How to get the search string with includes() in Javascript? [duplicate] - javascript

Is there a quick way to get the value of a key starting with a certain string?
Example :
var obj = {
"key123" : 1,
"anotherkey" : 2
obj['key1'] // would return 1
obj['ano'] // would return 2

You can create a helper function
function findValueByPrefix(object, prefix) {
for (var property in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(property) &&
property.toString().startsWith(prefix)) {
return object[property];
findValueByPrefix(obj, "key1");
As Kenney commented, the above function will return first match.

You could use find on the entries of the object. IF there's a key which starts with, access the index at 1 to get the value.
Object.entries(o).find(([k,v]) => k.startsWith(part))?.[1]
Here's a snippet:
const getValue = (part, o) => Object.entries(o).find(([k, v]) => k.startsWith(part))?.[1]
const obj = {
"key123": 1,
"anotherkey": 2
getValue('key', obj),
getValue('ano', obj),
getValue('something', obj),

Search for the first match of the property name which begins with specified string:
var obj = {
"key123": 1,
"anotherkey": 2,
"somekey" : 3
function getObjectValueByPartialName(obj, name){
if (typeof obj !== "object") {
throw new Error("object is required!");
for (var prop in obj) {
if (prop.indexOf(name) === 0){
return obj[prop];
return "no such property!";
console.log(getObjectValueByPartialName(obj, 'some')); // output: 3
console.log(getObjectValueByPartialName(obj, 'key1')); // output: 1

We could use the following one-line generic custom method
var obj = {
"key123" : 1,
"anotherkey" : 2
const getObjPropForMatchPrefixKey = (object,prefix) => Object.keys(object).filter(item => item.toString().startsWith(prefix))[0];


lodash _.get function in typescript

I get the feeling after some googling that a lot of lodash's functions can be achieved with native typescript but i cannot find a straightforward answer for the _.get function...
In lodash the following, using the _.get function alerts 1
let obj = {a:{b:1}};
let a = _.get(obj, 'a.b');
Is there a way of achieving the same result with only typescript?
In plain Javascript you could split the path and reduce the path by walking the given object.
function getValue(object, path) {
return path.
replace(/\[/g, '.').
replace(/\]/g, '').
reduce((o, k) => (o || {})[k], object);
var obj = { a: { b: 1 } },
a = getValue(obj, 'a.b');
* Get value of a property from a nested object.
* Example:
* var x = { a: {b: "c"} };
* var valueOf_b = getDeepValue(x, ["a", "b"]);
* #param {object} Object The Object to get value from
* #param {KeyArray} Array[String] An array of nested properties. ex. ["property", "childProperty"]
const getDeepValue = (object, keyArray) => {
const extractValue = (obj, kArray) => {
const objProperty = obj[kArray[0]];
if (kArray.length >= 1) {
const newKeyArray = kArray.splice(1, kArray.length);
if (newKeyArray.length === 0) return objProperty;
return extractValue(objProperty, newKeyArray);
return objProperty;
try {
const value = extractValue(object, keyArray.slice());
if (value === undefined || typeof value === 'object') {
console.warn("Unable to retrieve value from object for key ", keyArray);
return '';
} else {
return value;
} catch (e) {
console.warn("Exception: Unable to retrieve value from object for key ", keyArray);
return '';
Maybe slightly cleaner alternative using an ES6 default parameter:
const get = (o, path) => path.split('.').reduce((o = {}, key) => o[key], o);
console.log(get({ a: { b: 43 } }, 'a.b')); // 43
The above digs all the way to the bottom even when it encounters undefined.
An alternative is recursion, you'll have to split before invoking it:
function get(object, [head, ...tail]) {
object = object[head];
return tail.length && object ? get(object, tail) : object;
console.log(get({ a: { b: 43 } }, 'a.b'.split('.'))); // 43

