Infinite re-render using Zustand - javascript

I'm coming from redux + redux-saga and class component, everything went well when using componentDidMount in class component. Dispatching action to fetch api works well without duplicate request.
I've been learning functional component for a while, and decided to use Zustand to replace my redux-saga to handle my state management process. I've able to set state A from state B in reducer just by calling the action creators and the state get updated.
First of all, here's my react functional component code so far:
import { useEffect } from "react";
import { appStore } from "../App/store";
export default function HomeContainer(props: any): any {
const getCarouselData = appStore((state: any) => state.getCarousels);
const carousels = appStore((state: any) => state.carousels);
useEffect(() => {
if (carousels.length === 0) {
}, [carousels, getCarouselData]);
console.log("carousels", carousels);
return <p>Home Container</p>;
Loading Slice
const loadingSlice = (set: any, get: any) => ({
loading: false,
setLoading: (isLoading: boolean) => {
set((state: any) => ({ ...state, loading: isLoading }));
export default loadingSlice;
App Store
import create from "zustand";
import homeSlice from "../Home/store";
import loadingSlice from "../Layout/state";
export const appStore = create((set: any, get: any) => ({
...loadingSlice(set, get),
...homeSlice(set, get),
Coming to Zustand, it seems like the behaviour is different than Redux. I'm trying to update the boolean value of loading indicator with this code below:
import create, { useStore } from "zustand";
import axios from "axios";
import { appStore } from "../App/store";
const homeSlice = (set: any, get: any) => ({
carousels: [],
getCarousels: () => {
.then((res) => {
set((state: any) => ({
.catch((err) => {
export default homeSlice;
The state is changing, the dialog is showing, but the component keeps re-render until maximum update depth exceeded. I have no idea why is this happening. How can I update state from method inside a state without re-rendering the component?
Any help will be much appreciated.
Thank you.

The new instance of getCarousels is not created because of the dispatch since the create callback is called only once to set the initial state, then the updates are made on this state.
Original answer
Your global reducer is calling homeSlice(set, get) on each dispatch (through set). This call creates a new instance of getCarousels which is passed as a dependency in your useEffect array which causes an infinite re-rendering.
Your HomeContainer will call the initial getCarousels, which calls setLoading which will trigger the state update (through set) with a new getCarousels. The state being updated will cause the appStore hook to re-render the HomeContainer component with a new instance of getCarousels triggering the effect again, in an infinite loop.
This can be solved by removing the getCarouselsData from the useEffect dependency array or using a ref to store it (like in the example from the Zustand readme) this way :
const carousels = appStore((state: any) => state.carousels);
const getCarouselsRef = useRef(appStore.getState().getCarousels)
useEffect(() => appStore.subscribe(
state => (getCarouselsRef.current = state.getCarousels)
), [])
useEffect(() => {
if (carousels.length === 0) {
}, [carousels]); // adding getCarouselsRef here has no effect


SolidJS: Updating component based on value served by Context's store?

