How to use individual JS files in Bootstrap 5? - javascript

I am using Bootstrap, but would like to reduce the size of the Javascript.
I only need dropdown/collapse and sometimes carousel, so I want to include only those.
There is a folder "dist" with every single script individually.
I tried including them via -SCRIPT- tag. It does not work at all and produces lots of errors in the console.
Do I need specific other script files too, or is the JS in the dist-folder just not suitable for that?
Please forgive me, I have very little knowledge about JS and english is not my first language.
Simply put, how do I include only the needed JS into Bootstrap5?
I am on Windows and do NOT have NPM or any other bundler/packager/installer.
I am surprised, there is no dedicated website for configuring the JS.
I googled a lot but did not find anything related to my question.

First call basic utilities then call individual components [bootstrap 5.2.3]

My first observation is that you may be heading down the premature optimisation path. The difference between the minimal bootstrap build, and the individual components isn't huge. And on top of this, the main advantage of using a CDN is that the browser will likely have already loaded and cached it (from use in another site: it's a common resource) so trying to do anything non-standard will increase load-times, not reduce them.
But if you're set on using the individual components, they are available on the CDN too, as described on the bootstrap site.
Make sure to use the integrity and crossorigin attributes to protect your site from leaking information to the CDN, and also being attacked via the CDN. If you're new to this, have a read of this page on subresource integrity.

Use Bootstrap Cdn
You can simply use this link
<script src=""></script>
Now u dont need to include from folder


Are there any downsides in using CDN only for Bootstrap JS parts?

I'm theming Bootstrap with custom styles, by using a local copy of the source SASS files as described on the official documentation, and importing them in a custom.scss file.
I'm mainly willing to customize the appearance, non the functionality; so, in example: colors, typography and the so-called "Sass options".
In this kind of scenario, are there any downsides or possible problems in importing the JS part of Bootstrap (I'm referring in particular to bootstrap.bundle.min.js) in my project by using a CDN instead of providing it from local?
EDIT: Please note that I'm not asking how loading a resource from CDN is different from loading it from local, I'm just asking if loading a part of Boostrap from CDN and another from local could lead to problems or unexpected behavior.
This is probably a silly question, I'm reasonably sure that I can do this without incurring in any problem, but I'd like to have some feedback from someone more expert than me.
If you can, you should host the JS yourself.
Since bootstrap uses integrity parameters in their example "how to use" code, you don't really have to be scared about cross site scripting attacks if their CDN is compromised (unless you leave them out in your code). The files will simply not be loaded.
That is still however not something you want: If their CDN is compromised or their servers simply crash, you will not be able to load the JS anymore and parts of your app might become unusable.
You could, however, first attempt to serve from the cdn and if that's not possible give the user a local version. That way you can utilize the cache and be save when bootstrap servers go down. Here's a small excerpt taken from freecodecamp:
if (! $.fn.modal) {
document.write('<script src="YOUR JS LOCATION"></script>');
You should put this underneath the line where you include the bootstrap CDN.
The code simply checks if a function from bootstrap is available and if not loads it from your local server.

Meteor: choose custom javascript and custom css for template

AFAIK, in Meteor, when compiling app, all javascript files and all css files will be merged to one file. I think this behavior will slow down app (because user must download all css and javascript that unnecessary for that page). Moreover, this behavior makes our app not dynamic, because maybe some page, we need different css or javascript files.
So my question is: How can we choose custom javascript and custom css for a template ? Does Meteor support this ?
Thanks :)
AFAIK Meteor is not supporting this exactly in that way. So you are left with two workarounds. One would be writing a own extension which helps you in that regard or finding one which already exists. And the other would be putting your special resources somewhere in the /yourMeteorApp/public folder which is excluded from the merge process (see And now you could write some template specific logic to load and evaluate JS and CSS resources from there when your template is accessed. Resources in public are available directly on root level - so public/js/my.js would be available under
This answer is quite old and in modern Meteor apps you should make use of the import logic (and the imports folder) which didn't exist in that way when I originally answered this:
This should be the best way to handle any dynamic JS requirements and strucutre an app by far nowadays.
In practice this has yet to be a problem for me. The combined javascript files are minified and obfuscated. The fact that any "page load" within the UI is done without a server GET makes the UI quite snappy. I have over 20 packages which add up to 2.1MB of js loading when the app cold-starts. Even on iOS it feels fast.