Checking existence of nested property in an object javascript

I have already reviewed some of the answers to similar questions, however, I want to ask my question differently.
Let's say we have a string like "level1.level2.level3. ..." that indicates a nested property in an object called Obj.
The point is that we may not know how many nested properties exist in this string. For instance, it may be "level1.level2" or "level1.level2.level3.level4".
Now, I want to write a function, that given the Obj and the string of properties as input, to simply tell us if such a nested property exists in the object or not (let's say true or false as output).
Thanks to #Silvinus, I found the solution with a minor modification:
private checkNestedProperty(obj, props) {
var splitted = props.split('.');
var temp = obj;
for (var index in splitted) {
if (temp[splitted[index]] === 'undefined' || !temp[splitted[index]]) return false;
temp = temp[splitted[index]];
return true;
You could use Array#every() and thisArg of it, by iterating the keys and checking if it is in the given object.
var fn = function (o, props) {
return props.split('.').every(k => k in o && (o = o[k], true));
console.log(fn({}, "toto.tata")); // false
console.log(fn({ toto: { tata: 17 } }, "toto.tata")); // true
console.log(fn({ toto: { tata: { tutu: 17 } } }, "")); // false
console.log(fn({ toto: { tata: false } }, "toto.tata")); // true
You can explore your Obj with this function :
var fn = function(obj, props) {
var splited = props.split('.');
var temp = obj;
for(var index in splited) {
if(typeof temp[splited[index]] === 'undefined') return false;
temp = temp[splited[index]]
return true
var result = fn({ }, "toto.tata");
console.log(result); // false
var result = fn({ toto: { tata: 17 } }, "toto.tata");
console.log(result); // true
var result = fn({ toto: { tata: { tutu: 17 } } }, "");
console.log(result); // false
This function allow to explore nested property of Obj that depends of props passed in parameter
This answer provides the basic answer to your question. But it needs to be tweaked to handle the undefined case:
function isDefined(obj, path) {
function index(obj, i) {
return obj && typeof obj === 'object' ? obj[i] : undefined;
return path.split(".").reduce(index, obj) !== undefined;
Based on the solution given by #Silvinus here is a solution if you deal with array inside nested objects (as it is often the case in results from databases queries) :
checkNested = function(obj, props) {
var splited = props.split('.');
var temp = obj;
for(var index in splited) {
var regExp = /\[([^)]+)\]/;
var matches = regExp.exec(splited[index])
if(matches) {
splited[index] = splited[index].replace(matches[0], '');
if(matches) {
if(matches && typeof temp[splited[index]][matches[1]] === 'undefined') return false;
temp = temp[splited[index]][matches[1]];
else {
if(!matches && typeof temp[splited[index]] === 'undefined') return false;
temp = temp[splited[index]]
return true
obj = {ok: {ao: [{},{ok: { aa: ''}}]}}
console.log(checkNested(obj, '[1].ok.aa')) // ==> true
console.log(checkNested(obj, '[0].ok.aa')) // ==> false

