Do something right after calling useCallback - javascript

I am calling useCallback hook and passing it data returned from an api.
The useCallback hook is formatting the returned data and setting it in the state
I expect updated data right after calling the useCallback hook.
My question is, will I get updated data in the very next line after calling useCallback hook? Moreover, what can I do to ensure that I do get updated data?
Here is how the code looks like:
const [data, setData] = React.useState([]);
const processPeople = React.useCallback((peopleData) => {
// we will do a lot of formatting here on peopleData and then will do:
}, []}
const loadOptions = React.useCallback((callback) => {
getPeopleData({ // calling API
variables: {
perPage: 20,
page: 1,
}).then((response) => {
processPeople(response) // This is a lengthy callback which processes response
console.log(data) // How to make sure I get updated data here?
// callback(data) This is a built-in method of a library which requires updated data
// Please see loadOptions is a library's method
}, [data] }

The quick answer is "no".
Is there a reason you are not calling setData directly instead of wrapping it within processPeople?
Please note that you must ensure that your useCallbacks use the same deps; otherwise, you will have unsynced values; i.e data. Technically, this should not be a problem in your example in processPeople, which receives the value by the invoker.
For the main question, which primarily focuses on this couple of lines:
processPeople(response) // This is a lengthy callback which processes response
console.log(data) // Will I get updated data here?
No, data will not get updated right away as setState is async. Data's value is received from your useCallbacks deps; i.e the last line in your code snippet.
I am not entirely sure what you are trying to do, but as long as you pass in the variables you need to you hooks' deps, you will get the updated values. Again, it is async, but in the next render, you will get the updated value.


React Custom Hook function keeps recalling

According to the thread below,
useCustomHook being called on every render - is something wrong with this
It says it is completely normal to keep calling the custom hook function every time React re-renders.
My questions are, if it affects on a performance side when returning an array from this Custom Hook function( Not when fetching API and receiving data ) which contains a lot of values.
If so, how to prevent it ( How to let this Custom Hook function run only once )?
Here is my Custom Hook code, it returns an array which contains around 5000 string values.
function FetchWords(url: string) {
const [data, setData] = useState<string[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then((words) => words.text())
.then((textedWords) => {
setData(textedWords.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").split("\n"));
}, []);
const expensiveData = useMemo(() => data, [data]);
return expensiveData;
export default FetchWords;
My Main js
const wordLists: any[] = useFetch(
CustomHooks should start with word use...
You don't need useMemo in your hook, simply return data state.
Your hook makes the fetch call only once, so no problem there as the effect has empty dependency, so it runs once after first render.
The hook stores the array of 5000 entries once in data state and returns the same reference each time your custom hook is called during component re-renders. There is no copy operation, so you don't need to worry about that.
If you only want to fetch 100 entries for example, then your backend needs to provide that api.
Hope this resolves your queries as it is not very clear what is your doubt.
If you are worried about bringing all this data at the same time, you can indicate from the backend that they send you a certain number of records and from the frontend you can manage them with the pagination.
the use of useMemo is superfluous.
the useEffect that you are using will only be rendered ONCE, that is, it will only call the 5,000 registers that you mention only once

How can I update a state variable from a promise?

I am trying to determine if a customer has an active subscription or not. To do this I am utilizing the following code:
const stripe = require('stripe')('some-api-key');
export default function Example(){
// the user will automatically be considered non-subbed by default
const [isSubscriber, setIsSubscriber] = useState(false)
// grab the customer id from stripe
async function get_customer_id() {
const customers = await{
query: `metadata[\'some-meta-data-key\']:\'some-meta-data-value\'`
// grab the list of active subscriptions from stripe
async function customer_is_subscriber(){
const subs = await stripe.subscriptions.list({
status: 'active',
return subs
// determine if the customer id is in the list of active subscriptions.
// return true if so, false otherwise
async function test_equality(){
const customer_id = await get_customer_id();
const subbed = await customer_is_subscriber();
const answer = subbed.find(sub => sub.customer === customer_id)
return !!answer;
useEffect( () => {
async function load_result() {
const promise_function_return = await test_equality()
}, [isSubscriber]);
return (
// some react code
I have been able to successfully get all of my other functions where I am doing the comparisons for if a user is a subscriber but where I am having an issue is updating the state value (e.g. true if they are subbed, false otherwise).
I found some good past questions on this specific topic such as:
here The useState set method is not reflecting a change immediately
here: setState inside Promise in React
and here: setState inside a Promise function in a useEffect with hooks?
but I just have not been able to get it working correctly. This is currently the closest I have been able to get to solving this problem.
Currently your code says that, when isSubscriber changes, it should check if the user is a subscriber and update the isSubscriber state... so it's a chicken and egg problem. It won't set isSubscriber until isSubscriber gets set.
I think you want to change }, [isSubscriber]); to }, []); so that that code executes when the component first loads (not when isSubscriber changes).
The useEffect hook will always run on mount regardless of if there is anything in its dependency array. This means that your useEffect will work as is, and will run onMount as well as when isSubscriber changes:
useEffect( () => {
async function load_result() {
const promise_function_return = await test_equality()
}, [isSubscriber]);
To verify this, you can check out this codesandbox example. The useEffect looks just like yours, and you will notice that isSubscriber is initially set to false, but is updated to true after 3 seconds.
There's still an adjustment you may want to make even though that part appears to work ok. With isSubscriber in the dependency array, the function in your useEffect will be called any time isSubscriber changes. This probably not what you want, since this function doesn't actually depend on isSubscriber, but actually sets isSubscriber. In this case, that means test_equality() will be run on initial mount and then one more time after it sets isSubscriber, which is unnecessary.
This blog post explains the useEffect dependency array really well.
You can fix this by removing isSubscriber from the dependency array, like this:
useEffect(() => {
console.log("in useEffect");
async function load_result() {
const promise_function_return = await test_equality();
}, [isSubscriber]);
Since you mentioned the state value is not getting updated, there must be another issue going on in either get_customer_id() or customer_is_subscriber(). It would be good to double check and make sure the stripe api calls are working as expected.