In React all props are updated and propagated to children automatically which is nice but it slows down and requires lots of optimization at some point.
So I'm building an app with SolidJS using Context + createStore patterng and I'm having problems with consuming that state.
I'd like to create AppProvider component that manages State props and Dispatch functions. The Provider will be performing all operations on appStore, implement functions and serve them all via AppContextState and AppContextDispatch providers.
Then I need to consume that data to update components that are dependent on it reactively.
Look at the code below:
/// index.tsx
import { render } from 'solid-js/web';
import { AppProvider } from '#/providers/AppProvider';
import App from './App';
render(() => (
<App />
), document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement);
/// AppProvider.tsx
import { createContext, useContext, JSX } from 'solid-js';
import { createStore } from 'solid-js/store';
// Interfaces
interface IAppState {
isConnected: boolean;
user: { name: string; }
interface IAppDispatch {
connect: () => Promise<void>;
disconnect: () => Promise<void>;
// Initialize
const initialState = {
isConnected: false,
user: { name: '' }
const initialDispatch = {
connect: () => {},
disconnect: () => {}
// Contexts
const AppContextState = createContext<IAppState>();
const AppContextDispatch = createContext<IAppDispatch>();
export const useAppState = () => useContext(AppContextState);
export const useAppDispatch = () => useContext(AppContextDispatch);
// Provider
export const AppProvider = (props: { children: JSX.Element }) => {
const [appStore, setAppStore] = createStore<IAppState>(initialState);
async function connect() {
setAppStore("isConnected", true);
setAppStore("user", "name", 'Chad');
async function disconnect() {
setAppStore("isConnected", false);
setAppStore("user", "name", '');
return (
<AppContextState.Provider value={appStore}>
<AppContextDispatch.Provider value={{ connect, disconnect }}>
/// App.tsx
import { useAppState, useAppDispatch } from '#/providers/AppProvider';
export default function App() {
const { user, isConnected } = useAppState();
const { connect, disconnect } = useAppDispatch();
return (
<Show when={isConnected} fallback={<button onClick={connect}>Connect</button>}>
<button onClick={disconnect}>Disconnect</button>
<h3>Your Name: {}</h3>
This component will show a button that should run the connect function and update isConnected state and make the component within <Show> block visible but it doesn't do anything.
I verified that state is being updated by logging data of appStore in connect method.
When I change the component to depend on instead isConnected it works
<Show when={} fallback={<button onClick={connect}>Connect</button>}>
<button onClick={disconnect}>Disconnect</button>
<h3>Your Name: {}</h3>
However my app has many components depending on various data types, including boolean that for some doesn't work in this example with SolidJS.
I'd like to know what am I doing wrong here and understand what is the best way to share state between components. I keep reading documentation and fiddling with it but this particular problem bothers me for a past few days.
Plain Values in Solid cannot be tracked
The problem here is that primitive values / variables cannot be reactive in solid. We have two ways of tracking value access: Through function calls, and through property getters/proxies (which use signals under the hood).
So, what happens when you access a store property?
const state = useAppState();
createEffect(() => {
In this case, the property access is occurring within the effect, so it gets tracked, and reruns when the property value updates. On the other hand, with this:
const { isConnected } = useAppState();
We are accessing the property at the top level of the component (which is untracked and not reactive in solid). So even though we use this value in a context that is reactive (like the when prop in `), we can't run any special under-the-hood tracking to set up updates.
So why did work?
The reason is that stores are deeply reactive (for primitives, objects and arrays), so
const { user } = useAppState();
Means that you are eagerly accessing the user object (so if the user property changes, you won't get updated), but the properties of the user object were not accessed yet, they only get accessed further on, in <Show when={}>, so the property access is able to be tracked.

How to access redux-toolkit reducer/action from a class component using react-redux connect()?

I have a redux-toolkit store at store.js.
import { configureStore } from '#reduxjs/toolkit';
import productCurrency from './stateSlices/productCurrency';
const Store = configureStore({
reducer: {
productCurrency: productCurrency,
export default Store;
The createslice() function itself is in a different file and looks like this below.
import { createSlice } from '#reduxjs/toolkit'
const initialState = {
value: '$',
export const productCurrency = createSlice({
name: 'productCurrency',
reducers: {
setproductCurrency(state, newState) {
state.value = newState
export const { setproductCurrency } = productCurrency.actions;
export default productCurrency.reducer;
My issue is that I have a class component NavSection that needs to access the initial state and the reducer action setproductCurrency() to change the state. I am trying to use the react-redux connect() function to accomplish that.
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const { productCurrency } = state
return { productCurrency: productCurrency.value }
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
setproductCurrency: () => dispatch(setproductCurrency()),
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(NavSection);
Now, I am able to access the state by ussing this.props.productCurrency. Yet, if I try to access the setproductCurrency() by ussing this.props.setproductCurrency()... Chrome console gives me an error that "this.props.setproductCurrency() is not a function".
Is there a way of fixing this, or am I trying to do something impossible?
I think I just moved the ball in the right direction. I changed the onClick function to be an arrow function as shown below.
onClick={() => this.props.setproductCurrency('A$')}
Now, setproductCurrency() is considered a function, but it returns a different error when I click the button...
Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {type, payload}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
Why would this function now return an object? It is supposed to change the state and trigger a re-render of the page so that the class component can access the newly changed state.
To be clear, RTK has nothing to do with React-Redux, connect, or mapDispatch :)
The current error of "Objects are not valid as a React child" is because your reducer is wrong. A reducer's signature is not (state, newState). It's (state, action). So, your line state.value = newStateis reallystate.value = action`, and that's assigning the entire Redux action object as a value into the state. That's definitely not correct conceptually.
Instead, you need state.value = action.payload.

Why the button event doesnt increment the counter?