Defaultdict equivalent in javascript

In python you can have a defaultdict(int) which stores int as values. And if you try to do a 'get' on a key which is not present in the dictionary you get zero as default value.
Can you do the same in javascript/jquery
You can build one using a JavaScript Proxy
var defaultDict = new Proxy({}, {
get: (target, name) => name in target ? target[name] : 0
This lets you use the same syntax as normal objects when accessing properties.
defaultDict.a = 1
console.log(defaultDict.a) // 1
console.log(defaultDict.b) // 0
To clean it up a bit, you can wrap this in a constructor function, or perhaps use the class syntax.
class DefaultDict {
constructor(defaultVal) {
return new Proxy({}, {
get: (target, name) => name in target ? target[name] : defaultVal
const counts = new DefaultDict(0)
console.log(counts.c) // 0
EDIT: The above implementation only works well with primitives. It should handle objects too by taking a constructor function for the default value. Here is an implementation that should work with primitives and constructor functions alike.
class DefaultDict {
constructor(defaultInit) {
return new Proxy({}, {
get: (target, name) => name in target ?
target[name] :
(target[name] = typeof defaultInit === 'function' ?
new defaultInit().valueOf() :
const counts = new DefaultDict(Number)
console.log(counts.c) // 1
const lists = new DefaultDict(Array)'bob')
console.log( // ['bob']
console.log(lists.women) // ['alice']
console.log(lists.nonbinary) // []
Check out pycollections.js:
var collections = require('pycollections');
var dd = new collections.DefaultDict(function(){return 0});
console.log(dd.get('missing')); // 0
dd.setOneNewValue(987, function(currentValue) {
return currentValue + 1;
console.log(dd.items()); // [[987, 1], ['missing', 0]]
I don't think there is the equivalent but you can always write your own. The equivalent of a dictionary in javascript would be an object so you can write it like so
function defaultDict() {
this.get = function (key) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return key;
} else {
return 0;
Then call it like so
var myDict = new defaultDict();
myDict[1] = 2;
A quick dirty hack can be constructed using Proxy
function dict(factory, origin) {
return new Proxy({ ...origin }, {
get(dict, key) {
// Ensure that "missed" keys are set into
// The dictionary with default values
if (!dict.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
dict[key] = factory()
return dict[key]
So the following code:
n = dict(Number, [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 4]])
// Zero is the default value mapped into 3
assert(n[3] == 0)
// The key must be present after calling factory
assert(Object.keys(n).length == 4)
Proxies definitely make the syntax most Python-like, and there's a library called defaultdict2 that offers what seems like a pretty crisp and thorough proxy-based implementation that supports nested/recursive defaultdicts, something I really value and am missing in the other answers so far in this thread.
That said, I tend to prefer keeping JS a bit more "vanilla"/"native" using a function-based approach like this proof-of-concept:
class DefaultMap {
constructor(defaultFn) {
this.defaultFn = defaultFn;
this.root = new Map();
put(...keys) {
let map = this.root;
for (const key of keys.slice(0, -1)) {
map.has(key) || map.set(key, new Map());
map = map.get(key);
const key = keys[keys.length-1];
map.has(key) || map.set(key, this.defaultFn());
return {
set: setterFn => map.set(key, setterFn(map.get(key))),
mutate: mutationFn => mutationFn(map.get(key)),
get(...keys) {
let map = this.root;
for (const key of keys) {
map = map?.get(key);
return map;
// Try it:
const dm = new DefaultMap(() => []);
dm.put("foo").mutate(v => v.push(1, 2, 3));
dm.put("foo").mutate(v => v.push(4, 5));
console.log(dm.get("foo")); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
dm.put("bar", "baz").mutate(v => v.push("a", "b"));
console.log(dm.get("bar", "baz")); // ["a", "b"]
dm.put("bar", "baz").set(v => 42);
console.log(dm.get("bar", "baz")); // 42
dm.put("bar", "baz").set(v => v + 1);
console.log(dm.get("bar", "baz")); // 43
The constructor of DefaultMap accepts a function that returns a default value for leaf nodes. The basic operations for the structure are put and get, the latter of which is self-explanatory. put generates a chain of nested keys and returns a pair of functions that let you mutate or set the leaf node at the end of these keys. Accessing .root gives you the underlying Map structure.
Feel free to leave a comment if I've overlooked any bugs or miss useful features and I'll toss it in.
Inspired by #Andy Carlson's answer, here's an implementation that works in a slightly more Pythonic way:
class DefaultDict {
constructor(defaultVal) {
return new Proxy(
get: (target, name) => {
if (name == '__dict__') {
return target;
} else if (name in target) {
return target[name];
} else {
target[name] = defaultVal;
return defaultVal;
Basically, it also lets you retrieve all the gotten and set values of the "target", similar to how collections.defaultdict works in Python. This allows us to do things like:
const myDict = new DefaultDict(0);
myDict['a'] += 1;
myDict['b'] += 2;
myDict['c'] += 3;
// {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'whatever': 0}
To add to Andy Carlson's answer
If you default dict an array, you'll get a toJSON field in the resulting object. You can get rid of it by deconstructing to a new object.
const dd = new DefaultDict(Array);
//...populate the dict
return {...dd};
The original answer does not seem to work on the nested cases. I made some modifications to make it work:
class DefaultDict {
constructor(defaultInit) {
this.original = defaultInit;
return new Proxy({}, {
get: function (target, name) {
if (name in target) {
return target[name];
} else {
if (typeof defaultInit === "function") {
target[name] = new defaultInit().valueOf();
} else if (typeof defaultInit === "object") {
if (typeof defaultInit.original !== "undefined") {
target[name] = new DefaultDict(defaultInit.original);
} else {
target[name] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultInit));
} else {
target[name] = defaultInit;
return target[name];
var a = new DefaultDict(Array);
var b = new DefaultDict(new DefaultDict(Array));
var c = new DefaultDict(Number);
c["banana"] = 1;
var d = new DefaultDict([2]);
var e = new DefaultDict(new DefaultDict(2));
e["orange"]["apple"] = 3;
var f = new DefaultDict(1);
f["banana"] = 2;
The difference is that if defaultInit is an object, we need to return a deep copy of the object, instead of the original one.