useState keeps initial state after defining it in useEffect

I have an async function that fetches some data from an API. Since I need that data to properly load my component I decided to fetch the data in the useEffect and then store it in a useState what works just fine. However, if I try to console log it, it just shows its initial state what technically would mean it's still unset or that the console log runs before assigning the useState.
Thanks for your help in advance.
const [categories, setCategories] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
console.log(categories) // returns -> []
}, []);
return "loading"
async function with Promise, make sure you know what it means.
The console.log line in this code always runs before the Promise resolved.
If you want to observe the changing of categories, use another useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
}, [categories]);
Your state is already updated with data you wanted its showing categories with it's initial values because you have rendered useEffect with no dependancies.
And it is consoled befored being updated.
Try using below code snippets to log.
useEffect(() => {
}, [categories]);
React setState is async. It won't update immediately after calling the function. It will go through a re-rendering process first to update the user interface. Once re-rendering is done, the functions provided in the useEffect hook will be called.
}, [categories])

Do functions get the latest state value in React?

I have a function inside of my functional component that uses a value saved in state. However, when it is called, it has the original value in state, not the updated value. When I look at my component in Chrome React Dev Tools, I see that the updated value is stored in state. Aren't functions supposed to get the latest state value in React? I didn't think I'd have to wrap my functions in a useEffect every time some value in state they depend on changes. Why is this happening?
const Editor = (props) => {
const [template, setTemplate] = useState(null);
const [openDialog, setOpenDialog] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (props.templateId) {
const getTemplate = (templateId) => {
{...make API to get template...}
.then((response) => {
if (response.template) setTemplate(response.template);
const sendClick = async () => {
if (template) {
await updateTemplate();
} else {
await initializeTemplate();
UPDATE: I figured out the issue. The sendClick function is being used inside an object that I have in state. When that object is created, it creates a version of the sendClick function based on the state at that time. I realized I needed to refactor my code so that the function is not stored within my object in state so that the function will always have the latest state values.
Please correct the code there its setTemplate(template)); not getTemplate(template));
I'm guessing that you have that right in the source code... if Yes then,
You have got into a trap that all developers new to React fall into.
This code is betraying you ...
useEffect(() => {
if (props.template) {
setTemplate(template)); // Mentioned as getTemplate(template));
},[]); // Here is where you make the mistake
The second argument you pass to the useEffect is called as Dependencies. Meaning if your useEffect is dependent on any state or any variable or function, Ii should be pass as the second argument inside the []. By now you should have got the answer.
Clearly, your useEffect is dependent on template. You should pass that inside the [].
So the code will be : -
useEffect(() => {
if (props.template) {
setTemplate(template)); // Mentioned as getTemplate(template));
Now React will automatically run the function every time the value of template changes therefore, updates template.
For more information about useEffect ...
Refer React Documentation
Refer the useEffect API

React Hooks: Adding new fields to an Object state does not get reflected immediately

I am using React Hooks to manage states within a component.
const addNode = () => {
let pform = pForm
let handles = [vForm, yForm, hForm]
let access_info = [virtualForm, management1Form, management2Form, consoleForm]
let newObj = {
p: pform,
handles: handles,
access_info: access_info,
console.log('newObj', newObj)
let currArr = [...addedNodes]
The function above is an onClick that I use when I press an Add button. The forms (pForm, vForm, yForm, etc.) are all separate states. I gather them together and put them into a single object newObj and use setCurrentForm to update the currentForm state to newObj.
When I console.log the newObj, everything goes in fine. However, when I check the currentForm after the setCurrentForm, the fields (p, handles, and access_info) are empty.
I know that states in React can have a delay in updates so I might have to use useEffect. However, in my use case, which is to gather different states and put them in as a new field in the currentForm state seems useEffect is not the best way to solve it. Can anyone help please?
You are misunderstanding exactly how useState works. When you call the useState setter function, the state value isn't actually updated immediately, instead it will trigger the component to re-render with the updated value. Even though you call the setter half way through the function, the state value will remain the original value for the entire lifetime of that function call.
You could slightly tweak what you have to be
const addNode = () => {
let currArr = [...addedNodes]
// you know that currentForm is supposed to be newObj, so just push that
// see my explanation above to understand why it currentForm isn't what you expect
It's an async action so values will not be assigned/updated instantly. You need to watch for the changes using useEffect hook to log new values and to do anything in case
useEffect(() => {
// Whenever `currentForm` will be updated, this callback will be invoked
console.log('updated currentForm values', currentForm);