Organizing Javascript w/ jQuery

I am tinkering around with jQuery and am finding it very useful and almost exciting.
As of now, I am referencing the jQuery script via Google's CDN and I store plugins I use locally in a static/scripts directory.
Naturally, each page has its own individual implementation of components that are required for the features it currently offers. I.E. the main page has the Twitter plugin whereas the login page has form validation logic and password strength metering. However, certain components (navigation bar) for example use the same script across multiple pages.
Admittedly so, I am not a fan of putting javascript code in the header of a page, but I rather prefer to have it in an external file (for caching, re-usability, and optimization purposes).
My question is, what is the preferred route for organizing the external files. I wanted to try and keep it to one javascript file for the entire site to reduce IO requests. However, I am not sure how to implement document ready functions on a conditional per page bases.
$(document).ready(function () { ... }
Is there some way to reference a page by some method (preferably id based and not a url conditional).
Thank you in advance for your time!
You should try REQUIRE JS.
This will allow you to load only those plugins the pages where you need them, and unload them again if they are not needed anymore.
Then again, it might be overkill. It really depends on the size of your project.
Paul Irish:
This will allow you to block your scripts by body class/ID and execute them automatically.
First you might want to use YUI Compressor or some other JS compressing tool. Then perhaps creating a resource file (resx) for your JavaScript is the way to go. Then just reference the resource within your code. This is the approach Telerik took for their RadControl ASP.NET AJAX control framework.

Best Way to Organize JavaScript Files

So I have web app with multiple JS files (jQuery, jQuery, my own JS code and more). Say I have a page named index.html. What would be the best practice to include / preload my js files? I was thinking about creating a separate JS file that will do the preloading (include all the other scripts and call jQuery.noConflict()). What do you guys suggest? Is this possible? How would you implement it?
In general, combine your script files into one file (and minify or compress them, or even compile them, but note that this last item is not zero-impact, there are pain points). See notes here and here. Basically, one of the first guidelines you'll see for a good fast page load is "minimize HTTP requests." So you don't want six separate script tags where you could have one.
For popular scripts, though, you may benefit from using them from Google's CDN. Google is kind enough to host most popular JavaScript libraries on their CDN for free. The advantage here being not only that the CDN will be fairly fast, but that the target user's browser may well have a cached version of the script you want to use even though they've never been to your site before.
Check out RequireJS, a smart and robust script loader for JavaScript. It's designed to work well with jQuery and comes with an optimization tool to combine all of your scripts into one.
The best way is to minimize all the js files and combine them into one script. This will cause less work for the browser, as it doesn't have to make multiple requests to the server.
If you are going to load everything up at the same time, you could put it all into a single compressed file