Access JavaScript property case-insensitively?

Assume I have an object:
var obj = {
I need to access a property of that object dynamically like so:
var objSetter = function(prop,val){
obj[prop] = val;
No problems there, except for that prop needs to be case insensitive in case the property name is passed into the function as, say, Foo instead of foo.
So how can I point to an object's property by name without regard to case? I would like to avoid iterating the entire object if possible.
Try this:
var myObject = { "mIxeDCaSEKeY": "value" };
var searchKey = 'mixedCaseKey';
var asLowercase = searchKey.toLowerCase();
myObject[Object.keys(myObject).find(key => key.toLowerCase() === asLowercase)];
You can alternatively already provide the searchKey in lowercase.
If you want it as a function:
* #param {Object} object
* #param {string} key
* #return {any} value
function getParameterCaseInsensitive(object, key) {
const asLowercase = key.toLowerCase();
return object[Object.keys(object)
.find(k => k.toLowerCase() === asLowercase)
If the key can't be found, then it'll return undefined, just like normal.
If you need to support older browsers, then you can use filter instead:
function getParameterCaseInsensitive(object, key) {
const asLowercase = key.toLowercase();
return object[Object.keys(object).filter(function(k) {
return k.toLowerCase() === asLowercase;
I suggest using the polyfills for Object.keys() and Array.filter() if you need even older support.
Note: If you want to also check non-enumerable keys, use Object.getOwnPropertyNames() instead of Object.keys().
Nerdy Note: This assumes your Object doesn't have a key undefined (eg: const foo = {[undefined]: 'bar'};). That's just weird.
Compare all the properties of obj with prop.
var objSetter = function(prop,val){
prop = (prop + "").toLowerCase();
for(var p in obj){
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(p) && prop == (p+ "").toLowerCase()){
obj[p] = val;
For this, I prefer using the prototype over a standalone function just for ease of use and expressiveness. I just don't like funneling objects into functions if I don't have to.
Also, while the accepted answer works, I wanted a more comprehensive solution for both getting and setting that would behave as much like the native dot notation or bracket notation as possible.
With that in mind, I created a couple prototype functions for setting/getting an object property without regard to case. You have to remember to be VERY responsible when adding to the Object prototype. Especially when using JQuery and other libraries. Object.defineProperty() with enumerable set to false was used specifically to avoid conflict with JQuery. I also didn't bother naming the functions anything that indicates they are case-insensitive, but you certainly could. I like shorter names.
Here's the getter:
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "getProp", {
value: function (prop) {
var key,self = this;
for (key in self) {
if (key.toLowerCase() == prop.toLowerCase()) {
return self[key];
//this keeps jquery happy
enumerable: false
Here's the setter:
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "setProp", {
value: function (prop, val) {
var key,self = this;
var found = false;
if (Object.keys(self).length > 0) {
for (key in self) {
if (key.toLowerCase() == prop.toLowerCase()) {
//set existing property
found = true;
self[key] = val;
if (!found) {
//if the property was not found, create it
self[prop] = val;
return val;
//this keeps jquery happy
enumerable: false
Now that we've created those functions, our code is super clean and concise and just works.
Case-insensitive getting:
var obj = {foo: 'bar', camelCase: 'humpy'}
obj.getProp("FOO"); //returns 'bar'
obj.getProp("fOO"); //returns 'bar'
obj.getProp("CAMELCASE"); //returns 'humpy'
obj.getProp("CamelCase"); //returns 'humpy'
Case-insensitive setting:
var obj = {foo: 'bar', camelCase: 'humpy'}
obj.setProp('CAmelCasE', 'super humpy'); //sets prop 'camelCase' to 'super humpy'
obj.setProp('newProp', 'newval'); //creates prop 'newProp' and sets val to 'newval'
obj.setProp('NewProp', 'anotherval'); //sets prop 'newProp' to 'anotherval'
Yet another variation on those already presented which pushes the iteration down into the Underscore/Lodash findKey function:
var _ = require('underscore');
var getProp = function (obj, name) {
var realName = _.findKey(obj, function (value, key) {
return key.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
return obj[realName];
For example:
var obj = { aa: 1, bB: 2, Cc: 3, DD: 4 };
getProp(obj, 'aa'); // 1
getProp(obj, 'AA'); // 1
getProp(obj, 'bb'); // 2
getProp(obj, 'BB'); // 2
getProp(obj, 'cc'); // 3