I tried to increment the counter in the test but when i press the button the value doesnt change. I used the fireEvent from React testing library and React test utils but the value still in 10.I use react 18.
import {useState} from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
const CounterApp = ({value=10})=>{
const [counter,setCounter] = useState(value);
const handleAdd= ()=>{
const handleSubstract = ()=>{
const handleReset = ()=>{
<button onClick={handleAdd}>+1</button>
<button onClick={handleSubstract}>-1</button>
<button onClick={handleReset}>Reset</button>
value: PropTypes.number.isRequired
export default CounterApp;
And the test archive:
import { create} from "react-test-renderer";
import CounterApp from "../CounterApp";
import '#testing-library/jest-dom';
import ReactTestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils';
import {fireEvent} from "#testing-library/react";
describe("Test in counterApp",()=>{
test("Should be increment the count",()=>{
const component = create(<CounterApp value={10}/>);
const values= component.root;
const button=values.findAllByType("button").at(0).props;
const counter = values.findByType("h2").props.children;;
You should format your component. Otherwise it's hard to read and you'll get issues because of that.
I couldn't understand if it works fine on a manual test, so not sure if the issue is on the testing or the component itself.
When using the setter in useState you have a callback, so instead of using the getter, you should do:
const handleAdd = () => {
setCounter(prev => prev + 1);
For the testing you should use an id to better identify the button, not the type.
You made a mistake to update state variable using the previous state value.
ReactJS setState()
All the React components can have a state associated with them. The state of a component can change either due to a response to an action performed by the user or an event triggered by the system. Whenever the state changes, React re-renders the component to the browser. Before updating the value of the state, we need to build an initial state setup. Once we are done with it, we use the setState() method to change the state object. It ensures that the component has been updated and calls for re-rendering of the component.
setState({ stateName : updatedStateValue })
// OR
setState((prevState) => ({
stateName: prevState.stateName + 1
So you should use like the following.
const handleAdd= ()=>{
setCounter(prev => prev+1);
const handleSubstract = ()=>{
setCounter(prev => prev-1);

Chain connect/mapStateToProps/mapDispatchToProps functions for code reuse in react-redux

