psql database setup and connection on fedora linux - javascript

I've recently started work on a project that requires a psql database. I've followed numerous guides on setting up psql database on fedora, and have got my db up and running. I am able to connect into it using sudo -u postgres psql the project I am working on has a init-db bash scrip that is used to set up all the relation and tables for the database, which I am able to query once I am in the psql view on my terminal.
My issue is that no other application or software is able to connect to the database. At first I though it was a issue with the code left by previous developers but with further investigation I am unable to connect to it even using Jetbrain 'Database Tools and SQL' plug in.
I Have Tried a few thing to fix this (listed bellow) but none have worked
edited the postgresql.conf file to contain linsten_addresses = '*'
editted the pg_hba.conf file to have host all all
tried connecting to the database via JetBrains 'Database Tools and SQL' using localhost, my public ip, and my private ip
( yes I am sure i have to correct login details )
None of the above worked. I have tinkered with this for 4 hours now and have not gotten it to connect, so any suggestions would be much appreciated. If there is anything that i have missed out please ask and I will update the post with the needed information


How to stop a NodeJs file on Ubuntu server

I paid someone to install a Js script on my server
but when i tried making some changes on scripts/files i just couldnt see the changes on browser
while browsing and googling for like 24 hours i figured out that js scripts should be restarted in order to show the result on browser
and i figured out that in order to start a node js file i should type in terminal
node /dir/example.js
but can someone help me how to refresh/restart it
Iam stuck here like 24 hours
please help
I just want to let you know too that iam using Putty software in order to connect to the ubuntu server, ubuntu version is 20.04
EDIT: you will need an ssh connection to your server with access to a terminal..
Your node.js scripts, if they are on a server, should typically be ran using a process manager such as pm2.
Try to type pm2 list in a terminal. If you see some information you have hit the spot. Just after that run pm2 restart id. id being the number of your process and your changes should be visible.
You can just try this or try your luck with other process managers that run on your server providers. Just read what your server provider recommends for default and usually your previous developer would have used it.

How to connet to the mysql server in zeit-now

I use zeit-now to deploy my website.
But I can't connect to my MySQL server.
I'm sure my MySQL server is able to be connected on my machine.
Here is my repo.
Any solution?
In the FAQ it says
Now itself focuses on being the best platform for serverless hosting. This means that the workloads we handle are static or stateless.
Still, you're trying to connect to your database on localhost. Although running a database instance in a docker container might be an option for a staging system, it definitely is not for production systems, since you will lose the data when you restart/redeploy. And you don't seem to startup a docker container in your deployment.
You should use a cloud database provider instead:
Use Cloud Databases that offer secure (preferably HTTPS-based) gateways, for example: Azure CosmosDB, MongoDB, Atlas, Firebase, Google Cloud SQL

How can I set database authentication in Mongodb - Is SSH Pipes better for MongoDB?

I have installed MongoDB in my computer. I did't define any password and username for the installation. I can see everything with Robo 3T.
Now I want to protect my database.
I have tried to set authentication for the database. I followed . It did not work.
I still can reach mongodb with robo 3t and see all information.
I have also tried to start mongodb with --auth parameter. I have define a configuration file looks like
And for starting mongodb
mongod -f C:\mongodb\conf\mongodb.conf
Mongodb has been started but, it did not ask any pass. And I can save simple data with Postman without authentication.
What I want to do:
Protect my database against Robo 3t. :))
I dont want to save any data without auth.
Building Nodejs connection string that include pass like
Here is my Nodejs index.js code
this is my model.
PS: I am very new in Nodejs and Mongodb.
EDIT: inside conf file

Deployed database has no connections

I have deployed an application to heroku:
The app initially loads properly until you click a button that requires the database. Then it crashes.
Everything works in local development environment. I believe I have properly set up all connection settings for production in heroku dashboard's config variables (database url, database name, username, password). But in production it doesn't work.
Two evidences that it's not set up right:
1) When I log into the ClearDB MySQL plugin (in my heroku dashboard) under 'current connections' it says, 'No connections are currently established to the database.'
2) When I use postman to hit a custom endpoint I made just for testing a request to the database, I get: "Error adding color: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED" <-- that seems enlightening. Why would a deployed db have a connection on that address?
Any clues? Thank you!
If your database is also set up at keroku host:
check the db setting(username, pw, port,etc.)
If you actually need to connect back to your own database(which is hosted by you or other third party);
You should find out the setting and replace with, which is only work for local env
Update: is localhost, which is your machine. Your test case is working because your server and your database are hosting on the same machine(which both have same ip). However, when your code are deployed to heroku, your heroku server cannot find a database hosted on same machine. This is why your are having this problem

Point mongoos.connect at localhost mongodb

I am studying the MEAN stack by using this tutorial. But the tutorial connects to a remote mongodb installation. I have MongoDB running in the CentOS7 localhost.
How do I alter the mongoose connect line in server.js from the tutorial link above to connect to a localhost database instead of a remote database?
Here is the current line from server.js that needs to be changed to point to the localhost mongodb:
A specific mongodb database has not been created yet. Do I need to create that also?
I'm fairly new at Mongo to, but I know how to connect to a local db. Basically I had to do the following:
Download the latest version of mongodb from (according to your settings)
Once installed, I've created a folder that will be containing my DB.
Use a command line instance to start mongo like this:
mongod --dbpath [YOUR_DB_PATH]
Created a DB use mydb
With that you should have already a mongodb db instance looking for connections on default port. So you can change that line for this:
Again, this is really basic and it is creating a mongo DB connection with all default options. So this will keep you rolling, but you may need to dig a bit more for custom options.
Hope this helps