getProp(obj, 'CC'); // 3
getProp(obj, 'dd'); // 4
getProp(obj, 'DD'); // 4
getProp(obj, 'EE'); // undefined
This answer requires ES6.
const x = { 'aB': 1, 'X-Total-Count': 10, y3: 2 }
console.log(x[Object.keys(x).find(key=>{return key.match(/^ab$/i)})])
console.log(x[Object.keys(x).find(key=>{return key.match(/^x-total-count$/i)})])
console.log(x[Object.keys(x).find(key=>{return key.match(/^y3$/i)})])
It seems to me like a good candidate for Proxy with traps to convert string keys to either upper case or lower case and behaving like a regular object.
This works with either notation: dots or braquets
Here is the code:
'use strict';
function noCasePropObj(obj)
var handler =
get: function(target, key)
//console.log("key: " + key.toString());
if (typeof key == "string")
var uKey = key.toUpperCase();
if ((key != uKey) && (key in target))
return target[key];
return target[uKey];
return target[key];
set: function(target, key, value)
if (typeof key == "string")
var uKey = key.toUpperCase();
if ((key != uKey) && (key in target))
target[key] = value;
target[uKey] = value;
target[key] = value;
deleteProperty: function(target, key)
if (typeof key == "string")
var uKey = key.toUpperCase();
if ((key != uKey) && (key in target))
delete target[key];
if (uKey in target)
delete target[uKey];
delete target[key];
function checkAtomic(value)
if (typeof value == "object")
return new noCasePropObj(value); // recursive call only for Objects
return value;
var newObj;
if (typeof obj == "object")
newObj = new Proxy({}, handler);
// traverse the Original object converting string keys to upper case
for (var key in obj)
if (typeof key == "string")
var objKey = key.toUpperCase();
if (!(key in newObj))
newObj[objKey] = checkAtomic(obj[key]);
else if (Array.isArray(obj))
// in an array of objects convert to upper case string keys within each row
newObj = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++)
newObj[i] = checkAtomic(obj[i]);
return newObj; // object with upper cased keys
// Use Sample:
var b = {Name: "Enrique", last: "Alamo", AdDrEsS: {Street: "1233 Main Street", CITY: "Somewhere", zip: 33333}};
console.log("Original: " + JSON.stringify(b)); // Original: {"Name":"Enrique","last":"Alamo","AdDrEsS":{"Street":"1233 Main Street","CITY":"Somewhere","zip":33333}}
var t = noCasePropObj(b);
console.log(JSON.stringify(t)); // {"NAME":"Enrique","LAST":"Alamo","ADDRESS":{"STREET":"1233 Main Street","CITY":"Somewhere","ZIP":33333}}
console.log('.NaMe:' + t.NaMe); // .NaMe:Enrique
console.log('["naME"]:' + t["naME"]); // ["naME"]:Enrique
console.log('.ADDreSS["CitY"]:' + t.ADDreSS["CitY"]); // .ADDreSS["CitY"]:Somewhere
console.log('check:' + JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t))); // check:["NAME","LAST","ADDRESS"]
console.log('check2:' + JSON.stringify(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t['AddresS']))); // check2:["STREET","CITY","ZIP"]
You could do this in order to "normalize" prop
var normalizedProp = prop.toLowerCase();
obj[normalizedProp] = val;
const getPropertyNoCase = (obj, prop) => obj[Object.keys(obj).find(key => key.toLowerCase() === prop.toLowerCase() )];
const getPropertyNoCase = (obj, prop) => {
const lowerProp = prop.toLowerCase(obj[Object.keys(obj).find(key => key.toLowerCase() === prop.toLowerCase() )];
The ES6 example posted by #nilloc is incorrect and will break in use.
Here is a working example:
const x = {'first':5,'X-Total-Count':10,'third':20};
if (!result) {
return key.match(/x-total-count/i)
} else {
return result;
or better yet, it should return undefined if the key doesn't exist:
const x = {'first':5,'X-Total-Count':10,'third':20};
if (!result) {
return key.match(/x-total-count/i) || undefined
} else {
return result;
One consideration is that the above example will return the last matching key in the object if there are multiple keys that match.
Here is an example with the code made into a function:
* #param {Object} object
* #param {string} key
* #return {string||undefined} value || undefined
function getKeyCase(obj,key) {
const re = new RegExp(key,"i");
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((result,key)=>{
if (!result) {
return key.match(re) || undefined
} else {
return result;
const x = {'first':5,'X-Total-Count':10,'third':20};
Its really sad that the iteration can't be skipped as it seems. For me what is acceptable but may not be for everyone is to shape the object one time via iteration and then use it in regular hashmap fashion.
const hashmap = {
'FOO': 'foo as in function programming',
'bar': 'bar is in baz',
const shapedmap = Object.entries(hashmap).reduce(
(acc, [key, val]) => (acc[key.toUpperCase()] = val, acc), {}
