Fullcalendar: Dont make weeks/rows with events higher - javascript

I have a calendar with dayGridMonth view.
When I create 1 event, the row with the week increases in height a tiny bit. That's not that bad, but when I create another event, the row increases very much and makes the calendar look ugly.
You can see the exact problem in a Codepen from their offical website.
As you can see, the row height has increased: Screenshot from codepen
In the Demo on their Website, this does not happen. This is the behaviour I want. How do I achieve this? I was unable to find a tutorial for anything like this.

I actually found it.
This behaviour is caused by dayMaxEvents
I found it in the Demo DragAndDropDemo.js


How to implement Scroll Navbar?

I'm not sure if the name "scroll bar" is true at all. I would like to install a scrollbar, in which you can simply select a city with the mouse wheel (on a smartphone with a wipe) and then select the possible cities of the respective country in the second window.
I mean something like this has already been seen but unfortunately I could not find a good example.
Does anyone know the exact name and has perhaps a sample code?
Updated the answer as per comment
I think you better use Select2 for this.
You can find all the details and support you need in its Basic Usage page.
And about your Question - only post question if you have tried solving it by your self (if you have tried, post the method you have tried with a sample code) or try Googling it, this may help more than you know.
As per your comment, i understand that what you need is a spinner in this case you can use Input Spinner Plugin for this. You will need some styling changes but this will work your way.
Hope this was helpful for you.

Bootstrap Calendar order of events in week view

I have a high interest in creating my own event calendar/scheduler for my site and found Bootstrap Calendar, it has real potential. I looked at dhtmlxScheduler but its hard to customize the look, it has a lot of nice features though. I have a Fullcalendar now and I like the new Scheduler but I still want a more custom look and some custom functionally.
My JS/Jquery is limited so it makes it difficult to get a real picture of BS-Cal layout and unfortunately there seems to be little documentation other than comments in the code.
So my issue with BS-Cal is the event ordering/stacking in the week view.
The Question - Can the events be reordered in a per day list like the 2nd photo below.
So far - I see the offset class for the columns and the events but the events seem to be wrapped in a "row" div which forces a single "list" for the whole week rather than per day placement order left to right on the table.
Here is what I believe is happening:
This is what I'm hoping to accomplish:

Jquery ticker not working

I don't know why I've had a few issues explaining this problem so I have created this image to show what I am trying to do.
I have a ticker and I'm simply trying to duplicate it below the existing one with a different list. the black tile bar just represents a break so don't worry about styling. I hope this is possible, if not I would also like to know why.
Many Many thanks, attached is a JSfiddle if it is possible to show a working example in the JSfiddle it would be even nicer :)

jQuery content slider with customisable grid of elements

Does anyone know of a jQuery content slider (not just an image slider) that allows you to specify a grid of elements?
As an example, this is the sort of grid that I'm after:
You can see that it's a 2x2 grid. With the controls, when someone clicks on a 'next' link, it should scroll to show the next 4 elements. I'd like to be able to have multiple instances on a page, each having different grids (I may be 3x2, 2x2, 4x1 on the same page)
Also, as an added caveat, I need this to be responsive.
First question is; does anyone know of a solution that already exists which would fit my requirements? If not, that leads to my second question; would anyone like to help me write such a thing? I'm relatively savvy with javascript (more specifically jQuery if I'm being absolutely honest) but by no means an expert.
I've done a fair amount of googling, but came up short. Hopefully someone is way ahead of me and has already written something along these lines.
What say you, Internet?
Have you seen this:
jQuery grid syle slider

JS, jQuery loose-leaf calendar effect plugin

Is there JS plugin,e.g. jQuery or any other,that imitates effect of loose-leaf calendar?
Here is image of calendar.
It's needed, that top half falls into bottom when changing date in calendar.
Perhaps, jQuery Accordion is closest,but it imitates a little bit other effect.
Take a look at this question: JavaScript Flip Counter
And this is a demo from one of the links: http://cnanney.com/journal/demo/apple-counter-revisited/
I have seen this article in the past, though not implemented it.
Edit: I have just seen welldan97's comment, he should post an answer and get some credit for being before me.