Say I have two redux connected components. The first is a simple todo loading/display container, with the following functions passed to connect(); mapStateToProps reads the todos from the redux state, and mapDispatchToProps is used to request the state to be provided the latest list of todos from the server:
import TodoWidgetDisplayComponent from '...'
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
todos: todoSelectors.getTodos(state)
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
refreshTodos: () => dispatch(todoActions.refreshTodos())
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchTo)(TodoWidgetDisplayComponent);
The second redux component is intended to be applied to any component on a page so that component can indicate whether a global "loading" icon is displayed. Since this can be used anywhere, I created a helper function that wraps MapDispatchToProps in a closure and generates an ID for each component, which is used to make sure all components that requested the loader indicate that they don't need it anymore, and the global loader can be hidden.
The functions are basically as follows, with mapStateToProps exposing the loader visibility to the components, and mapDispatchToProps allowing them to request the loader to show or hide.
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
openLoader: loaderSelectors.getLoaderState(state)
function mapDispatchToProps() {
const uniqId = v4();
return function(dispatch) {
return {
showLoader: () => {
hideLoader: () => {
export default function Loadify(component) {
return connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps())(component);
So now, if I have a component that I want to give access to the loader, I can just do something like this:
import Loadify from '...'
class DisplayComponent = new React.Component { ... }
export default Loadify(DisplayComponent);
And it should give it a unique ID, allow it to request the loader to show/hide, and as long as there is one component that is requesting it to show, the loader icon will show. So far, this all appears to be working fine.
My question is, if I would like to apply this to the todos component, so that that component can request/receive its todos while also being allowed to request the loader to show while it is processing, could I just do something like:
import Loadify from '...'
import TodoWidgetDisplayComponent from '...'
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
todos: todoSelectors.getTodos(state)
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
refreshTodos: () => dispatch(todoActions.refreshTodos())
const TodoContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchTo)(TodoWidgetDisplayComponent);
export default Loadify(TodoContainer);
And will redux automatically merge the objects together to make them compatible, assuming there are no duplicate keys? Or will it take only the most recent set of mapStateToProps/mapDispatchTo unless I do some sort of manual merging? Or is there a better way to get this kind of re-usability that I'm not seeing? I'd really rather avoid having to create a custom set of containers for every component we need.
connect will automatically merge together the combination of "props passed to the wrapper component", "props from this component's mapState", and "props from this component's mapDispatch". The default implementation of that logic is simply:
export function defaultMergeProps(stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) {
return { ...ownProps, ...stateProps, ...dispatchProps }
So, if you stack multiple levels of connect around each other , the wrapped component will receive all of those props as long as they don't have the same name. If any of those props do have the same name, then only one of them would show up, based on this logic.
Alright, here is what I would do. Create a higher order component (HOC) that adds a new spinner reference to your reducer. The HOC will initialize and destroy references to the spinner in redux by tying into the life cycle methods. The HOC will provide two properties to the base component. The first is isLoading which is a function that takes a boolean parameter; true is on, false is off. The second property is spinnerState that is a readonly boolean of the current state of the spinner.
I created this example without the action creators or reducers, let me know if you need an example of them.
/*---------- Vendor Imports ----------*/
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import v4 from 'uuid/v4';
/*---------- Action Creators ----------*/
import {
} from '#/wherever/your/actions/are'
const loadify = (Component) => {
class Loadify extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.uniqueId = v4();
this.isLoading = this.isLoading.bind(this);
componentWillMount() {
// true is loading, false is not loading
isLoading(isOnBoolean) {
this.props.toggleSpinner(this.uniqueId, isOnBoolean);
render() {
// spinners is an object with the uuid as it's key
// the value to the key is weather or not the spinner is on.
const { spinners } = this.props;
const spinnerState = spinners[this.uniqueId];
return (
<Component isLoading={this.isLoading} spinnerState={spinnerState} />
const mapStateTopProps = state => ({
spinners: state.ui.spinners,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
initNewSpinner: uuid => dispatch(initNewSpinner(uuid)),
unloadSpinner: uuid => dispatch(unloadSpinner(uuid)),
toggleSpinner: (uuid, isOn) => dispatch(toggleSpinnerState(uuid, isOn))
return connect(mapStateTopProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Loadify);
export default loadify;
Use Case Example
import loadify from '#/location/loadify';
import Spinner from '#/location/SpinnerComponent';
class Todo extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
asyncCall.then(response => {
// process response
render() {
const { spinnerState } = this.props;
return (
<h1>Spinner Testing Component</h1>
{ spinnerState && <Spinner /> }
// Use whatever state you need
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
whatever: state.whatever.youneed,
// use whatever dispatch you need
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
doAthing: () => dispatch(doAthing()),
// Export enhanced Todo Component
export default loadify(connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Todo));

How to update state using Redux?

I am using this starter kit and am following some tutorials at the same time, but the style of this codebase is slightly more advanced/different than the tutorials I am watching. I am just a little lost with one thing.
HomeView.js - This is just a view that is used in the router, there are higher level components like Root elsewhere I don't think I need to share that, if I do let me know, but it's all in the github link provided above.
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { searchListing } from '../../redux/modules/search'
export class HomeView extends React.Component {
componentDidMount () {
render () {
return (
<main onClick={this.props.searchListing}>
<NavBar search={} />
I am using connect() and passing in mapStateToProps to tell the HomeView component about the state. I am also telling it about my searchListing function that is an action which returns a type and payload.
export const searchListing = (value) => {
return {
payload: value
Obviously when I call the method inside the connect() I am passing in an empty object searchListing: () => searchListing({})
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
search: { city: }
export default connect((mapStateToProps), { searchListing: () => searchListing({}) })(HomeView)
This is where I am stuck, I am trying to take the pattern from the repo, which they just pass 1, I think anytime that action is created the logic is just add 1 there is no new information passed from the component.
What I am trying to accomplish is input search into a form and from the component pass the users query into the action payload, then the reducer, then update the new state with the query. I hope that is the right idea.
So if in the example the value of 1 is hardcoded and passed into the connect() method, how can I make it so that I am updating value from the component dynamically? Is this even the right thinking?
You almost got it right. Just modify the connect function to pass the action you want to call directly:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
search: { city: }
export default connect((mapStateToProps), {
Then you may use this action with this.props.searchListing(stringToSearch) where stringToSearch is a variable containing the input value.
Notice : You don't seem to currently retrieve the user query. You may need to retrieve it first and then pass it to the searchListing action.
If you need to call a function method, use dispatch.
import { searchListing } from '../../redux/modules/search';
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
searchListing: () => {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(HomeView);
Then, you have made the function a prop, use it with searchListing.