for (const term of ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) {
const match = shapedmap[term.toUpperCase()]
match && console.log('awesome, we got the term.', match);
Even if it just one time lookup has to be performed, it shouldn't less performant as any other iteration solution since after 1 pass, the lookup speed is constant. (I guess).
This is an old question, but it was the first one I found.
As #ZachSmith says, you can use a Proxy.
Here's some example code:
function lowercase(oldKey) {
// Check that it's a string.
return typeof oldKey === 'string' ? oldKey.toLowerCase() : oldKey;
const propertiesMap = new Map(
Object.keys(obj).map(propKey => [lowercase(propKey), obj[propKey]])
const caseInsensitiveGetHandler = {
get: function(target, property, receiver) {
return propertiesMap.get(lowercase(property));
obj = new Proxy(obj, caseInsensitiveGetHandler);
For my use case, I only needed to proxy the object's getter, but you may need to implement more of the Proxy methods.
There is no need for any iteration. Since prop might not be a string, it should be coerced to a string first where appropriate since that's what objects do natively. A simple getter function is:
function objGetter(prop) {
return obj[String(prop).toLowerCase()];
If there is a requirement is to restring access to own properties:
function objGetter(prop) {
prop = String(prop).toLowerCase();
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return obj.prop;
and a setter:
function objSetter(prop, val) {
obj[String(prop).toLowerCase()] = val;
Heres a very simple code to do this
Assuming that data is the array of objects like
var data=data.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
var cc = curr; // current value
var K = Object.keys(cc); // get all keys
var n = {};
for (var i = 0; i < K.length; i++) {
var key = K[i];//get hte key
n[key.toLowerCase()] = cc[key] // convert to lowercase and assign
prev.push(n) // push to array
return prev;
}, [])
Output will be
You might only need to do case-insensitive matching (usually expensive because of object iteration) IF a case-sensitive match (cheap and quick) fails.
Say you have:
var your_object = { "Chicago" : 'hi' , "deTroiT" : 'word' , "atlanta" : 'get r dun' } ;
And you have, for whatever reason, the_value, Detroit:
if( your_object.hasOwnProperty( the_value ) )
// do what you need to do here
{ // since the case-sensitive match did not succeed,
// ... Now try a the more-expensive case-insensitive matching
for( let lvs_prop in your_object )
{ if( the_value.toLowerCase() == lvs_prop.toLowerCase() )
// do what you need to do here
break ;
} ;
} ;
why would we do it that complicated when we simply can make it all lower case:
var your_object = {
"chickago" : 'hi' ,
"detroit" : 'word',
"atlanta" : 'get r dun',
GetName: function (status) {
return this[status].name;
} };
to call it: your_object.GetName(your_var.toLowerCase());
Another simple way:
function getVal(obj, prop){
var val;
prop = (prop + "").toLowerCase();
for(var p in obj){
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(p) && prop == (p+ "").toLowerCase()){
val = obj[p]
return val;
Use it like this:
var obj = {
getVal(obj,"FoO") -> returns "bar"
Here is a nice recursive function that allows you to traverse a javascript object in a case-insensitive way:
let testObject = {'a': {'B': {'cC': [1,2,3]}}}
let testSeq = ['a','b','cc']
function keySequence(o, kseq) {
if(kseq.length==0){ return o; }
let validKeys = Object.keys(o).filter(k=>k.toLowerCase()==kseq[0].toLowerCase());
if(validKeys.length==0) { return `Incorrect Key: ${kseq[0]}` }
return keySequence(o[validKeys[0]], kseq.slice(1))
keySequence(testObject, testSeq); //returns [1,2,3]
This will convert everything to lowercase, but in a bind this could help if you are not concerned with retaining case.
var somedata = {
"MixEdCase": 1234
var temp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(somedata).toLowerCase());
// or
So, you will need to get the object key that matches the case of the existing object, then use this to do your object update.
const obj = {
// to get or obj.FOO or obj.foO returning "bar"
// create regex expression of case insensitive version of the key string
const regex=passedKey=> new RegExp(`^${passedKey}$`,'gi');
// find the key that matches the string you are passing
const formattedKey=passedKey=>Object.keys(obj).find(key=>regex(passedKey).test(key));
formattedKey('Foo'); // returns foo
formattedKey('FoO'); // returns foo
// consequently you can can use it like wise
obj[formattedKey('Foo')] // returns bar
obj[formattedKey('FoO')] // returns bar
obj[formattedKey('foo')] // returns bar