Managing jQuery Plugins

Often, when working with jQuery, the need arises to include multiple plugins. This can quickly become messy work, especially when some plugins require additional components (images and CSS files).
What are some of the "recommended" ways to:
a. Manage the required files/components (.js, .css and images) in a way that is easy to maintain, and;
b. Keep these plugin packages updated to the latest versions
I'm not necessarily looking for a tool to do this (although one that could perform this management would be useful, I suppose), but more of a way of thinking.
Update: These days there is Bower, Component and Browserify which take care of all of the following for us automatically.
I'm surprised no one has covered what I do yet. So here's how I manage scripts and resources.
I have each project I work on setup with SVN. Nearly all of the scripts I include have a SVN mirror (github has svn these days) this means that I can then use SVN externals and fetch whatever branch or version or whatever I want of that project directly into the projects scripts folder. As we are using SVN, it is easy to track, manage and update these scripts.
If a project is not on SVN, then I just add it to a common SVN project I have made, so for instance Project A and Project B, both use jquery-project-not-in-svn, so we stick jquery-project-not-in-svn into our common project's SVN repository, and then use SVN externals on Projects A and B to reference it - as explained before.
Now that covers managing, fetching and updating.
Here is how I cover script inclusions and requests.
As each project now has it's own scripts directory that contains all the scripts it needs (which is managed by SVN externals), we now have to worry about minifying them to reduce load on our server. Each project has a Makefile in it's root, which contains the command update. This command will perform the following:
Perform a SVN update (this will update all SVN externals appropriately)
Once that is done, it will pack and minify all the js files into scripts/all.js and scripts/all.min.js
I can't share the exact Makefile but I can share one which is public that handles packing/merging and minification of CSS and Javascript. Here is the link:
By doing these things, we have achieved:
Management of external script resources over multiple projects
Updating of appropriate script resources automatically
Packing all used script resources of the project into one file
Minifying that file, such that only one JS request and one CSS request are performed.
So good luckmate, feel free to post a comment if you would like to learn more.
I would recommend not updating them unless you are experiencing a problem with the version you have or you would like to use a new feature available in the updated plugin. As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
My own personal "recommended" way is to keep all my JavaScript files in one include folder, all CSS files in another, and all images in a third directory. I write shortcut functions for my projects that I can then use like <?php scriptlink( 'jquery.tooltip' ); ?> or <?php stylelink( 'jquery.thickbox' ); ?>. Each shortcut function takes a filename (only) as an argument and outputs the full HTML tag for that resource type, i.e. (in order) <script type="text/javascript" src="/includes/js/jquery.tooltip.js"></script> or <link rel="stylesheet" href="/includes/css/jquery.thickbox.css" />
Most jQuery plugins I've run across that require images allow either specifying a configuration variable in the script itself or in the code used to invoke the plugin. Stylesheets are quite easily included without mucking about with the script.
So far this method has kept me pretty sane, so I think it works rather well. I don't tear my hair out over where I stuck a particular plugin; I just include it with a function. (The system also supports subdirectories of the include directory, so e.g. <?php scriptlink( 'ui/accordion' ); ?> equals <script type="text/javascript" src="/includes/js/ui/accordion.js"></script>.)
YMMV of course, but the only issue I've had at all is with upgrades when plugin authors start distributing a jquery.plugin.pack.js version instead of jquery.plugin.min.js or vice versa, because I actually have to remember to change the filenames I look for.
(Since I've omitted the implementation of those simple functions, perhaps your version will check for different variants of the file name given. If the argument to scriptlink() is jquery.plugin, the function might check the file system to see if jquery.plugin.pack.js exists, and if not look for jquery.plugin.min.js, and if not look for jquery.plugin.js, etc.)
CDNs are great but not for debugging. Sometimes debugging really requires local access
to the scripts and CDNs are useless until in production mode. For this reason I still like
to keep both debug and minified versions around then compare results and benchmark response time until we shift to production.
All of my jQuery plugins are organised into subfolders which include the version number e.g.
If I need to update to 1.4.2 I can drop it in a new folder without too many problem, I can even use a specific version of the plugin in different parts of the site if needed. When I site is large and your using a few different plugins it's helpful to quickly see version numbers without digging around source comments in a plugin.js file.
If a plugin requires CSS I will take the base styles out of the plugin CSS and bundle these in with my main stylesheet, requesting additional CSS files is expensive and 9 times out of 10 it will be customised anyway. Likewise with images, if I'm doing any image customisation I will bundle these into my main image sprite, otherwise I'll just link to the images into that plugin.1.4.1 directory.
Yes, you end up with a few more files in your repo but it means:
you can easily upgrade plugins just by updating your paths
you can debug plugin issues easier because you can see how out of date you are
you can roll back to an earlier version if everything breaks
You could utilize the Google CDN (Content Delivery Network) for more popular plug-ins. Google keeps it up-to-date, you can quickly choose/switch between versions, and you also get the benefits of caching from other websites that use CDN.
Example for jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
And, if you want to use a higher version automatically, change the version to 1.4 (automatic 1.4.x updates) or even 1 (automatic 1.x.x updates). Unfortunately not all plug-ins are available, but many of the major ones are.

