heading Text"
type: "acc-item",
sections: [
sub: [
type: "heading-1",
text: "Heading Text"
type: "ordered-item",
text: "Item 1"
type: "unordered-item",
text: "Item 2"
type: "acc-item",
sections: [
sub: [
type: "heading-1",
text: "Heading Text 2"
So What I wanted is,
I wanted to group all the ordered-item & unordered-item into a new object like {type: 'list', items:[all list items]}.
I need to extract all items which are inside sub and push it to new object embedded and it should placed in the root level like below,
{type:"acc-item",embedded:[{type:"heading-1",text:"Heading Text 2"}]};
So What I've done so far,
I can able to group acc-item, but not the ordered-item & unordered-item.
So my final expected result should like this,
"type": "column",
"embedded": [
"type": "heading-1",
"text": "Heading Text"
"type": "acc-group",
"items": [
"type": "acc-item",
"embedded": [
"type": "heading-1",
"text": "Heading Text"
"type": "list",
"items": [
"type": "ordered-item",
"text": "Item 1"
"type": "unordered-item",
"text": "Item 2"
"type": "acc-item",
"embedded": [
"type": "heading-1",
"text": "Heading Text 2"
Below is my code,
var group,contentData={data:{content:[{type:"column",sections:[{sub:[{type:"heading-1",text:"Heading Text"}]}]},{type:"acc-item",sections:[{sub:[{type:"heading-1",text:"Heading Text"},{type:"ordered-item",text:"Item 1"},{type:"unordered-item",text:"Item 2"}]}]},{type:"acc-item",sections:[{sub:[{type:"heading-1",text:"Heading Text 2"}]}]}]}},types=[["list",["ordered-item","unordered-item"]],["accordion",["acc-item"]]];
var result = contentData.data.content.reduce((r, o) => {
var type = (types.find(({ 1: values }) => values.indexOf(o.type) > -1)|| {})[0];
if (!type) {
group = undefined;
return r;
if (!group || group.type !== type) {
group = { type, items: [] };
return r;
}, []);
document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(result, null, ' ') + '</pre>';
You could store the last items array as well as the last embedded array and use them until a column type is found.
var contentData = { data: { content: [{ type: "column", sections: [{ sub: [{ type: "heading-1", text: "Heading Text" }] }] }, { type: "acc-item", sections: [{ sub: [{ type: "heading-1", text: "Heading Text" }, { type: "ordered-item", text: "Item 1" }, { type: "unordered-item", text: "Item 2" }] }] }, { type: "acc-item", sections: [{ sub: [{ type: "heading-1", text: "Heading Text 2" }] }] }] } },
list = ["ordered-item", "unordered-item"],
lastItems, lastEmbedded,
result = contentData.data.content.reduce((r, { type, sections }) => {
if (type === 'column') {
r.push({ type, embedded: sections.reduce((q, { sub }) => q.concat(sub), []) });
lastItems = undefined;
lastEmbedded = undefined;
return r;
if (!lastItems) r.push({ type: "acc-group", items: lastItems = [] });
lastItems.push(...sections.map(({ sub }) => ({
embedded: sub.reduce((q, o) => {
if (list.includes(o.type)) {
if (!lastEmbedded) q.push({ type: 'list', items: lastEmbedded = [] });
} else {
lastEmbedded = undefined;
return q;
}, [])
return r;
}, []);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
The Array.prototype and Object.prototype methods are perfect for this kind of thing.
And you're right that this is some complicated kind of logic.
I would suggest that you definitely need some unit tests for this, and try break in to separate pieces.
Here's how I'm thinking I'd do it.
1. Group By the type to create your groups..
I'm actually creating a more generic solution that you've asked for here. That is, I'm not just grouping the 'acc-item', but everything.
I did a quick search for 'array group by javascript' and it gives us this answer which suggests using Array.reduce, so let's do that.
const groupedData = contentData.data.content.reduce((acc, cur) => {
//Check if this indexed array already exists, if not create it.
const currentArray = (acc[`${cur.type}-group`] && acc[`${cur.type}-group`].items) || [];
return {
[`${cur.type}-group`]: {
type: `${cur.type}-group`,
items: [...currentArray, cur]
}, {});
2. Now for each of those items, we need to look at their subs, and group just the list items.
To do this, we basically want to find all the `item -> sections -> sub -> types and filter them into two arrays. A quick google on how to create two arrays using a filter gives me this answer.
First though, we need to flatten that sections-> subs thing, so lets just do that.
function flattenSectionsAndSubs(item) {
return {
type: item.type,
subs: item.sections.reduce((acc, cur) => ([...acc, ...cur.sub]), [])
And I'll just copy paste that partition function in:
function partition(array, isValid) {
return array.reduce(([pass, fail], elem) => {
return isValid(elem) ? [[...pass, elem], fail] : [pass, [...fail, elem]];
}, [[], []]);
const listTypes = ['ordered-item', 'unordered-item'];
function createEmbeddedFromItem(item) {
const [lists, nonLists] = partition(item.subs, (v) => listTypes.includes(v.type);
return {
type: item.type,
embedded: [
type: "list",
items: lists
Putting this all together and we get.
const contentData = {
data: {
content: [{
type: "column",
sections: [{
sub: [{
type: "heading-1",
text: "Heading Text"
type: "acc-item",
sections: [{
sub: [{
type: "heading-1",
text: "Heading Text"
type: "ordered-item",
text: "Item 1"
type: "unordered-item",
text: "Item 2"
type: "acc-item",
sections: [{
sub: [{
type: "heading-1",
text: "Heading Text 2"
function partition(array, isValid) {
return array.reduce(([pass, fail], elem) => {
return isValid(elem) ? [
[...pass, elem], fail
] : [pass, [...fail, elem]];
}, [
function flattenSectionsAndSubs(item) {
return {
type: item.type,
subs: item.sections.reduce((acc, cur) => ([...acc, ...cur.sub]), [])
const listTypes = ['ordered-item', 'unordered-item'];
function createEmbeddedFromItem(item) {
const [lists, nonLists] = partition(item.subs, (v) => listTypes.includes(v.type));
return {
type: item.type,
embedded: [
type: "list",
items: lists
const groupedData = contentData.data.content.reduce((acc, cur) => {
//Check if this indexed array already exists, if not create it.
const currentArray = (acc[`${cur.type}-group`] && acc[`${cur.type}-group`].items) || [];
const flattenedItem = flattenSectionsAndSubs(cur);
const embeddedItem = createEmbeddedFromItem(flattenedItem);
return {
[`${cur.type}-group`]: {
type: `${cur.type}-group`,
items: [...currentArray, embeddedItem]
}, {});
Now this doesn't exactly match what you've asked for - but it should probably work.
You can add your own bits into only add a list item, if the array isn't empty, and to stop the column from being in its own group.
The thing is - tbh it seems like a little bit of a red flag that you would create an array of items that don't having matching structures, which is why I've done it this way.