In javascript how can I dynamically get a nested property of an object

var arr = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 }
function getter(variable) {
return arr[variable];
If I want 'foo' vs 'bee' I can just do arr[variable] - that's easy, and the function does that.
But what if I want to get AKA arr[bar][baz]?
What can I pass to the getter function that will let me do that, (and of course also let me get non-nested properties using the same function).
I tried getter('bar.baz') and getter('[bar][baz]') but those didn't work.
I suppose I can parse for dots or brackets (like here: In javascript, test for property deeply nested in object graph?). Is there a cleaner way? (Besides eval of course.)
Especially because I need to get the deeply set properly many many times in a loop for a bunch of array elements.
You can use a deep access function based on a string for the path. Note that you can't have any periods in the property names.
function getPropByString(obj, propString) {
if (!propString)
return obj;
var prop, props = propString.split('.');
for (var i = 0, iLen = props.length - 1; i < iLen; i++) {
prop = props[i];
var candidate = obj[prop];
if (candidate !== undefined) {
obj = candidate;
} else {
return obj[props[i]];
var obj = {
foo: {
bar: {
baz: 'x'
console.log(getPropByString(obj, '')); // x
console.log(getPropByString(obj, '')); // undefined
If the access string is empty, returns the object. Otherwise, keeps going along access path until second last accessor. If that's an ojbect, returns the last object[accessor] value. Otherwise, returns undefined.
Using ES6:
var arr = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 };
var {foo, bar, bar: {baz}, bee} = arr;
Same as:
// var foo = 1;
// var bar = {baz: 2};
// var baz = 2;
// var bee = 3;
Using lodash:
_.get(arr, 'bar.baz'); //returns 2;
_.get(arr, 'bar.baz[5].bazzz'); //returns undefined wont throw error;
_.get(arr, 'bar.baz[5].bazzz', 'defaultvalue'); // Returns defaultValue because result is undefined
A recursive way :
function getValue(obj, path) {
if (!path) return obj;
const properties = path.split('.');
return getValue(obj[properties.shift()], properties.join('.'))
const myObj = {
foo: {
bar: {
value: 'good'
console.log(getValue(myObj, '')); // good
How about change the getter function signature as getter('bar', 'baz') instead
function getter() {
var v = arr;
for(var i=0; i< arguments.length; i++) {
if(!v) return null;
v = v[arguments[i]];
return v;
ps. didn't test, but you get the idea ;)
A one liner for you:
const mock = {
target: {
"prop1": {
"prop2": {
"prop3": "sad"
path: "prop1.prop2.prop3",
newValue: "happy"
(acc, curr, i, src) =>
(curr === src[src.length - 1]) ? acc[src[src.length - 1]] = mock.newValue : acc[curr],;
console.log(; //? { prop1: { prop2: { prop3: 'happy' } } }
Here's a very simple one liner which grants you dynamic access via "" mechanism,
var obj = {
foo: {
bar: {
baz: 'foobarbaz'
const nestedAccess = "";
console.log(nestedAccess.split('.').reduce((prev, cur) => prev[cur], obj)) //'foobarbaz'
I have recently developed my own Object method to get an object property nested among objects and arrays regardless how deep it is. It utilizes a single line of recursive approach. Check this out.
Object.prototype.getNestedValue = function(...a) {
return a.length > 1 ? (this[a[0]] !== void 0 && this[a[0]].getNestedValue(...a.slice(1))) : this[a[0]];
var myObj = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 },
bazval = myObj.getNestedValue("bar","baz");
Now let's check a deeper nested array object combo data structure
Object.prototype.getNestedValue = function(...a) {
return a.length > 1 ? (this[a[0]] !== void 0 && this[a[0]].getNestedValue(...a.slice(1))) : this[a[0]];
var myArr = [{fox: [{turn:[857, 432]}]}, {sax: [{pana:[777, 987]}]}, {ton: [{joni:[123, 567]}]}, {piu: [{burn:[666, 37]}]}, {sia: [{foxy:[404, 696]}]}];
I believe being able to pass search parameters dynamically to existing array methods would make actions like searching, filtering or replacing of deeply nested structures much easy.
