Visual studio code popup documentation API - javascript

Hi I am trying gather a list of all my Javascript functions in my project together with the comments for each function. Visual studio code provides a beautiful way of viewing each function with a popup, but I have no idea how it works and where to start my research. Anyone know an API I could use or what I can do to get this data?

Based on the provided print screen, as it presents the Quick Fix... at the Botton, I would say you are looking for the CodeActionProvider API.
The VS Code team provides a repo full of samples at, and this API in particular is at
The VS Code website also provides a complete overview of language related features, at You could take a closer look and decide which one better fit your needs.
Hope this helps


How to use in node-red to alter editor behavior

in our Node-Red deployment scenario we would like to change the behavior of the editor independently from the installed Node Palettes. An example here would be to execute code once the flow has been deployed. The editor API provides the event "deploy" for this, so it is possible to subscribe to exactly this event."deploy", function() {
Unfortunately, we don't really know where to put this code. As mentioned before, the general editor behavior should be changed. A plugin for the editor would probably be the right thing, but unfortunately we can hardly find any resources for this. Can you help us to get on the right track?
Should there be a plugin system, is there a tutorial or other resources somewhere that not only describe the API but also show how to apply it properly? The docs are just not enough to helps us here, tbh. Maybe it's also related to the fact that we have little expertise with Node-Red and Javascript development projects in general so far.
Are there possibly public repositories that show similar behavior that we can look at?
Thanks in advance, have a great day.

Where could I find the useable-native-apis when coding NativeScript App?

The article accessing-native-apis-with-javascript tells us how to use naive-Apis with js code. It is good.
But, I don't know where is the native-Apis because I never come into Android. Is it a necessary to know basic of Android knowledges for all Nativescript learner?
So I turned to Android developer site to find the list, and I falled in an other rabbit hole. It is so complicate to me.
Can you give us a usable-native-Apis-list to access the native-Apis easily?
For example, I want to use device's contacts in my App, so I turn to Android-developer-guide site to find which API is the right one. I get a lot of APIs named "contact****", which one is the target? It's painful to seek the answer for a learner of Nativescript.
"The beauty of Nativescript is .....", I turn to Nativescript just because of these words.
But, if I should learn about all the native APIs to see the beauty in the end?
when you need to use native api , you can search for that , and you will find java code for that for example
In this answer you need getContentResolver then you search in android docs to get the package name of getContentResolver
In the begin of page you see android.content.Context so you can use android.content.Context.getContentResolver
Note :
knowing java and a little android develope with java wold really help.
Note2 : checking other plugins to see how others use native api really helps.

Rally custom app creation using node.js step by step

I am very new to Rally.
I want to create a custom application using node.js toolkit.
In this application I want to retrieve iteration details like StartDate and EndDate and display them in HTML.
I was unable to find step-by-step guide to do this.
I was able to good example at, however I don't understand how to make custom application out of it(to use within Dashboard as custom HTML).
Please suggest how to achieve this or if this is not the right approach please suggest alternative to do this.
The node toolkit is great for writing integrations that live outside of Agile Central.
If you'd like to display something within a Custom HTML panel on a dashboard or custom page in Agile Central you'll need to write an app using the App SDK.
so I started on the a similar journey really and came across the
RallyCommunity/GettingStarted Guides..
Published on GH by David Thomas
This really helped me push through the learning curve and once you start pulling out the debugger it gets clearer and clearer especially if you tie that back to the documentation..
I'd also recommend hanging around the AC SDK & Sencha ExtJS 4 docs..
Feel free to pull this apart and have a look at a simple data store example
To push the output into HTML there are various ways to do this using fly if needed or direct into the xtype's HTML property...

Programming in JavaScript with documentation in the IDE

i recently got shown the Phaser framework (found at and plan on using javascript with it. I'm very used to coding in java in eclipse which has code assist that lets you see the documentation of a method (parameters, description etc) and i want to know if there is a way to/how to do it with javascript. The framework comes with the documentation, but how can i link it to the class in an ide?
Check out TypeScript and This will give you full intellisense (auto-complete) in Visual Studio. This is exactly what you desire and the workflow works well as I have been using it for over 6 months.

ExtJS beginner - Samples/Extensions where is the documentation?

We have been looking at the ExtJS samples quite a few times over the years and recently decided to use it because I was looking at the samples and saw a Tree Grid and felt like "Yes this is exactly what I need". So I download ExtJS read a bit on the getting started/FAQ/Tutorial from the website.
Then I decide to try to use the Tree Grid to find out it's not in the documentation anywhere. so I thought it was just that the documentation was not fully updated for the latest 3.1 release so I look at the sample code to realize that most of the JS classes used for that sample are under the ux/treegrid folder, and the only place I could find that code was by downloading it directly from the sample. I never found any documentation for it anywhere.
Not only that, I also found that there are two very similar samples: Tree Grid and a Column Tree that shows how to customize the Tree Panel component, which confuses me even more. Neither have documentation for them and I can't tell if this code is supported or which one I should use or even if I should use any of them in fact; is this code production ready or just something that was thrown out there to show a nice sample and the extensibility of ExtJS ?
I noticed that many of the samples shown on ExtJS website are using components that are not part of the 'ext-all.js' and are not really documented. So I guess I am missing something about what ExtJS is supposed to be or the general philosophy behind this library ?
I guess I was expecting that most of the samples on their website would be available widgets from the library demonstrating how to use them, not showing me "Here's what you could do if you knew how to extend those components".
Any help/comments to enlighten me would be appreciated!
With user extensions, generally, you are on your own - which is not a bad thing. Your best bet is to read the code and if it's well documented, you may be able to run jsdoc on it. I know this is not what most people want to hear, but it's best to understand the code you are adding to your project as if it was your own.
Specifically for the ux.treegrid.TreeGrid you are using, there are plenty of examples in the forums and on the net to get you rolling (I think TreeGrid is newer than the ColumnTree). If you get stuck on a specific issue, the forums and stackoverflow are the perfect places to get a quick answer.
So I guess my answer is, "Download the extension and start playing with it as if you wrote it yourself. When you run into a problem, post it here.".
I have found site where you can download more or less full ExtJS documentation with ux (User eXtension)
Short description of the link.
The ExtDocSuite is an Adobe Air Application that includes the current ExtJS 3.2 Documentation in a single application to install. We provide this package, because ExtJS has not yet updated the Air Documentation app for Ext 3.2.
* Includes the latest Documentation for ExtJS 3.2.0
* Includes the latest ux Documentation from the examples/ folder (using ext-doc)
* Includes the latest Ext.Air Documentation. (using ext-doc)
* Search works (online)
* EXPERIMENTAL per-class search aids in finding the right documentation in big classes
* Integrated Update-System so that your documentation always stays up to date
Starting with Ext 4.0, official ux'es have become much better supported and documented by being included with the API docs (look under the Ext.ux.* namespace).
The Ext 3.3 ux docs are located here. Not sure how complete they are, so YMMV (e.g. both TreeGrid and ColumnTree are included, but without any real documentation).
I encountered the exact same problem recently when I went to use the row editor capability (attached to grid). Being a long time ExtJS user, I never stopped to think about the lack of documentation accompanying the examples, but your comments are spot on.
For the RowEditor, I found documentation on the internet. I also find the ExtJS forums to be a great place to find suggestions, code samples, and links to documentation .