Using reduce we can fetch the value in single line of code.
const testobj = {b:{c:'1', d:{e:'2',f:'3'}}, g:{h:'3'}}
function fetchByDotOperator(object, value) {
return value.split('.').reduce((acc, curr) => acc[curr], object);
You can access the functions arguments where you can pass any number of strings.
I also recommend using arr as a parameter for better encapsulation:
function getter() {
var current = arguments[0];
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if(current[arguments[i]]) {
current = current[arguments[i]];
} else {
return null;
return current;
var arr = { foo : 1, bar: { baz : 2 }, bee : 3 };
var baz = getter(arr, 'bar', 'baz');
function getPropertyByString(object, propString) {
let value = object;
const props = propString.split('.');
for (let index = 0; index < props.length; index += 1) {
if (props[index] === undefined) break;
value = value[props[index]];
return value;
const object = {
name: 'any_name',
address: {
number: 77,
test: {
name: 'test'
console.log(getPropertyByString(object, ''))
// test
Above answers help you access nested objects only, however you might also want to access data in an object/array data type. You can try this recusive method:
const getValue = (obj, key) => {
const keyParts = key.split(".");
return getValueHelper(obj, keyParts);
const getValueHelper = (obj, keyParts) => {
if (keyParts.length == 0) return obj;
let key = keyParts.shift();
if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) {
return obj[key].map((x) => getValueHelper(x, [...keyParts])).flat();
return getValueHelper(obj[key], [...keyParts]);
let data1 = {
a: [{ b: { c: [{ d: [{ e: 1 }] }] } }, { b: { c: [{ d: [{ e: 2 }] }] } }],
console.log(getValue(data1, "a.b.c.d.e"));
//[ 1, 2 ]
let data2 = {
console.log(getValue(data2, "a.b"));
p.s. Remove .flat() to get desired output for arrays.
Theres a function defined on this blog to safely read nested properties from a JS object
It allows you to mine an object for properties... ie.
safeRead(arr, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz');
and if any part of the object chain is null or undefined it returns an empty string....
let obj = {foo : {bar: {baz:1}}};
// -- simply
console.log(eval('')); //-- 1
// -- safer
val = "";
try {
val = eval('')
catch(e) {
val = "empty"
// -- val = 1
// -- use at your risk ;)
Here I created a small suite of functions to 'get / 'set' / 'push' / 'pull' from object nested properties.
inputObject : Target object.
Ex: obj = {a:1, b:{c:2,d:3}}
propertyString : String containing the key to access.
Ex: "b.c"
_getObjectValueByPathString(obj, "b.c") would return 2
function _getObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (!inputObject.hasOwnProperty(splitStr[0])) return undefined;
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
return inputObject[splitStr[0]];
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
return _getObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";
function _setObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString, inputValue) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
inputObject[splitStr[0]] = inputValue;
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
_setObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString, inputValue);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";
function _pushObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString, inputValue) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
_pushObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString, inputValue);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";
function _pullObjectValueByPathString(inputObject, propertyString, inputValue) {
let splitStr = propertyString.split('.');
if (splitStr.length === 1) {
else if (splitStr.length > 1) {
let newPropertyString = "";
let firstValue = splitStr.shift();
splitStr.forEach((subStr, i) => {
newPropertyString = i === 0 ? subStr : newPropertyString.concat(`.${subStr}`);
_pullObjectValueByPathString(inputObject[firstValue], newPropertyString, inputValue);
else {
throw "Invalid property string provided";

